Russia was the most backward of the 19th century major powers (had little industry, an autocratic gov. w/ no constitution and mainly an illiterate peasant pop.) Brought the Crimean War (against Franco-British forces) to an end. Instituted ‘Liberalization’ processes Edict of Emancipation (1861): peasants had no obligations to nobles / peasants were given 50% of the agric. land / the nobles were compensated through taxes for the loss of land / the commune (Mir) became a basis for tax collection & distribution of land The establishment of the Zemstvo, which was elected local councils with the resp. for collecting taxes, building projects, levying rates… Trial by jury (in public) was introduced / censorship lessened Town councils were established (1870) The army was reformed (conscription for all classes — 1870), service time was reduced, and training and education facilities were improved. The national budget became subject to audit and transparency / a state bank was established. (transparency was not extended to the national gov. and the Czar remained an autocrat) Social protest: The Populist (mainly students and intellectuals) / in 1866 a student attempted to assassinate the Czar а
tighter control of education / reduction in # of poor at Univs. / increased censorship / power of Zemstvo reduced / increased activity of the Secret police / political trials were taken to military court. The Land and Liberty Party — rebellion from below (the peasants) led by the anarchist Michael Bakunin Evaluation of his reign: Serfdom was ended Reduction in the power of nobles Develop. of industry. Failure to carry out political change а
basis for revolution