PErsonal Reaction Essay, Research Paper
A Personal Reaction
In the book, ?The Upstairs Room? by Johanna Reiss, the author uses
both fact and opinion to tell the story of her life during the second world war.
The book talks about her early life, growing up knowing that her race was
hated, and that she would no longer stay in her home because of the danger.
In the following essay, I will compare and contrast the author?s life with my
The story takes place during the holocaust. In the book, Johanna Reiss,
who refers herself to Annie, had to live a life similar Anne Frank from ?The
Diary of Anne Frank?. She had to go into hiding from the beginning of the
second world war in 1939 to the ending of the war in 1945.
Annie character reminds me of myself. The way she had to go into
hiding to protect herself and family due to their current situation they were in.
I can highly relate to that idea. When my family and I were going through
some family problems, my brother, sister and I had to go into ?hiding? until
the court trials were over. When I say ?hiding? I mean that we were relocated
to a relatives home until the court had made their decision about the child
custody case.
As the months went by, I said to myself, ?If I had put my mind to
something and worked hard enough to get it, my parents would have been
proud and they wouldn?t have a reason to fight over their children.? Annie put
her mind into hiding from the Germans and was able to live to tell about her
experiences. One day when I become successful, I want to be able to tell my
children about my childhood experiences and live my life how I had wished
my family should have lived. I will make sure that my children has no reason
to ?hide? from their parents.