Written by Larry Shue, The Foreigner is a hilarious play. The whole play is set in a fishing lodge in rural Georgia. “Froggy” LeSeuer, played by — —-, is a British demolitionist who often visits an army base near the lodge. In his down time he enjoys coming to the lodge to wind down. Upon coming to the lodge this time he decides to bring along a friend. Charlie is shy, and overcome with fear at the thought of making conversation with a stranger. Froggy gets called away suddenly for work, but to save Charlie from talking he tells every one in the lodge that Charlie is from an exotic foreign country and speaks to English. Once Froggy leaves, the fun begins. Thinking that Charlie can’t understand them, the evil sinister minister and his assistant begin to plan evil things. Charlie hears much more than he should like the fact that the minister’s fianc? is pregnant, and their evil plans to do much more, all made with the thought that Charlie can’t understand. It only makes it funnier that he can. All in all, the good guys come out triumphant.