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Anca Ileana Duşcă

Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V., Toderas I.K., Gorshkova O.M. (Eds.) Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.15 WHEN SHALL WE HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE TREATY WITH REGARD TO THE PLANETARY OCEAN?Anca Ileana Duşcă Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University of Craiova Water pollution has effects on people and animals, and it also causes more and more serious concern for the industries, which find themselves in the position of using polluted waters upstream, which might be incompatible with some types of installations. The development of electronuclear programmes has increased thermal pollution, since continental and sea waters are used as a coolant for the conventional and nuclear power plants. Thermal pollution produces some harmful effects on both abiotic factors (temperature, O2 content etc) and biotic factors (algae, fish etc). An increase in temperature decreases the oxygen content and other dissolved gases, which leads to different effects (for some species the exposure, if not lethal, can cause the diminution of that species’ reproduction whereas for others, thermal pollution leads to fast reproduction). Besides the mineral and organic chemical pollution (with pesticides, sewage, mercury Hg, lead Pb), the pollution of continental and ocean water with hydrocarbons represents – despite all commitments at both international and regional levels by different treaties – a factor of serious concern through the diversity and magnitude of harmful effects. Thus, besides the loss of important fuel quantities, the pollution of continental and ocean waters results in the destruction of certain sensitive ecosystems and of the existence source for fishers. Biological water pollution consists of bacteria contamination of waters, which explains, among others, the present spreading of choleric pandemia, polluted waters accelerating pathogenic diseases such as: typhoid fever, dysentery, enteric viruses etc. Ever since the signing, in Montego Bay, on 10 December 1982, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, nothing important at the international level with regard to the regulation of water protection has happened. As for this convention, although considered as a codification instrument, it has serious limitations and drawbacks from the standpoint of the number of signatory states, as well as of the sanctions applicable in case of pollution. Just like any other international document, the Convention is full of norms of recommandation (of the following type: ”States may...”) and like any other document protecting an environmental element, the sanctions are mainly financial.This is the reason lying behind ecological criminality, proving to be beneficial for those who illegally store dangerous wastes, smuggle prohibited toxic substances, rare species or in danger of extinction. The sanctions – at the national, regional and international levels - are disproportionate as compared to the effects of the crimes. Moreover, either many crimes are not discovered or by the game of papers and long, expensive trials, the sanctions are insignificant (imposed much later, or of average value etc). Therefore, besides the environmental criminal law, generalized worldwide, the creation of an International Criminal Tribunal for the Environment appears as a necessity.THE ESTIMATION OF RADIONUCLIDE CS-137 IN MOLLUSKS AND BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OF POSIETA BAY (JAPAN/EAST SEA)^ Borisenko G.S. Pacific Research Fisheries Center, 4, All. Shevchenko,Vladivostok, Russia, 690091 e_mail: vera_borisenko@mail.ru Cs-137 is one of the basic dose-forming radioactive isotopes in biosphere since atomic weapon testing. Acting in reservoir the artificial radionuclides are collecting by all components of hydrosphere absorbed by organisms, act on a bottom. We examined radioactive pollution of bottom sediments and bivalved mollusks Anadara Broughoni and Spisula sahalinesis of Posiet Bay that only recently became of commercial objects. They occupy coastal sites, burying in a sandy and sandy-oozy (spisula) or oozy (anadara) ground on the depth of 10-20 sm. It’s known that Cs-137 as analogue of biogenic potassium accumulates mainly in muscular tissues. By results of analysis the contents of Cs-37 in soft tissues of anadara and spisula were averaged 2,6±0,5 Bk/kg and 1,9±0,4 Bk/kg w.w. accordingly that is below of admissible rules for food purpose (200 Bk/kg). Simultaneously we determined the concentration of Cs-137 in bottom sediments. The content of Cs-137 in oozy and oozy-sandy ground was 8,7–6,9 Bk/kg while the sandy ground with pebbles and shells contamination was 3,4–2,1 Bk/kg d.w. The obtained data have shown that content of Cs-137 in bottom sediments are 20 times below of admissible concentration (150 Bk/kg) and therefore cannot negative influence on benthos.^ BIOGEOCHEMICAL INDICATION OF MICROELEMENTHOSES OF ANIMALSVadim Ermakov1, Sergey Tyutikov1, Margarita Gabrashanska, Milena Anisimova2V.I Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sci., Kosigin Str., 19, 119991 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: ermakov@geokhi.ru1; Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology of Bulgarian Academy of Sci., Acad.Georgi Bonchev Str., 25, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria; m.gabrashanska@gmail.ru2 The period when biological indication has been practically applied covers several centuries. Today biological indication is regarded as tracing the parameters of both biological objects and/or ecological systems at various levels. At the present stage of development of biological indication methods they are subdivided both from the type of the parameter used (i.e., fatal outcome, a change of the external form, variations in biochemical parameters or some behavioral signs) and considering the organization levels observed (e.g., molecular, cellular, organismic or systemic). The purposes of bioindication also differ as well as its methods. Besides its abovementioned application in exploration geology, nowadays bioindication approach is widely used in ecological monitoring of regions. Furthermore, some years ago an original method of biological indication of chronic microelementoses in cattle through chemical elemental composition of hair covering was developed by a large research group which comprised researchers from four Russian research centers, including the author of the this report, and supported by ISTC. Thus, for veterinary diagnostic purposes it was recommended to use just a wool clip weighing several grams taken from the livestock tail tag. The methods that we have developed when free-ranging wide animals or livestock are used, are deprived the drawbacks of the above-stated estimation methods. On the contrary, they provide determination of environmental pollutions by toxic elements and pesticides, while enabling differentiation the pollutions for their intensity and duration. Concerning ecological monitoring of environmental pollution by pesticides, the exclusive selectivity of the method that we offer should also be noted.NEGATIVE IMPACT OF OVER-EXPLOITATIONFOR GROUNDWATER, TAIZ, YEMEN^ Essam S.A. El Sharabi Geology Department, Faculty of Science,Taiz University, Yemen;E-mail: essam_2001@hotmail.com Taiz city consider as one of the most regions in Yemen which subjected for water crisis. The shortage of water in the area of study has influenced the economic development and made the people inconvenient. Unfortunately, absence of water management in the area of study led to water crisis by over-exploitation for groundwater. An attempt to solve the problem of water demand by intense use of groundwater resources also can result in negative environmental impacts. This paper focuses on the main negative effects that may be caused by groundwater over-exploitation:1) groundwater level depletion;2) degradation of water quality, and 3) landslides or subsidence of land surface. Also, the present study deals with the hydrochemistry for some water samples collected from different resources including some dug wells, drilled wells, and springs in order to throw light for degradation of water quality of available local water resources. These selected water samples were analyzed to study water quality as well as the evaluation of water for domestic and irrigation purposes. Nowadays, the governorate and scientific organizations began to give their attention to facing the water demand. UDK (УДК) 632.981+579.264:577.18^ BACTERIA-PRODUCERS OF ANTIMICROBIAL SUBSTANCES AS A BASE OF BIOPESTICIDESFeklistova I.N., Hryniova I.A., Skakun T.L., Smirnova V.A., Maximova N.P.Belarus State University, Biology Faculty, 220030, Minsk, Nezavisimosty ave., 4, Belarus; E-mail feklistova_iren@rambler.ruThe new way of creation of high-efficiency biopesticides based on rhizospheric bacteria is using strains with antimicrobial activity artificially increased by causing genetic changes in cells regulation mechanisms. By the chemical mutagenesis and following selection on toxic analogues of aromatic way metabolites regulatory mutants - ^ Pseudomonas aurantiaca В-162/498 - was obtained. Mutants level of phenazine antibiotic production was 3 times higher than in initial strains and 10 times higher than in other known Pseudomonas bacteria had. It was established that the complex of phenazine antibiotics produced by P. aurantiaca contains phenazine, 1-oxyphenazine and their common precursor – phenazine-1,6-dicarboxylate Multifunctional biopesticide Aurine based on P. aurantiaca mutants was created for plant protection. Also biopesticide Bactogen based on ^ Bacillus subtilis 30043 was made. High antagonistic activity of this strain conditioned by synthesis of antibiotic complex and hydrolytic ferments: proteases, cellulases and amylases. At the same time positive effect of P. aurantiaca and B. subtilis on growth and development of agricultural plants was noted. Yielding capacity increased by 14%. So, it is the first experience of obtaining bacteria-producers of antimicrobial substances by the chemical mutagenesis and following selection on toxic analogues. These strains are useful for ecologically clean agricultural production as a base for biopesticides.THE FROTH ON STREAMS SURFACES AS A POLLUTION COLLECTOR^ Anatoliy I. Fisenko ONCFEC, Inc., 625 Evans Avenue, Suite 1108, Toronto, Ontario M8W 2W5, Canada, afisenko@oncfec.com An in-stream on site clean-up approach for stream polluted sites, including the benthic soil and the entire water is proposed. The given approach is based on the proper complex of natural self-purification processes in a stream. Once formed, the froth is collected using a boom system and can then be removed and treated appropriately. As a result, we can intervene directly on site in the clean-up of the stream sites that are heavily polluted from various polluting sources, including the point and non-point ones. One important self-purification process in entire water and in/on benthic soil is the decomposition of total organics by fungi, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria and other microorganisms. During the decomposition, the entire water body as well as the benthic soil is periodically enriched with biological surfactants, such as amino, pyruvic, fatty and other acids and generated dissolved biogases – oxygen, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen and others. Further, stream polluted sites also contain dissolved air and various polluting particles, including man-made surfactants. Therefore, the next step in river self-purification – the generation of biogas and air bubbles, and the attachment of the polluting particles to the bubbles in the presence of surfactants should be considered. For the latter, the proper level of turbulence must exist. Water cascading over weirs, waterfalls and other obstacles, creating the shallow-turbulent character of water current, is the suitable condition. Niagara Falls and Niagara Whirlpool are typical examples. The particle-bubble aggregates will rise to the water surface and concentrate in the froth and the surrounding thin top layer of surface water upstream from the installed boom system. The resulting froth as well as the thin top layer of surface water comprises a high concentration of all kinds of polluting particles. In work (Fisenko, 2004) it has been shown that the biological foam, created by fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms is part of the natural formed froth. The similarity of processes involved in the foam formation in a stream and in activated sludge plants was pointed out in work (Fisenko, 2008).Fisenko, A.I. 2008. The Role of Natural Self-Purification Processes in In-Stream on Site Clean-up Activities (In the book: “Soil Contamination Research Trends”, Editors: Javier B. Domínguez, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA), pp. 177-201. Fisenko, A.I. 2004. A New Long-Term on Site Clean-Up Approach Applied to Non-Point Sources of Pollution // Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 156, p. 1-27.^ AN ASSESSMENT OF THE CONCENTRATION OF HEAVY METALS IN A SOIL OF VLADIVOSTOK (RUSSIA)Gazetdinov M., Andreeva A.Far Eastern National University, 27 Oktyabrskaya str., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091; : neues@bio.dvgu.ru, bio.@deans.dvgu.ru One of the important features of the ecological state of large towns in the territory of Russia is to assess soil contamination by toxic elements. In Vladivostok (Primorye, Russia), as in many other large cities, there are sources of soil pollution by heavy metals. These include: HEC-1, HEC-2, 38 large boilers, transportation and shipping companies (parking lots, repair shops). The aim was an assessment of a soil in Vladivostok on the contents of HMs, using biological indicators. The object of the study was to define the elements of soil and sediments in the roots and leaves of medicinal dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg.). Sampling was held in August 2008. Analysis of the contents of metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Co, Cd, Hg) was held at the AAS Shimadzu AA-6601F. The content of elements in the soil of certain areas of the city exceeded the MAC (maximum allowable concentration) for zinc, lead and copper in 10-30 times at the stations located in Pervomaysky district (zinc 108-1519 ppm, lead 57, 4-117,7 ppm, copper 248 -276 ppm) and in the Soviet district (zinc 203-551 ppm, lead, 150-199 ppm, copper 76,7-108 ppm). It was the maximum permissible concentration of metals in 2-4 times at the stations in the Leninsky and Pervorechensky districts. Analysis of medicinal dandelion showed the presence of different contents of toxins. Concentration in leaves of selected plants in excess of background 2-20000 times (lead 32,4-176 ppm, zinc 85,7-225 ppm, cadmium 0,7-15707 ppm, copper 28,3-63.9 ppm, nickel 0,01-9,3 ppm). This accumulation of toxins in the roots was less compared with leaves (34,5-74 ppm, cadmium 0,54-0,69 ppm, copper 14,6-54,4 ppm, nickel Thus, an assessment of the concentration of heavy metals in a soil of Vladivostok revealed toxicant concentrations above the limit values. Our studies confirm the risk of pollution sources in the city.^ THE ACCUMULATION DYNAMICS OF HEAVY METALS BY PHYTOPERIPHYTON IN SMALL RIVERSkomulaynen Sergey, Morozov AlexanderKarelian Research Center Russian Academy of Sciences Pushkinskaya str.11 185910 Petrozavodsk Republic of Karelia, RUSSIA. E-mail: komsf@mail.ru The accumulation dynamics, spatial and temporal variation of heavy metals in streams located in different regions in Republic of Karelia and Murmanskaya district were determined by collecting attached algal communities dominated by diatoms (Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema spp.), green (Zygnema spp., Mougeotia spp.) and bluegreen (Stigonema mamillosum) alga. Considerable variations in the concentrations of all metals have been observed and levels of heavy metals in attached algae in later summer ranged widely: Cd 0.05 – 5.90; Pb 0.05 – 235.0; Cu 2.8 –382.0; Zn 30.0 – 1221.4; Ni 0.9 – 70.2; Co 0.8 – 76.7; Cr 0.5 –51.2; Fe 2730.0 –76100.0; Mn 406.0 – 11800.0; Mg 478 – 1800 mg kg-1 dry weight. Comparison of heavy metal concentrations in various algal species has shown that they are fairly similar. However, lead and cuprum concentrations are higher in groups dominated by diatoms and bluegreen algae. Spatially the heavy metal concentrations in algae showed significant accumulation in sites located in urban areas. The highest concentration of heavy metals in water was observed in the first phase of spring flood, suggesting that they migrate as part of snow meltwater. At the same time, heavy metal concentrations in algal, moss and bottom sediment are at their maximum at the end of the summer season. Heavy metal concentration in the algal mat is heterogeneous. Layer-wise analysis of heavy metal concentrations in algal mats has demonstrated that they are higher in lower, “older” layers adjoining the substratum.УДК 579.887:576.5(045)^ RESEARCHING OF INTERACTION OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC MOLLICUTES WITH HOST PLANT BY BIOTECHNOLOGY METHODS Korobkova E.S.1, Panchenko L.P.1, Onyshenko A.N. 1, Red’ko V.I. 21- Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 154 Acad. Zabolotny St., Kyiv, MSP, D03680, Ukraine, kkorobkova@ukr.net; 2 - Institute for Sugar Beat of Ukrainian Agricultural Academy of Science, 25, Klinichna St., Kyiv, Ukraine Prevention of mycoplasma infections of crops ground on investigation of molecular mechanism of interaction between plant pathogenic mollicutes and host cell. Therefore the purpose of present work was the elaboration of model of mycoplasma infection of plant under in vitro condition and researching the changes of its components under co-cultivation of them. The mollicute Acholeplasma laidlawii var. granulum str..118 which is causal agent of the wheat pale-green dwarfness was inputed to calluse tissues obtained from a ЗК51 line of sugar beat and wheat sorts Roason and Magister. It was established that mollicute is able to exist and propagate in the cell culture.. Under mollicute infection the cell morphology calluses was changed: the plant cells were transformed, the intensiveness of polyploid forming increased also the total destruction of cells was observed. Data of electron microscopy confirm the presence of mollicute in the calluses: acholeplasma localized between and within plant cells. The transformed cells of this mollicute - nanoforms were discovered in the calluses of both plant cultures. The fatty acids composition of common lipids of infected calluses under Acholeplasma effect was changed: in sugar beat culture amount content of saturated fatty acids is decreasing that evidenced about action of protection system of plants as the answer to stress. The differences in fatty acid composition of lipids were shown between a wheat sorts with diverse sensibility to pathogens. Taking into account that L-phenylalanine-ammonialyase is a main enzyme of phenylpropanoic metabolism for growth and protection of plants it was stated the temporary increasing of its activity in calluses under the plant pathogenic Acholeplasma effect. It confirms the life activity of mollicutes in the plant cultures in vitro and allow to study the signal interaction of mollicutes with plant cells under controlled condition. The elaboration of antimollicute strategy will provide the raising of crop productivity without surroundings pollution.^ COMMISSIONING THE POTENTIAL HABITAT OF Haloxylon aphyllum USING OF GIS TECHNIQUE FOR RECULTIVATION OF DEFORESTED AREA OCCASIONAL STUDY (SISTAN PROVINCE- IRAN)Majid Zaboli1, Akbar Fakhire1, Ahmad Ghanbari2 1- Department of Range and Watershed Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Zabol; 2- Associate Professor, University of Zabol, Corresponding Author: Tel: +989155424750, Email: Majid.Zaboli@gmail.com Germination of plants species in an area is affected by biological and environmental factors of that region. It is necessary to do researches in fields of the ecological needs of species and also environmental characteristics of the studied region in order to determine the potential habitat of a plant growth. this study performed to determine potential habitat of Haloxylon aphyllum in sistan province by using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. In this way sampling from habitats carried out for recognition of ecological requirements. Also thematic maps of area provided and digitized for attainment data layers which were needed. Then various sections of area were investigated and were compared with ecological requirements of this species. At last combination of different data layers was achieved. Base on our results, 3.52% of the studied area was suitable to grow of H. aphyllum. Assessment of accuracy of model was 93.3%. Keywords: Haloxylon aphyllum, GIS, potential habitat, Rangeland reclamation.Pseudomonas рutida U^ BACTERIA AS A BASE OF BIOLOGICAL NEMATICIDEMaslak D.V., Mozharova I.V., Kuleshova Y.M., Sadouskaya L.E., Maximova N.P.Belarus State University, Biology Faculty 220030, Minsk, Nezavisimosty ave., 4, Belarus, diana-maslak@yandex.ru Development of ecologically safe methods of phytoparasite populationes suppression is among today's most important tasks in bio-technology. Gall nematodes Meloidogyne spp. which are the agent of meloidogynosis hams agriculture. By the chemical mutagenesis and following selection on EDTA regulatory mutants - ^ Pseudomonas putida U - was obtained. This strain had an increased level of pioverdine Pm synthesized when grown on mediums containing Fe ions. Pioverdin Pm able to form stable complex with Fe ions and do they unavailable for another microorganisms (bacteria and fungi), thus protecting plants against phytopathogenes. On the base of ^ P. putida U bacteria biopesticide Nemacide for vegetable crops protection against gall nematode was made. When cucumber plants were sprayed with Nemacide introduction of infection decreased by 60-70%. It was established that disease intensity decrease by 2 times and disease development - by 38,3%. Besides P. putida U bacteria stimulate roots development more than twice.. Regulating number and injuriousness of gall nematodes ^ P. putida U bacteria affect positively on plants physiological condition and finally – on their productivity. Our results give evidence that P. putida U bacteria using in agriculture for plant protection against gall nematode is perspective. УДК 577.151^ PHENOL OXIDASE ACTIVITY OF Azospirillum BACTERIA AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ENDOGENOUS LECTINSNikitina V.E., Vetchinkina E.P., Ponomaryova E.G., Gogoleva Ju.V.Никитина В.Е., Ветчинкина Е.П., Пономарева Е.Г., Гоголева Ю.В.Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, IBPPM RAS 13 Prospekt Entuziastov, Saratov 410049, Russia;E-mail: elenavetrus@yandex.ruAzospirillum bacteria are free-living N2-fixing microorganisms that can form associations with plants and promote the growth and development of agriculturally important crops. They mainly colonize the root surface but also can penetrate the cell interior. The mechanism responsible for this penetration is unclear; possibly, adaptation to survival and multiplication inside the root is linked to active enzyme systems. There are almost no data on the presence of phenol oxidase enzymes in Azospirillum strains. During solid-phase cultivation, phenol oxidase activity was found in several Azospirillum strains, both in endophytic (penetrating the plant-root interior) and in free-living rhizospheric ones. The azospirilla produced extracellular and intracellular laccases, Mn-peroxidases, lignin-peroxidases, and tyrosinases. The extracellular enzymes were more active than the intracellular ones. The strains and species differed considerably in phenol oxidase activity. The lectins isolated from A. brasilense Sp245 and Sp7 influenced laccase activity in these strains in different ways. In the case of Sp245, incubation of laccase extracts with a pure lectin preparation inhibited enzyme activity two- to fourfold. Conversely, incubation of laccases with the lectin from Sp7 increased enzyme activity 6.5-fold. Possibly, these differences are linked to the physiological peculiarities of these strains. A. brasilense Sp7 colonizes the plant-root surface, whereas strain Sp245 can penetrate the root interior; i.e., it is endophytic. In conclusions, this is the first time that extra- and intracellular laccases, Mn-peroxidases, lignin-peroxidases, and tyrosinases have been found in several Azospirillum strains. The lectins of Azospirillum can influence the activities of bacterial own laccases. Possibly, lectins can play an important role in regulation of enzyme-system functioning. UDK 550.4.574^ BIOSPHERE: BIOMEMBRANE OR BIOMATRIX?S.A.OstroumovFaculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow…whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.Isaac Newton (1642-1727)Key words: biosphere, V.I. Vernadsky, fundamental concepts and principles, migration of elements, immobilization, living matter, biogenic matter, components of the biosphere, chemico-biotic interactions The fundamental concept of the biosphere was a central focus of attention of the classical works by V.I. Vernadsky [1, 2 ]. Many authors contributed to the studies of the biosphere [3- 12]. The goal of this publication is to comment on some basic fundamental concepts and principles that are relevant to modern understanding of what is the biosphere. Traditionally, the biosphere is considered as one of “spheres’ around the globe. Some time ago, a number of scientific terms were coined: lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Among them, the entity that corresponds to the concept and term ‘biosphere’ features some unique qualities: (1) The biosphere is probably the thinnest among all other ‘spheres’ except perhaps the hydrosphere. As a result, the biosphere could be considered as a thin skin or film or membrane that surrounds the hard surface of the globe. (2) The biosphere is probably the most vague entity among the other ‘spheres’ in terms of where its limits or boundaries are. There are various views on that what exactly is included into the biosphere, what exactly should be considered as components (parts, constituents) of the biosphere. In the narrow sense (sensu stricto), it includes living organisms. In the broader sense (sensu lato), it includes both living organisms and the matter that was produced or transformed by living organisms. In that latter case – if that latter broader approach is applied – the biosphere includes all types of detritus, excretions, and all type of former living matter. In latter case, in aquatic ecosystems a significant part of bottom sediments is definitely a part of the biosphere. All organic matter of the bottom sediments and soils should be considered a part of the biosphere. Our recent studies provided new facts on the high ability of living organisms and the matter produced by them (e.g., detritus) to accumulate, absorb, and immobilize some chemical elements that initially were added to the system in the form of salts dissolved in water. To be more specific, it was shown in our experiments with aquatic microcosms. Several metals as a water solution of salts were added to the water of those microcosms [13, 14, 16, 18, 19]. The microcosms contained living organisms (including macrophytes and mollusks), and some materials of biogenic origin – detritus and others. We demonstrated an efficient binding and association of several metals with the biogenic material. As was mentioned above, the metals were added to water as solutions of salts. Moreover, we demonstrated efficient association with aquatic organisms (exemplified by plants) of a metal that was added to the water of a microcosm in the form of nanoparticles. It is noteworthy that several aspects of interaction of biomass and biogenic matter with chemical species are highly relevant to our analysis: immobilization of chemical species adsorption of the chemical species; uptake of chemical species; influencing the trajectory of movement of chemical species; acceleration or slowing down the movement of chemical species along their trajectories; transformation of the chemical species (this list is not complete; some items on the list overlap with each other). All in all, our new data and a vast amount of data in the current literature show that living organisms and the matter that is being produced by them serve as an efficient matrix which binds and immobilize a broad range of chemical species from the aquatic medium. By the same token, organisms and biogenic material can bind some molecules and particles from the surrounding air. On that basis, the view is justified according to which the total sum of components of the biosphere serve a kind of matrix to bind chemical components and particles from water and air. As this matrix is represented by organisms (the biota) and biogenic matter, it is logical to call it ‘biomatrix’. Also, a slightly extended interpretation could be given to the term ‘biomatrix’. Many studies have shown the existence and vital role of a variety of physical fields generated by organisms. Those fields include electromagnetic, acoustic, infrared, optical (the visible range of wavelengths) ones (Acad. Yu.V. Gulyaev is among those who studied them in detail and made many measurements). Moreover, the physical space between organisms contains also an immense number of infochemicals and other molecules of biogenic origin that carry information and produce a broad range of effects on the organisms receiving them (Ostroumov, 1986) [17] . All those factors are in accord with the vision of the surrounding of the organisms – the surrounding that is essentially packed with the matter and physical fields, - both of which may produce some profound effects on the organisms - rather as a matrix than just as ‘a space’. The answer to the question posed in the title of this publication – the biomembrane or biomatrix? - is dualistic: both the biomembrane and biomatrix.Table 1. Some examples of binding / immobilizations of elements by biogenic and biological objects Biogenic material or organism Elements Refs The biogenic detritus produced by Viviparus viviparus and Ceratophyllum demersum La, Ce, Cr and Co. The experiments were run in laboratory microcosms. The microcosms contained two species of common aquatic organisms, V. viviparus and C. demersum. As a result, it was discovered that after adding the mix of salts, there is an increase in the concentration of La, Ce, Cr and Co in the detritus. It is the first experimental evidence that adding chemical elements to water leads to an increase of their concentration in the biogenic detritus Ostroumov S.A., Kolesov G.M., Kotelevtsev S.V., Moiseeva Yu. A., Kazakov G. Yu. Studing components of aquatic microcosms using neutron activation analysis: deposition of La, Ce, Cr and Co in the biogenic detritus after adding to water the mix of salts. - Water: Technology and Ecology (Вода: технология и экология). 2009. No. 4. p. 60–68. Marine detritus produced by Mytilus galloprovincialis As, Со, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr Ostroumov S.A., Demina L.L. Ecological biogeochemistry and chemical elements (As, Со, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr) in biogenic detritus in marine model ecosystem: measuring by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) // Ecological Systems and Devices (= Ekologich. sistemy i pribory). 2009. No. 9, p. 42-45. Freshwater macrophyte Au (added as nanoparticles) Ostroumov S.A., Kolesov G.M., Poklonov V.A., Kotelevtsev S.V. Water macrophyte as a factor of potential concentration: interactions with metal nanoparticles. - Ecological Chemistry (Экологическая химия).2009,18(4): 222-228 References1.Vernadsky V.I., Khimicheskoe stroenie biosfery Zemli i ee okruzheniya (Chemical Structure of the Earth’s Biosphere and Its Environment), Moscow: Nauka, 1965.2.Vernadsky V.I. The Biosphere. Moscow. Publishing House 'Noosphere'. 2001. 244 p.3. Dobrovolsky G.V. About development of some concepts of the teaching on the biosphere (the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book 'Biosphere' by V.I.Vernadsky). — Water: Technology and Ecology. 2007. No. 1, p. 63-68. [Citing the concepts and terms: ecological chemoregulators, ecological chemomediators, the biosphere as ecological-biochemical continuum; types of migration of the matter in the biosphere, including the stochastic, vectorial, cyclic, and acyclic types of migration].4. Dobrovolsky G.V. On the 80th anniversary of the book 'The Biosphere' by V.I.Vernadsky. 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Изучение толерантности моллюсков в условиях полиметаллического загрязнения воды и длительной инкубации // Проблемы экологии и гидробиологии. 2008. М.: МАКС Пресс. С. 44–46.http://scipeople.com/group/331/topic/1704/ (detection and accumulation of chemical elements in organisms – references to recent publications).^ EFFECTS OF GYPSUM ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF Medicago truncatula GROWN UNDER ALUMINUM STRESSOlfa R’BIA, Samira ASCHI SMITIEcology of Plants, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis. Campus Universitaire 2092, El Manar II, Tunisia. The objective of our experiment is to study the influence of increasing levels of calcium sulfate (gypsum) on the phytotoxicity of aluminium. The test is carried out under controlled conditions on seedlings of Medicago truncatula maintained in hydroponic culture medium containing increasing concentrations of Al. The results showed that: The toxic effect of aluminium is manifested particularly in the root system. However, after treatment with 350μM Al, there is a 53% inhibition of root growth. After 30 days of exposure to CaSO4, M. truncatula tolerates its presence in the nutrient solution. The application of calcium sulfate in the culture medium containing aluminium, can contribute to a reduction in the accumulation of it at the roots and therefore a waiver of its inhibitory effect on plant growth (this was confirmed by a test with hematoxylin). The improving of the supply of plants, grown under duress aluminium, in mineral elements essential to growth (Ca2+, Mg2+ and K +) was attributed to the fact that gypsum is both a source of calcium and sulfate. Indeed, the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis) showed that the concentration of SO42- in roots remains constant after exposure to the aluminium treatment. Only with the high concentration of 350μM Al, we observed an increased level on sulfate ion in roots. This stimulation can be considered as a secondary mechanism of resistance to aluminium stress. These data provide a further support to the fact that gypsum contributes to a better growth and productivity of Medicago truncatula grown under aluminium stress. Keywords: gypsum, aluminium, phytotoxicity, calcium, sulfate, M. truncatula, plant growth.TEMPERATURE AFFECTS THE LIMITATION OF GROWTH AND THE CHOLESTEROL CONTENT OF Daphnia magna ALONG A DIETARY STEROL GRADIENT^ Erik Sperfeld and Alexander Wacker Email: eriksperfeld@googlemail.com, wackera@uni-potsdam.deUniversity of Potsdam, Germany During their life cycle aquatic organisms experience strong short-term or seasonal variations in temperature. This has some profound impacts physiologically, in particular on the physical characteristics of biomembranes because their structure and function has to be maintained. This can be done, e.g. by altering the fatty acid composition of phospholipids or changing the membrane’s sterol : phospholipid ratio. Aquatic crustaceans are incapable of de-novo syntheses of membrane components such as sterols and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs); therefore deficiencies of these compounds in the food might constrain crustaceans’ growth and development. Consequently, we examined the effect of temperature on the limitation of the keystone species Daphnia by dietary lipids, and performed laboratory experiments with Daphnia magna at different temperatures. We determined the growth rates and lipid contents of daphnids that were cultivated with a cyanobacterium that did not contain sterols and PUFAs but was supplemented with different amounts of dietary sterols. We found that the temperature and the dietary sterol content significantly influenced the growth and the cholesterol content (the principal sterol found in animals) of D. magna. The different growth limitations of D. magna might be caused by the temperature dependent incorporation of lipids. Keywords: aquatic ecology, food quality, fatty acids, sterols, cholesterol, freshwater, cyanobacteria, zooplankton^ BIOGEOCHEMICAL INDICATION OF MICROELEMENTHOSESOF ANIMALSDr. Sergey Tyutikov1, Prof. Dr.Vadim Ermakov1,Dr. Margarita Gabrashanska, Dr. Milena Anisimova2V.I Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sci., Kosigin Str., 19, 119991 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: ermakov@geokhi.ru1; Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology of Bulgarian Academy of Sci., Acad.Georgi Bonchev Str., 25, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria; E-ail:m.gabrashanska@gmail.ru2 The period when biological indication has been practically applied covers several centuries. Today biological indication is regarded as tracing the parameters of both biological objects and/or ecological systems at various levels. At the present stage of development of biological indication methods they are subdivided both from the type of the parameter used (i.e., fatal outcome, a change of the external form, variations in biochemical parameters or some behavioral signs) and considering the organization levels observed (e.g., molecular, cellular, organismic or systemic). The purposes of bioindication also differ as well as its methods. Besides its abovementioned application in exploration geology, nowadays bioindication approach is widely used in ecological monitoring of regions. Furthermore, some years ago an original method of biological indication of chronic microelementoses in cattle through chemical elemental composition of hair covering was developed by a large research group which comprised researchers from four Russian research centers, including the author of the this report, and supported by ISTC. Thus, for veterinary diagnostic purposes it was recommended to use just a wool clip weighing several grams taken from the livestock tail tag. The methods that we have developed when free-ranging wide animals or livestock are used, are deprived the drawbacks of the above-stated estimation methods. On the contrary, they provide determination of environmental pollutions by toxic elements and pesticides, while enabling differentiation the pollutions for their intensity and duration. Concerning ecological monitoring of environmental pollution by pesticides, the exclusive selectivity of the method that we offer should also be noted.УДК 597.5^ RECORDING STRUCTURES ATLAS OF LAKE BAIKAL FISHESTyagun М.L., Bogdanov B.E., Tolmacheva Yu.P., Dzuba Е.V.Limnological Institute of the Siberian, Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Batorskaya, 3, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia, info@lin.irk.ru Fishes of Lake Baikal are highly polimorphic. A wide range of subspecies morphs is typical of deepwater, pelagic and lithoral species of Lake Baikal. It is also expressed in variety of scales and otolith forms. It is necessary to identify species and, in some cases, subspecies with reliable accuracy. We are planning to present information and illustrations of the scales and otoliths of Baikal ichthyofauna with keys for their species identification. The whole complex of studies consists of blocks of tasks. The following taxonomic features are among them: (1) the growth and peculiarities of life cycle, including studies on seasonal periodicity of growth using intra-annual hyaline-opaque increments (in otolith) and sclerite size (in scale); (2) life cycle length with preliminary estimation of ageing validity; (3) otolith form, including search of difference in outlines and volume of otoliths; (4) the architectonic and relief dimensions of the upper scale layer; (5) the peculiar features of sulcus acusticus outline and scale sensor channel; (6) morphometric species/subspecies indexes of otoliths, and (7) the microsculpture studies of the surfaces and sections of otoliths/scales. Some stages are supposed to be while compiling the atlas: 1. Preparation of specimens. 2. Photography of the specimens with usual optical instruments and scanning electronic microscopy. Creation of a photobank. 3. Revealing of the typical species-specific outline peculiarities of otoliths and description of geometric similarity of the scale forms. 4. Measurements of the annual and seasonal increments. Periodic harmonicas of the hard tissue growth. 5. Morphometric indexes of species/subspecies. 6. Drawings and graphic schemes. 7. Keys of species/subspecies identification. 8. General regularities of the growth and formation of the scales and otoliths typical of the representatives of different faunistic communities of the lake. 9. Creation of the polygraphic and HTML versions of the atlas. The majority of the Baikal fauna representatives are freshwater endemics. Therefore, this work may serve both a guide and illustration of the adaptations of freshwater various taxa under the conditions of different zones and habitats of the lake. This work was supported in part by the program "Development of Scientific Potential in Higher Schools" (project УДК 582.28:57.083PROTEINS OF THE brown mycelial film of the basidiomycete lentinus edodes ^ (SHIITAKE) WITH PHENOL OXIDASE AND LECTIN ACTIVITIESVetchinkina E.P., Nikitina V.E. (Ветчинкина Е.П., Никитина В.Е.)Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, IBPPM RAS 13 Prospekt Entuziastov, Saratov 410049, Russia ^ E-mail: elenavetrus@yandex.ru The brown mycelial film – a velutinous mass formed from interlaced thick-walled pigmented hyphae – is considered to be a characteristic stage in the morphogenesis of the edible xylotrophic basidiomycete Lentinus edodes. We noticed previously that in strain F-249, no full-grown fruiting bodies are formed without the prior formation of the film. To expand current views on the regulation of the mechanisms of morphogenesis and on the factors determining the formation of fruiting bodies, we believe it important to reveal and analyze protein characterizing the morphological structures that are formed before fungal fruiting. At the brown-film stage, we revealed lectins characteristic only of this morphostructure. The lectins had carbohydrate specificity for L-D-melibiose. These lectins were highly active, with hemagglutination titers ranging from 1:256 to 1:65536. They included, as part of their structure, major polypeptides with molecular masses of 24, 30, and 38 kDa. We found that when the brown-film lectin was applied on the growing fungal mycelium, primordium formation accelerated. That is to say, this is the first time that a positive effect of the brown-film lectin on the acceleration of morphoformation. Possibly, the transfer from one developmental stage to the next is regulated by the presence and activity of marker molecules in the cellular structures, whose role may be played by lectins. In addition, we established that the brown-film stage in ^ L. edodes F-249 differed substantially from other developmental stages in the composition and activity of enzymes of the phenol oxidase complex, specifically laccases. We showed, for the first time, that the intracellular lectins of siitake could influence the activity of the fungus’s own laccases. We found that when incubated with the laccases isolated from the fungal mycelium, brown-film lectins activated the enzymes, giving grounds to speak of a regulatory role of the lectins in the functioning of the enzyme systems and organism as a whole.EFFECTS OF CYANOBACTERIA ON THE LIFE CYCLE OF Daphnia magna^ Alexander Wacker, Erik Sperfeld, and Vanessa Lindenau University of Potsdam, Germany, Email: wackera@uni-potsdam.de Cyanobacteria blooms may affect daphnids due to a deficiency in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and sterols. Since the species composition of phytoplankton naturally fluctuates daphnids are potentially able to recover from cyanobacterial blooms. Consequently we asked the question if and how fast (after a depletion of internal stores) Daphnia magna can recover, fills its internal stores, and reaches high fitness again. We found that there is no positive growth and clutch size decreased under cyanobacterial blooms due to deficiency in essential nutrients. Experimentally supplementing sterols lead to positive growth rates and increasing clutch sizes instead. Additional supplementation with a long-chained omega-3 fatty acid with sterols enhanced the positive effect even more. Nevertheless, a food mixture of different algae species containing high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and sterols lead to the highest individual mass, clutch sizes and growth rates. Keywords: aquatic ecology, food quality, fatty acids, sterols, freshwater, cyanobacteria, zooplankton УДК 579.017.8 ^ UREA TRANSPORT IS ALTERED DURING THE SEXUAL LIFE CYCLE IN THE UNICELLULAR GREEN ALGA Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiZhanneta M. Zalutskaya1, Tatyana V. Lapina1, Ekaterina S. Minaeva1, Nicolaus von Wirén2, Elena V. Ermilova11Laboratory of Adaptation in Microorganisms, Biological Research Institute of St. Petersburg University, Oranienbaumskoe schosse 2, Stary Peterhof, St. Petersburg, 198504 Russia; email ermilova@ee6439.spb.edu2Leibniz-Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Corrensstr. 3, 06466 Gatersleben, Germany The present study shows that direct urea transport mechanisms are present in ^ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Urea uptake system(s) are repressed by ammonium and they can be induced by urea or acetamide in ammonium-starved vegetative cells. Urea transport ability of the alga is altered during the sexual life cycle. Unlike vegetative cells, mature gametes showed a low urea uptake. Incubation of gametes with urea or acetamide resulted in the increasing of urea uptake ability and the regaining of chemotactic activity. The data suggest a tight coupling between changes in chemotaxis towards ammonium and restoration of transport/metabolism of urea. We assume that urea and acetamide serve as sources of ammonium to regulate the program of de-differentiation of gametes that involves the alteration in mating ability and chemotactic activity as integral parts. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (07- 04-00277).УДК 579.66.663^ МИКРОБНАЯ КОНВЕРСИЯ ОРГАНИЧЕСКОГО СЫРЬЯ И ОТХОДОВ В ВОДОРОД И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ МЕМБРАН ДЛЯ ГАЗОРАЗДЕЛЕНИЯАбрамов С.М., Садраддинова Э.Р., Шестаков А.И., Нетрусов А.И.119991, Москва ГСП-1, Ленгоры, МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова, биологический факультет, кафедра микробиологии, лаборатория микробной биотехнологии^ MICROBIAL CONVERSION OF ORGANIC RAW MATERIALS AND WASTE IN TO HYDROGEN AND USE OF MEMBRANES FOR GAS SEPARATION Abramov S., Sadraddinova E., Shestakov A., Netrusov A. Работа поддержана грантом Европейского Союза «HYVOLUTION» В настоящее время крайне актуальной является проблема экологически безопасной и экономически эффективной конверсии органических отходов. Вместе с тем органические отходы потенциально могут быть переработаны в биоводород. Нами проведен скрининг микробных сообществ, выделенных из природных ниш, в которых происходит процесс разложения целлюлозы (активный ил, почва, водоёмы), а также симбионты кишечного тракта животных и насекомых. Было получено более двух десятков микробных целлюлозолитических сообществ. В качестве субстрата для микробной конверсии использовали бумагу, микрокристаллическую целлюлозу, опилки фруктовых деревьев, сено, отруби. Культивирование проводили при температурах 60°С и 70°С. Максимальная скорость переработки целлюлозы была отмечена у симбиотического сообщества кишечника коровы, при 60°С. Количество полученного водорода составило 51,61 мМ/л среды за 168 часов культивирования. Известно, что высокая концентрация водорода ингибирует ферменты, ответственные за его выделение. Эту проблему решили с помощью полимерных газоразделительных мембран, которые использовали для отведения водорода из ферментационной смеси. При этом максимальное выделение водорода достигло 68 мМ/л в час. Таким образом, показана возможность микробной конверсии целлюлозосодержащих отходов в водород и увеличение продукции водорода за счёт применения мембранных технологий.УДК 004.942 ^ МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЯ РАДИОНУКЛИДОВ В ВОДНЫХ СИСТЕМАХБахвалов Л. А., проф., д.т.н., Могирев А. М., магистрКафедра "Автоматизированные системы управления", Московский государственный горный университет, 119991, ГСП-1, Москва, Ленинский пр., д.6, каф. АСУ, skm_ml@list.ru^ MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF DISTRIBUTION RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS IN WATER SYSTEMS Dr. Bahvalov Lion, Mogirev Alexander, Moscow State mining University В связи с тем, что прямые эксперименты с природными экосистемами затруднены и часто недопустимы, имитационное моделирование является одним из наиболее перспективных методов прогнозирования распространения и воздействия радионуклидов на водные экосистемы при разработке урановых месторождений. Точные расчеты математических моделей в пространстве и во времени в большинстве случаев невозможны из-за громоздкости или отсутствия аналитического решения уравнения Навье-Стокса и уравнения диффузии, описывающих распределение концентрации расчетного ингредиента в водоеме. Кроме того, число возможных вариантов, как правило, во много раз превышает число реально существующих объектов. Повышение мощности вычислительных средств создало предпосылки для детализации рассмотрения изучаемых процессов и включения факторов, не учитываемых в предыдущих моделях. Использование высокопроизводительного компьютера позволит интегрировать несколько моделей распространения радионуклидов в различных типах экосистем, что необходимо для точного прогноза загрязнения, связанного с разработкой урановорудных месторождений. В работе предложена и исследована имитационная модель распростран^ ЛИПОПОЛИСАХАРИДы АЗОСПИРИЛЛ СЕРОГРУППЫ i: СТРУКТУРно-ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА Бойко А.С., Фомина А.А.*, Смолькина О.Н., Федоненко Ю.П., Коннова С.А..* *Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, Саратов, 410012 Астраханская, 83, fomina-aa@mail.ru; Институт биохимии и физиологии растений и микроорганизмов РАН, Саратов^ LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF azospirillum SEROGROUP I: STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION Boiko A.S., Fomina A.А.*, Smolkina O.N., Fedonenko Yu.P., Konnova S.A.* Показано, что A. brasilense Sp245, Sp107, S27 и A. lipoferum RG20a имеют идентичные пента-D-рамнановые повторяющееся звенья в структуре О-специфических полисахаридов (ОПС), а A. brasilense SR15 – тетра-D-рамнановое звено. ЛПС (125 мкг/мл) этих бактерий при инкубации с 2-х суточными корнями проростков пшеницы индуцируют различные изменения морфологии корневых волосков. В экспериментах in vitro установлено, что 1 мкг/мл ЛПСSp245 активирует процесс фагоцитоза, продукцию провоспалительных цитокинов ИЛ-1, ИЛ-8 и ФНО- клетками цельной крови человека и проявляет митогенную активность на уровне классического эндотоксина ЛПС Escherichia coli О55:В5. Получены приоритетные данные о важной роли ЛПС в коммуникации диазотрофных ризобактерий рода Azospirillum с организмами различных уровней организации.Работа выполнена при частичной финансовой поддержке грантов РФФИ (проект 08-04-00669) и Президента РФ (НШ-3171.2008.4).^ КРИТИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ДЕЙСТВУЮЩИХ НОРМАТИВОВ КАЧЕСТВА ПРЕСНЫХ ВОДБрусиловский С.А. THE CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF WORKING STANDARDS OF FRESH WATER QUALITY Brusilovskij S.A. Анализ различных нормативов качества природных вод показывает, что в настоящее время состояние нормативно-методических материалов не соответствует требованиям практики, не имеет удовлетворительного научного обоснования, отсутствует регламентируемая иерархия приоритетных показателей качества воды, принятая в различных странах и необходимая в связи с ростом числа таких показателей (Брусиловский С.А., 2007). Не отражены в нормативах требования, касающиеся минимально необходимых концентраций биологически активных элементов (исключение – фторидные ионы). Явно недостоверны значения ПДК, на порядки отличающиеся для одного и того же элемента при отсутствии прочных комплексов и металлоорганических соединений. Большие сомнения вызывает отнесение различных вредных веществ к определенным классам опасности. Диапазон соотношений рыбохозяйственных и санитарно-токсикологических ПДК превышает 4 порядка – от 50 для бензола до 0,001 мг/л для меди. Сопоставление принятых в России значений ПДК с аналогичными нормативами других стран показывает, что по многим компонентам первые значительно выше, иногда на порядки. Сопоставление данных по биотестированию и аналитических показало, что в зависимости от используемых организмов благоприятный результат (отсутствие токсичности) может быть получен при превышении ПДК на порядки. Ряд вопросов возникает и при анализе оценки качества воды по микробиологическим показателям. Не подтверждается связь между колифагами и энтеровирусами. Перспективным является поиск суммарных показателей токсичности, интегрирующих вредность отдельных компонентов, а также ряд других направлений в развитии контроля качества воды [1-3]. 1.Брусиловский С.А. Качество питьевых природных вод: критерии,

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! План реферата Краткий список разделов, отражающий структура и порядок работы над будующим рефератом.
! Введение реферата Вводная часть работы, в которой отражается цель и обозначается список задач.
! Заключение реферата В заключении подводятся итоги, описывается была ли достигнута поставленная цель, каковы результаты.
! Оформление рефератов Методические рекомендации по грамотному оформлению работы по ГОСТ.

Читайте также:
Виды рефератов Какими бывают рефераты по своему назначению и структуре.

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