Hemmingway Essay, Research Paper
The sanctuary from my childhood dream
Torn apart by beaurocratic gain,
Nothing is sacred from the dollar
Destroying all beauty on earth.
It once was a bushland wilderness
A hill, overlooking my house,
Where we used to run along the bush tracks
Racing eachother, trying to excel.
Then the noise came, an unmistakable rumble
Clearing away all that was of my childhood,
Hopes, dreams, feelings that were let go
Piece by piece as the land was cleared.
It s funny how it happened
The hill was a mirror to my life,
However, the reflection turned out to be a warning
Of the way I was heading.
Little by little the ugliness grew
Taking over the hill and me,
Neither of us knew of the future
How far we would be taken over.
It starts with just one house
Standing alone so innocently,
Then they are clotted all over until
They fill the hillside taking it over.
As I look across the rooftops not
Even one piece of grass can be seen,
The ugliness of the rooves nearly touching
Sickens me so much I can t bear.
But there is brightness holding hope
A row of the most beautiful trees,
That look heavenly when the son shines bright
Is this too a sign of my future?