Sir Thomas More Essay, Research Paper
Man For All Seasons Essay In the play, A Man For All Seasons, Sir Thomas More is faced with a number of difficult choices, namely whether to support the King’s decision to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn and the consequences of that decision. More makes his decision to oppose the marriage early on, but even though it is something he does not waver from, he still has trouble with it, especially when he see the pain it causes to his wife and family. More’s antagonists are somewhat obvious, Cromwell, Rich, and to an extent, Norfolk and even his wife, Alice. Cromwell represents the basic evilness and threatens to have More executed for not acquiescing to the marriage, while Rich and Norfolk are representative of the betrayal of Sir Thomas, by giving in to Cromwell and to an extent the King. Lady Alice is an antagonist in the play because of the violent opposition she has for Sir Thomas’ decision. Alice is afraid of what may happen to her after Sir Thomas resigns the Chancellorship and what may befall her and her family. Alice’s complaints probably have the most impact with More because he does care very deeply about them and might have even caved in to the King, had he not felt that he was correct in his decision and that there was no alternative. More has a very difficult decision in opposing the King and his family, but regardless of the consequences, he feels that he is morally correct and that to choose any other path would be impossible for he could not oppose the Church and God.