The categorical imperative is a better guide for moral reasoning because it can
be applied by the individual with a clear, understandable reverence for the
morality of the whole community. Mill’s utilitarianism is also concerned with the
whole, but the mechanism by which one can judge the worth of his or her
actions is quite a leap.
When a utilitarian makes a moral decision about an action the primary
concern is individual happiness. The agent must then consider the consequences
of this action within the extent of his or her influence. While there is little
argument we all want to be happy, we can not assess the moral worth of our
actions on consequence. It is much too difficult to assimilate individual actions
and consequences with the welfare of humanity as a whole.
Conversely, Kant’s categorical imperative gives an individual a more reliable
mechanism by which to judge his actions. The test begins with intentions rather
than consequences. It is easier to assess intentions than consequences, because
intentions are not as specific to situation and reliant upon outcome. Instead,
good intentions are simple moral intuitions that tend to produce good. If the
whole of humanity shares good intentions, acting only upon those intentions
which the individual would will for everyone produces the greatest good.
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