Rennasiance Essay, Research Paper
Filippo Brunelleschi- He developed linear perspectives. He designed an
enormous dome of Florence Cathedral which was completed in 1436.
Cupola- Cupola is a small dome in a roof, sometimes made of glass and it
provides natural light.
Cosimo de’ Medici- He ruled Florence by taking over the chief offices of the city.
While Cosimo ruined his enemies, he was a generous patron of the arts.
Lorenzo De’ Medici- Lorenzo De’ Medici was called “The Magnificent” he was an
Italian banker who was leading patron of art and scholarship during the Renaissance
An Italian sculpture named Donatello was known for the “David”. David is the
first nude statue of the Renaissance. The life size image of this hero was also the first
statue to be cast in the round.
As you can see the Renaissance had many famous people that are know for
there architectural designs.