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Online Catalogue as on 28/01/2008

Online Catalogue as on 28/01/2008 Author Title Subject Basu, G 1000 general quiz General Knowledge Bhanot, T R My big book of questions and answers, Vol.1: Things we eat and drink General Knowledge Brewer, J Gordon Literature of geography General Knowledge Britannica quizmaster from the editors of encyclopedia Britannia General Knowledge Brown, Maggie My firstbook of questions and answers about long long ago General Knowledge Buckle, Michael Masterbrain quiz book General Knowledge Children's guide to knowledge: Wonders of nature, marvels of science and man General Knowledge Children's book of amazing facts General Knowledge Chopra, J K, Ed. General knowledge digest: Who is who and current affairs General Knowledge Elting, Mary; Wyler, Rose New answer book General Knowledge Everyday General Knowledge General Knowledge Fantastic facts General Knowledge General knowledge for KG General Knowledge GK Question and answers General Knowledge Gopa Sabharwal, et al. 2001 Quiz book General Knowledge Gosain, Roopa 101 natural wonders of the world General Knowledge Greenwood, Rosie, et al. My first book of questions and answers about science and nature General Knowledge Gree, Alain Ward Lock's book of everyday knowledge General Knowledge Gupta, L R; Bright, P S General knowledge handbook General Knowledge Gupta, S K, Ed. General knowledge today, Book1 General Knowledge Gupta, S K General knowledge today, Book2 General Knowledge Gupta, S K, Ed. General knowledge today, Book3 General Knowledge Gupta, S K General knowledge today, Book5 General Knowledge Harvey, Anthony Dinosaurs and creatures: Great and small General Knowledge Burton, John How and why wonder book of fossils General Knowledge Bowen-Davies, William How and why wonder book of communications General Knowledge Barr, Donald How and why wonder book of primitive man General Knowledge Bateman, Robert How and why wonder book of Stamps General Knowledge Bethell, Jean How and why wonder book of famous scientists General Knowledge Coe, Geoffrey How and why wonder book of Fish General Knowledge Gray, Felicity How and why wonder book of dance General Knowledge Geis, Darlene How and why wonder book of dinosaurs General Knowledge Gray, Felicity How and why wonder book of dance General Knowledge Gooders, John How and why wonder book of birds General Knowledge Highland, Harold Joseph How and why wonder book of airplanes and the story of flight General Knowledge Hyler, Nelson W How and why wonder book of deserts General Knowledge Hinde, Cilia How and why wonder book of the first life on earth General Knowledge Hyler, Nelson W How and why wonder book of rocks and minerals General Knowledge Keen, Martin L How and why wonder book of Chemistry General Knowledge Kichenside, G M How and why wonder book of railways General Knowledge Keen, Martin L How and why wonder book of prehistoric mammals General Knowledge Lamb, G F How and why wonder book of the Seashore General Knowledge Lewis, Ralph How and why wonder book of vikings General Knowledge Patrick, Benjamin How and why wonder book of Heraldry General Knowledge Paterson, Allen How and why wonder book of trees General Knowledge Robbin, Irving How and why wonder book of explorations and discoveries General Knowledge Robbin, Irving How and why wonder book of polar regions General Knowledge Rood, Ronald N How and why wonder book of ants and bees General Knowledge Robbin, Irving How and why wonder book of lost cities General Knowledge Robbin, Irving How and why wonder book of the polar regions General Knowledge Robbin, Irving How and why wonder book of caves to skyscrapers General Knowledge Robbin, Irving How and why wonder book of basic inventions General Knowledge Self, Margaret Cabell How and why wonder book of horses General Knowledge Scharff, Robert How and why wonder book of boats and ships General Knowledge Shelly; Grossman, Mary louise How and why wonder book of ecology General Knowledge Smith, Margaret How and why wonder book of costume General Knowledge Self, Margaret Cabell How and why wonder book of horses General Knowledge Sutton, Felix How and why wonder book of north american indians General Knowledge Hundreds of questions, hundreds of answers General Knowledge Jain, Jiya Lal General knowledge for pre-seniors General Knowledge Jain, Jiya Lal General knowledge for pre-seniors General Knowledge Jain, Jiya Lal; Mehra, Tulsi Ram Short guide to general knowledge General Knowledge Jain, Jiya Lal; Mehra, Tulsi Ram Short guide to general knowledge General Knowledge Keen, Martin L How and why wonder book of air and water General Knowledge Keen, Martin How and why wonder book of the human body General Knowledge Khatri O P Brilliant General knowledge(with current affairs and who's who) General Knowledge Khanna; Verma Ever latest general knowledge: Current affairs and who's who General Knowledge Khanna, O P Ever latest general knowledge General Knowledge Knowledge power: Book3 General Knowledge Kohli,studio K S Things you want to know science General Knowledge Krishna Kumar, S Selected quiz-8000 General Knowledge Krishna Kumar, S Selected quiz-8000 General Knowledge Krishnakumar, S, Ed. Super quiz General Knowledge Leach, Barbara Lots of things to know General Knowledge Leocum, Arkady More tell me why General Knowledge Lewis, Brenda Ralph How and why wonder book of ancient rome General Knowledge Loomba, Subhash, Comp., Ed., et al. More tell me how General Knowledge Loomba, Subhash, Ed. et al. Still more tell me how General Knowledge Meena, Ed.; Shipra, Ed. World of knowledge General Knowledge Narottam Puri 1000 sports quiz General Knowledge Objective general geography General Knowledge OBrien, Derek GK with Derek: The ultimate general knowledge and quiz compendium, Vol. 1: History and Geography General Knowledge O'Brien, Derek GK with Derek: The ultimate general knowledge and quiz compendium, Vol.2: Business General Knowledge OBrien, Derek GK with Derek: The ultimate general knowledge and quiz compendium, Vol.3: Science and wildlife General Knowledge OBrien, Derek GK with Derek: The ultimate general knowledge and quiz compendium, Vol.5: Literature and Mythology General Knowledge OBrien, Derek GK with Derek: The ultimate general knowledge and quiz compendium, Vol.6: Sports and Cinema General Knowledge OBrien, Derek Ultimate India quiz book General Knowledge Pandey, Deep Narayan 1000 Indian wildlife quiz General Knowledge Pandey, Deep Narayan 1000 world wildlife quiz General Knowledge Rajeev Garg Environment quiz book General Knowledge Ramesh, B G General knowledge quiz General Knowledge Ramesh, B G, Ed. Vasan's who's who: A brief life sketch of about 600 eminent personalities General Knowledge Rekha Chandra Tell me about people and places General Knowledge Rekha Chandra Tell me about travel and transport General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K, Ed. Current general knowledge 2008 General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K, Ed. Current general knowledge 2008 General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K General knowledge 1985 General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K, Ed. General knowledge current topics and current affairs 2008 General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K, Ed. General knowledge current topics and current affairs 2008 General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K General knowledge General Knowledge Sachdeva, S K General knowledge General Knowledge Sagar; Bhakri General knowledge current affairs and WHO's WHO General Knowledge Salwi, Dilip M 1000 environment quiz General Knowledge Satija, Balwant Rai Kumar's scince quiz General Knowledge Sen, S, Ed., et al. Unique quintessence of general studies General Knowledge Siddhartha Basu, Ed. Mastermind India: Questions and answers from the BBC World TV quiz game General Knowledge Sreenivasaiah, K, Ed. Book of knowledge General Knowledge Subburaj, V K General knowledge refresher and year book General Knowledge Subburaj, V V K Sura's Mega G K Quiz General Knowledge Sunita Gupta; Neena Agrawal Children's knowledge bank, Vol.4 General Knowledge Sunita Gupta; Neena Agarwal Children's knowledge bank, Vol.1 General Knowledge Sunita Gupta; Neena Agarwal Children's knowledge bank, Vol.2 General Knowledge Sunita Gupta, et al. Children's knowledge bank, Vol.3 General Knowledge Talwar, M L; Prashant Gupta Quiz time, Part1 General Knowledge Tarun Goyal Objective general knowledge 6250 + General Knowledge Things you want to know Human body General Knowledge Think you want to know oceans General Knowledge Things you want to know Human body General Knowledge Things you want to know universe General Knowledge Things you want to know Human body General Knowledge Things you want to know dinosaurs General Knowledge Things you want to know Human body General Knowledge Things you want to know Human body General Knowledge Kohli,studio K S Things you want to know science General Knowledge Thorpe, Edgar; Thorpe, Showick Wheeler's general knowledge manual General Knowledge Tibballs, Geoff First jobs of the famous General Knowledge Toth, Max; Nielsen, Greg Pyramid power General Knowledge 2000 questions and answers General Knowledge Uncle Pai Joyful way to learn General Knowledge Ved Prakash, Comp. Dreamland's enrich your general knowledge, Part3 General Knowledge Ved Prakash, Comp. Dreamland's enrich your general knowledge, Part7 General Knowledge Vimala Goyal, Ed. Questions children ask: The world knowledge General Knowledge Zanini, Giuseppe Himlyn book of when General Knowledge Agarwala, S K, et al. Objective chemistry Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Aggarwal, R S Modern approach to verbal and non verbal reasoning: Fully solved with explanatory notes on logical deduction Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Aggarwal, R S Modern approach to verbal and non verbal reasoning: Fully solved with explanatory notes on logical deduction Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Aggarwal, R S Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations (fully solved) Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Ahuja, B N Objective general knowledge for all competitive examinations Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching AIEEE Complete chemistry for all India engineering entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Ramasamy, E S Air force recruitment examination: Selection of Airmen Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Anil Ahlawat Mathematical olympiad problems and solutions Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Anil Ahlawat Science to challenge Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Arora, M L EPH medical entrance examination guide: Zoology Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Arun's guide for preliminary civil services examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Babu G Baby, Ed. Kerala Medical Entrance file Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Career's guide to new IIT: Indian institutes of technology, Joint entrance examination (JEE) Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Science group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Secondary school examination: Examination papers for class X Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Commerce group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Science group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Secondary school examination: Examination papers for class X Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Commerce group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Commerce group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Science group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching CBSE Senior school certificate examination: Examination papers for class X11: Humanities group Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Chhabra, S S; Luthra, S K Lucky Star's numerical ability tests Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Civil services general studies: Latest question papers 1998-1991 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Competition Success Review Combined defence services examination 2001: Latest question papers 2000-1990 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Course in Mathematics for IIT JEE Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Course in chemistry for IIT JEE Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching C P examination and practice papers: English Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Deepak Agarwal; Agarwal, O P Objective chemistry for all competitive examinations Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Delhi and all India senior school certificate examination: Physics Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Dinesh Khattar Perason guide to mathematics for NDA entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Dinesh Khattar Perason guide to complete mathematics for AIEEE Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Engg-entrance Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Entrance examination today, Vol.1 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Entrance examination today, Vol.2 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Entrance examination today, Vol.3 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Frnacis, S R S Premier IAS manual Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gaur, M B; Dhillon, R General mental ability including basic mathematical/Numerical ability Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gaur, M B; Dhillon, R Handbook of test of reasoning with comprehensive section on logical reasoning Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gear, Jolene Cambridge preparation for the TOEFL test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching General studies Geography: India and world Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gupta, S L; Gupta, Sanjeev IIT physics with objective type questions for screening paper Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gupta, P P, et al. Mathematics for IIT, Vol.2 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Hopkins, Diana; Cullen, Pauline Cambridge grammar for IELTS with answers: Self study grammar reference and practice Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching IIT joint entrance examinations model paper: Mathematics Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Jain, T S Airforce recruitment test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Jain, T S Bank competetions Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Jaiswal, J N, et al. Comprehensive IIT-JEE Screening model test papers with solutions Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Kapur, J N Mathematical olympiad problems, Book1 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Kapur, J N Mathematical olympiad problems, Book2 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Kerala engineering entrance rank file Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Kerala engineering entrance rank file Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Khanna, M L; Sarna, D Career's intelligence and aptitude tests Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Khanna, M L; Sharma, J N Mathematics for IIT Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Khanna, M L; Sharma, J N Supplement of IIT guide Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Krishna, M S Bank probationary officer's examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Krishna, M S Bank recruitment tests Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Krishna, M S Clerk's grade and stenographers examination of the staff selection commission 1981-82 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Krishna MS State bank and other banks probationary officers exam Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Lal; John Sainik schools entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Srinivasan, T S Law colleges' entrance exam Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Malhotra, A M; Sarna, D Bank probationary officer's examination at a glance Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NCERT National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1967: Science aptitude test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NCERT National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1968: Science aptitude test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NCERT National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1970: Science aptitude test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NCERT National council of educational research and training science talent search examination-1969: Science aptitude test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NDA: National diffence academy and naval academy exam at a glance Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Malhotra, A M; Bright, P S Career's guide to NDA: National Difence Academy and Naval Academy Entrance Exam Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Ramasamy, E S National Difence Academy Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Jain;Gupta Upkar's National Difence Academy Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Jain;Gupta Upkar's National Difence Academy Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class X Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Tata McGraw-Hill's study package for NTSE National Talent Search Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Lal; Jain NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gupta, R NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gupta, R NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Lal; Jain NTSE: National Talent Search Examination for class VIII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching NTSE: National Talent Search Exam Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gulati, S L, et al. Study package for National Talent Search Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Stalin Malhotra, et al. Tata McGraw-Hill's how to prepare for the NTSE National Talent Search Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Stalin Malhotra, et al. Tata McGraw-Hill's how to prepare for the NTSE National Talent Search Examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Pioneer entrance module: Previous question papers and answers 2000 to 2003: Medical entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Pioneer entrance module: Previous question papers and answers 2000 to 2003: Medical entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Pioneer entrance module: Previous question papers and answers 2000 to 2003: Engineering entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Question bank, Vol.3: Chemistry Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Rao, A K S, et al. 10000 plus botany Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Ravi Chopra Management aptitude test Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Romesh Kumar Pradeep's objective mathematics Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Sample questian papers: Class X based on bifurcated syllabus Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Sandeep Ahlawat Biology olympiad problems and solutions Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Sankaran, G English rank scorer: Grammar, compostiton, vocabulary Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Sasidharan, A, et al. Medical entrance Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, P B IIT Chemistry, Vol.1: IIT M N R and other Engineering entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, Ved Prakash, et al. Engineering colleges entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, Ved Prakash, et al. Engineering colleges entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, P B I I T Chemistry (Vol 1) Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, P B Krishna's IIT chemistry Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, P B Krishna's IIT chemistry, Vol.2 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, Ved Prakash, et al. Medical colleges entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Saxena, Ved Prakash, et al. Medical college entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Sharma, B K Krishna's objective chemistry Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Sharma, J K, et al. Pearson guide to objective mathematics for engineering entrance examinations Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Simple question papers in economics, mathematics, business studies and accountancy for class XII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Stalin Malhotra Multiple chice questions in physics for competitive exams Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Subburaj, V V K Indian Navy recruitment exam., 10th standard/Matric level Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Subramanyam, S Medical colleges entrance examinations: Chemistry Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Susheela, K A Tips for examinees for appearing in competitive entrance examinations for admission to courses in universities/institution of higher learning in the saarc countries Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Talent rank file Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Tata Mcgraw-hill's Model solutions to IIT: Entrance examination questions 1996-2000 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Tata McGraw-Hill's course in Physics for IIT joint entrance examination Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Tata McGraw-Hill Course in mathematics for IIT JEE Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Test of reasoning 1 Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Varma, O P Group discussions Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Varghese, K M, et al. Student guide to Med/Engg entrance examinations physics Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Vasishtha, A R, et al. IIT Mathematics Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class XII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class III Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class IV Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class V Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class VI Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class VII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class VIII Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class IX Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class X Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching World book national cyber olympiad: Class XI Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Yadav, B S CPMT chemistry Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Garg, O P Zoology for competitions Competitive exams study materials; Study and teaching Gibaldi, Joseph MLA handbook for writers of research papers Research activities Parsons, C J Theses and project work: A guide to research and writing Research activities Sansi Harish C Hundred and one brain teasers Rajaram Cub handbook General books Emery, F E, Ed. Systems thinking General Systems Utkin, V I Sliding modes and their application in variable structure systems General Systems Pekelis, V Cybernetics A to Z Theory of communication and control Anil Madaan Learn about computers, Part3 Computer science CBSE Learning objectives: Introductory computer science Computer science Clark, John O E Bantam knowledge through color computers at work Computer science Dharma Rajaraman Computer-A child's play Computer science Hoong, Ng Kwan First picture book of computers Computer science Hunt, Roger; Shelley, John Computers and commonsense Computer science Hunt, Roger; Shelley, John Computers and commonsense Computer science Kakar, Ajay M; Vaswani, Deepak A Fundamentals of computer science Computer science Leon, Alexis; Leon, Mathews Introduction to computers Computer science Leone, Norma Leonardi Mother's guide to computers Computer science LO,C P and YEUNG, Albert K W Concepts and techniques of Geographic Information Systems Computer science Mary Joseph, Ed.; Surabhi, G S, Ed. Easy computer Computer science Meena, Comp. Computer and communication Computer science Preeti Gehlot; Charu Gupta Computer science: CBSE XI Computer science Preeti Gehlot; Charu Gupta Computer science: CBSE XII Computer science Rajaraman, V Fundamentals of computers Computer science Rajagopalan, R You and the computer Computer science Rajagopalan, R You and the computer Computer science Rakesh Varma Computer science for senior schools with project work Computer science Ram S K & Manson J A Learning to communicate: Activity book 5 Computer science Reuben, J Frank Computer 2001: Fundamentals of computer and computing Computer science Sample papers with solutions and model test papers for CBSE examination in Computer Science for class XII Computer science Sanders, Donald H Computers today Computer science Sangeeta Panchal; Alka Sabharwal Informatics practices: CBSE XI Computer science Sangeeta Panchal; Alka Sabharwal Informatics practices: CBSE XII Computer science Sergeev, N; Vashkevich, N Introduction to computers Computer science Shankar, D G Book of computers Computer science Shabnam Gupta Computers Computer science Sinha, Pradeep K; Priti Sinha Computer fundamentals: Concepts, systems and applications Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Skill for success: Resource Book Computer science Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit.1 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit.2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit.2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit.2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit.2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Sumita Arora Informatics practices: A textbook for class XII Computer science Sumita Arora Information practices: A textbook for class XII Computer science Sumita Arora Informatics practices: A textbook for class XII Computer science Sumita Arora Informatics practices: A textbook for class XII Computer science Sumita Arora Informatics practices: A textbook for class XII Computer science Sumita Arora Informatics practices: A textbook for class XI Computer science Sumita Arora Informatics practices: A textbook for class XII Computer science Tapan Bhattacharya His master's slave Computer science Vise, David A Google story Computer science Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Computer literacy book IT curriculam: for class X Computer Science-Study and Teaching Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Computer literacy book IT curriculam: for class X Computer Science-Study and Teaching Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Computer literacy book IT curriculam: for class X Computer Science-Study and Teaching Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Computer literacy book IT curriculam: for class VIII Computer Science-Study and Teaching Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Computer literacy book IT curriculam: for class VIII Computer Science-Study and Teaching Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Computer literacy book IT curriculam: for class VIII Computer Science-Study and Teaching Bartee, Thomas C Digital computer fundamentals Digital Computers Jain, R P; Ananad, M M S Digital electronics practice using integrated circuits Digital Microcomputers/Microprocessors; Computer science Malvino, Albert Paul Digital computer electronics Digital Microcomputers/Microprocessors; Computer science Awad, Elias M System analysis and design Systems analysis and design White, Ron How computers work Systems analysis and design Hamacher, V Carl, et al. Computer organization Computer architecture Nance, Barry Introduction to networking Computer network Nance, Barry Introduction to networking Computer network Tanenbaum, Andrew S Computer networks Computer network Tanenbaum, Andrew S Computer networks Computer network Anil Madaan, et al. Dreamland's Illustrated world of internet and e-commerce Internet; Computer networks Hahn, Harley Harlry Hahn teaches the internet Internet; Computer networks Hoffman, Paul E Internet instant reference Internet; Computer networks Leon Alexis; Leon, Mathews Internet for everyone Internet; Computer networks Sanjeev Gupta; Shameena Gupta Mastering internet Internet; Computer networks Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan Skills for success, Vol.1, Unit2 Computer peripherals Gurvinder Minhas; Minhas, Davinder Singh Operate computers yourself, Part3 Software engineering Gurvinder Minhas; Minhas, Davinder Singh Operate computers yourself, Part4 Software engineering Gurvinder Minhas; Minhas, Davinder Singh Operate computers yourself, Part5: CorelDraw Software engineering Gurvinder Minhas; Minhas, Davinder Singh Operate computers yourself, Part6: HTML Software engineering Chhabra, P D Elements of computer programming Computer programming Easy office 2000 Computer programming Ira Saxena Caught by computer Computer programming Ramani, S, et al. Textbook on computer programming with industrial and engineering applications Computer programming Horowitz, Ellis Fundamentals of programming languages Programming languages Balagurusamy, E Programming in BASIC Programming languages-Basic Gottfried, Byron S Schaum's outline of theory and problems of programming with BASIC Programming languages-Basic Grover, P S Computer programming in BASIC Programming languages-Basic Walton, David Programming exercises in BASIC Programming languages-Basic Balaguruswamy, E Programming in ANSI C Programming languages-C Varalakshmi, P V N Projects using C with concepts and algorithms Programming languages-C Yashavant P Kanetkar Understanding pointers in C Programming languages-C Balagurusamy, E Object-oriented programming with C++ Programming languages-C++ Chandra, B Object-oriented programming using C++ Programming languages-C++ Hubbard, John R Schaums outline of theory and problems of programming with C++ Programming languages-C++ Ladd, Scott Robert Turbo C++: Techniques and applications Programming languages-C++ Schildt, Herbert C++: The complete reference Programming languages-C++ Sharma, A K Introductory computer science with C++, Vol.1 Programming languages-C++ Smith, Norman E Illustrated Borland C++ Programming languages-C++ Stephen Prata Waite group's C++ primer plus Programming languages-C++ Sumita Arora Computer science with C++ Programming languages-C++ Sumita Arora Computer science with C++ Programming languages-C++ Sumita Arora Computer science with C++ Programming languages-C++ Varalakshmi, P V N Projects using C++ Programming languages-C++ Venugopal, K R, et al. Mastering C++ Programming languages-C++ Yashavant P Kanetkar Let us C++ Programming languages-C++ Rajaraman, V Computer programming in FORTRAN IV Programming languages-Fortran Schildt, Herbert Java 2: The complete reference Programming languages-Java Bhave, M P; Patekar, S A Programming in turbo PASCAL Programming languages-Pascal Gottfried, Byron S Schaums outline of theory and problems of programming with Pascal Programming languages-Pascal Rajaraman, V Computer programming in PASCAL Programming languages-Pascal Holzner, Steven Visual Basic 6 programming black book Programming Languages-Visual Basic Norton, Peter Guide to Visual Basic 6 Programming Languages-Visual Basic Perry, Greg; Hettihewa, Sanjaya Visual Basic 6 in 24 hours Programming Languages-Visual Basic Petroutsos, Evangelos Mastering Visual Basic 6 Programming Languages-Visual Basic Reselman, Bob, et al. Using Visual Basic 6 Programming Languages-Visual Basic Soma Dasgupta Visual Basic projects Programming Languages-Visual Basic Taxali, Ravi Kant PC software made simple Computer programs - Softwares Lewin, Mark Access 2003 Computer programs-softwares-Microsoft Access Copestake, Stephen Excel 2003 Computer programs - Softwares-Excel Wempen, Faithe Excel 2000 fast and easy Computer programs - Softwares-Excel Nellai Kannan, C MS-Office Computer programs - Softwares-Microsoft Office Romaniello, Stephen; Kloskowski, Matt Photoshop CS2 Computer programs-softwares-Photoshop Basham, Scott Word 2003 Computer programs - Softwares-Word Calabria, Jane, et al. Using Microsoft Word 2000 Computer programs - Softwares-Word Hart-Davis, Guy Word 2000: No experience required Computer programs - Softwares-Word Ritchie, C Operating systems: Incorporating Unix and MS-DOS Operating system Arlov, Laura GUI design for dummies User interfaces Thomas, Robert M DOS 6.0 and 6.2: Instant reference Operating systems-DOS Reichard, Kevin; Johnson, Eric F UNIX Operating systems-Unix Easy Windows 2000 Operating systems-Windows Simon, Richard Windows 95 Win32 programming API bible Operating systems-Windows Stuple, Stuart J Windows 95 book: Your definitive guide to using and installing Windows 95 Operating systems-Windows McGrath, Mike HTML 4 Programming for specific types of computers, for Communications-HTML Tittel, Ed; Burmeister, Mary C HTML 4 for dummies Programming for specific types of computers, for Communications-HTML Vishnupriya Singh HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): An Easy way to learn HTML/DHTML Programming for specific types of computers, for Communications-HTML Tremblay, Jean-Paul; Sorenson, Paul G Introduction to data structures with applications Data structures Date, C J Introduction to database systems, Vol.1 Data files and databases; Computer science Elmasri, Ramez; Navathe, Shamkant B Fundamentals of database systems Data files and databases; Computer science Leon, Alexis; Leon, Mathews Database management systems Data files and databases; Computer science Mata-Toledo, Ramon A, et al. Database management systems Data files and databases; Computer science Ullman, Jeffrey D; Widom, Jennifer First course in database systems Data files and databases; Computer science Siegel, Charles Mastering FoxPro 2.6 Relational databases-Foxpro Bayross, Ivan SQL, PL/SQL: The programming language of Oracle Database Management languages-SQL Groff, James R; Weinberg, Paul N SQL: The complete reference Database Management languages-SQL Gruber, Martin Understanding SQL Database Management languages-SQL Leon, Alexis; Leon, Mathews SQL: A complete reference Database Management languages-SQL VanDerLans, Rick F Introduction to SQL: Mastering the relational database language Database Management languages-SQL Pavate, K D Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Anoop Shukla, Ed. Aajkal-Anukramanika Bibliography - Hindi literature Kumar, P S G Foundations of library and information science Library & information sciences Kumar, P S G Management of library and information centres Library & information sciences Penna, P C Planning of library and documentation services Library operations Trehan, G L Administration and organisation of school libraries in India Library Administration Ranganathan, S R Colon classification: Basic classification Ranganathan's Colon Classification Krishan Kumar Reference service Reference and Information services Heintze, Ingeborg Organization of the small public library Public libraries McColvin, Lionel R Public library services for children School libraries Children's animal World encyclopedia General encyclopedic works Collins national encyclopedia General encyclopedic works Fact Finder General encyclopedic works Hashmi, A H Energy General encyclopedic works Junior encyclopedia General encyclopedic works McNally, Rand Student encyclopedia General encyclopedic works O'Dell, J New illustrated encyclopedia of knowledge General encyclopedic works Oxford Children's pocket book of facts General encyclopedic works Pascoe, L C, et al. Encyclopaedia of dates and events General encyclopedic works Pothorn, Herbert Ward Lock's first picture encyclopedia General encyclopedic works Subburaj, V V K Sura's Yearbook 2000 General encyclopedic works Research, Reference and Training Division India 1975: A reference annual India-General encyclopedic works Research, Reference and Training Division India 1976: A reference annual India-General encyclopedic works Penguin guide to the States and union territories of India India-General encyclopedic works Publication Division Govt. India India India-General encyclopedic works Cook, Chris; Marshall, Anne Guinness book of winners and champions General encyclopedic works - American Mcwhirter, Norris; Mcwhirter, Ross Guinness book of records General encyclopedic works - American Smith, Helen How to start sending e-mails Electronic mail Ahuja, B N Theory and practice of journalism: Set to Indian context Journalism, publishing, newspapers Tapas Ray Online journalism: A basic text Journalism, publishing, newspapers Ahuja, B N Audio visual journalism Radio and Television journalism Ahuja, B N; Chhabra, S S Editing Editing; Journalism activities Ahuja, B N; Chhabra, S S Concise course in reporting for news papers, magazines, radio and the T V News reporting; Journalism activities Anita Pratap Island of blood News reporting; Journalism activities Adyanand Nath, B, Ed. 101 great authors who shaped the world General collections Adyanand Nath, B, Ed.; Choudhary, N K, Ed. 101 great artists who shaped the World General collections Baker, Philip Secrets of super achievers General collections Bhargava, M C World famous scandals General collections Book of Indian quotations General collections Bright, P S; Jagat S Bright Handbook of proverbs General collections Bright, P S, Ed. Important proverbs with explanations and examples General collections Bright, Jagat S, et al. Universal book of synonysm, antonyms, homonyms, definitions, proverbs and quotations General collections Canning, John 100 great adventures General collections Chinmayananda Swami Evergreen messages General collections Dubey, Abhy kumar World famous great Treasures General collections Dubey, Abhay Kumar World famous adventures General collections Einstein, Albert Ideas and opinions General collections Filipovic, Zlata, Ed. ng people'swar diaries (From World war 1 to Iraq) General collections Gandhi, M K Thought for the day General collections Girls' handbook General collections kloss, Walter You can kick the habit General collections Krishnamacharya, N V R, Ed. Wisdom of the World General collections Krishnamacharya, N V R, Ed. Wisdom of the World General collections Ley, Gerd De International dictionary of proverbs General collections Mahendra Saraswat World of inspiring quotations General collections Malik, K; et al. 1111 letters: For all occasions General collections Matthews, Robert 25 big ideas: The scienec that's changing our world General collections Modern 1001 letters for 1001 occasions General collections Murthi, R K World famous Rags to riches General collections Our republic day General collections Rampal Singh Textbook of general studies, Book2 General collections Rampal Singh Textbook of general studies, Book3 General collections Rampal Singh Textbook of general studies, Book5 General collections Rampal Singh Textbook of general studies, Book6 General collections Rampal Singh Textbook of general studies, Book7 General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on character and culture and manners and etiquette General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on character and culture and manners and etiquette General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on character and culture and manners and etiquette General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on character and culture and manners and etiquette General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on education and books General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on education and books General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on education and books General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on education and books General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on man and society General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on knowledge and ignorance and ideas and ideals General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on knowledge and ignorance and ideas and ideals General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on knowledge and ignorance and ideas and ideals General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on knowledge and ignorance and ideas and ideals General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on life and death General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on life and death General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on life and death General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on man and society General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on mind and memory and intellect and intelligence General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on man and society General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on mind and memory and intellect and intelligence General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on mind and memory and intellect and intelligence General collections Sen, N B, Ed. Great thoughts on man and society

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