True Love or Infatuation
Many different types of love play an important role in the world today.
True love and infatuation coexist to make up love that can occur between a
man and a woman. Although true love and infatuation may appear similar on
the surface, they actually reside on opposite ends of the spectrum. Many
young people today have experienced infatuation, but only a select few have
actually experienced true love. The faster one learns to distinguish between
the two, the less likely one ends up making a big mistake. Infatuation may
last for a while and may pleasure and entertain while it lasts, but only true
love can last a lifetime.
Although people sometimes find it hard to distinguish between true
love and infatuation, a few major differences separate the two. First of all,
infatuation involves just a feeling; real love requires a commitment also.
Infatuation only allows for love of emotion. Real love, though, commands
love of devotion. Only the emotions are affected in infatuation, but real love
involves both emotions and will. Next, a person can ?fall into? infatuation,
but a person has to ?grow into? real love. For instance, when a guy sees a
girl so beautiful that his heart starts pounding every time he sees her, he
experiences infatuation. Even though he knows nothing about the girl, she
still attracts him.
Several things compose true love, a very special kind of love. It occurs
between two people and it grows stronger every day. Many older people will
say that a person will only experience true love once or maybe even twice in
a lifetime. On the other hand, many people will never experience true love. If
an individual asks any happily married adult, ?How will I know that I am in
love?,? about ninety-five percent of them will say, ?One will just know.?
Well, since I know I have never really experienced true love, I can only give a
few characteristics of true love. First of all, if a man loves a woman, he will
love, trust, and respect the woman as much as he loves, trusts, and respects
himself. He will also put her needs ahead of his own. The foundation of true
love should rest on the relationship of two people as a whole, not just their
outward appearance.
On the contrary, the inverse proves true for infatuation. Instead of
loving and trusting each other, one often wonders about the faithfulness of
the relationship. Sometimes he wonders if his partner really even cares about
him at all. Also, he always seems excited and eager when he dates this person
that he thinks he loves, but he may forget about her after a few days. People
that let infatuation drive their relationships always find little imperfections in
their spouses and make a big deal over them. When a person truly loves
someone, he accepts them and looks over their minor imperfections.
Infatuation is usually self-centered, short-lived, and when it ends, one usually
regrets it.
Infatuation may last for a while and may pleasure and entertain while it
lasts, but only true love can last a lifetime. One should always remember this
when he begins looking for a spouse. A person would never want to marry
anyone that only infatuates him because the marriage would end up in an
ongoing fight. People in marriages based on infatuation continually try to
make their spouses into what they want. One should also realize that
marriage doesn?t change people. More than likely, if a couple fights a good
bit now, they will also fight a good bit after they get married. Many
marriages that people enter into planning to change their spouse end in
divorce. ?Getting a divorce? has become all too popular among today?s
society. I don?t like to see people getting a divorce because it not only affects
the couple, it also affects their families and their children. I personally
believe that when a couple says, ?I do,? they should stay in that marriage
?until death do them part.?