Untitled Essay, Research Paper
In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the author comments onlife. Specifically, Harper Lee comments on racism and true courage. Racism is the first subject that the author comments on. It is obviousfrom her writing that she feels racism is that it is wrong. This is displayed inseveral ways. The best example of racism is the trial of Tom Robinson. Tomreceived a guilty verdict even though he was innocent. The white juryconvicted him for the sole reason that he is black. Another example of racismis that fact the black children were not educated. Only the white children ofMaycomb were granted the right to go to school. Another example of racismis the way people acted at Calpurnia?s church. Unlike the other examples ofracism described, this is not white vs. black discrimination, but black vs. whiteracism. Lula, a member of the First Purchase Church, thought that Jem andScout should not be there because of the fact that they are white. She wasvery open about expressing this opinion. True courage is another aspect of life that Harper Lee comments on.Her comment is that true courage is when a person begins something, eventhough they are already licked. True courage is displayed by Atticus Finch.Atticus showed this by the fact that he defended a black man to the best ofhis ability, even though the majority of people in the town were against him.He defended Tom and created reasonable doubt. He put his reputation onthe line for what he believed. Mrs. Dubose, an elderly neighbor, also displayedtrue courage. She demonstrated true courage by the fact that she tried tobeat her addiction even though it meant dying in pain. As can be seen, the author comments on racism and true courage. Hercomments are that racism is wrong and true courage is beginning somethingeven though you are guaranteed a loss.