U Were Dee How Would U Feel) Essay, Research Paper
Dear Senka,
How is everything going back home? Everything here is fine. Although, I am very surprised where my family is living. The house is very small, with broken down windows and the furniture is terrible. The house does not meet my standards at all. It is not our way of living, and I am not used to it. I have one word for you to describe it: uuhhhh.
You would not even believe what happened yesterday, Senka! We were having dinner and everybody was sitting at the table. I had remembered that I wanted to ask my mom to give me a few things from the house. I knew I was going to get them, but I thought I would ask anyways, just to be nice. First, I asked for the butter churn top that my Uncle Buddy whittled out of a tree and my mom said, ?Uh huh.? Then I said that I wanted the dasher that my Uncle Buddy whittled also But Maggie said that it was ?Aunt Dee?s first husband that whittled the dash, his name was Henry, but they called him Stash.? Then I saw the quilts that my Grandma Dee had made. One was in the Lone Star pattern and the other quilt was Walk Around the Mountain. In both of them there were scraps of my Grandma Dee?s dresses that she had worn about fifty or more years ago. I asked my mom, ?Can I have these old quilts?? Then my mom said ?Why don?t you take one or two of the others?? My response was ?no, I want the Grandma Dee?s quilts, these quilts mean a lot.? And to my surprise she said no and she gave them to Maggie! I felt so betrayed. My own mother!
I used to get anything I wanted and when she said no, that just made me feel like my own mother does not even understand where I am coming from. I feel like I just do not know my own family anymore. I miss you so much. I want to come back where people understand me. I can?t wait to see you! I?ll be home soon.
Sincerely yours,