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Реферат по предмету "Иностранный язык"

Don't kill the World

You can be animal,
It is easy.
You can be God,
It’s easy too.
You must be a man,
But it is so difficult.
People havealways polluted their surroundings, but until now pollution was not such aserious problem. People lived in uncrowded rural areas and did not havepollution – causing machines. With the development of crowded industrial citieswhich put huge amounts of pollutions into small areas, the problem has becomemore important. Automobiles and other new inventions make pollution steadilyworse. Since the late 1960’s people have become alarmed with the danger ofpollution. Air, water and soil are necessary for existence of all livingthings. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted waterkills fish and other marine life. On polluted soil, food can not be grown. Inaddition environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet. Pollutionis as complicated as serious problem. Nowadays people understand how importantit is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s lives. Themost serious environmental problems are:
· pollutionin its many forms {water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution};
· noisefrom cars, buses, planes, etc.;
· destructionof wildlife and countryside beauty;
· shortageof natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);
the growth ofpopulation.

Water Pollution
“Water, watereverywhere, not any drop to drink,” said the sailor from Coleridge’s poemdescribing to a friend how awful it was to be without drinking water on a shipin the middle of the ocean. It is strange to think that the water around hisship was probably quite safe to drink. It was salty – but not polluted. The seawaters today are much more dangerous.  There is no ocean or sea which is notused as a dump. The Pacific Ocean, especially, has suffered from nuclearpollution because the French Government tests nuclear weapons there. Many seasare used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. Britain alone dumps 250,000tons of industrial waste straight into the North Sea. This poisons and killsfish and sea animals. “Nuclear-poisoned” fish can be eaten by people. Manyrivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them. Thereis not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave theirhabitats and many plants die. If people drink this water they can die too. It happensso because factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers.So they poison the water. Factories use clean water. After the water is used itbecomes poison which goes back into rivers, lakes and seas.       
When the Americansdecided to clean up the Statue of Liberty in 1986, the first thing they had todo was to make a hole in her nose and take away the acid rain that hadcollected inside. The polluted air of New-York had mixed with the rain anddamaged the Statue greatly. And you certainly know that most of the pollutionin big cities comes from cars and buses. More and more often people are toldnot to be in direct sunlight, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun cancause skin cancer. Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us fromsuch radiation can get to the earth. Many scientists think that these holes arethe result of air pollution. Nuclear power stations can go wrong and causenuclear pollution. This happened in Windscale in Britain, in the Three MileIsland in the USA, Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union and Semey inKazakhstan. Nuclear pollution cannot be seen but its effects can be terrible. Tomake air clean again we need good filters at nuclear power stations, atfactories and plants and also in cars and buses. Both clean air and clean waterare necessary for our health. If people want to survive they must solve theseproblems quickly. Man is beginning to understand that his environment is notjust his own town of country, but the whole earth. That’s why people all overthe world think and speak so much about ecology.  Nowadays we face manyecological problems and we must protect our environment. The importance of theenvironment has finely been realized by many people. The organization of internationalenvironmental congresses is evidence of this. Many countries have been tryingto find solutions to their environmental pollution. Unfortunately the practicalimplementation of these solutions is not as easy as in theory. The cause ofenvironmental disturbance can be summarized as the development of industry andlife standards. Most of the agents of environmental pollution have beenproduced by developed countries. They have to develop strategies for the safedisposal of industrial wastes. However this requires additional funds andreduces the productivity of the industry concerned. Urgent solutions must befound; otherwise our environment will be deteriorated further as time passes.
Pesticides arechemical agents used against pests. They are sprayed on plants or plantproducts to kill pests. Of course the death of the pest is intended during thisaction. Eradication of the pest may be achieved but the food chain is harmeddue to this destruction. Another effect of pesticides appears after rain. Thesprayed pesticides are washed from larger plants by rain and are carried intostreams and rivers. The sedimentation of these agents in lakes and ponds causesthe death of aquatic organisms and as a result the natural balance is damaged.  Amongthe continental lakes of the globe the Aral Sea occupied the fourth place inthe area. We have to stress-occupied. Today the Aral is perishing. This badlyaffects the population of the area, which includes several regions of theCentral Asian Republics and the Kzyl Orda region of Kazakhstan. In some placesthe Aral has moved a hundred kilometers from the former coasts. The sea levelhas sunk 18 meters, the area has decreased more than one third, the volume ofwater – 60%. The average salinity has increased two and a half times, whichbrought about the death of fish – as a fishery area the sea has completely lostits importance. According to same preliminary estimates wind lifts from thebare sea bid and the scatters to a distance of 400-500 km tens of millions tones of caustic. Salts that threaten to ruin the agricultural oases forwhich water is drawn. There is an average 520 kg fall of sand and salt per hectare of the Aral lands. The ecological catastrophe led to thegrowth of the sickness rate dangerous demographic situation, unemployment andpoverty of the people, living in that area. The Aral Sea in Central Asia is atypical example of the effects of pesticides. Chemical agents were carried into the lake formany years. Pesticides accumulated at the shore and bottom of lake. Today theAral lake has dried up and the pesticide residues are causing enormous healthproblems in the environment.
Lakes andrivers are often polluted drains from town and factories empty into them, intothe water. The chemicals poison the water. Wildlife cannot easily survive init. Ocean – going tankers sometimes empty thankfuls of oily water into the sea.When this happens great patches of oil are left floating on the sea’s surface. Electricityfor our home is made in buildings called power plants. Power plants usually usecoal, oil or gas to make nuclear energy, uranium is needed. And uranium isradioactive, which means it gives off rays which are very dangerous to anyliving thing. Some people are worried that the radioactivity might escape andpoison living things. Because this rubbish remains dangerous for thousands ofyears, we need to be especially careful about what we do with it.
Stand next toa car in a traffic jam, and you may see clouds of dirty gas. This is one waythe air gets so dirty or polluted. Some of the fumes are poisonous and can do alot of harm to animals, plants and people. Even the rain is not pure water itmight seem to be. Some of the air pollution reaches about level. When rainclouds are formed, the poison is mixed with drops of rain. And down comes whatis called acid rain. Farmers very often spray chemicals on their land. Therechemicals kill pests. But what the farmer doesn’t see is the damage that thechemicals do to other things. The pests or weeds are killed. But so are manyother harmless small creatures that might have been taken as food by birds. Thechemicals can be washed by rain into nearby streams or lakes. The fish in thewater can be poisoned. Scientists are working all the time on chemicals whichdon’t harm wild life, but there are still some being used that are harmful.
Reductionof pollution
Air is pollutedby gases released from different sources such as from the combustion of coaland oil to provide energy. For instance, coal is used as a heat energy sourcein some countries. It is also used in thermic power plants to obtain electricalenergy. The hazardous effects of these pollutants can be reduced by theirfiltration and regulation in use. The best way of avoiding environmentalpollution is the use of alternative safe energy sources such as wind power,solar energy and natural gases. Water is polluted by industrial wastes.Factories should take responsibility for the purification of their wastesbefore they release them into the water. Where the problem is sewage, treatmentplants can be used where bacteria break down the sewage. The solid waste dumpedon land can be recycled. The usable materials can be eliminated from waste andreprocessed again and again. I want to tell you about nuclear pollution.Kazakhstan is a nuclear-free country, but as a heritage of the former USSR ithas 3 nuclear testing grounds. The largest on is Semipalatinsk testing ground.On August 29, 1949 the first nuclear explosion in the USSR was set off on theSemipalatinsk testing ground. Until 1963 tests were conducted mainly on thesurface and in the atmosphere. The consequences of these tests shocked evencynics and the tests were carried out underground. In all 456 tests with atotal explosive power of 17420 kit were blasted in Semipalatinsk. October 19,1989 was the last date a test was carried out in this nuclear testing site. Theancient steppe, its way of life, numerous animals and plants, all becamehostages of the warfare of the powerful forces. During the second half of the80-s along with other processes that took place in various spheres of thechanging society there was the surge for freedom. In 1988 an uprising with thedemand to shut down the testing site grew into the international movement“Nevada-Semey” led by the well-known poet and public figure Olzhas Suleimenov.“Nevada-Semey” movement enlightened people send won the support and sympathy ofthe people all over the world. Meeting demonstrations, letters, appeals togovernments, collections of thousands of signatures, picketing at the testingsites. At last the old system was forced to give away. The testing site isclosed, but its trace still remains on our land. The region has the highestlevel of cancer diseases, changes in the genetic structure of people and animals,the shortest life span and the highest mortality rate. There are differentopinions on the solving the present situation in the area, but one is clear: itis necessary to evaluate the ecological and moral damage of the nature andhealth. Kazakhstan cannot solve this problem single-handed. What is more – itwouldn’t be in the interest of Kazakhstan alone. It is an issue of globalimportance. I think that I have showed you only some ecological problem. We cansee that we, only we can help our planet. You know, that the Earth is ourplanet. We have much natural recourses, which we must take care and pass themto our children. I want to tell you about ecology problem of my native town.Burabay, the name of one of the most picturesque corners of Kazakhstan, theland of wonderful songs and poetical legends. One gathers in impression thatsomeone who said that it is better to see a place once than to hear of it ahundred times meant no other but this land. Nature has created here a fancifulworld of colours, forms and sounds. There are many legends about Burabay. Nownot only legends handed down from generation, but also excavations made byKazakhstan archaeologists tell us that Sinegorye (Land of Blue Mountains) wasinhabited by hunters, experienced stock-breeders and crop-growers, theSkythians mined gold here. Every stone, every forest path in area of Burabay isassociated with some tradition. If you look into the distance at the outlinesof the Blue Mountains, you will seem to see a giant who fell asleep amidst theforests. Yes, that is the mountain of the Sleeping Batyr. Height of thatmountain, if to count up to the point of the helmet, is 836 meters. If you look from the Akylbai Pass in another direction, it will seem to you that you seea fossiled camel. That is mount Bura (Camel) about which the Kazakhs hadcomposed a lot of legends. Height of mountain Bura is 690 meters. Rock Okjetpes, which is the Kazakh for “cannot be reached by an arrow” is associated witha legend as well. There is a very beautiful stone sphinx in Burabay. Ourancestors named this rock as Jumbaktas (the Mysrerious Rock). And really amysterious rock! If you look at the rock from one side, it reminds the boat,and if you look on the other side – it reminds the girl with the hair,fluttering on the wind. And if you drive a little further and look at the rockon one more side, you can see the old bowed women. Today everyone, who comes toBurabay, doesn’t leave, without not looking on “dancing birches”. They looklike the beautiful slender girls, turning in a whirl of cheerful and impetuousdance. It is fantastic! There is a particular place in Burabay. Place, whereAbylai khan set his White Horde and lifted his White Banner. Since than thatglade was called “Abylay’s Glade”. Presently the descendants consider thisplace as a holy place and tie the coloured knots on the branches of the whitebirches in the vicinity. The path, which leads from Abylay glade, passes on theslopes of Kokshetau and dives in a thicket of wood. If you go further, you willmeet a throne on your way, as it cut out from the yellow stone. The real goldthrone! It’s named “Khan tagy”. With approach of the warm spring days, Abylayabandoned his winter-stay near Red wood and placed on this green glade. He leftfrom Horde and had a rest in that natural throne, giving himself up to thecontemplation. It came in a habit. Since then this skilled exhibit became to becalled as Khan tagy. The people consider it sacred the parish usual adhere therags of stuff on the branches of trees and ledges of stones near it. Unfortunately,in time of chauvinistic splash of red totalitarism, even the khan’s thronehasn’t been left in inviolability. Anyone, who feels like it, can sit down onit, everybody contrived to break away “a bit on memory”, even beat out on thethrone their names, so that “to remain in history”. It can’t be helped?! Hereis a small hut-size rocky conglomeration from a yellow granite to the west fromlake Kumiskol. It attracts the eyes from apart. A stain darkens in the middleof it. If you come nearer and look more attentively, you can see the entranceto the cave. It is the cave of Kenesary. Today the cave, called by the name ofKenesary, is one of the sacred places, esteemed by the people. There are alwaysmany people here. On this place the faithful musulmans make prayers, devoted tothe spirit of Kenesary. The Kokshetay upland, a anique corner of this country’slandscape, has long been called the Switzerland of Kazakhstan. Its granitecliffs of several hundred meters in height under the influence of winds, rainsand the sun have obtained here the form of a quaint, picturesque obelisk. Alongthe mountain slopes and at their foothills there are high pines stretchingtowards the sun. The eldest of them are two hundred years of age. In the lowgrounds and valleys, on the coasts of blue lakes Burabay, Shchuchye, Big andSmall Chebachye the pines are joined by a round dance of aspens and shrubs. Theforest glades are of different colours. There are plenty of raspberries, wildstrawberries, red bilberries and other berries, to say nothing of mushrooms. Inthe Burabay forests you can find deer, marals, bears, wild boars, roes, wolves,squirrels, foxes and hares. Beautiful elks happen to appear here as well.  Abouttwo hundred species of birds make their habitat here. They include mallards,geese, partridges, grouse, teals, loons, grey herons, storks, snipes, lapwingsand capercailzies. The blue lakes of Burabay abound with perchpike, carp,perch, wild carp, tench. Pikes chase young fishes, there splash crucians. Theseplaces were renowned for a healthy climate as early as the past century. Summeris not very hot here, and winter is much milder than in the open steppe. Denseforests purity the air and lavishey saturate it with the aroma of pine-needlesand grasses. Burabay — a lake, a health resort, tourist camping-sites, youngpioneer camps, holiday homes – can be found on all the maps, in all thesanatoria quides. This is a big health resort zone famous for wholesome watersand medicinal muds, but mainly for its air so salutary for lung patients. Thereare 1515 lakes on the land of Kokshetau. Eighty of them are large, around whichit is possible to carry out the baiga (the national game of the kazakhs). Fromthese eighty lakes about ten are in the vicinity of Burabay, at the bottom ofKokshetau. Our great grandfathers told that “Ulken shalkar” (Large waterexpanse), “Kumiskol” (Silver lake), “Shabakkol”, “Kotyrkol” (Sore lake) andalso “Shortankol” (Pike lake), “Kopakol” (Overgrown lake), “Shagalaly teniz”(Sea-bay sea) were at one time interconnected and fed each other.       LakeKotyrkol is one the distance 15-20 kilometers from Burabay, it’s very beautiful. In reality these two lakes are very close by the each other, between themonly 20-30 steps, they are divided only by the eavth wall. The lake which isone the north is large, meandering, and the southern lake is small, narrow, extendedin length. It is interesting, that the northern lake is pure, without the reedsand fish are large, greasy there. The southern lake is small, all in the reeds,in bird’s market and the fish are not found it. There are a forest and theboulders around the large lake. In old times there were brooks, which fell intoit. In spring the thawed snow water from the different directions, forming theravines and waterfalls, streams down onto the lake. And at the same time thewater doesn’t overflow the lake coast. It is always at one level. In such case,where thawed and spring water leave? It turns out that nature-mother forsaweverything. From the northern small lake the small rivers flows out. It’sinteresting that the reed at the small river is always of yellow colour. That’swhy it is named Sarybulak, that is Yellow brook. It turns out that it lakesaway the superfluous water from the lake Kotyrkol through the wood, bendingaround the Antigozha mountain and pours it in lake Burabay or lake Kumiskol,though lake Burabay is so supplied by the water. From all the neighbouringmountains flow the springs and brooks in it, and lake Sarybulak carries thesuperfluous water of lake Kotyrkol. Why then the water of lake Burabay, thedeepest place of which doesn’t exceed seven meters, doesn’t overflow the coast?Even in this case the great nature forsaw the situation. Some brooks have theirsources from the east coast of the lake and soon they merge and turn into thesmall fast mountain river, jumping on the stones. And
because of itscharacter and violent disposition the people named it Kurkireuk (Roaring). So,odd “water from the lake flows into “Ulken Shalkar”. We shall now tell about the lakeLarge Shalkar. Five lakes, named Shalkars, are located around Burabay. This isthe most large among them. It is said that hundred years ago it was hugereservoir with the area of 30-35 kilometers, which reachs the grounds of the present Nauryzbay state-farm. That’s why our ancestors named it Large Shalkar, sometimesit was named Ainakol (Mirror lake). 40-50 years ago the depth of the lakereached 16 meters and the area made up 25 square kilometers and of ourcontemporaries remember it, because they saw this lake by themselves. LakeShortankol (Pike) is the deepest of 1515 lakes. Its length was seven kilometerslong, the width was more than four kilometers and the depth, in some places,reached 45 meters. The average depth was 15 meters. On some incomprehensible reasons long since a pike had lived in this lake and it reachedthe large size. It is said that it attacked even the people. Therefore ourgrandfathers named it the “Shortankol”. The mountains, surrounding the lakefrom the north, are also called the Pike. As the lake is surrounded by themountains, it is naturally that a great number of mountain rivers and springsfall into it. But the water doesn’t overflow the coast, because from thesouth-west of the lake the small river runs out. It goes round the settlementand being directed straight for the west on the Ayuly (Bear) edge, falls intothe Kylshakty (Weed) river. Kylshakty, in its turn, runs about hundredkilometers and runs into the huge lake Kopa at Kokshetau city. The superfluouswater from lake Kopa, the river Shagalaly incurs, that is in eighty kilometersto the north of the city. The beautiful nature can not annoy. The picturesquemountains, the transparent, cold lakes which names tell about the variety,abundant mammals and fishes – Shchuchye, Big and Small Chebachye, Karasye. Thecrisp air fills resinous aroma. The powerful nature energetics of these placesattract people who want to have a rest from narrow and close towns.  But todaywe cannot talk about the primary nature. From olden days the region was thecradle of many poets, composers, singers and writers. But nowadays we can seehow man is closely relaf to environment. The nature of Burabay are sufferingmany environment problems because the people are bad manager. The main“contribution” of air pollution bring the boiler-houses, which situated inShchuchinsk, Burabay, Katarkol village and many sanatoriums and rest homes. Theboiler-houses pump waste gases in the atmosphere. According to some preliminaryestimates the volume of waste put together 4,7 thousands of tones. There 51boiler-houses in the health zone. Only 36 boiler-houses work on the solid fuelbut there are only 18 dustgascleaner equipments. There are 15 boiler-houses workon liquid fuel and one on gaseous fuel. The dustgascleaner equipment clean fromsolid particles but gaseous polluting substances are thrown away in air without clearing.  We have to getover on the ecological types of fluel-natural gas and electrical heating. Theboiler-houses and private sector are necessary to work on the natural gas andelectrical heating because it is demanded by time. Except the boiler-housespollution the environment we have many another one. For example they are motortransport. The examinations of waste from motor transport are showed that wasteput together 73% percent in the Shchuchinsk. An average polluting of air put together8,8 thousands of tones in the year. The most polluting of air take place in thesummer, when a lot of people come to have a rest. They drive to the healthresorts by motor transport which about 11 thousands cars and other transports.The exhausted gases put together over 60% percent in the summer. It isnecessary to unload the main roads and build the making round of roads. We alsolimit the entrance motor transport to the health zone and the people who cometo have a rest can go by bus or taxi. The local authority must control themotor transport which pumping waste gases do not get rid of them. The wastegases cause acid rain; this leads to forest damage an there fore reduces theresources of forestry industry. Economists have long thought of the environmentas an unlimited source of resources. They have thought that the atmosphere,forests, rivers and lakes are capable of absorbing all the rubbish the economythrows into them. In fact, the economy and the environment are closely related.The environment supplies the economy with all its resources, such as water,timber, minerals and oil. The environment has to absorb all its waste products. And now look! The procurator’s office of region had revealed crying facts ofillegal fishing, hunting animals, cutting trees. The main squares of forestsare ruined by fire and the government hasn’t enough money to conduct forestsand guard it from fire. Here and there reign to revelry of poaching. Instead ofreservation which care of natural resources some. National natural parks turninto profitable places because there are cutting 10 thousand hectare of forest,hunting animals and wildfowl. Some people want to get currency and they giveillegal licence for catching rare animals and birds. You will be very surprisedbecause there are some species of plants and animals which threaten ofdisappearing in the guarding territories. Four species of mammalias and fivespecies of birds are disappearing in the Shchuchinsk-Burabay zone. Nobodycannot count falkon-bola bans which illegal are caught by foreigners and forestpoachers. Another problem connects with our beautiful, silver lakes and rivers.For example, according to some preliminary estimates the underground andsuperficial water has extracted about 4, 44 million of cube metres in thereservoir of Shchuchinsk lake since 1950 to 1995 every year. During many yearsthe water take away for drinking and sewage – farm from Big Chebachye,Borovoye, Katarkol. The lakes level has sunk in the Shchuchinsk 4 metres, in the Chebachye – 3 metres; in the Small Chebachye – 2 metres, in the Katarkol – 1,5 metres since 1974 to 2000 years. It we continue to exploitunderground and superficial water in such quantity we shall have to decreasethe lakes level.
Anotherproblem is drainage system. Nowadays water resources are exhausted and we havequestion about pollution underground and superficial water. There isn’t centraldrainage system in the health zone, because many factories and farms situationthere. They dump dirty sewage water into lakes Borovoye, Shchuchye, BigChebachye. Trash pollutes superficial and underground water. There are powerfulpollution of nitrate into underground water and in the chink water-supply ofsettlement Okjetpes, Katarkol and Kuchugur. The main pollution underground andsuperficial water are nitrate and nitrite but basis sources such pollution islocal septiks of sanatoriums, rest homes and populated area. The sanatoriums, rest homes are theyvery bring in profit, because the people all over the world, all the year roundhave come and had a rest and nobody of them think about our nature. Oh, yes,our place is very good for organization and developing inside and outwardtourism, but that all is burden to ecological system and these beautifulmountains, lakes and natural landscape. Look around all sanatoriums, resthomes, prophylactoriums, children health camps situate around the lakes. I saidthat they all don’t have enough hermitically drain, natural sources andreservoirs are polluted by them. We can see on the shore of lakes, alongmotor-round, on the health establishment meet the places of pollution soil withheavy metal. Yes, of course, the sanitary cleaner of forests and near lakeszone are made but it make that is not so good. Liquidation spontaneous rubbishheap along the road and settlement Borovoye, the drainage drains are preventedto dump pollution into the lakes system of health resorts zone. But these areso little. The ecological situation in the region is demanded of planningdecision which is accompanied by solid financial infusion. The basis forrealization conception of ecological sanitation this natural complex must be“The Region Program of Developing Shchuchinsk-Borovoye health resorts zone”. Thefirst, the local authority will have to solve the difficult problem ofwater-supply Shchuchinsk and Borovoye health resorts zone. You can see that thelakes level has sunk because these are sources of water-supply in Shchuchinsk,Borovoye and other. The program foresees to complete the building of Kokshetauindustrial water-supply. The second, the Vorobyevsko-Kotyrkol collector iscompleted to build the repair and modernization drainage cleaner buildings inthe Shchuchinsk and Borovoye. The project is financed by the Ministry ofNatural resources. It is 712 millions tenge, but the financial temps arebackward from real consumptions. The third, we shall decide the ecologicalproblems if we help our National Natural Park of Burabay. Because we mustrestore and reserve all variety natural complexes, plants and animals.  Thefourth – tourism. The territories which are not so valued, but have mainrecreation resources include controlling tourism and recreation utilization. Weneed to foresee tourism and excursions routes. The tourists will gather themush-rooms, strawberries if they pay for them. They also will fishing if theyhave licence, because there are 45 sanatoriums and rest homes which do to thepeople who have a rest homes medic-prophylactic service and organization theirrest. Do you know that the head of our state Nursultan Abichevich Nazarbayevhas promulgate the law “About United Social Economic Zone Burabay”. Where hesaid, that we must correspond to international standards. Much attention in themaster plan is to environmental protection, preservation of forests and lakes,afforestation on lakes Big and Small Chebachye, Balpashsor. But I think wedon’t forget about a problem such as ecological educate of settlement. If wewant our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better andhealthier world, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth frompollution.  I want you give an example how the people garbage disposal. I thinkthat you know that garbage is one of the problems of environment pollution.  Inthe United States, over 160 million tone of garbage are produced every year.Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put inlandfills. But finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult. A citythat has solved this problem is an unusual way is Machida, in Tokyo, Japan.They have developed totally anew approach to garbage disposal. They key to theoperation is public cooperation. Families must divide their garbage into 6categories: 1. garbage that can be easily burned (that is, combustiblegarbage), such as kitchen and garden trash;  2. non-combustible garbage, suchas small electrical appliances, plastic tools, and plastic toys; 3. productsthat are poisonous or that cause pollution such as batteries;  4. bottles andglass containers that can be recycled; 5. metal containers that can berecycled; 6. large items, such as furniture and bicycles. The items incategories to 5 are collected on different days. (Large items are onlycollected upon request). Then the garbage is taken to a centre that looks likea clean new office buildings or a hospital. Inside the centre, specialequipment is used to sort and process the garbage. Almost everything can bereused garden or kitchen trash becomes fertilizer; combustible garbage isburned to produce electricity; metal containers and bottles are recycled; andold furniture, clothing, and other useful items are cleaned repaired, andresold cheaply or given away. The work provides employment for handicapped peopleand gives them a chance to learn new skills. Nowadays, officials from citiesaround the world visit Machida to see it whether they can use some of theseideas to solve their own garbage disposal problems.
If we takeaway all the rubbish heap we shall have more free territories and use them toour economics. Exactly from civil position, from standard our sense of dutydepends on preserving of Shchuchinsk-Burabay Nature. The place where the mostmodern technology and the biggest standard of social developing will bepeaceful coexistence in close unity with living nature. I hope that in a yearand in a hundred and in a thousands years our descendants how we can admire thebeauty of Shchuchinsk and Borovoye lakes and mountains landscapes and drawenergy and inspiration from this wonderful natural source.
Don’t killthe World!
Don’t letthe Earth down!
Do notdestroy the ground!
Don’t killthe World!
Don’t letthe Earth die!
Help her tosurvive!
Don’t kill theWorld! We must admire our nature. We shall not do it if we don’t be together.Because nature ennobles and exalts itself in man, inculcates in him profoundbalanced feelings, high moral qualities.  The M.Prishvin said: “Fish wantsclear water and we shall protect our water bodies. In forests, steppes andmountains there are different species of animals and we shall protect ourforests, steppes and mountains. Man wants a Motherland. So to protect naturemeans to protect the Motherland.”

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Kukushkin M. – Lakes of Burabay: yesterday and today /The Luch № — 04.02.08. Министерствообразования и науки Республики Казахстан Акмолинская область город Щучинск БостамбаеваГайша 11 – Б класс

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! Заключение реферата В заключении подводятся итоги, описывается была ли достигнута поставленная цель, каковы результаты.
! Оформление рефератов Методические рекомендации по грамотному оформлению работы по ГОСТ.

Читайте также:
Виды рефератов Какими бывают рефераты по своему назначению и структуре.

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