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Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay Research


Beauty is only skin deep

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is only skin deep and Beauty is in the eye of the beholder can be very controversial quotes to some people. Those quotes are all based on how they are viewed by other people. You may not believe in them but other might believe strongly in them.

First, Beauty is only skin deep all depends on what type of person you are. Both quotes rate directly to each other but let s pull them apart separately. I think that Beauty is only skin deep is expressed in many ways by people. If you are not one of those beautiful people in this world then to some people you mean nothing. When you look around a normal school you see clicks right? Well that s what I am talking about. You see the people who express them selves by wearing darker clothes, and the people who always wear the trendy and instyle clothes. Sometimes you get jealous and say mean things because either you wished you looked like them or you want the things they have. But we were all created differently. You have to like yourself first for anyone else to like you. Relating to Beauty is only skin deep means that people only look at what s inside that counts. Some people believe at love at first sight, what is all that about? That means they like the person just from seeing them. So many people in this world can relate. People judge people. You look around and think by the clothes or hairstyle this girl wears that she can either not afford them or chooses to be that way. So you think she is poor. Doesn t she deserve your attention too? I think that beauty is over rated. People need to look at your mind, your intelligence. Coming from a world where I get compliments a lot, saying that I am pretty I know what its like. I am not trying to be conceited but it s just the truth. Being pretty is not all it s cracked up to be. Since being pretty has got me a lot of compliments it also brings in the bad sides of things. Ultimately girls think that I am stuck up and a rich snob, If they knew me or got to know me they would hopefully think differently of me. They also think that since I am pretty that their boyfriends will like me and leave them or something, cause they get really jealous. I do not know why this is but they think I am a boyfriend stealer. When I am only interested in those limited few who can impress me with there charm, whit, intelligence. When they have guys that are the popular once that everyone wants. Well to tell you the truth some people do not want them. I certainly do not. There is no one in this world that I know of that would go for a guy because she sees his name of the high honor list, or she finds out his GPA and wants to date him. Same goes for guys too. Guys are the most stereotypical, they are conceived as only thinking girls are hot or they could get with them, to be literal. Since guys are so much into things like saying a girl is hot, the compliments have come to that you are hot and I like you, without even knowing the person. What ever happened to you look nice today or your very pretty? Those good old fashioned compliments that some girls and guys still like. I know this has mostly been towards girls but this is how I view the society we live in. Guys and girls always shoot for the popular ones. Some are smart, some are average, and some are dumb. That s how the world turns. They also say love is blind that is true, who knows what love is these days. They say its like when you were a little girl and you hold your hands out straight and spin. Remember that feeling? I can in a way. That s what love is too hard to explain. Beauty is too hard to explain. Everyone wants to be beautiful but nothing comes out of it. If you want to be pretty, then you will always complain and never like yourself for whom you are. You will always want to be beautiful. So when you think of being beautiful what s your choice going to be?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that if you like someone you like them for your own reasons not anyone else s. For instance if you are dating someone that no one really thinks is cute. Something in the beginning, when you met him had to have attracted you to him/her that others could not see. If someone is quiet around some people him/her might not be quiet around you, so your really attracted to him/her. That makes the beauty in your own hands, you being the beholder control what you think of the opposite sex. People do not go around meeting people for their personality. The first thing they notice is if you look nice. If the world were different we would all be better off.

The quotes Beauty is only skin deep and Beauty is in the eye of the beholder relate to Mid Summer Night s Dream in many of ways. First, Lysander and Demetruis are both attracted to Hermia. Hermia wants Lysander, and Helena wants Demetruis. Helena says that Hermia is a very fair lady, meaning she is really pretty woman. Helena is jealous that Demetruis likes Hermia, so she tells Demetruis of Hermia s plan to run away with Lysander into the forest. Demetruis obviously thinks that Hermia if prettier then Helena because he could have Helena but he chooses Hermia. To me it sounds like Demetrius does not even know Hermia due to the fact that she wants nothing to so with him. So he is attracted to her for other reasons.

Then Shakespeare also expresses in Act 3, Scene 1, when Titania wakes up and she falls in love in love with Nick Bottom the weaver. This shows that belief of Beauty is only skin deep is irrelevant to that particular scene. Titania immediately falls head over heels for the boy and she chases him with every word. She sends her fairies to wait on him hand and foot to show her affection. Without even knowing him Titania wants him because of the evil spell the King of the fairies puts her under. He wants to embarrass her with something he knows will work, this shows that they know of the fact of love at first sight. Love at first sight is a saying people use on first opinions.

Why must people be so harsh and mute to the fact that the world is judge mental? I think that everyone knows that everyone else judges people they just do not want to admit anything or be wrong. Everyone one is so self involved at one time in another they do not stop and think what other people are feeling. These quotes do not just affect people but the feelings inside people. Next time you say that he/she is hot, think how immoral you are being to yourself and others.

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