My thoughts on Love
What is love for? Why does it have to be just a word thrown around like a misguided sin?
Why do people fall in love? Is it because they want to be hurt? If people realized that love
only brings pain and heartache in the end, why bother with it? I cant stand the pain. It has
been eating at me for a while now. Love does strange things to people. I feel like im
hanging on the edge of a cliff and love has pushed me off the edge. Is it easier in the long
run? No! why fall in love when you know you are going to get *censored*ed over in the long
run? Love isnt worth it. and girls wonder why guys are such *censored*s to them. did you
bitches ever sit back and think about what your doing to provoke the guy to the brink of
rippig your neck out with a spoon? why *censored* with our emotions? Is love just some game
you play with our hearts? Life is just a game right? Hell yeah it is. It seems like love is
winning and people are losing. People have feelings. Love takes all and leaves you with
empty promises and broken dreams. why go for it?