Parent Role Essay, Research Paper
What does the word parent mean to you? The definition of this word is, one who
begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or a mother.
Yet, one interprets this word difrently depending on what life has had to offer
us. Many people agree with the denotation of the word parent. ?To me parents
are those who raised me?, states Ela Hernandez. Parents are people who guide
you throughout life. It?s someone who loves their child no matter what and
takes care of them. Watching and nurturing one owns child is what a parent is.
?Because my parents are there since I was an infant I must say that I consider
them my teachers on life? confesses AJ Vega. ?Parents are the people that I
know are there for me no matter what I do. They are their for me through any
situation, be it physically, mentally or spiritually?, says Carlos Hernandez.
Despite the fact that the word parent is usually positive to all, part of the
population feels extremely different. Some parents are overbearing, demanding,
and contradicting. Many parents say that grades truly do not matter; yet, once
report cards come along it?s a different story. ?Parents are usually never
satisfied with anything we do?, said Christina Cruz. In conclusion, different
people have gone through different experience making their view the one word
parent diversely unique. Some experiences are positive while others are negative
making their knowledge and feelings towards the word resemble their experiences.