Реферат по предмету "Иностранный язык"

Basic English

Lesson 1
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian
What Is A Computer Language?
Instructing a computer is done with a computerlanguage. A computer language is a set of words, symbols, and commands that acomputer can ‘understand’. Computer languages are not spoken to the computer(except in some experimental systems with limited vocabularies). Instead, youtype a computer language on the keyboard. The computer then translates what youtyped into electrical impulses that represent 0’s and 1’s-the form in which thecomputer can understand and carry out your instructions. To translate yourinstructions, the computer needs a language processor that is either built-ininto the computer itself or loaded into the computer from a disk. The languageprocessor acts somewhat like a human interpreter who listen to someone speakingEnglish and tells you what the words mean in Ukrainian. It does thetranslating.
There many different computer languages. You mayhave heard of BASIC, Pascal, Logo, FORTRAN, COBOL, and others. For yourcomputer to understand one of these languages, it needs a translator for thatlanguage.
Why are there different computer languages? Thereason for this is that different languages work well for different kinds oftasks.
Programming languages allow people to communicatewith computers. Once a job has been identified, the programmer must translate,or code it into a list of instructions for a computer. A computer program for agiven task may be written in several different languages. Depending on thetask, a programmer will generally pick a language that will involve the leastcomplicated program. It may also be important to the programmer to pick thelanguage that is flexible and widely compatible if the program will have arange of applications. C and BASIC or commonly used programming languages.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian
Instructing a computer, a set of words, experimentalsystems, limited vocabularies, electrical impulses, to carry out instructions, loadedfrom a disk, human interpreter, to communicate with the computer, depending ona task, the least complicated program, flexible, widely compatible, a range ofapplications.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences
1. Cathy can’t come to the phone becauseshe (wash) her hair. 2. Ann (wash) her hair every other day or so. 3. Cathy(sit, usually) in the front row during class, but today she (sit) in the lastrow. 4. Please, be quiet. I (try) to concentrate. 5. (You, always, lock) yourapartment when you leave? 6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’tanswered to my letter yet. I (still, wait) for reply. 7. After three days ofrain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) again today. 8. Every morning, the sun(shine) in the window and (wake) me up. 9. Look! It (snow). –It’s beautiful!This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It (not, snow) in my country. 10.Mike is a student, but he (go, not) to school right now because it’s summer.
4. Which form of Past simple or PastContinuous is correct in the following sentences
1. (You, go out) last night or (be) youtired? 2. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces o music. 3. What (you, do) when Icalled? 4. My father (teach) me driving when our cousin (come). 5. We couldn’tafford to keep our car, so we (sell) it. 6. While I (read), Josh (play) thepiano. 7. I was very thirsty. I (drink) the water very quickly.
5. Try to remember the most frequently usedexpressions with the verb ‘to be’ and sentences with them:
To be absent бути відсутнім
To be afraidбоятися
To be angry withсердитисяна
To be away бутиу від’їзді
To be back повертатися
To be pleased withбутизадоволеним
To be displeased withбутинезадоволеним
To be fond ofлюбити
To be frightenedлякатися
To be glad бутизадоволеним
To be hungryбутиголодним
To be ill (sick)бутихворим
To be in (out)бутиприсутнім (відсутнім)
To be in a hurry (for)поспішати
To be in high spiritsбутив хорошому настрої
To be in low spirits бутив поганому настрої
To be interested inцікавитися
To be late (for)запізнюватися
To be … minutes fastпоспішатина … хвилин
To be … minutes slowзапізнюватисьна … хвилин
Lesson 2
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Structured languages
You’ve already learned something about the BASIClanguage. You will probably go on someday to learn other programming languagesas well. Different languages are designed for different purposes. BASIC is anall-purpose language, meaning that you can do almost everything in BASIC. Butsome things will be rather hard to do in BASIC. For example, although you haveseen how to write programs with a top-down structure in BASIC, other languagesmake it easier to write such structured or modular programs.
Logo is a structured language that is often taughtin schools and is available for many microcomputers. You may be familiar withLogo because many schools use it to do ‘turtle graphics’. ‘A turtle is a cursoron the screen. It’s called a turtle because it is often shaped like one. Youcan tell the turtle to move left, right, up, down, or turn a certain number ofdegrees. You can see the turtle move on the screen. The turtle can also draw onthe screen. If you tell it to put its pen down, it traces a line as it moves,or it can pick up the pen and not draw a line. (There are also mechanicalturtles that move on the floor).
Logo is the language that can help you to writestructured programs. For example, in Logo you can tell a turtle to carry out aset of commands that draws a rectangle on the screen. Then you can call a setof commands ‘box’. Each time you tell the turtle to ‘do box’, it will draw therectangle. ‘Box’ has become a module of a program. You can create a wholeseries of routines that draw different shapes or parts of pictures. Then youcan combine them all in one statement and call the whole thing ‘house’. Thenyou can make ‘house’ part of another routine, and so on. Your whole program canconsist of series of statements defining different routines and then a fewstatements calling theses routines in the correct order.
Logo doesn’t just do turtle graphics, it is acomplete language. But whether you use the language t draw a house or computecomplex mathematical functions, the modular structure of the language is thesame.
Pascal is also astructured language. Pascal has some features that make structured programmingeasier. For example, it allows you to indent the statements in a loop so thatyou can see the beginning and the end of each loop. Pascal also has certainrequirements that make you plan your program carefully. For example, yourequires you to define all your variables before you begin.
One Disadvantage of Pascal is that it is often acompiled language. A compiled language is one that must be translated by acompiler into code that the computer can understand before the program can berun.
2. Translate the following words and word-combinationsinto Ukrainian:
To design for different purposes, all-purposelanguage, to be rather hard, top-down structure, modular programs, to beavailable, to trace a line, a set of commands, whole series of routine, tocombine, in the correct order, to intend the statement, disadvantage.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. He (attend) college from September tomay every year, but in summers he (usually, have) a job at the post office. Infact, he (work) there this summer. 2. I (think) about the grammar. 3. I (have)trouble. 4. She (have) a good time. 5. The chef (taste) the sauce. 6. Don(smell) the roses. 7. The doctor (see) a patient. 8. Sue (feel) the cat’s fur.9. I (look) out of the window. 10. The grocer (weigh) the bananas.
4. Translate into English:
1. – Ти ходив куди-небудь учора ввечері? –Ні, я залишився вдома. 2. Коли Нік їздив у Лондон? 3. Чайковський написавбагато опер. 4. Що ти робив, коли я зателефонував тобі? 5. Мій батько вчив меневодити автомобіль, коли почався дощ. 6. Ми не змогли дозволити собі утримуватинашу машину, тому продали її. 7. У той час, коли я читав, Джон грав на піаніно.
5. Readand translate the dialogue and use it in your own speech:
Work for the Future
You may become the bookkeeper after graduating fromthe technological college and work at the industrial enterprises, banks,churches, hospital, political parties, retail stores, and a wide variety ofother organizations. The students of the department ‘Accounting’ studyfollowing subjects: bookkeeping, computer studies, marketing, foreignlanguages, statistics, managements and others.
The bookkeeper has to know organization ofindustrial management, cost-accounting and audit. High-qualified book-keepermust work quickly and accurately with figures and data and concentrate ondetails.
Beginners handle routine transactions. After gainingmore experience, they are given responsibilities involving payrolls and otherrecords. Good bookkeepers have opportunities to advance to jobs on a higherlevel and, with additional training, to move into accounting departments. Manyskilled, experienced bookkeepers hold positions in management.
More and more organizations depend on computers andother machines in the operation of their bookkeeping systems. Therefore,beginning bookkeepers should have a basic knowledge of data processing and knowhow to operate various office machines. People in this field must continuallykeep their skills up to date as employers use increasingly complex equipment tohandle all aspects of bookkeeping.
The students are taught by highly-qualified stuff ofteachers. Theoretical and practical training on enterprises is combined withscientific work. They operate modern equipment, read scientific literaturewhich deals with their specialty. All these help to turn a student into ahighly-skilled bookkeeper, ready for independent work.
6. Try to remember the most frequently usedexpressions with the verb ‘to be’ and sentences with them:
To be in two minds сумніватися
To be of importanceматизначення
To be of interestпредставлятиінтерес
To beon іти(про спектакль, фільм)
To be on dutyбутичерговим
To be over закінчуватись
To be present (at)бутиприсутнім
To be ready (for)бутиготовим (до)
To be responsible (for)бутивідповідальним (за)
To be right бутиправим
To be sorry forшкодувати(про)
To be sure (of)бутивпевненим (в)
To be surprised (at)здивуватися
To be thirstyхотітипити
To be tired (of)бутистомленим
To be through (with)закінчити(щось)
To be under constructionбудуватися
To be under considerationрозглядатися
To be under discussionобговорюватися
To be under wayвідбуватися
To be up закінчитися
To be upset бутизасмученим
To be worriedхвилюватися
To be wrong помилятися
Lesson 3
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Languages for Other Tasks
Some languages are very well suited to tasks thatare hard to do in BASIC. For example, FORTRAN is a language that is verysimilar to BASIC, but it is better for scientific applications. FORTRANcontains commands that make it easier to do engineering problems and usemathematics for solving scientific problems. It allows the programmer toprogram mathematical formulas more easily than does BASIC. FORTRAN is availablefor some microcomputers.
COBOL is a language that was developed mainly forlarge computers and may be available on a few microcomputers. It is designedfor business uses and is particularly good for report writing. It makes it easyto set up very complicated reports with rows and columns, and to print these ona screen or a printer.
Assembly language
The language described so far are called high-levellanguages because they are far removed from the low-level machine languagebinary command that the computer can understand directly. Many students whobegin with BASIC go on to learn to write assembly-language programs. Assemblylanguage is not a high-level language. It is much closer to the machinelanguage of the computer.
In assembly language you work with what you mightthink of as building blocks to create your program. Because you can use theseblocks in many ways, you can create commands that don’t exist in BASIC. You canalso control the computer directly and control external peripherals like homesecurity systems through the computer. A program that is written in an assemblylanguage also runs much faster than a program that is written in BASIC becauseit does not need to be interpreted like BASIC.
Assembly language can also be used to write programsthat will run on several different computers. Any computer with the samecomputer chip will use the same assembly language.
Unfortunately, assembly language is very difficultto use. It takes much longer to write a program in assembly language than itdoes in any high-level language. Assembly language is not a structuredlanguage, so it is very difficult for someone else to understand your programs.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
To be suited to tasks; scientific applications; commands;to do engineering problems; scientific problems; to be available; complicatedreports; on a screen; assembly language; security systems.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. Sometimes Tom (be) foolish. 2. I can’tafford that ring. It (cost) too much. 3. Look. It (begin) to rain.Unfortunately, I (not, have) my umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He (wear) araincoat. 4. There’s a book on my desk, but it (not belong) to me. 5. Who isthat woman who (stand) next to the window?-Which woman? (You, talk) about thewoman who (wear) the blue and gold dress? –No, I (talk, not) about her. I(mean) the woman who (wear) the blue suit. –Oh, I (not, know) her.
4. Translate into English:
1. Зараз я сиджу в класі. Вчора в цей час ячитав детектив. 2. Я не слухав учителя, тому пропустив те, що він сказав. 3.Вони не запросили Сью на вечірку, тому вона і не прийшла. 4. – У тебе вчора бувчас написати листа? – Ні, не було. 5. Коли я відкрив посилку, то виявив тамсюрприз. 6. Я не чув грозу, тому що спав. 7. Я не хотів нікуди йти, тому щойшов дощ. 8. Коли я прокинувся, яскраво світило сонце та співали пташки.
5. Readand translate the dialogue and use it in your own speech:
A Bus Ride
Charles:Now come along, James. I’m going to take you for a bus-ride through London.Cheap and instructive.
James: Good idea.
Ch: We’ll go on top.You see more. In the good old days the top of the bus was open. Still, we cansee a good deal.
Conductor:Fares, please.
Ch: What’s the fair toVictoria Station?
Conductor:Four pence, please.
Ch: Now we’re going overLondon Bridge. Look, James, there’s a ‘Pool’. Fascinating place, with all theshipping.
J: Yes, I remember that.
Ch: And there’s theMonument. It was erected…
J: In memory of the GreatFire, which started in Fish Street in 17th century.
Ch: You know too much.Look, there’s the Bank… Passing along Cannon Street, we reach St. Paul’s…
J: Erected by sirChristopher Wren after the Great Fire. That’s the Temple, isn’t it?
Ch: Yes, where thelawyers live. Now the bus makes a spurt and we arrive at Trafalgar Square-theNational Gallery-finest collection of pictures in Europe.
J: Want to get out?
Ch: No, thank you. Overthere is the Haymarket, leading to the theater land and Shaftsbury Avenue,Piccadilly Circus and the shopping district.
J: My turn. On the left,the House of Parliament, containing the House of Lords and the House ofCommons…
Ch: And WestminsterAbbey, begun by Edward the Confessor. When?
J: I’ve no idea.
Ch: I do like a bus-ridewith the intelligent guide! Victoria Street.
J: Nothing much to sayhere.
Ch: Look at all thepeople leaving the continent. Biggest station.
J: You’re wrong here.Leipzig is bigger.
6. Try to remember the most frequently usedexpressions with the verb ‘to have’ and sentences with them:
To have breakfast снідати
To have lunchснідатидругий раз
To have dinnerобідати
To have supperвечеряти
To have coffee (tea)питикаву (чай)
To have soup (beefsteak, salad)їстисуп (біфштекс, салат)
To have a snackперекусити
To have a drinkвипити
To have a smokeпокурити
To have a (good, nice, high) time(добре,чудово) провести час
To have a thin timeматинеприємності
To have a quarrelпосваритися
To have a rowпоскандалити
To have a talkпоговорити
To have a walkпрогулятисяпішки
To have a look atподивитисьна
To have a bathприйнятиванну
To have a showerприйнятидуш
To have a restвідпочити
To have a break (time-out)зробитиперерву
To have a rough timeтерпітиважкі часи
To have a mealпоїсти

Lesson 4
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Computer Trespassing
Breaking into a computer system (using it when youdon’t have the permission) is a crime. It s called computer trespassing.
People break into computer systems for many reasons.They might do it to find our private records, to change or destroy information,to steal money or goods, or simply to show they know how to do it.
Computer trespassing is a serious problem. Importantinformation ranging from medical records to top secret military information isoften stored in computer systems. If someone changes, destroys, or steals theinformation, he or she might cause a serious damage. For example, trespasser ina hospital computer system might endanger a patient’s health by changing his orher medical records. In a case of a government computer system, a computertrespasser might threaten national security by stealing military information. Atrespasser in a bank’s computer system might steal millions of dollars.
How can we prevent computer trespassing? One way toprevent information stored in computer systems is to use passwords or numbercodes. The words or codes are programmed into the computer system. The systemwill admit only those people who enter the correct code. An alarm alerts asecurity guard if someone enters an incorrect code more than once.
The computer systems use cryptography (secretwriting) to protect information. Such systems store information in the computerin coded or scrambled form. F you don’t know how to scramble the information,it is meaningless.
Federal and state laws also protect informationstored in computer systems. One federal law prohibits people from using acomputer system without permission. It also prohibits the use of a computersystem: (1) to steal money or goods worth 5000$ or more; (2) to use, change,destroy, or reveal restricted information in government files; (3) to obtainfinancial information and credit records that are protected by other federallaws.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Computer system; computer trespassing; change ordestroy information; secret military information; serious damage; threatennational security; use passwords; to protect information; meaningless; federallaws.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. I’m tired. I (go) to bed now. Goodnight! 2. We can go out now. It (rain) any more. 3. How is your new job? Not sogood at the moment. I (not, enjoy) it very much. 4. Nick phoned me last night.He’s on holiday in France. He (have) a great time and doesn’t want to comeback. 5. I want to lose weight, so this week I (not, eat) lunch. 6. Ruth hasjust started evening classes. She (learn) Italian. 7. The population of theworld (rise) very fast. 8. Josh is still ill but he (get) better slowly. 9. Theworld (changed). Things never stay the same. 10. The cost of living (increase).Every year things are more expensive.
4. Find out which form Past Simple or PastPerfect is correct in the following sentences:
1. He (be) a reporter before he (become) awriter. 2. She (feel) a bit better after she (take) the medicine. 3. Jean waslate. The teacher (already, give) the problem, when she (get) to class. 4. Theweather was awful, but by the time film (be over), the rain (stop). 5. They gothome late. The children (already, fall asleep). 6. You were at your mother’splace at 10 o’clock. Where (you, be) before that? 7. Yesterday she (go) to thedentist. 8. I (never, see) any of Rembrandt’s paintings before I (visit) theart gallery. 9. They almost (miss) their plane. By the time they (get) to theairport all the passengers (already, board). 10. Yesterday at the library I(see) my old friend Jack. I (not, see) him for many years. At first, I (not,recognize) because he (lose) almost half of his weight.
5. Readand translate the dialogue and use it in your own speech:
At the Customs
Customs officer:Good afternoon. Will you show me your passport?
Tourist:Certainly. Here you are.
CO: All right. Have yougot anything to declare?
T: Yes, I have.
CO: What have yougot?
T: I’ve got some wineand some cigarettes.
CO: How much wine haveyou got?
T: Two bottles.
CO: That’s all right. Andhow many cigarettes have you got?
T: Two hundred.
CO: O.K. What elsehave you got?
T: A camera and twowatches.
CO: Good. What aboutperfumes?
T: No, I haven’t gotany.
CO: Have you gotanything of gold or silver?
T: I’ve got a gold watchwith a gold bracelet and a set of silver spoons.
CO: What else?
T: Er… Nothing more.
CO: Now, open yourcase, please.
T: Pardon?
CO: Open your case,please… Oh, look at what you’ve got! Four bottles of wine, three cameras, sixgold watches, ten gold bracelets, five sets of silver spoons and a lot ofperfumes!
T: Oh!
6. Language work: Ask questions in Englishto the sentences:
a)  They can build such a house.
Вониможуть побудувати такий дім?- Так, можуть.
Щови можете побудувати?
Виможете побудувати такий дім, чи не так?
Хібави не можете побудувати такий дім?
Щови можете зробити?
b) You could inform us in advance.
Вимогли проінформувати нас заздалегідь, чи не так? – Я міг.
Хібавони не могли проінформувати нас раніше?
Хтоміг проінформувати нас раніше?
Коливи могли нас проінформувати?
c) She must apply for the job as soon aspossible.
Вонаповинна подати заяву на цю роботу? – Так.
Щовона повинна зробити якомога скоріше?
Коливона повинна подати заяву на цю роботу?
Хібавона не повинна подати заяву на цю роботу?
d) They often have to work overtime.
Їмдоводиться часто працювати понаднормово? – Так.
Якбагато їм доводиться працювати?
Їмчасто доводиться працювати понаднормово, чи не так?
Хібаїм не доводиться працювати часто понаднормово?
Lesson 5
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
What Equipment Is Required?
To run word-processing software, you must, ofcourse, have a computer. If the computer does not come with a display screen,you will need a separate screen. Most word-processing software comes on disks,so a disk drive is required. It’s also good to have a couple of blank disks, incase you want to save something that you have written. And if you want to putwhat you’ve written on paper, you’ll need a printer.
How does word-processing software work?
Word-processing software works like any othercomputer program-you simply load the program into your computer. Then you typeon the computer keyboard just as you would type on a typewriter.
As you type, the words appear on the screen. Hewords that you type are also stored in the computer’s memory, so you can saveyour writing on a disk and work on it later, just as you can save a computerprogram on a disk and run or change it later. I you have a printer, you canprint your writing on paper on much the same way that you print the output fromthe computer on a paper. In fact, you can print as many copies of your work asyou like without having to retype it.
How to use a word-processing program
You’re probably thinking, ‘Word-processing softwaresounds great, but how do I use it?’ There are many answers to that question,because there are many different word-processing programs available. How youoperate a program depends on which program you are using. Before you use aword-processing program, you should read the documentation carefully in orderto determine exactly what that particular program does and exactly what youhave to do to run it. Most word-processing programs perform the same basicfunctions.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Word-processing software; separate screen; blankdisks; load the program; computer keyboard; retype it; sounds great; programsavailable; read the documentation; particular program.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. I (study) English at Glasgow University.2. I’m on holiday at the moment and I (work) in a public library, I’m lucky tohave this job. I (not get up) early. 3. The library (open) at 10 and (close) at7. 4. It’s an interesting work because people (always, come in) and (ask) me tohelp them, so I (learn) a lot about different subjects. 5. I (enjoy) the joband (find) it very amusing, too. 6. People (use) the strangest things asbookmarks. 7. My colleagues (always, find) various things –even a 10 note, butI haven’t been so lucky. 8. I often (think) of a photo of a beautiful girlwhich I found. On the back there were the words, ‘I (love) you. I (miss) youand I’ll never forget you.’ 9. Young people (become) more and more awarepolitically these days. 10. She (drive) to te country at weekends.
4. Find out which form Past Simple or PastPerfect is correct in the following sentences:
1. Thomas wasn’t at the party last night.He (arrange) to do something else. 2. Last year we (go) to France. We (never,be) in this country before. 3. Jack went to Jill’s house but she wasn’t in. She(go out). 4. Andrew didn’t want to go to the cinema because he (already, see)the film. 5. I didn’t know that man. I (never, see) him before. 6. When Iphoned Colin (just, get) home. He (be) in Paris. 7. They weren’t hungry. They(just, have) dinner.
5. Readand translate the dialogue and use it in your own speech:
City Transport. Travelling in the City.
Mr. Black’s friend Rodney Williams is in hospital.He fell and broke his leg. Mr. Black decided to call on him after classes, buthe doesn’t know exactly where St. James hospital; is located. He is asking apasser-by the way.
Mr. Black:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to St. James hospital? I know it’ssomewhere over here.
Passer-by:Yes, sure. Go down this street four blocks straight ahead. You’ll see a churchat the corner. Turn left at the traffic lights.
B: Is it far from thechurch?
P: Not very far. Youshould go straight and then take the second turn to the right. There is asupermarket there. You can’t miss it. You won’t get lost.
B: Thanks a lot. Isthere a bus?
P: No. There is a tram.But you’d better go there on foot. All the trams are packed. It’s rush-hour.
B: Thank you. I’ll takeyour advice. I can get on a tram on my way back. Is there a tram going to thecenter from there?
P: Sure. It’s a numberthree tram. The stop is just in front of the hospital entrance. It’ll take aquarter of an hour to get to the center from there.
B: Thank you. You’ve beenextremely helpful.
P: No thanks at all!
B: Good luck.
6. Language work: Ask questions in Englishto the sentences:
a) Jane has to tidy the flat every day.
Джейндоводиться прибирати квартиру щодня?
Якчасто їй доводиться прибирати квартиру?
Щоїй доводиться робити щодня?
Їйдоводиться прибирати квартиру щодня, чи не так?
b) I had to phone him once again.
Вамдовелось подзвонити йому ще раз?
Щовам довелось робити?
Вамдовелось подзвонити йому ще раз, чи не так?
Хібавам не довелось подзвонити йому ще раз?
c) They have got to correspond with manyforeign firms.
Вониповинні переписуватись з багатьма іноземними фірмами?
Комудоводиться переписуватись з багатьма фірмами?
Зким їм доводиться переписуватись?
Хібаїм не доводиться переписуватись з багатьма фірмами?
d) I’ll have to change my plans.
Вамдоведеться змінити плани.
Щовам доведеться зробити?
Вамдоведеться змінити плани, чи не так?
Хібавам не доведеться змінити плани?
Lesson 6
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Formatting a Document
Before you print your document, you can choose howyou want it to look on a paper. This is called a formatting. Someword-processing programs ask you to do this before you start writing. Otherswait until you are ready to print your document and then give you a list ofchoices. The instructions that you use to tell the computer how to print yourdocument are called formatting commands.
What are some of the choices that you have forformatting text? Most word-processing programs allow you to adjust the linespacing on your document. That means that you can select the amount of emptyspace between printed lines. You can print your document using eithersingle-spaced or double-spaced text.
Some word-processing programs have a formattingcommand that prints justified lines. Justified lines form straight margins onboth sides of paper.
Printing a document
Your word processor and printer work together tocarry out formatting commands. Some printers are capable o performing moreformatting functions than others. For example, your word-processing program mayallow you to print italic type, but if your printer can’t produce italic type,the command is useless. The reverse is also true. A printer can’t produceitalic type if it’s hooked up to word-processing program that won’t allow it.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
How you want it to look; formatting; start writing;a list of choices; formatting commands; word-processing programs; select theamount; printed lines; justified lines; formatting functions.
3. Translate the following sentences intoEnglish:
1. Будь ласка, не гомоніть так голосно. Янамагаюся зосередитися. 2. Мої друзі будують дім. Я намагаюся допомогти їм.3.-Джон працює цього тижня, — Ні, він у відпустці. 4. Ідемо на вулицю. Дощ ужеприпинився. 5. Вам сподобалася ця вечірка? 6. – Де Кріс? – Він приймає ванну.7. – Ти сьогодні так напружено працюєш. – Так, у мене багато роботи. 8.Зазвичай я слухаю музику вечорами. 9. Він постійно губить свої окуляри. 10. Щоти робиш? 11. Я вважаю, він добра людина. 12. У нього є машина. 13. Він грає втеніс тричі на тиждень. 14. Ті квіти гарно пахнуть. 15. Я бачу метелика. А тибачиш його?
4. Find out which form Past Simple or PastPerfect is correct in the following sentences:
1.  By the time we got to the cinema thefilm (already, begin). 2. Yesterday I (see) Tom. I (not, see) him for sixyears. 3. I felt very tired when I got home, so I (go) straight to bed. 4. Thehouse was quiet when they came. All children (go) to bed. 5. Sorry, I am late.My car (break down) on my way here. 6. I (try) to phone Ann in the morning, butshe (already, go out). 7. I (meet) Jim two days ago. He (just, come back) fromholiday. 8. After we (discuss) it on the phone, I (write) him a letter aboutit.
5. Readand translate the dialogue and use it in your own speech:
Mass Media
A Serious Discussion
-Don’t you think advertisements sometimes causepeople to buy things they don’t need? Those who write them are so clever! Theypersuade us to buy a new washing machine or a new fridge to keep up with theneighbors.
-You are quite right. Some advertisers do make useof social snobbery. But they mustn’t be blamed for that. I’ve known peoplewho’ve bought a thing just because they’ve seen that their neighbors have one.
-You know I never buy widely advertised brands. Theyare more expensive. Goods could be much cheaper if the advertising costs werecut down.
-I’m not sure that’s always true. Advertisingresults in higher sales and the manufacturers may be able to use massproduction. That usually means lower prices and cheaper goods.
-Won’t there be mass production anyway if thearticle is something that everybody needs?
-Cars are mass produced. Still the car manufacturersspend millions on advertising.
-That’s because there’s so much competition. Ifthere were only one company producing cars, advertising would be unnecessaryand the cost could be saved.
-That raises quite a different question-whether thecompetition serves any useful purpose. We’d better not start discussing that.
6. Language work: Say the sentences using canor could in requests. Use the words given bellow. Translatethe sentences:
1) Lend lift ask come bringborrow name cope give trim put out explain give let borrow collect ask carry dofix
1. …you… my luggage, please?
2. …you… me a favor?
3. …you…yourcigarette, please?
4. …you…me this question again, please?
5. …you…me some money?
6. …you… to me how to fill in this form,please?
7. …you…me have a day of tomorrow, please?
8. …you…my dress from the cleaner’s?
9. ...youjust…my hair at the back?
10. …I… a book to read?
11. …you…for lunch on Saturday?
12. …I…your calculator – I left mine athome.
13. …you… the door?
14. …I…my dog? She’s well-behaved.
15. …you… me some advice?
16. …you… the next patient to come in,please?
17. …you… me a description of your attacker?
18. …your hospitals… with major obstacleslike a train crash?
19. …you… the actress who starred in ‘Gonewith the wind’?
20. …you… this box?
2) Say the sentences in English using canor could after the verbs of perception: see (in themeaning of understand), hear, understand, feel, taste, smell.
1. Том не бачить нічого без окулярів.
2. Я не пам’ятаю,скільки це коштує.
3. Я чула, що вона сперечалася, розмовляючиз кимось по телефону.
4. Ти не розумієш цей фільм, тому що ти недостатньо дорослий.
5. Ми чули кроки в коридорі.
6. Я розумію, чому він не подобається людям.
7. Я відчуваю цвях в черевику.
8. Я відчуваю, щось горить.
9. Ти відчуваєш щось дивне в цьому супі?
10. Якщо ви сильно застудились, ви нічого невідчуваєте на смак.
Lesson 7
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Special Word-Processing Features
Most word-processing programs allow to create, edit,format, print, and save document. Some of them also allow you to perform morecomplex functions. The following are two examples of the sophisticated featuresthat some programs have.
Spelling Checkers
Some word-processing programs come with a spellingchecker. A spelling checker works with a word-processing program to findmisspelled words in your document. It does this by matching each word in yourdocument with a list of words that have been programmed into its memory. Thislist is usually called a dictionary, but the name is misleading. Spellingcheckers have no way of knowing what a word means. Their ‘dictionaries’ aresimply lists of properly spelled words.
When a spelling checker finds a word that does notmatch any of the words in its dictionary, it displays this word. Then youdecide whether to change it or, if it is spelled correctly, add it to thespelling checker’s dictionary. This is often necessary, since the dictionarydoes not contain every word you will want to use. Unusual words, technicalterms, and proper names will usually need to be added to the dictionary.
While a spelling checker can help you with yourwriting, it is not a substitute for good language skills. Because it onlymatches combinations of letters, a spelling checker cannot determine whetheryou are using words correctly. For example if you use too in a sentencethat requires two, a spelling checker will not detect the error because toois spelled correctly.
If you are typing the sentence ‘I wish I were at thebeach’ and you make a mistake and type ‘I fish I were at the beach’, thespelling checker will not detect the error, since fish is properly spelled.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
To create; save document; complex functions;sophisticated; spelling checker; misleading; properly spelled words; spelledcorrectly; technical terms; substitute.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Perfect are correct in the following sentences:
1. I (not, attend) any parties since I camehere. 2. Try not to be absent from class again for the term. You (already,miss) too many classes. You (miss) two classes just last week. 3. LastDecember, I (see) snow for the first time in my life. 4. In her whole lifetime, Anna (never, see) snow. 5. I (know) Nick for ten years. 6. So far this weekI (have) a quiz and two tests. 7. Up to now, Professor Higgins (give) our classfive tests. 8. What (lean, you) since you (come) here? 9. How many new friends(you, make)? 10. I hope you (already, meet) a lot of interesting people.
4. Find out which form Past Simple or PastPerfect is correct in the following sentences:
1. They (look) the gates before I (get)there. 2. By the time we (arrive) to the party, it (finish). 3. I (ring) at theshop as soon as I (check) the contents of the box. 4. We (have) a good restwhen our guests all (leave). 5. When he (ring) to the office this morning, Ann(already, leave). 6. We’ve had to wait two hours at the airport because the badweather (delay) all the flights. 7. They missed their train, so by the timethey reached the theater, the play (end) and they (leave) the theater. 8. Atthe end of their meal they found that they couldn’t pay the bill because they(not, bring) money with them. 9. When I came out of the cinema I (find) that athief (take) my car radio. 10. When a film star came into the restaurant I(not, recognize) her because I (not see) any of her films.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Ukraine is situated in the east of the Europeancontinent. It is bordered by the Black sea and the Sea of Azov. The total areaof Ukraine is 603,700 square kilometers. The country is known for its mildclimate and attractive scenery, with numerous lakes, rivers, the forestedCarpathian mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the South.
Ukraine is rich in mineral resources such as ironore, manganese ore and coal. Agriculture is also extremely important. Grain,industrial crops (maize, sunflower, and sugar beet), potatoes, fruit andvegetables are produced. There are a lot of enterprises in the fields ofengineering, metal working, chemical engineering coal mining, fuel production,light, and food industries. Diesel locomotives, sea-going ships, aircraft,buses, television sets, microscopes, computers and many other commodities areproduced in Ukraine.
The population of the country is about 50 million,some 65% of whom live in the cities. The country is divided into 24 regions.The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine. The capitalcity is Kyiv.
The Supreme Council of Ukraine passed the Act ofProclamation of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991. The Constitution ofUkraine was adopted by the Supreme Council in June 1996. The Ukrainiancurrency, the hryvnya, was introduced in September 1996.
Our country is a member of the United Nations andits representatives are active in the work of UNESCO (United NationEducational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) and other internationalorganizations.
6. Language work: Say the sentences using tobe able to or to be unable in the correct form. Use the words fromthe box. Translate the sentences:
1) Walk think rent reach helplook come describe attend have finish come walk carry do come and pick work improvewrite sleep
1. My hands were shaking so much that I … …my name on the exam paper.
2. She… … this computer program next month.
3. He lay awake all night ….
4. … you …these bags on your own?
5. I ……. Faster because I was too tired.
6. She … … tonight she had an accident onthe way home.
7. Fortunately, she … … her attacker ingreat detail.
8. I … … the report in a week.
9. Three weeks after the accident, she … …even exercises in the gym.
10. As senior students, we … … someuniversity classes.
11. Unfortunately, Tina … … children.
12. Unfortunately, I … … them.
13. I’m afraid I … … to the meeting afterall.
14. Many passengers … … the lifeboats intime.
15. I’m afraid that I … … on Friday.
16. That’s fine. I … … at the station.
17. In the end, we … … a suitable officenear the Central Station.
18. Now I’ve got an extra weekend, I ……. Atthe proposal in more detail.
19. I … … of anything.
20. Greg … … since he was injured in ariding accident.
2) Say the sentences in English using mayto express permission or polite requests:
1. Ви можете подзвонити мені додомуввечері.
2. Можна поставити вам два запитання?
3. Можна у вас попросити цю книгу?
4. Можна я запізнюсь на 5 хвилин?
5. Можна пронести вашу сумку?
6. Ви можете прийти завтра?
7. Ти можеш взяти гроші у мене в гаманці.
8. Можна зробити пропозицію?
9. Ви можете прийти, якщо хочете.
10. Можна скористатися вашим телефоном?
11. Можна запитати, хто телефонує?
12. Можна подивитись ваші рекомендації?
13. Можна запитати, як вас звати?
14. Ви можете піти з роботи раніше сьогодні.
15. Можна мені взяти відгул в п’ятницю?
16. Я можу пожити у вас деякий час?
17. Ти можеш піти в банк завтра.
18. Можна запросити вас в ресторан?
19. Ви можете показати ці документи нашомугостю.
20. Можна відправити ці листи завтра?
Lesson 8
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian
What makes a good word-processing program? Thatdepends entirely on how the person who is buying it intends to use it. Anovelist would want certain features. A student might want different ones. Andthe owner of a store might want still others. Someone who is choosing aword-processing program should start by asking three questions:
Selecting a Word-Processing Program
1. What tasks do I want to accomplish?
2. What tasks can this word-processingprogram accomplish?
3. How easily can this word-processing programaccomplish these tasks?
The first question is the most important one.Potential buyers must know what kind of writing they plan to do with aword-processing program before they can choose the program that’s best forthem. For example, someone who plans to use the program for simple writingtasks like letters and school reports doesn’t need sophisticated program withmany features, such as one that allows the user to select a variety of typestyles.
Once a potential buyer has made a list of necessaryfeatures, it should be a simple matter to find a program that offers just thosefeatures. It should be, but it often isn’t. Many software packages will haveall the features except one or will come with one or two extra features thatare not on the list. Then the buyer will have to decide whether it is worth itto pay extra for features that aren’t really necessary or if it’s better togive up a feature or two in order to save some money. Last but not least, thebuyer should check how easily the word-processing program performs thesefunctions. The best way to do that is to load the program, type in some text,and try editing it. Some programs are easier to operate than others. Buyershave to determine which software is the easiest for them to work with.
2. Read and translate the following wordsand word-combinations into Ukrainian:
Word-processing program; certain features; toaccomplish; potential buyers; sophisticated program; type styles; necessaryfeatures; save some money; to pay extra; programs are easier to operate.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. Since classes began, I (not, have) muchfree time. I (have) several big tests to study for. 2. Last night my roommateand I (have) some free time, so we (go) to a show. 13. I admit that I (get)older since I last (see) you, but with many luck at all, I (get, also) wiser.14. The science of physics (advance) a great deal in the 19thcentury. 15. Since the beginning of the 20th century, medicalscientists (make) many important discoveries. 16. Libraries today are verydifferent from those in the 1800s. For example, the contents of libraries(change) greatly through years. In the 1800s, libraries (be0 simply collectionsof books. However today most libraries (become0 multimedia centers that containtapes, computers, films, magazines, music, and painting. The role of thelibrary in the society (change). In the 1800s, libraries (be) open only tocertain people, such as scholars or the wealthy. Today libraries serveeveryone. 17. Are you talking Chemistry this semester? — No, I (take, already).I (take) it last semester. – No, I (take, already). I (take) it last semester.
4. Find out which form Past Simple or PastPerfect is correct in the following sentences:
1. When we reached the city center wecouldn’t find a parking place, so we (decide) to go by the next time. 2. Icouldn’t find my bag on the bench. Somebody (take) it. 3. I wasn’t hungrybecause I (have) a big breakfast. 4. We were late. The lecture (start) half anhour before. 5. We (finish) all the work by 5 o’clock. 6. He was more worriedafter he (see) his lawyer. 7. After (see) a lot of sights, we (feel) a bittired. 8. She (read) the book before Ann (call) her. 9. My parents (already,eat) when I (get) home. 10. After the guests (leave), I (go) to bed.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Healthy Way of Life
Sport is one of the few things that make peoplehealthy. The general belief if that a person who goes in for sports can’t beweak and ill. Physically inactive people get old earlier than those, who findtime for sport activity. And of course good health is better than goodmedicine.
Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. Itwas raising with the development of human society. In ancient times mencompeted with each other in strength and deftness to decide who was theworthiest. Nowadays sport is being widely popularized all over the world and inour country in particular.
Thus, children are taught to love sport since earlychildhood. In kindergartens a child takes his first sporting steps. He learnsto run, jump and dance. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject.Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to becomeprofessional sportsmen; others would like to stay an amateur.
As for me, I’m fond of aerobics. First of allaerobics helps to keep myself fit. It also attracts me because it resemblesdancing and is carried with the accompaniment of music. Besides, twice a week Igo to the swimming pool. Such sport activity helps me to feel cheerful, activeand full of energy.
6. Language work:
1) Say the sentences using may or mightto express future possibility:
1. Можливо, піде дощ. Візьми парасольку.
2. Вона, можливо, скаже йому про це.
3. Можливо, він прочитає хорошу лекцію.
4. Можливо, вона запізниться на потяг.
5. Можливо, вона отримає цю роботу.
6. Сотні людей можуть втратити роботу, якщозабастовка продовжиться.
7. Можливо, ми закінчимо роботу до вечора.
8. Давай купимо лотерейний квиток. Можливо,ми виграємо.
9. Він, можливо, приїде завтра.
10. Потяг, можливо, запізниться.
2) Say the sentences using must toexpress obligation. Look up the words in the dictionary if necessary:
1. You … to live in stress. (навчитися)
2. All passengers … seatbelts.(пристебнутися)
3. I … my homework.(піти і зробити)
4. …we … our passports with us?(взяти)
5. Accidents … to the safety officer.(докладати)
6. … you … so soon?(піти)
7. I … a letter to my mother.(написати)
8. You … if you don’t want to.(іти)
9. I … back to Anny and tell her about thenews. (написати)
10. Passengers in the airport … theirluggage unattended at any time. (залишати)
11. Employees … the office phones to makepersonal calls. (користуватися)
12. You … a file before you turn thecomputer off. (зберігати)
13. You … this information with anybody.It’s highly confidential. (обговорювати)
14. Drivers wishing to hire a car … over 21and have a driving license. (бути)
15. You … to customers like that.(розмовляти)
16. You … a receipt.(мати)
17. I really … to stop smoking.(намагатися)
18. You … library books on time.(повертати)
19. Remember, you … to Pat about this.(розмовляти)
20. All drivers … insurance. (мати)
Lesson 9
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian
Computerizing a Database
As you have seen, you can set up a useful data basemanually-and you do, whenever you create any kind of list or record or organizeInformation. But what happens when your collection of data gets really big? Youstart out with notes on a single index card. Gradually you accumulate a pile ofindex cards. You set up an organizational system and file the cards in a box.Before long there’s a second box, and then a third. Soon you need an index toyour index cards in order to find information.
That’s where a computer and a database managementsystem come in handy. A computer, as you know, is an ideal tool for collectingand manipulating data. A data-base management system, or DBMS, is a specialprogram designed to enable you to manage data on a computer in a useful way. Witha database management system, you can transfer the contents of your cards,notebooks, and file cabinets onto disks. Then you can use the computer toretrieve the data, organize it, update it, and even sort through it forspecific information. Need an alphabetical list o all the players in yourbaseball card collection? A list of those players born in 1987? A list ofshortstops? Tell the computer what you want. In seconds t pulls the informationout of your data base and displays it on the screen.
The Advantages of Using Electronic Files
The larger and more complex your collection of datais, the more likely it is that you should set up electronic files. Sing them,you can store data more efficiently in much less space. You can retrieveinformation in much less time with much less trouble.
To get a better idea of the advantages of usingelectronic files, compare what happens when you try to find a book using afamiliar data base-a library card catalogue-and a computerized data base-acomputerized catalogue.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Useful data base; organize Information; single indexcard; accumulate; management system; manipulating data; in a useful way;transfer the contents; to retrieve the data; an alphabetical list.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. Hi, Jane. Welcome to the party. (You,ever, meet) my cousin? 2. Hi, Jane. Welcome to the party. (You, visit)? 3.–(You, go out) last night? – Yes, I (go) to the cinema but I (not, enjoy) thefilm much. 4. –When (Mr. Clark die)? –About ten years ago. 5. They (not,invite) her to the restaurants, so she (not, go). 6. –(You, have) time to writethe letter? – No, I (do). 7. –What (you, do) at the weekend? –I (not, do)anything. 8. I (see) Tom yesterday but I haven’t (see) him today.
4. Translate into English:
1. Він був репортером до того, як ставписьменником. 2. Вони повернулися додому пізно. Діти вже заснули. 3. Учора вонаходила до зубного лікаря. 4. Томаса не було вчора на вечірці. Він домовився ізДжин піти в кіно. 5. Минулого року ми їздили до Німеччини. До цього ми ніколитам не були. 6. Джек не хотів іти в кіно, тому що він уже подивився цей фільм.7. Вони не були голодними. Вони тільки-но пообідали. 8. Учора я бачив Енн. Я небачив її 5 років. 9. Перепрошую, я запізнився. Моя машина зламалася по дорозісюди.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
At the Doctor’s
Patient: How do you do,doc.!
Doctor: How do you do!Take the seat, please… Well, have you got the results o your stomach test onhand?
P: Yes, I have. Here youare.
D: Ah… Well, they arenot quite good, rather, they are warning.
P: What do you mean?Warning about what?
D: I must say you’llhave ulcer very soon if you don’t change your way of life.
P: Is it so serious?What am I to do?
D: First of all, youshould remain quiet in all situations of our daily life. You shouldn’t respondto its challenges, but you must respond to treatment.
P: You mean I shouldnever be nervous on any occasion, don’t you?
D: That’s it. Then, yourdiet should be sparing.
P: Well, you know that Iam a frugal eater.
D: I know that, butremember you mustn’t eat pork, fat, salt fish o any kind. You must excludeeverything fried from your diet – potatoes, meat, fish, and eggs. But if youboil these foodstuff, you may eat them safely.
P: What about vegetablesand fruit?
D: You may eatvegetables if they are fresh. But you mustn’t eat pickled vegetables. Besides,you may eat fresh apples for the time being, and other fresh fruit exceptbananas.
P: May I eat lemons?
D: Only in the tea ifyou like to drink tea with lemon.
P: Hoe about drinks?
D: If you mean softdrinks, take only mineral water after degassing it. As for strong drinks, youshouldn’t take beer or wine of any brand. You may have sometimes a small drinkof whisky.
P: Well, I am in for adull life, doc. What can I do to make it acceptable?
D: Observe myprescriptions and you’ll be in good health in the long run.
6. Language work:
1) Say the sentences using have to \ beto in the correct form to express obligation. Look up the words inthe dictionary if necessary:
1. At our last lesson we … about theadvantages and disadvantages of living in the city. (написати)
2. At what time … I … there? (бути)
3. She … early because she wasn’t feelingwell. (піти)
4. If you fail the test, you … it again.(здавати)
5. She … at the age of 50 because of healthproblems. (піти на пенсію)
6. The man was armed and the police … him.(застрелити)
7. He had ….(піти у відставку)
8. Paola came from a wealthy family and she… not. (працювати)
9. … you … military service?(проходити)
10. I … to avoid the truck.(звернути в сторону)
11. We … all our files into floppy disks.(переписати)
12. They … in June.(одружитися)
13. I used my student card, so I … the fullprice. (платити)
14. She spilled some coffee on theapplication form and I … it all again. (переписати)
15. The computer crashed and deleted all mywork. I … the essay all again. (почати)
2) Say the sentences using shall or needwhere necessary.
1. … go to the cinema together?
2. You …\not\go there at once.
3. You … \not\to do the washing-up today.
4. … we dine out together?
5. … we get ready for classes together?
6. What document … we … to rent a flat inyour country?
7. She … to work harder.
8. You … \not\to take a lot of things when yougo on holidays.
9. …. I open the window?
10. You …\not\to do any homework for Monday.
11. I … stop a minute, just to get my breathback.
12. … I make a copy for you?
13. You … to be on your guard at theairport. There are a lot of pickpockets around.
14. The cat looks as if it … goes to thevet.
15. … the boy wait?
Lesson 10
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Setting Up a DBMS (Data-Base-Management-System)
Now that you know the advantages of electronicfiles, let’s set up a database management system in order to learn how oneworks. Assume that you are in charge of your school’s video library. You haveaccess to a microcomputer and are interested in computerizing yourever-expanding catalogue. Since you already have a data base –a title and asubject card catalogue-you have a good idea of the information that people wantand how they can best find it. After consulting with the computer labinstructor, you buy a DBMS. You’re ready to begin.
Before turning to the computer, you review thedocumentation that accompanies the program and become familiar with theterminology, or jargon, of a DBMS. You learn three important words: field,record, and file.
Field. A field is asingle category of information in your data base. It can be made up of numbers,letters, or a combination of numbers and letters. You look at a catalogue cardin your current data base and identify 11 fields, including type of movie,movie title, and call number.
Record. Arecord is a collection of fields. Each catalogue card with all its entriesabout a single movie is a record. Since your catalogue currently consists oftitle and subject cards, you have two records for each movie listed in yourdata base.
File. A file is acollection of related records. Your subject catalogue is one file; your titlecatalogue is another. Your DBMS will eliminate duplicate records and combinethe two files.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Advantages; electronic files; assume; interested incomputerizing; consulting with the computer; terminology; your current database; entries; related records; eliminate duplicate records.
3. Find out which form-Past Simple orPresent Perfect are correct in the following sentences:
1. Where’s your key? I don’t know. I (lose)it. 2. He (tell) me his name yesterday but I (forget) it. 3. Is Kathy here? No,she (go out). 4. I can’t find my bag. (You, see) it? 5. Ow! I (cut) my finger.It’s bleeding. 6. The road is closed. There( be) an accident. 7. The police(arrest) two men in connection with the robbery. 8. It was warm, so I (takeoff) my coat. 9. The food wasn’t very good. I (not, enjoy) it very much. 10. Iknew Sarah was very busy, so I (not, disturb) her.
4. Translate into English:
1. До того часу, як ми дісталися Бена,вечірка вже скінчилася. 2. Коли я вийшов з кіно, то виявив, що злодій украв мійрадіоприймач у машині. 3. Коли кінозірка увійшла до ресторану, я її не впізнав,тому що не бачив фільмів з її участю. 4. Я не був голодний, тому що добрепоснідав. 5. Після того як ми оглянули багато визначних місць, ми відчули себетрохи стомленими. 6. До того часу, як я дістався додому, мої батьки вжеповечеряли.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
English-speaking countries
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland:
Location: The British Isles; area: 244,100 sq. km.;population: over 55 mln.; capital: London; largest cities: London, Birmingham,Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow; Highest point: Ben Nevis 1, 343 m.; longest river: The Severn 350 km.; main languages: English; government: ParliamentaryMonarchy.
The United States of America:
Location: the central North America; area: 9,364,000sq. km.; population: over 260 mln.; capital: Washington; largest cities: NewYork, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Boston.; highest point: Mount McKinley 6,194 m.; longest river: the Mississippi 5,900 km.; main languages: English; government: FederalRepublic of 50 states.
Location: North America; area: 9,922,230 sq. km.;population: over 27 mln.; capital: Ottawa; largest cities: Montreal, Toronto,Vancouver; highest point: Mount Logan 6, 050 m.; longest river: the Mackenzie 3,800 km; main languages: English, French; government: FederalUnion of 10 provinces and 2 territories.
Location: the Island continent of Australia; area:7,688,884 sq. km; population: over 20 mln; capital: Canberra; largest cities:Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane; highest point: Mount Kosciusko 2,280 m; longest river: the Murray (with the Darling 3, 750) km; main languages: English; government:Federal Union of 6 states and 2 territories.
6. Language work:
1) Giving orasking for advice say what people should or shouldn’t do.Use the words given bellow. Translate the sentences:
Take impose be visit be reported do avoidtake worry leave do go work try be be late be neat tell come stay
1. You …in bed too late.
2. You … always on time.
3. You … for classes.
4. You … a taxi if you’re late.
5. You … clean and tidy.
6. You … tactful.
7. You … stupid things.
8. You … lies.
9. You … to bed early if you’re feelingtired.
10. You … so much. Everything will bealright.
11. You … as hard as possible.
12. You … to do your best t become a goodspecialist.
13. You … a chance to travel while you’restill young.
14. You … making up your mind before youknow all the facts.
15. You … your children alone at home.
16. He … his parents more often.
17. All accidents … to the health and Safetyofficers.
18. The drug … during pregnancy.
19. What … I … if the baby starts crying?
20. The courts … tougher punishment onoffenders.
2) Say the sentences using ought tofor moral obligation:
1. If your friend is in trouble, you … helpher.
2. If your friend is ill, you … visit hervery often.
3. If you see a beggar, you … give him somecoins.
4. If the child is asleep, you…\not\ make anoise.
5. It’s too late. The children … be in bed.
6. It’s your sister’s birthday. We … sendher a present.
7. You … not \ speak too loudly in public.
8. You … not \ be lazy when everybody isworking hard.
9. You … not \ smoke in the room whensomebody is in.
10. I think you were very rude and you …apologize.
11. Do you think we … get permission beforewe do it?
12. The government … spend more money oneducation.
13. We … not \ use animals for experiments.
14. The doctor told Dan he … exercise more.
15. She … not \ drive if she’s beendrinking.
Lesson 11
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Using Databases
Imagine getting the information you need by simplyentering command or type on your computer keyboard. Many people do this. Theyuse data-base management system-special software developed for recordkeeping-to create electronic files. Then the computer does all the work ofsorting through the files to retrieve specific information. Data arefacts or figures. A data base is a source of facts and figures-it is acollection of related information. A telephone directory is a data base. So isa dictionary… and a television program guide. These collection all differ fromone another in both content and format.
Characteristics of a good data base:
A useful data base has four importantcharacteristics.
The more complete a data base is, the more likely itis to have the information that you need. For example you’ll find DaveWinfield’s batting average only if you have his baseball card. You’ll be ableto check your friend Jan’s telephone number only if you’ve listed it in youraddress book.
You might organize facts alphabetically,chronologically, or by topic. How you organize your data base depends on bothits content and its intended use. The more structured your data base is theeasier it is to find information.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Getting the information; simply entering command;keyboard; record keeping; sorting through the files; retrieve specificinformation; a source of facts; related information; content; format.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. I was very tired, so I (go) to bedearly. 2. The bed was very uncomfortable. I (not, sleep) very well. 3. Suewasn’t very hungry, so she (not, eat) anything. 4. We went to Kate’s house butshe (not, be) at home. 5. –Would you like something to eat? –No, thanks. I(just, have) lunch. 6. Hello! (You, just arrive)? 7. –Don’t forget to post theletter, will you? –I (already, post) it. 8. –What time is Mark leaving? – He(already go). 9. (It, stop) raining yet? 10. I (write) the letter but I (not,post) it yet.
4. Define which form of will or goingto is correct in the following sentences:
1. Sue (graduate) soon. After that she (begin)to work at an electronics company. 2. Fred (be) at the meeting tomorrow. Ithink Jane (come) too. 3. – Can you give John a message for me? – Sure. I (see,probably) him at the meeting this evening. 4. The damage we do to ourenvironment today (affect) the quality of life of future generations. 5. – Mr.Andrews (not, be) here next term. He has resigned. – Who (be) the new teacher?Do you know? – Yes. Mary Jefferson. Ms. Jefferson (teach) the same courses Mr.Andrews taught German, physics, and geometry. 6. I (be) in her geometry class.Do you know which algebra class you (be) in next term? 7. This letter is inFrench, and I don’t speak a word in French. Can you help me? – Sure. I(translate) it for you. 8. Do you want to go shopping with me? I (go) to theshopping center. 9. – his light doesn’t work. The bulb s probably burned out.Where are the new light bulbs? 10. It’s really cold in here. My nose is coldand my fingers are cold too. I (make) a hot cup of tea.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Great Britain
Great Britain is the heart of the BritishCommonwealth of Nations. Great Britain has ranked among the leading nations ofthe world for more than 500 years. The British people have been leaders in manyfields – in science, exploration, government, and arts. The official name ofthe country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Theisland of Great Britain includes England, Scotland, and Wales. NorthernIreland, which covers about one fifth of Ireland also is a part of the Unitedkingdom. London is the capital and largest city.
The face of the land varies from one part of thecountry to another. Great manufacturing cities and thriving farms lie on thegreen plains of England. Deposits of coal and other valuable minerals are minedin the steep hills and mountains of Wales. The Scottish Lowlands supportmanufacturing and shipbuilding industries. The low grasslands and mild climateof Northern Ireland provide excellent grazing for livestock.
Great Britain became a world power about 250 yearsago, when England was united with Scotland and Wales, but the British peoplehave many traditions that go back thousands of years. They are deeply devotedto the Royal family and their form of government.
6. Language work.
1) Say the sentences using modal verbsin the past actions.
1. He may… not to come. (decide)
2. I might … the keys in the office.(leave)
3. There must … 10 of them in the car. (be)
4. There should … you your money back longago. (give)
5. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t … at you. (shout)
6. They ought … the police when ithappened. (call)
7. Yes, I know. I should … more timestudying. (spend)
8. We shouldn’t … such a big car. (buy)
9. I shouldn’t … him of lying. (accuse)
10. He really should … you – though to befair he’s been very busy. (call)
11. The windows needn’t … today. (clean)
12. We shouldn’t … those shares. (sell)
13. This information should … to the taxauthorities two years ago. (give)
14. I shouldn’t … such a valuable airticket.
15. Someone could … mu money. (steal)
2) Translate from Russian into Englishusing modal verbs:
1. Він повинен підготувати рахунок донаступного понеділка?
2. Чи повинна я сидіти в готелі весь час?
3. Це, мабуть, важка задача.
4. Ти мусиш написати їй хорошого листа.
5. Чи дійсно мені погодитися з цієюпропозицією?
6. Хіба ти не мусиш інколи навідувати своїхстарих батьків?
7. Що ж мені робити? Яким чином я повиннаприйняти участь в цій справі?
8. О котрій годині повинен прибути автобусз Ліверпуля?
9. Вам не потрібно йти туди зараз.
10. Я змушений був економити гроші, щобзаплатити за своє навчання.

1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Electronics Helps Men
Our age has been called a variety of things: theSpace Age, the Electronic Age, the Atomic Age, etc. One of them, however, isvery exact and that is the age of Automation.
Automation is considered to be the highest stage inthe development of technology. It has made the development of rocket productionand nuclear industry possible. Automation is known to be very effective incontinuous cycle production rolled stock production and operation of thermaland hydropower plants. Automation of production processes is impossible withoutautomatic control; the required machines based on electronic computations.Electronic computing techniques find broad application in many spheres and area basis for the development of modern program-controlled machine tools and thecontrolling of spaceship flights. The following can be given as examples of howelectronics helps man.
The letters at the General Post Office are nowhandled by electronic automats. Not long ago hundreds of women sorted lettersarriving from all the world by hand. Now, one girl sits at a control panelwatching a screen which is like that of a television set. The address appearson the screen and the girl having read the number of the post office to whichthe letter is addressed presses the necessary button and the envelope isconveyed to the mail bag which is then taken to the post office indicated onthe envelope.
A number of higher learning establishments areinstalling electronic data processing systems for the counting of educationaldata. Automatic translating machines, computer-based teaching devices and otherdifferent applications of computer technology are the things which help peoplein their life, work and study.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
A variety of things; the age of Automation; thehighest stage; production processes; automatic control; electroniccomputations; computing techniques; program-controlled machine; presses thenecessary button; educational data.
3. Translate into English:
1. Минулої зими я вперше в житті бачивсніг. 2. Я знаю Джона багато років. 3. Що ви вже вивчили з того часу якприїхали сюди навчатися? 4. Сподіваюся, ви вже познайомилися з багатьмацікавими людьми. 5. Ви багато мандруєте? Які країни ви вже відвідали? 6. Ябачив Тома вчора, а сьогодні я його не бачив. 7. Шляхи закрито. Сталася аварія.8. Було тепло, тому я зняв пальто. 9. Кейт не була голодна, тому вона нічого неїла. 10. – Привіт! Ви що, тільки-но приїхали? 11. Дощ уже припинився? 12. Янаписав листа, але ще не відправив його. 13. З Різдва стоїть гарна погода. 14.Мені завжди хотілося мандрувати різними країнами. 15. Два роки тому я відвідавПівденну Африку.
4. Define which form of will or goingto is correct in the following sentences:
1. – Oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt. –Just a minute. I (get) a damp cloth for you. 2. – What do you want to be whenyou are grown up? – I (be) an astronaut. 3. Do you mind if turn the TV off? I(have) a long distance call, and it’s hard to hear when the TV is on. 4. – Whowants to clean the board? Are there any volunteers?- I (do) it! 5. – Why do youhave an eraser in your hand? – I (erase) the mistakes. 6. I think the weather(be) nice later. 7. Look at those black clouds. It (rain). 8. I feel terrible.I think I (be sick).
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Scientific and Technological Progress
The advantages of living in the twentieth centuryare clear to anyone who spends time in one of the world’s highly developednations. The disadvantages of modern life, however, are sometimes not soquickly seen. Consider the average man today in contrast with man 200 yearsago. Without doubt, man’s life has been eased considerably. Machines nowperform for him many of the services that he previously had to do for himself.They cut his grass, wash his car, open and close his doors, walk for him, climbstairs for him, serve him coffee, and both put him to sleep and wake him up tomusic. In two major areas – transportation and communications- great progresshas been made. Mass publishing practices have spread newspapers, magazines, andpaperback book around the globe. Relayed across oceans by Telstar satellites,television informs and entertains people in every hemisphere. Mail movesswiftly and efficiently; telephone cables connect all continents. More than anyother single invention, the gasoline engine has revolutionized modern life.City streets, clogged with automobile traffic tell us that. More recentdiscoveries have led to the surge of jet and supersonic plane travel. Even asman darts throughout the world, he is protected from disease as no man beforehim has been, and he can look forward to living a longer life than hisgrandfather did. Man now commands a more plentiful supply of the world’s goods.He may own not only a car and a home but also a stove, a refrigerator, awashing machine, books, phonograph records and cameras. Even his old age isbetter provided for through pension and retirement plans offered by thegovernment and by industry. Thus the advantages of living in the twentiethcenturies are many.
6. Languagework:
1) Natasha Morozova is having an interview.This is what she is saying about herself. Read the information and say abouther using reported speech:
Model: She said that…
1. I live in this city.
2. I came here 3 years ago.
3. I graduated from university 5 years ago.
4. I have a degree in economics.
5. I like to work with people.
6. I’m going to change my present job,because it is not interesting.
7. I don’t like when other people tell mewhat to do.
8. I want more responsibility.
9. I am interested in working with a goodteam and reliable people.
10. I will consider your offer and let youknow about my decision.
2) Report the requests and commands usingHe asked me… or He told me…
1. ‘Post this letter immediately.’
2. ‘Send them the fax as soon as possible.’
3. ‘Please don’t disturb me.’
4. ‘Please give me that English-Russiandictionary.’
5. ‘Don’t go on the grass.’
6. ‘Don’t prompt her.’
7. ‘Don’t interfere with my work, please.’
8. ‘Please, do your own business.’
9. ‘Entertain the guests, please.’
10. ‘Don’t make a mess of the job.’
Lesson 13
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
The Computer as a Communication Tool
Communicating by computer is almost as easy aspunching the keys on a keyboard. Information is sent electronically from onecomputer-microcomputer, minicomputer, or mainframe-to another, either viatelephone lines or through special cables and wires. What kinds of informationcan be sent? You name it: magazine articles, airline reservations, banktransactions, statistics, news reports, job listings, games, movie reviews,business correspondence, football scores, computer programs, personal messages,stock prices, medical records, graphic images, weather reports.
Advantages of computer communication:
Computer communication is playing an increasinglyimportant role not only in offices but also in schools, hospitals, libraries,and homes. People are realizing that sending and receiving informationelectronically offers several advantages:
1. Fast, accurate, and direct exchange ofinformation. Sending and receiving dataelectronically takes only a fraction of the time needed to send it by mail ormessenger. And since the information goes directly to the receiver, the senderdoesn’t have to worry about lost packages or incorrectly addressed envelopes.
2. Rapid informationprocessing. Computers can sort or search through huge amounts ofinformation in a flash. Suppose you were a lawyer who needed a history of allcourt cases involving the theft of government secrets. How could you get theinformation? Well, you could go to a law library and search through thereference books. That might take you five hours. You could, instead, use acomputer that is electronically linked to a special data bank of legalinformation. Using that method, you could obtain the information in less thanan hour- and never even leave your law office.
2. Translate the following words and word-combinationsinto Ukrainian:
Communicating by computer; punching the keys;through special cables; personal messages; increasingly important role;receiving data; a fraction of the time; messenger; directly to the receiver;amounts of information.
3. Find out which form-Past Simple, PastContinuous or Past Perfect are correct in the following sentences:
1. This house (build) in 1930. 2. A lot of money (steal) in the bank. 3. This room (clean) yesterday. 4. We (woke up) by a loudnoise during the night. 5. Did you go to the party? No, I (invite). 6. How muchmoney (steal)? 7. The roof of the building (damage) in a storm a few days ago.8. (You, invite) to the wedding. Why didn’t you go? 9. Originally the book(write) in Spanish and a few years ago (translate) into English. 10. The letter(post) a week ago and it (arrive) only yesterday.
4. Define which form of will or goingto is correct in the following sentences:
1. Tom probably (arrive) at about 6o’clock. 2. I think he (read) that book. 3. I think Ann (like) the present webought for her. 4. – why are you turning off the TV-set? – I (watch) the news.5. – Oh, I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money. – haven’t you? Well,don’t worry. I (lend) you some. 6. – I’ve got a headache. – Have you? Waitthere and I (get) an aspirin for you. 7. – Why are you filling that bucket withwater? – I (wash) the car.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Student 1:Computers appeared in our country not long ago but today we may say that theage of computers has begun. First of all, computers let you access to a lot ofinformation. And they let you communicate very quickly, by e-mail or using theInternet.
Student 2:They’re a great help at offices because they can do jobs very quickly, forexample sending out large numbers of letters or bills. You can access anyinformation you need from the office using a modem. Large amounts ofinformation can be stored on computer in a database.
Student 1:Do you know any other advantages of using computers?
Student 2:Yes. The best one, to my mind, is that computers make it possible to work fromhome. So they save us a lot of time.
Student 1:Really, computers are great thing. But what about disadvantages?
Student 2:First and foremost, computers can get viruses that can destroy the informationstored in it.
Student 1:Software often has bugs, and sometimes computers crash. What is more, anyonecan put information or images on the Internet, so it can be easily used bycriminals to communicate with each other, or t send pornography (pictures,film, or writing that show sexual acts). There are no laws to stop this yet,and it is extremely difficult to police the Internet.
Student 2:I suppose, students shouldn’t spent too much time working or playing oncomputers.
Student 1:Quite agree with you. Some children spend too much time playing computer games,which can be very dangerous.
Student 2:Thanks a lot. I think that despite some disadvantages computers are really thewonders of the world.
6. Language work:
1) Say in English the sentences using reportedspeech:
1. Він запитав мене, скільки мені років.
2. Він запитав мене, чи є в мене телефон.
3. Він запитав мене, чи живу я зі своїмибатьками.
4. Він запитав мене, де я працюю.
5. Він запитав мене, скільки часу я працююна цій фірмі.
6. Вона сказала, що раніше багатоподорожувала.
7. Вона сказала, що хворіє вже 2 неділі.
8. Мама сказала, що Аня приїжджає о 3годині.
9. Вона запитала мене, о я робила в тойчас.
10. Я сказала, що в той час я зайнята. Яроблю домашнє завдання.
2) Say the sentences in English using embeddedquestions:
1. Чи не скажете, котра година?
2. Цікаво, де він був вчора.
3. Ви не знаєте, відмінили збори?
4. Скажіть, будь ласка, о котрій годинівідправляється наступний потяг.
5. Цікаво, банк відчинений у неділю?
6. Ви не знаєте, він прийде на збори?
7. Чи не можете ви сказати, які питаннябудуть обговорюватися на зборах?
8. Цікаво, як ви отримали цю інформацію.
9. Цікаво, як вона проживає в цій країні?
10. Вибачте, я не знаю де знаходиться цявулиця.
Lesson 14
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Electronic Mail
Did you ever have to go out in the rain to mail aletter that couldn’t wait? Have you ever received a letter weeks late becauseit had been mysteriously ‘lost’ in the mail? If so, you will be very happy toknow that electronic mail is here.
What exactly is electronic mail? It’s just whatyou’d imagine: the sending of messages electronically by computer. Here’s howit works.
Suppose that you are a subscriber to the Source ofCompuServe. You have ten friends who subscribe as well. A few months ago, youlent one of these friends a record. You want the record back, but you can’tremember who has it. Using a microcomputer and a modem, you plug into theinformation service’s network of subscribers. Once you are on-line, you sendthe same message to all ten of your friends.
Your message is stored in your friends’ ‘electronicmailboxes’. These mailboxes are nothing like those that are used by the U.S.Postal Service. They are simply storage locations in the information service’scomputer system. When your friends come on-line, they will check to see if theyhave any mail. When they do, your message will appear on the screen.
Not all electronic mail delivery is tied to aninformation service like The Source or CompuServe. In fact, organizationsalready exist that specialize in delivering electronic mail. MCI Mail andEasyLink are two examples. Subscribers to these electronic-mail services cansend messages around the world on their computer. In addition, the addresseedoesn’t even need a computer to receive mail through one of these services.Both will transmit a letter most of the distance electronically, then print andsend it the rest of the distance either by mail or by courier.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Electronic mail; sending of messages electronically;subscriber; the record back; a modem; network of subscribers; electronicmailboxes; storage locations; come on-line; transmit a letter.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. When he was young, Ron (bring) up by hisgrandparents. 2. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal). 3. Where (thesephotographs, take)? 4.All fights (cancel) because of fog. 5. I (accused) ofstealing money. 6. I didn’t realize that somebody was recording ourconversation. I didn’t realize our conversation (record). 7. When we enteredthe classroom the test (write) by the students. 8. When we got to the stadium,we found that the game (cancel).
4. Define which form of will or goingto is correct in the following sentences:
1. I (go) to a party tomorrow night. Wouldyou like to come too? 2. I think Jane (get) the job. She has a lot ofexperience. 3. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine (come) to seeme. 4. – Have you decided where to go for your holiday? – Yes, we (visit) Italy.5. There’s no need to be afraid of the dog. It (hurt) you. 6. Don’t worry aboutyour exam. I’m sure you (pass) it. 7. Why don’t you try on this jacket? It(look) nice on you. 8. You must meet Ann sometimes. I think you (like) her. 9.It’s raining. Don’t go out. You (get) wet. 10. I wonder what (happen).
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
The United States of America
The USA is the name of the country composed of 50states joined in a federal republic. It is one of the world’s largest countries(after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the area over 9 mln square km andhas a population of about 260 mln people. Representatives of differentnationalities live there. English is the official language of the country.
The flag of the USA has 13 red and whitestripes-representing the original 13 states – and 50 stars – for each of the 50states of the country in our days. The capital of the country is Washington,named after the first president of the USA. The other largest cities are NewYork, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Los Angeles.
The USA is a highly developed industrial country.Among the most important manufacturing industries are aircraft, computertechniques – hardware and software, cars, television sets, furniture. Electronicand electric engineering, transport, communication can be found almost in alllarge cities of the USA.
The United States is a democracy. It means that theConstitution, laws and traditions of the USA give the people the right todecide who will be the leader of the nation, who will make the laws and whatthe laws will be. The Constitution guarantees individual freedom to all.
6. Language work:
1) Read the sentences and report whatsomeone says using the necessary reporting verb: order, advise, encourage,remind, persuade, promise, apologize, refuse, deny, admit.
1. ‘It’s really a very good job for you. a)They offered her a very good job.
Will you accept it?’
2. ‘We’ll fix your computer in two days.’ b)They … to fix my computer in two days.
3. ‘I’ll do it by all means.’ c) She … todo it by all means.
4. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve been rude to you.’ d) She… … … to me.
5. ‘I think you ought to go to the doctor.’e) She … me to go to the doctor.
6. ‘You shouldn’t be afraid to speakEnglish.’ f) She … me to speak English.
7. ‘If you work hard, you will be asuccess.’ g) She … to work hard.
8. ‘I won’t pay anymore.’ h) She … to payme anymore.
9. ‘I will give you the sum of money.’ i) He… to give me the money.
10. ‘I didn’t steal the money.’ j) He … …the money.
11. ‘I think I’m wrong.’ k) He … … wrong.
12. ‘Your warranty is out of date. We can’t l)They … to repair it free.
Repair it free.’
Lesson 15
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Computers in Business, Industry and Agriculture
Computers have revolutionized the business world. Asthe cost of computer technology has decreased, more and more businesses have‘gone computer’. Computers are no longer limited to factories, banks, and bigcorporations. Small companies, retail stores, law firms, employment agencies,supermarkets, and even many farms now use computers. In fact, according to arecent study, now four out of every five workers use a computer as part oftheir job.
Computers in the office.
In large and small offices alike secretaries useword-processing to write letters and reports. Managers switch on their desktopcomputer to help them prepare spreadsheets and graphic displays. Accountantsand bookkeepers use computer power to help them manage company finances.
Computer systems are used to manage company records,to send electronic mail, and to tie into data banks. Electronic networks linkcomputer users who are located in the same building or across the country.
Computers serve a broad range of manufacturingpurposes. For example, if you were a supervisor in a large factory, you mighthave a computerized control system to help you keep track of continuouslyrunning machinery.
Computers are also used to monitor the temperatureand pressure of production processes. For example, in a chemical plant or power-generatingstation, computers may be connected to regulating devices. If the temperatureor pressure rises or falls too much, the computer instantly signals theregulating device. The device then makes the needed adjustment-automatically.
2. Translate the following words and wordcombinations into Ukrainian:
Revolutionize; computer technology; computers are nolonger limited; according to a recent study; desktop computer; preparespreadsheets; graphic displays; manage company records; electronic networks;control system.
3. Find out which form-Present Continuousor Present Simple are correct in the following sentences:
1. I (bear) in Chicago. Where (you, bear)?2. The police (give) the information after the accident (happen). 3. I (offer)the job but I refused it. 4. The men (pay) 1.000 to do the work. 5. Mrs.Johnson is very proud of her new grandson who (bear) last week. 6. My familylive in Scotland but I (educate) in France. 7. The bridge (destroy) during theflood.
4. Translate into English:
1. Ти можеш мені допомогти з французькимперекладом? – Звичайно, я допоможу тобі. 2. Ти хочеш піти зі мною за покупками,я йду до торгового центру. 3. – Ким ти хочеш стати, коли виростеш? –Космонавтом. 4. – Хто хоче стерти з дошки? – Я зроблю це. 5. Подивись на цічорні хмари. Буде дощ. 6. Мабуть, Том прийде о шостій вечора. 7. Я гадаю, Еннсподобається подарунок, який ми їй купили.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
English as a means of international communication
One of the reasons why a lot of people all over theworld learn English is that English has taken the positions of the worldlanguage. It means that:
-750 million people all over the world use it;
-it has become the language of the planet;
-it’s the first truly global language;
-it’s the main language of business, sports,science;
-it’s one of the richest languages;
-there are many borrowings from English in otherlanguages;
-three quarters of the world’s mail are in English;
-English is the world’s computer language.
6. Language work:
1) Translate into Ukrainian and payattention at the infinitive used in the sentences:
1. To prolong doubt was to prolong hope.
2. To wash in icy water was awfullyunpleasant.
3. To bring the experiment to an end theyhad to work the night through.
4. Tom opened the window to let the springair in.
5. In order to see the performance betterwe will take opera glasses.
6. This Texan is difficult to understand.
7. Our house is easy to find.
8. This water isn’t safe to drink.
9. He wasn’t an interesting person to talkto.
10. The wanted man is believed to be livingin New York.
2)  Translate from Ukrainian intoEnglish using infinitive:
1. Здається,Джулія дуже зайнята сьогодні.
2. Сталося так, що у мене з собоюнедостатньо грошей.
3. Виявилось, ніхто не знає останніх новин.
4. Робота виявилась важчою, ніж миочікували.
5. Здається, він втратив смак до життя.
6. Здається, Джек безробітний вже кількамісяців.
7. Виявилось, що містер Джонсон чесналюдина.
8. Він точно намагатиметься уникнутирозмови.
9. Дженіт, напевно, перекладе вину накогось іншого.
10. Навряд чи йому дали шанс.

Lesson 16
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Mainframes are the fastest computers, and use thelargest storage system. As a result, they can solve more complex problems andhandle more information than can any other category of computer. Mainframes arealso the largest computers. Most of them are housed in several large cabinets.
Some mainframes do a single job, such as copying andstoring the information generated by a laboratory experiment. Others performmany different tasks.
Hundreds of people may be logged on a largemainframe at the same time. Such users are said to be timesharing. In thissituation, the mainframe appears to be processing information for all the usersevery instant. However, the computer is actually switching rapidly from programto program, doing a small amount of work on one, and then hurrying to another.
The fastest mainframes are called supercomputers. Thesemachines are used for major projects, such as the design of aircraft, the studyof weather system, and the design and analysis of drug molecules.Supercomputers are few in number because they are extremely expensive.Supercomputer users-mostly scientists and engineers at large scientificinstallations-sometimes run programs by means of long-distance telephonenetworks. The fastest supercomputers are parallel computers. They are fastbecause they have dozens or even hundreds of microprocessors that operate atthe same time. Each processor works on a separate piece of a program.Minicomputers and super minis have many of the capabilities of mainframes, butthey are smaller, less expensive, and less powerful.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Mainframes; the fastest computers; the largeststorage system; handle more information; perform many different tasks;processing information; supercomputers; major projects; extremely expensive;parallel computers.
3. Translate into English:
1. Цей будинок збудовано в 1980 році. 2. Уцій кімнаті вчора прибирали. 3. – Ти ходив на вечірку? – Ні, мене не запросили.4. Спочатку книгу було написано французькою мовою, а потім перекладеноіспанською. 5. Коли Рон був маленький, його виховували дідусь і бабуся. 6. Дебуло зроблено ці фотознімки. 7. Усі польоти відмінили через туман. 8. Я гадав,що наша розмова записується. 9. Я народився в Чикаго. А де народився ти? 10.Мені запропонували роботу, але я відмовився. 11. Їм заплатили за роботу 100доларів. 12. Міст було зруйновано під час грози. 13. Скільки запитань тобіпоставили під час іспиту? 14. Шлях закрили кілька днів тому. 15. Новий будиноккупили за 100 тисяч доларів.
4. Translate into English:
1. – ти йдеш за покупками? – Так, язбираюся купити щось на вечерю. 2. – Алло! Можна поговорити із Джимом? – Япокличу його. 3. Не хвилюйся за лист, який ми загубили. Я впевнений, що тизнайдеш його. 4. Сьогодні ввечері я йду на вечірку. Підеш зі мною? 5. – Ви вжевирішили, куди поїдете у відпустку? – Так, ми збираємося поїхати до Англії. 6.Не хвилюйся за результати іспиту. Я впевнена, що ти його складеш. 7. Іде дощ.Не виходь, бо промокнеш.
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Environmental protection
Abilities and powers of man are increasing now.Technological progress allowed to use nuclear, chemical, laser, biological, andother machines and technologies instead of hand-operated and mechanicaltechniques. However, scientific and technological progress, as a rule, was separatedfrom social progress. Such approach has let a man use the means negativeconsequences of which are globally destructive. 100 billion tons of mineralsare mined annually, and more than 90% of them go in waste. Amount of oxygen,consumed by certain countries, already exceeds its manufacture by the plants ofthese countries. Tropical forests-main ‘lungs’ of the Earth-is more than 40%felled. The speed of its felling is more than 20 hectares per minute. Almost one thousand of species of animals and 25 thousand species of plantsare now under the threat of extinction. Recently medicine has aced the problemsof worsening natural ecological conditions, chronic stresses, reduction ofimmunity, change of nutrition ration, and many other factors, unknown by now. Fellingforests, pollution of environment by industrial waste and automobiles havealready caused global warmth on the planet. Misuse of pesticides, mineralfertilizers, water pollution, impact of Chernobyl accident on the people-thisis not a complete list of the factors determining dangerous changes in humanorganism and growth of diseases and death rate. Man is now using permissiveprinciple and its trying to take everything from his life today. Mankind hasdriven itself into a dead-end… However, we still have an exit from it. Thequality of man’s life is impossible without solving ecological problems:preservation of genetic fund of flora and fauna, preservation of clean andproductive natural environments (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soils, and forests),preservation of ozone. Only having realized that the reason of the ecologicalcrisis which burst in the 20 century was lack of unity of Man and Nature,civilization can achieve progress.
6. Language work:
1) Translate from Ukrainian intoEnglish using the infinitive:
1. Вона не чекала, що її син повернетьсятак рано.
2. Вони хотіли, щоб я взяла участь удискусії.
3. Я не можу уявити тебе одягнутою в такусукню.
4. Ми не хочемо примушувати тебе жити тут.
5. Ви винайдете новий метод.
6. Постарайтесь примусити його пояснити, щовідбувається в домі.
7. Чарльз чекав, щоб двері відчинились.
8. Ми бачили, що шторм наближається дужешвидко.
9. Я чув, хтось грав на фортепіано всусідній кімнаті.
10. Я не можу дозволити, щоб таке сталось.
2) Finish the sentences using theinfinitive and translate the sentences into English:
1. Dick is always the first (жалітися)when anything goes wrong.
2. The captain was the last person (покидати)the sinking ship.
3. Who was the last (пішовз) the building on Friday?
4. Douglas isn’t the man (залякати)easily.
5. There is some packing (зробити).
6. There was nothing (видно)in the passage.
7. There is nothing (боятися).
8. I’ve got kids (турбуватися).
9. He had no home (піти).
10. Here is the problem for you (вирішити).
Lesson 17
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
A CD-ROM is the same size, and works in the sameway, as an audio compact disc. On one side of the CD-ROM are tiny pits and flatspaces that represent 0’s and 1’s. A laser device uses a beam of light to‘read’ the disc, producing bit charges. Most new PC’s have a built-in CD-ROM driveto play the discs.
A standard CD-ROM can store about 650 megabytes,roughly equivalent to 325000 pages of double-spaced typewritten text. Becauseof their high capacity, CD-ROM’s are the primary means of distributingmultimedia programs. Such programs combine several forms of information-text,illustration, animation, and sound.
A kind of optical disc called the DVD appeared in 1996. A DVD is the same size as a CD-ROM but can store much more information. A DVD stores data onone or more sides. Capacities range to a total of 17 gigabytes for storage onboth sides. The DVD requires a special drive, which can also play CD-ROMs.
Yet another kind of storage disc, called a platter.Works like a CD-ROM, but is much larger and can hold many gigabytes of data.
Platters are expensive, so most of them are used bybusinesses, government agencies, and institutions for storing large databases.
Tape drives, that is used to store data works inmuch the same way as audio cassette tapes. Tape drives are much slower thandisc drives are. The main use of type drives for file storage is to back upinformation stored oh hard discs.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Works in the same way; an audio compact disc; flatspaces; a laser device; producing bit charges; to play the discs; roughlyequivalent; high capacity; combine several forms; storage disc.
3. Use the correct form of Past Simple orContinuous in the following sentences:
1. The film wasn’t very good. I (not,enjoy) it very much. 2. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I (not, disturb) her. 3.I was very tired, so I (go) to bed early. 4. The bed was very uncomfortable. I(not, sleep) very well. 5. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she (not, eat) anything. 6. Wewent to Kate’s house but she (not, be) at home. She (study) at the library. 7.They (have) dinner from 2 to 3. 8. It was a funny situation but nobody (laugh).9. The window was open and bird (fly) into and out of the room. 10. The hotelwasn’t very expensive. It (not, cost) very much.
4. Find out which form- Present Simple orPresent continuous should be used in the following sentences:
1. He (play) tennis on Monday afternoon. 2.She (go) to the dentist on Tuesday morning. 3. They (have) dinner with Ann onFriday. 4. What (you, do) on Sunday evening? I (go) to the theater. 5. Whattime (Cathy, arrive) tomorrow? At 10.30. I (meet) her at the station. 6. I(not, work) tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere. 7. Tan (not, play) onSaturday. He’s hurt his leg. 8. What (you, go) to do on Saturday evening?
5. Readand translate the text and use it in your own speech:
Last year I was in Great Britain on an exchangestudent’s trip. On my last day in London I went shopping to Oxford Street, asit is one of the busiest trade centers in London. The shops in Great Britainare always well stocked but the prices are too high. Most of the people werewandering from one department to another looking at various articles on thecounters and rails.
First I bought some souvenirs for my relatives, Ibought some English books, an umbrella for my sister, a pullover for my brotherand a woolen skirt for my mother. Then I made some purchases for myself. In theshoe department I tried on a pair of shoes. They were not too expensive andlooked great. Unfortunately, they pinched a little, so I asked for anotherpair, a size larger. The shoes were just my size and I took them. Then I boughta raincoat, which fitted me perfectly and was very much in the latest style. Ialso wanted to buy a shirt for my father but the one I liked very much was tooloud for him in my opinion. I found it hard to choose a scarf as there was agreat variety of them and I was at a loss which one to take. I also bought somesouvenirs for my friends in the souvenirs department. So, it was a great shoppingday for me.
6. Language work:
1) Read and write the following cardinal;numerals:
— 3; 13; 30; 4; 14; 40; 5; 15; 50; 2; 12; 20; 8; 18;80.
— 21; 82; 35; 44; 33; 55; 96; 67; 79; 41; 53; 22.
— 143; 258; 414; 331; 972; 205; 101; 557; 999; 313.
— 1 582; 7 111; 3 013; 5 612;2 003; 9 444; 4040.
— 15 500; 57 837; 45 971;92 017; 65 331; 11 443.
-235 142; 978 218; 106 008;321 103; 627 344; 552 331.
-1 352 846; 4 125 963;35 756 394; 257 382 761.
2) Form, read and write ordinal numeralsfrom the following:
a) 7; 4; 8; 9; 5; 12; 3; 2; 1; 13; 15; 11;10.
b) 20; 21; 30; 32; 40; 43; 50; 54; 60; 75;80; 98.
c) 100; 120; 125; 200; 230; 231; 300; 450;563; 892.
Lesson 18
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Computer Networks
The communication of data over telephone lines andby radio is one of the most important and influential uses of computers. Usingmodems, people can send texts and graphic files, exchange messages, and searchdatabases over worldwide computer networks. As more of the world’s informationis digitized, more people seek access to the global ‘digital library’. Thecombination of computers, modems, databases, and communications lines hasbecome known as the information superhighway.
The World Wide Web consists of tens of millions ofdocuments, databases, bulletin boards, and electronic publications, such asnewspapers, books, and magazines. Much of the information has been convertedfrom print into digital form, but even more has been created specifically forthe Web.
Every site on the Internet-whether a World Wide Web siteor not-has a computer address is known as the site’s uniform resource locator(URL). Using software that connects to the Internet-called navigation orbrowser software-a computer operator can select a URL that contains informationthe operator wishes to examine. The computer then contacts that address, makingthe information available to the operator.
Computers can connect to the Internet through localaccess providers, computer services that operate in most communities. The userpays the provider a monthly fee. To gain access to the Internet, the usercontacts the provider via modem. The provider then connects the user to theInternet.
On-line services are commercial computer networks towhich subscribers pay monthly or hourly fees. The largest on-line services havemillions of subscribers. Most services provide news, bulletin boards,databases, games, software libraries, and other features, often includingInternet access.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Communication; telephone lines; using modems;exchange messages; search databases; worldwide computer networks; informationis digitized; seek access; information superhighway; a computer operator.
3. Use the correct form of Past Simple orContinuous in the following sentences:
1. Who (cook) the cakes when Sue (phone)?2. I don’t want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The same thinghappened yesterday. I (want, not) to go to the zoo because it (rain). 3. I(call) Roger last night, but he (be, not) at home. He (play) tennis. 4. He(cry) a lot when he was a baby. 5. I often see Mike. I (see) him again onlyyesterday. 6. As teenagers, we always (understand) each other very well. Westill understand each other. 7. I hardly (know) Ray’s wife. Did you know her atall? 8. We always meet on Sunday. We (meet) last Sunday from 5 to 7 o’clock. 9.I often find things on the beach. I (find) this very old bottle yesterday. 10.Someone’s always leaving that window open. Who (leave) it open last time?
4. Find out which form- Present Simple orPresent continuous should be used in the following sentences:
1. The train (leave) Plymouth at 11.30 and(arrive) in London at 14.45. 2. What time (the film, begin)? 3. It (be)Wednesday tomorrow. 4. I (start) my new job on Monday. 5. What time (you,finish) work tomorrow? 6. What time (you, meet) Ann tomorrow. 7. What time(you, leave) tomorrow? 8. What time (the train, leave) tomorrow? 8. I (go) tothe cinema this evening. 9. The film (start) at 8.15 this evening.
5. Language work:
1) Answer the following questions:
1. How much is 17 plus 19?
2. How much is 25 plus 32?
3. How much is 120 plus 205?
4. How much is 13 minus 4?
5. How much is 200 minus 45?
6. How much s 7 multiplied by 8?
7. How much is 42 divided by 6?
2)  Read and write out in words thefollowing common and decimal fractions:
a) 1/7; 1/5; 1/9; 1/3; 1/12; 1/15; 1/25;3/8; 2/5; 4/7; 9/23; ¾; 5/9; 1 3/40; 1 3/5; 2 5/7; 5 1/3; 4 1/6.
b) 3.5; 2.34; 12.3; 52.51; 0.1; 0.25;0.302; 132.054; 5.37; 6.4.
Lesson 19
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
The Computer Industry
The manufacture, development, sales, and servicingof computer hardware and software make up one of the largest industries in theworld. The United States has the world’s largest computer industry, employingmore than 2 million people. The United States also have more computers than anyother country. Japan ranks second in number of computers.
Manufacturing. From a few dozen companies in theearly 1960’s, the computer industry has grown to more than 10 000 firmsthroughout the world. These companies manufacture computers and such peripheralequipment as modems and printers. They also develop and publish software andprovide computer supplies, such as magnetic discs. Many companies make computercomponents, including processors. Others make the boards and cables used tocreate networks.
In the mid-1990’s total annual sales of computerhardware and software in the United States exceeded 200$ billion. The largestcomputer manufacturer in the United States-and the world-is InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation (IBM), the Hewlett-Packard Company ranks second.Other leading U.S. computer makers include Digital Equipment Corporation, DellComputer, Apple Computer Inc., Compaq Computer Corporation, and SunMicrosystems Incorporated.
The largest computer manufacturers outside theUnited States are Fujitsu and NEC Corporation, both o Japan. The leadingcomputer companies in Europe include Group Bull of France and Siemens AG ofGermany. The largest software company in the Unites States and the world isMicrosoft Corporation.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Manufacture; servicing of computer hardware andsoftware; largest industries; the computer industry; peripheral equipment;publish software; magnetic discs; computer components; leading computercompanies; printers.
3. Which form of Past simple or PastContinuous is correct in the following sentences:
1. It was beautiful yesterday when we wentfor a walk in the park. The sun (shine). The birds (sing). 2. I am sitting inclass right now. I (sit) in class at this time yesterday. 3. –(You, go) outlast night? – Yes, I (go) to the cinema but I (not, enjoy) the film much. 4.When (Mr. Nickolson die)? About ten years ago. 5. I (not, listen), so I missedwhat the teacher said. 6. They (not, invite) her to the party, so she (not,go). 7. We stayed because we (enjoy) ourselves. 8. – (You, have) time to writethe letter yesterday? – No, I (do). 9. –What (you, do) at 6 o’ clockyesterday?- I 9not, do) anything special. 10. I work in travel agency now.Before that I (work) in shop.
4. Find out which form- Present Simple orPresent continuous should be used in the following sentences:
1. I (go) to the theater this evening. 2.(The film, begin) at 3.30 or 4.30? 3. We (have) a party next Saturday. 4. Theart exhibition (open) on 15 of June and (finish) on 15 August. 5. I (not, goout) this evening. 6. – (You, do) anything tomorrow morning? – No, I’m free. I(stay) at home. 7. They (go) to a concert tonight. It (begin) at 7.30.
Lesson 20
1. Read and translate the text intoUkrainian:
Computer Security
Many people fear that their right to privacy isthreatened by the possible misuse or unauthorized disclosure of information incomputer databases. Certain databases hold private and personal information,such as medical, banking or tax records. Others contain business plans orinventions that a company wishes to conceal from competitors. Still othersstore top-secret military information and other kinds of data important to anation’s security. Laws limit the disclosure of information in databases, andoperating systems are designed to prevent unauthorized entry into a computer.Many computers require a user to enter a secret password. In addition, somecomputer systems automatically scramble information so it can be decoded byauthorized personnel. But, computer crimes still occur. Industrial spies andthieves often use telephone lines to gain access to computers. Some of thesecriminals steal or change the information in a computer database. Others stealmoney by transferring funds electronically. In the late 1980’s computer expertsbecame aware of a dangerous type of program called a computer virus. A computervirus s designed to do mischief, sometimes by deleting or changing informationand sometimes by simply inserting a message. A virus can enter a computer’soperating system via a modem, a floppy disc, or a CD-ROM. A virus can spreadthrough a network. Antivirus programs are available to prevent viruses.
2. Translate the following words andword-combinations into Ukrainian:
Fear; right to privacy; threatened; possible misuse;certain databases; personal information; contain; to conceal from competitors;top-secret military information; automatically scramble information.
3. Which form of Past simple or PastContinuous is correct in the following sentences:
1. He (work) in the garden all weekend. 2.We (invite) them to our party but they (decide) not to come. 13. The police(stop) me on my way home last night. 4. She (pass) her examination from 6 to 7yesterday. 5. I (be) angry because they (be) late. 6. Jack and Sue (constantly,improve) their farm before they moved. 7. (The weather, be) good when you (be)on holiday? 8. They weren’t able to come because they (be) so busy.
4. Find out which form- Present Simple orPresent continuous should be used in the following sentences:
1. Excuse me. What time (this train, get)to Moscow? 2. I’m bored with this film. When (it, finish)? 3. My wife has anappointment with the doctor. She (see) dr. Mike next Tuesday. 4. Sam hasalready made his plans. He (leave) at noon tomorrow. 5. What (you, go) to dothis afternoon? After lunch I (meet0 a friend of mine. We (go) shopping. 6. Themuseum (open) at ten tomorrow morning. 7. Classes (begin) next week. 8. John’splane (arrive) at 6.05 p.m. next Monday. 9. I (take) four courses nextsemester. 10. My brother’s birthday is next week. I (give) him a sweater.

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Читайте также:
Виды рефератов Какими бывают рефераты по своему назначению и структуре.