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Slavery 5 Essay Research Paper Slavery Slavery

Slavery 5 Essay, Research Paper


Slavery was a big issue during the years of 1820 through 1850 for various reasons. Most people ignored the fact of slavery being an important issue, and just left it without changing anything. Slavery was not changed for reasons which would have corrupted the country, in some cases to the worst.

In the early 1800 s slavery started accumulating in America mostly because of agricultural and industrial needs. The slavery population exceeded from one million to double that amount in a matter of ten years. Some of the reasons why slavery was not abolished any earlier was because of cultural, political and religious standings and acts. In the South, farmers and owners of plantations would have their slaves work day and night sometimes to clean cotton. Normally one slave would clean one pound of cotton a day. Once everyone heard of Eli Witney s invention of the cotton gin, farmers found out they could clean ten times the amount they normally did in a day, sell these hundreds and thousands of pounds cleaned, resulting in profiting much more than they ever imagined. Having this in mind, farmers were buying more slaves to work on plantations. They thought paying a thousand pounds for the purchase of a slave would pay off so easily that the amounts of slaves were accumulating by the day on plantations. The South was producing most of the cotton that was being sold around the world, and if they were to lose their slaves, then they would lose everything they owned as well. If they were to employ white people to do the slave s jobs they would have to pay them a monthly wage. Because of this, having black slaves was comfortable for them since they only had to pay one sum of money which would pay off in a matter of days. Other people in the South kept slaves because it was said to be ‘honorable’ to have one. As a social standing, people thought they could be masters and dictate someone else, so why not? Everyone was doing it, so it was like a trend. If someone did not have at least one slave on their plantation they were called unsociable. As time went by, people started becoming mean to their slaves, claiming that pushed them harder, slaves work harder and the owner would get better results. In some cases slaves would resist. One man thought that if slaves were to resist the beatings and the whippings, then they were to be killed. Very little misunderstandings and mini-rebellions were fought over slavery by slaves themselves. Most of the time they would get caught and killed in the end. Others would be fortunate enough to escape and never be seen again.

Congress and members of the government knew this was a very significant issue, but they did not want to cause change in the new country, hence have mob groups and battles fought over it. They decided to ignore it, or better yet, hide it from the public eye. People knew that slavery was a main topic, but seeing that the government was not mentioning it, then why bother? The public never mentioned it either. Until 1818, the United States had consisted of ten free states and ten slave states. When Illinois became a free state, Southerners thought Missouri would be called the 11th slave state to maintain the balance of free states to slave states. Alabama was then called the 11th slave state. Southerners complained and talked of civil wars, so the only way to resolve it was to come up with the Missouri compromise. This compromise said that Maine would become a free state and Missouri a slave state. So if they were to bring up the issue of slavery and argue about it in congress and in the senate, then it would ruin the unity of the country and cause wars between the North and the South. The Government thought it was not worth the jeopardy of the country s unity just to resolve a slavery problem, so by balancing slave states to free states they were hiding the important facts. The Government had the wolf by the ears , but they chose not to act upon it and ignore the big picture for the time being. Another political problem occurred. It was at the time of the abolitionists. Slaves could go back to Africa as long as they were not part of the American society. They were claimed to be an inferior race to any other race that was living in the country or visiting the country at the time.

As for religion, farmers and plantation owners believed they were granted the gift and the power by god to rule over these poor human beings. Their beliefs consisted of being on a higher standard than the black people, resulting in poor slave treatment, governing them and setting limits to everything they did. For slaves not to get powerful and rebellious, fearful plantation owners were trying to stop them from preaching and praying in front of others. It was believed that there self esteem and their faith in God would build up and push them to go against their masters wishes and help others alike to form groups and revenge their owner s ways by killing them and their families.

These were just some of the reasons why Slavery strengthened during that time period and why it took so long for congress and the government to finally come up with a solution to resolve all of this inhumane treatment.


Slavery was a big issue during the years of 1820 through 1850 for various reasons. Most people ignored the fact of slavery being an important issue, and just left it without changing anything. Slavery was not changed for reasons which would have corrupted the country, in some cases to the worst.

In the early 1800 s slavery started accumulating in America mostly because of agricultural and industrial needs. The slavery population exceeded from one million to double that amount in a matter of ten years. Some of the reasons why slavery was not abolished any earlier was because of cultural, political and religious standings and acts. In the South, farmers and owners of plantations would have their slaves work day and night sometimes to clean cotton. Normally one slave would clean one pound of cotton a day. Once everyone heard of Eli Witney s invention of the cotton gin, farmers found out they could clean ten times the amount they normally did in a day, sell these hundreds and thousands of pounds cleaned, resulting in profiting much more than they ever imagined. Having this in mind, farmers were buying more slaves to work on plantations. They thought paying a thousand pounds for the purchase of a slave would pay off so easily that the amounts of slaves were accumulating by the day on plantations. The South was producing most of the cotton that was being sold around the world, and if they were to lose their slaves, then they would lose everything they owned as well. If they were to employ white people to do the slave s jobs they would have to pay them a monthly wage. Because of this, having black slaves was comfortable for them since they only had to pay one sum of money which would pay off in a matter of days. Other people in the South kept slaves because it was said to be ‘honorable’ to have one. As a social standing, people thought they could be masters and dictate someone else, so why not? Everyone was doing it, so it was like a trend. If someone did not have at least one slave on their plantation they were called unsociable. As time went by, people started becoming mean to their slaves, claiming that pushed them harder, slaves work harder and the owner would get better results. In some cases slaves would resist. One man thought that if slaves were to resist the beatings and the whippings, then they were to be killed. Very little misunderstandings and mini-rebellions were fought over slavery by slaves themselves. Most of the time they would get caught and killed in the end. Others would be fortunate enough to escape and never be seen again.

Congress and members of the government knew this was a very significant issue, but they did not want to cause change in the new country, hence have mob groups and battles fought over it. They decided to ignore it, or better yet, hide it from the public eye. People knew that slavery was a main topic, but seeing that the government was not mentioning it, then why bother? The public never mentioned it either. Until 1818, the United States had consisted of ten free states and ten slave states. When Illinois became a free state, Southerners thought Missouri would be called the 11th slave state to maintain the balance of free states to slave states. Alabama was then called the 11th slave state. Southerners complained and talked of civil wars, so the only way to resolve it was to come up with the Missouri compromise. This compromise said that Maine would become a free state and Missouri a slave state. So if they were to bring up the issue of slavery and argue about it in congress and in the senate, then it would ruin the unity of the country and cause wars between the North and the South. The Government thought it was not worth the jeopardy of the country s unity just to resolve a slavery problem, so by balancing slave states to free states they were hiding the important facts. The Government had the wolf by the ears , but they chose not to act upon it and ignore the big picture for the time being. Another political problem occurred. It was at the time of the abolitionists. Slaves could go back to Africa as long as they were not part of the American society. They were claimed to be an inferior race to any other race that was living in the country or visiting the country at the time.

As for religion, farmers and plantation owners believed they were granted the gift and the power by god to rule over these poor human beings. Their beliefs consisted of being on a higher standard than the black people, resulting in poor slave treatment, governing them and setting limits to everything they did. For slaves not to get powerful and rebellious, fearful plantation owners were trying to stop them from preaching and praying in front of others. It was believed that there self esteem and their faith in God would build up and push them to go against their masters wishes and help others alike to form groups and revenge their owner s ways by killing them and their families.

These were just some of the reasons why Slavery strengthened during that time period and why it took so long for congress and the government to finally come up with a solution to resolve all of this inhumane treatment.


Slavery was a big issue during the years of 1820 through 1850 for various reasons. Most people ignored the fact of slavery being an important issue, and just left it without changing anything. Slavery was not changed for reasons which would have corrupted the country, in some cases to the worst.

In the early 1800 s slavery started accumulating in America mostly because of agricultural and industrial needs. The slavery population exceeded from one million to double that amount in a matter of ten years. Some of the reasons why slavery was not abolished any earlier was because of cultural, political and religious standings and acts. In the South, farmers and owners of plantations would have their slaves work day and night sometimes to clean cotton. Normally one slave would clean one pound of cotton a day. Once everyone heard of Eli Witney s invention of the cotton gin, farmers found out they could clean ten times the amount they normally did in a day, sell these hundreds and thousands of pounds cleaned, resulting in profiting much more than they ever imagined. Having this in mind, farmers were buying more slaves to work on plantations. They thought paying a thousand pounds for the purchase of a slave would pay off so easily that the amounts of slaves were accumulating by the day on plantations. The South was producing most of the cotton that was being sold around the world, and if they were to lose their slaves, then they would lose everything they owned as well. If they were to employ white people to do the slave s jobs they would have to pay them a monthly wage. Because of this, having black slaves was comfortable for them since they only had to pay one sum of money which would pay off in a matter of days. Other people in the South kept slaves because it was said to be ‘honorable’ to have one. As a social standing, people thought they could be masters and dictate someone else, so why not? Everyone was doing it, so it was like a trend. If someone did not have at least one slave on their plantation they were called unsociable. As time went by, people started becoming mean to their slaves, claiming that pushed them harder, slaves work harder and the owner would get better results. In some cases slaves would resist. One man thought that if slaves were to resist the beatings and the whippings, then they were to be killed. Very little misunderstandings and mini-rebellions were fought over slavery by slaves themselves. Most of the time they would get caught and killed in the end. Others would be fortunate enough to escape and never be seen again.

Congress and members of the government knew this was a very significant issue, but they did not want to cause change in the new country, hence have mob groups and battles fought over it. They decided to ignore it, or better yet, hide it from the public eye. People knew that slavery was a main topic, but seeing that the government was not mentioning it, then why bother? The public never mentioned it either. Until 1818, the United States had consisted of ten free states and ten slave states. When Illinois became a free state, Southerners thought Missouri would be called the 11th slave state to maintain the balance of free states to slave states. Alabama was then called the 11th slave state. Southerners complained and talked of civil wars, so the only way to resolve it was to come up with the Missouri compromise. This compromise said that Maine would become a free state and Missouri a slave state. So if they were to bring up the issue of slavery and argue about it in congress and in the senate, then it would ruin the unity of the country and cause wars between the North and the South. The Government thought it was not worth the jeopardy of the country s unity just to resolve a slavery problem, so by balancing slave states to free states they were hiding the important facts. The Government had the wolf by the ears , but they chose not to act upon it and ignore the big picture for the time being. Another political problem occurred. It was at the time of the abolitionists. Slaves could go back to Africa as long as they were not part of the American society. They were claimed to be an inferior race to any other race that was living in the country or visiting the country at the time.

As for religion, farmers and plantation owners believed they were granted the gift and the power by god to rule over these poor human beings. Their beliefs consisted of being on a higher standard than the black people, resulting in poor slave treatment, governing them and setting limits to everything they did. For slaves not to get powerful and rebellious, fearful plantation owners were trying to stop them from preaching and praying in front of others. It was believed that there self esteem and their faith in God would build up and push them to go against their masters wishes and help others alike to form groups and revenge their owner s ways by killing them and their families.

These were just some of the reasons why Slavery strengthened during that time period and why it took so long for congress and the government to finally come up with a solution to resolve all of this inhumane treatment.


Slavery was a big issue during the years of 1820 through 1850 for various reasons. Most people ignored the fact of slavery being an important issue, and just left it without changing anything. Slavery was not changed for reasons which would have corrupted the country, in some cases to the worst.

In the early 1800 s slavery started accumulating in America mostly because of agricultural and industrial needs. The slavery population exceeded from one million to double that amount in a matter of ten years. Some of the reasons why slavery was not abolished any earlier was because of cultural, political and religious standings and acts. In the South, farmers and owners of plantations would have their slaves work day and night sometimes to clean cotton. Normally one slave would clean one pound of cotton a day. Once everyone heard of Eli Witney s invention of the cotton gin, farmers found out they could clean ten times the amount they normally did in a day, sell these hundreds and thousands of pounds cleaned, resulting in profiting much more than they ever imagined. Having this in mind, farmers were buying more slaves to work on plantations. They thought paying a thousand pounds for the purchase of a slave would pay off so easily that the amounts of slaves were accumulating by the day on plantations. The South was producing most of the cotton that was being sold around the world, and if they were to lose their slaves, then they would lose everything they owned as well. If they were to employ white people to do the slave s jobs they would have to pay them a monthly wage. Because of this, having black slaves was comfortable for them since they only had to pay one sum of money which would pay off in a matter of days. Other people in the South kept slaves because it was said to be ‘honorable’ to have one. As a social standing, people thought they could be masters and dictate someone else, so why not? Everyone was doing it, so it was like a trend. If someone did not have at least one slave on their plantation they were called unsociable. As time went by, people started becoming mean to their slaves, claiming that pushed them harder, slaves work harder and the owner would get better results. In some cases slaves would resist. One man thought that if slaves were to resist the beatings and the whippings, then they were to be killed. Very little misunderstandings and mini-rebellions were fought over slavery by slaves themselves. Most of the time they would get caught and killed in the end. Others would be fortunate enough to escape and never be seen again.

Congress and members of the government knew this was a very significant issue, but they did not want to cause change in the new country, hence have mob groups and battles fought over it. They decided to ignore it, or better yet, hide it from the public eye. People knew that slavery was a main topic, but seeing that the government was not mentioning it, then why bother? The public never mentioned it either. Until 1818, the United States had consisted of ten free states and ten slave states. When Illinois became a free state, Southerners thought Missouri would be called the 11th slave state to maintain the balance of free states to slave states. Alabama was then called the 11th slave state. Southerners complained and talked of civil wars, so the only way to resolve it was to come up with the Missouri compromise. This compromise said that Maine would become a free state and Missouri a slave state. So if they were to bring up the issue of slavery and argue about it in congress and in the senate, then it would ruin the unity of the country and cause wars between the North and the South. The Government thought it was not worth the jeopardy of the country s unity just to resolve a slavery problem, so by balancing slave states to free states they were hiding the important facts. The Government had the wolf by the ears , but they chose not to act upon it and ignore the big picture for the time being. Another political problem occurred. It was at the time of the abolitionists. Slaves could go back to Africa as long as they were not part of the American society. They were claimed to be an inferior race to any other race that was living in the country or visiting the country at the time.

As for religion, farmers and plantation owners believed they were granted the gift and the power by god to rule over these poor human beings. Their beliefs consisted of being on a higher standard than the black people, resulting in poor slave treatment, governing them and setting limits to everything they did. For slaves not to get powerful and rebellious, fearful plantation owners were trying to stop them from preaching and praying in front of others. It was believed that there self esteem and their faith in God would build up and push them to go against their masters wishes and help others alike to form groups and revenge their owner s ways by killing them and their families.

These were just some of the reasons why Slavery strengthened during that time period and why it took so long for congress and the government to finally come up with a solution to resolve all of this inhumane treatment.

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