Candide Essay, Research Paper
The Enlightenment eighteenth century was the age of reason. This age involved the scientific method and was the understanding of the workings of the universe. This is when man began to question various aspects of life such as science religion and philosophy. People believed that Gods no longer were really a thought because gods don t make storms, aren t angry and now it s a force of nature. Looked at how could a god who is good let bad things happen. People now looked at life different.
Candide is about a period of Optimism where man is good. It s also about a period of progress in society, and a period of earthly happiness in the here and now. Why accepting the bible as an authority? Reason is supreme. Voltare admired the constitution of England he belived it was a separation of powers. Voltare s ideas are life isn t perfect the world we live in isn t perfect live and deal with what we have in life. Where Candide says life is not all good and not all bad. In every little good thing there is bad and in every little bad thing there is good.
Candide is a bit more of present life in the aspect that people are treated and thought about the same way. The relationships and values are a lot like today s society. The idea that optimism isn t pessimism and that in all good there is bad. With lots of money and lots of gold greed comes about. People have free will, free will to do what they want and live how they want to live. As all these characters represent various aspects of lives they also have different meanings and different ways of looking at life itself.