A Dream By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Essay, Research Paper
The Kubla Khan: or A Vision in a Dream By Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
When the author dreamed about the content of this poem, he was in a lonely farm house, because he was sick. The doctor prescribed a drug that made him drowsy and fall into a profound sleep for a few hours. During the time he sleep he had a vision that Kubla Khan told him to build a beautiful castle surrounded with fertile lands, full of flowers and trees like the garden of Eden. In his vision everything passed by smoothly. He woke up and with no effort at all he started to remember everything in his dream. He started writing about his dream when someone called him from Poland and talked to him for one hour. When he returned to write down his vision, he was a surprised that he only had a vague and dim recollection of his vision. He could only remember several images.
Colderidge, with his poet spirit development this images into a beautiful poem. Everyone mind is like and underground with caves, streams, rivers etc. I believe that he was comparing his subconciense with the underground river. The conscience with the fertile land like the paradise full of flowers, trees, beautiful feelings. But because everyone had a evil side this demon. attack the poet mind and made him forget his vision and berried it into his sub-conscience.