?Upon the heath.? [Act I, Scene I] is the first sight we see the three ?weird sisters.? They are ?beldams . . .saucy and overbold? [Act III, Scene V], the temptresses of evil who seemingly lurk behind all the dark thoughts and unconscious enticements. They seem to live for ?riddles and affairs for death? [Act III, Scene V]. At first sight it appears that they entwine their misgiving through mystical charms and spells, yet truly their power lies in knowing the weaknesses of others.
Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth, ?To the weird sisters . . .Strange things I have in head, that will to hand;/ Which must be acted ere they may be scann?d.? [Act III, Scene IV] He is stating that he is indecisive about future actions, and that he cannot decide for himself. He then goes to see the witches who entice him to do as they bid. Their evil enticements can even indirectly lead to others to dark thoughts of mischievous misgivings; a prime example is Lady Macbeth?s soliloquy after hearing of the prophecies from the three weird sisters. Her reaction, sudden and cold, forgoing all the beauty of womanhood, wishing to be unsexed, and filled with the direst cruelty, is a sudden change for this noble.
The witches themselves let it be known of their tempting ways. They tell Macbeth that they shall ?cheer we up his sprites, / And show the best of our delights;? [Act IV, Scene I] It is clear that they are out to entice Macbeth through dance and song. Even their use of couplets or rhymes, is tempting in itself. The couplets seem to be used for their comedic touch and to soften their actions as well as their harsh perverted verbal intercourse. They are used to entice characters in the play as well as the audience watching.
Shakespeare?s witches in Macbeth enjoy weaving the fates of others, they seem to resemble the Fates in Greek Mythology, both Macbeth and Greek Mythology?s supernatural beings do not seem to relate or sympathize to mortal beings distresses. Yet through mortal being distresses and reactions, is situated examples of their evil and tempting ways. Banquo at first distressed with the first sight of the witches is somehow immediately soothed through their putting their fingers to their skinny lips. It is a reference to the quieting motions a mother makes to her babe or an attendee of a reading facility might make to a loud speaker.
In all these ways, acknowledging that the witches are temptresses of evil thoughts and deeds is inevitable. These are speakers of prophecies that often seem self-fulfilling and are left to wander far beyond human comprehension. Understanding the witches toying with human fates, helps to reveal some cryptic revelations inside Macbeth.