Jesus Essay, Research Paper
Jesus is the center of Christianity, born in Bethlehem in Judea. To believers
Jesus is the son of Mary. He is the son of God. Jesus was divine but led an
ordinary life. Jesus was also a teacher. His method of teaching was without flaw.
He taught by his example. Jesus lived by his faith, and his faith was in God.
Jesus’s twelve students or disciples helped spread the word of God or
Christianity. When I think of everything that is good in the world and what
brings about peace and harmony it makes me think of Jesus. I believe Jesus’s
life brought much hope to the world. Hope that one day if they lived a morally
good life that they would be rewarded with a paradise called heaven. I also
believe that Jesus’s suffering and serves as an example for us when we face hard
or difficult times. I believe that Jesus had great respect and love for his
parents which makes me strive to be like him. To me Jesus was a gentle person
who was compassionate and was forgiving toward sinners no matter how great the
sin was. I also see Jesus as a loving friend, parent, and guardian.