Annotated Glossary Essay, Research Paper
William Shakespeare is a remarkable example of a Renaissance man. He is considered to be one of the greatest writers of his time and ours. Shakespeare also is admired for his remarkable playwright skills for his time. This man?s plays have been redone more times than any other author. He lived in England during the Renaissance era and during the rule of Queen Elizabeth I. Shakespeare began his career in literature during 1558 to 1603 which is known as the Elizabethan Age.
Shakespeare had a very unique writing style for his time. He was a master of dramatic language and a experimenter with spoken English. Shakespeare would play with words to make them creative and meaningful. This man contributed more words, phrases, and expressions to the English language. He invented many of his words such as bump. Shakespeare is known to many as a ?word musician.?
Elizabethan drama was mostly available to the upper class and not the working class. It relied mostly on the audience to have an imagination. The staging was not full of any scenery but did include many props such as swords. Costumes were the main focus for sight. They were elegant and portrayed the actors character. This type made audiences emotionally involved in the play.
Romeo and Juliet was one of Shakespeare?s most well known plays. It was a major hit during his time due to it including romance and tragedy. It takes place in the Italian city of Verona. Verona is a city-state and the play takes place in the 14th century. Two lovers fall into tragedy due to a feud between both families. The whole play takes place in two days.