Poem: Freedom Essay, Research Paper
I dig my feet into the sand.
Stare at the stars above me burning bright.
I close my eyes and hear the ocean,
I taste the salt upon my lips.
The rapid winds send shivers through my body,
I feel as if I am a fish.
Swimming through the ocean waters
No work, all play
No worries to drown me.
I swim; I jump, free falling into the ocean,
I dig my feet deeper into the sand
It clogs between my toes, feels rough upon my heels
I look deeper into the sky, see the moon the sun a star.
I close my eyes tighter to hear the sound of dolphins swimming
Freely in the ocean
I taste the air upon my lips,
The wind takes me higher and higher
Spreading my wings, flying with the wind
Through the white fluffy clouds.
I look down upon the world I live no work, all play
No worries to pull me down.
I fly, I sing, I triple spin through the sky,
I open my eyes, here while I sit on the sand.
Reality hits but I am still in dream land,
No one can tell me how to dream,
So I am nothing here but free.