Differences In Education Essay, Research Paper
Jo Smith
Differences in Education
There are many differences and similarities in education in Greece and The United States of America today. The differences, which there are many of, are focused on the different ideas of what is important in our different countries. The similarities are basic in an education and to have a successful country which both do have to be the same.
Greece and the U.S. have only four major similarities which are common to a good education. First, both have students that go to school until the age of 18 with the exception of college now. Second, both countries make students learn about music, have physical training, and learn to read and write. Later on in the Greek society, poor and rich students all went to school and all men soon learned to read and write.
There are many differences in the two different civilizations and probably due to the difference of time. There are about ten major differences between the two counties. First, the poor looked as an extra child in the family, and extra child to feed and give an education so could be abandoned or not given an education. The rich also didn?t want to spend the money on the child?s education and would be very selfish. Girls stayed home to cook, weave, do art, and to learn to run the house because of the male dominated culture. Only the boys went to school, and at first the rich boys only went to school. Only men learned to read and write. All schools were private schools and family?s would have to pay the school expenses for the education. They believed music was necessary and they had a high value on physical fitness which the U.S. doesn?t. For people who could not afford school they would train in the city to be a soldier.
The schools in Greece and in The United States of America both have a great impact on the success of the country?s. Even though they both are very different they both were affective. Congress or Socrates and Kings of Greece, it doesn?t matter, they both thought of good education for their country?s. Greece thrived in Ancient times as did China and succeeding them in modern times the U.S. and what they all had in common was a good education for there people.