Реферат по предмету "Менеджмент"

Formation of group behaviour in the organisations

Table of contents
Introduction. 2
Chapter 1. What is the group and why people unite in groups?.. 3
Chapter 2. Types of groups. 4
Chapter 3. Formation of group and its basic characteristics. 6
Chapter 4. Potential of group and its productivity. 13
The conclusion. 18
The literature list 20

People live and work in groups. 5 billion400 million the persons occupying our planet, form more than 200 states inwhich is 20 million economic organisations and hundred millions various groups.In the big organisation individuality of the person is dissolved in a lump ofpeople. Other business in group (a brigade, department, office, etc.). Hereeveryone with the abilities, lacks, acts clearly. Owing to features of group init there are processes which make essential impact on behaviour of the personin the organisation. The first has paid to this attention of Elton of Mayoduring the known experiments in Hotorne. The further researches in the givendirection have allowed to draw the important conclusions. First, the grouptakes a key place in the organisation. On the one hand, it the natural form ofassociation of individuals; with another a structural element for organisationconstruction. Secondly, the group has positive influence not only on theseparate worker, helping it is better to learn itself, to get new skills, tosatisfy various social requirements; but also on all organisation, promotingits unity, stability, occurrence of new ideas, perfection of methods ofdecision-making and the control. Processes owing to which all it occurs, Eltonof Mayo and Kurt Levin named Group dynamics recognising a key role of groupdynamics in the organizational behaviour, different scientists differentlytreat the maintenance of this concept. One put in it formation of group andmanagement of it. Others consider that it represents a set the technician andtechniques of type of group therapy, role training, etc. The third at somediscrepancy in separate details adhere to the concept of Eltona of Mayo andKurta Levin according to which group dynamics is considered from the point ofview of the internal nature of group, their characteristics and interaction inthem individuals. Such sight at group dynamics allows to approach to itsstudying as it covers a wide range of questions more deeply. The author of thegiven work puts before itself aim to consider most important of them.

Chapter 1. What is the group and whypeople unite in groups?
The answer to the first part of a questionis obvious: he/she is some persons, small meeting of people. Whether however itis really possible to name any small association of people group? The majorityof researchers assert that for group it is necessary, first, that its membersco-operated and, secondly, that they felt the participation with each other.These are two or more persons who co-operate with each other, influence againsteach other and perceive itself as we, i.e. as community to which they belong.Such understanding of group in many respects explains the second part of aquestion. We will consider basic elements of structure of concept of group:interaction and an accessory. Interaction assumes action of individuals on thebasis of overall aims and interests. If they are not present, there is no alsoa group. A following condition of interaction is the similar relation ofmembers of group to these purposes and interests. Individual Х will co-operatewith the individual at if at that and at another installations in valuecoincide. Further. That the person had a desire to establish connection withother people, it should have in the long term possibility to receive as aresult of interaction certain moral or material compensation. The deep sense isput and in the second element of structure of concept of group. The feeling ofan accessory is necessary for the person to realise its natural aspiration tobe with other people, to compare itself to them and to receive their estimationitself, respect and a recognition. The accessory to group means also potentialpossibility for the individual to have reliable protection. Members of onegroup will intercede the friend for the friend and at a meeting with hooligansin the street, and at conversation with the heads more likely, defending groupinterests. At last, the accessory to group, for example, to any club or a tradeunion provides to the person certain position in a society, gives it the powerand possibilities for achievement of specific goals. Thus, people unite ingroups to satisfy the requirements in Dialogue. Power strengthening Receptionof the certain public status achievement of social, economic and otherpurposes.

Chapter 2. Types of groups
There are different criteria on whichclassify groups. For example, depending on character of joint activity they canbe industrial, educational, family, etc.; depending on duration and existenceconstant or time etc. However the majority of scientists in a basis of typologyof groups take the most general criterion a principle of their creation. Onegroups are created directive at will of a management of the organisation forperformance of its purposes, others voluntary workers for satisfaction of thevarious requirements. The first name formal, the second the informal. Formalgroups happen two types: administrative and operative. The groups provided byorganizational structure concern the administrative: departments, sites etc.the operative include workers and employees who together carry out any task orthe project. The command concerns such type, for example. Informal groups alsoshare on two kinds: Groups on interests and groups on the basis of friendship.As an example of the first type associations of people on the basis ofaspiration to self-development, increase of the professional skill or collectorscan serve. A source of formation of groups of the second type are liking toeach other and similarity of personal values and installations. Formal andinformal groups have much in common. First, both those, and others pass similarstages of development. They have hierarchies, leaders, roles, norms (rule), thestatus, the size. Thirdly, group dynamics of those and others are peculiarcharacteristics are identical: unity and conflicts. At the same time betweenthem exists basic distinctions. As most important of them John V. Njustrom andKate Devis consider the following. Distinctions of formal and informal groups.The basis for comparison Informal group Formal group:
General mutual relations InformalOfficial,
Basic concepts the Power and a policy ofthe Right and a duty,
Basic attention to the Person of thePost,
Source of the power Proceeds from group,
Management to behaviour of Norm of theRule,
Source of management of the SanctionCompensation and the penalty Is delegated by a management.
Apparently from the table, in informalgroups the dominant role is played by members of groups and their mutualrelation, in formal — official roles in terms of the official rights and dutiesof individuals. The informal power, thus, addresses to the person as to theperson and, hence, has personal character; the formal as to the official, it isestablished officially. This the leader of informal group receives the powerfrom fellow workers, formal from an organisation management. The behaviour ininformal group is regulated by group sanctions, in the formal Rules and dutyregulations. At last group sanctions serve in informal group as influencemethods on management of behaviour, in formal Rewardings and penalties.
All these distinctions promote creationin informal groups of special interpersonal relations which make at timesstronger impact on behaviour of workers, than the administrative power.Therefore, though informal groups are created not at will of the management,each manager should reckon with them. How informal groups with formalco-operate, efficiency of the organisation depends finally. Informal groupshave many the advantages. They facilitate administrative loading of management:if members of such group divide the organisation purposes carry out the control.Informal groups promote cooperation and cooperation, reception of satisfactionfrom work, serve some kind of the valve for an exit of emotions of workers,improve communications in the organisation. Use of all these possibilities forincrease of efficiency of the organisation? A direct duty of management. Exista number of the rules checked up in practice which each manager should adherein the work with informal groups.
Their essence is reduced to, that:
1. To recognise existence of informalgroup and to realise that its suppression will cause organisation easing.
2. To listen to opinions of members andleaders of informal groups, that the nobility their mood.
3. Before accepting any actions, tocount their possible consequences for informal group.
4. For easing of resistance to changesin the organisation from outside informal group to involve its members inacceptance of administrative decisions.
5. In due time to give out to workersthe exact information, interfering with that to distribution of hearings.
Chapter 3.Formation of group and its basic characteristics
In the literature there are some modelsof formation of group, and in each of them stages of its life cycle are calleddifferently. For example, James L.Gibson, John Ivantsevich and James H. Donneli- younger consider that each group passes in the development through stages: amutual recognition, dialogue and decision-making, motivation and efficiency,the control and the organisation. According to L. V. Kartashovoj, Т. V.Nikonovoj and Т. O. Solomanidinoj, such stages five: an initial stage offormation, a stage of the intragroup conflict, maintenance of unity of group, astage of the highest working capacity and a final stage (for time groups). Е.G. Moll, as well as the American scientists, allocates also 4 stages: groupformation, a stage a storm and a storm, an execution stage. A lack of all thesedefinitions is their some randomness, absence of methodological criterion. Atthe heart of author's model the concept based on processes which definefeatures of development of each group lies. These processes, in theconventional opinion of psychologists, are that: adaptation, identification,integration and communications. Adaptation characterises the initial stage offormation of group when its members learn and accept each other, form problems,develop norms of behaviour when start to be shown structure, hierarchy, thestatus, roles, leadership. Identification is connected with formation offeeling of an accessory of the individual to group. This process proceeds atthree levels: the emotional as ability to empathize.
How ability to become on the point ofview of other person or all group and behavioural? As aspiration to obey todeveloping group norms. Integration marks itself a stage when the race forpower in group is already finished, group norms, roles of everyone that is whenassociation of individuals has turned to individual collective are finalised.Integration leads to transformation of collective into the self-regulatedsocial organism well adapted for in common-individual activity. For the givenstage of development of group following signs are characteristic: the purposesare accurately designated; compatibility of individuals in group is reached; theleader of group has proved the right to leadership in practice; the groupsuccessfully carries out the problems put before it; the size of group allowsto know opinion of its each member and to estimate it. People feel theaccessory to group, hang together, overcoming in common difficulties andsolving group problems. Conflicts and the stresses shown at the beginning it isespecially frequent and painful, arise all less often and are resolved in themost sparing ways with participation of all group. An indicator of efficiencyof integration is degree of unity of group. The highest unity is inherent ingroup at a step of its maturity. Group disintegration begins with dissociationdisplay between its members. Thus, if to follow logic of development of groupand those processes which accompany it, it is possible to allocate followingstages:
1. Adaptation.
2. Identification.
3. Integration.
4. Disintegration.
Thus it is necessary to notice thatthese stages are not the forms of evolution of group isolated from each other.They only specify in dominating tendencies which define its this or that lifecycle. In a life all is more difficult. Happens that processes and adaptations,both identifications, and integration occur simultaneously.
And happens and so that, having reachedintegration level, the group passes to lower step because in it there was a newleader or its problems have changed. As to communications process itaccompanies group development at all its stages. Communications are means withwhich help members of group co-operate, communicate, build the relations, formgroup characteristics, operate the behaviour. Therefore about it we will talkseparately. Generalising told, it is possible to present schematically model offormation and group development.
According to this model we will considerthe basic characteristics of group and potential end results of its activity.Group structure. Each group has the structure. It depends on type of group, itssize and structure, mutual relations and norms in it, the status and a role ofeach member of group. The size and group structure. One of the importantfactors who in many respects defines efficiency of group, its size is. Practiceshows that the groups consisting of 5-9 persons appear the most productive.Such number allows to consider, first, at decision-making different opinions,secondly, creates a transparency at which the contribution of everyone is wellvisible and, thirdly, provides favorable conditions for interaction and unity.Efficiency of group depends also on its structure. Researches have confirmedsuch law: than more than the general signs at group (on age, qualification,sights etc.) As that its members more fruitfully work, faster they find that correctdecisions of questions which before them arise. At the same time groupheterogeneity on what or to a sign under certain conditions can be a source ofconflicts. The status. It is accepted to understand a place of the person asthe status in a society or group. Distinguish are formal also the informalstatus. Formal it is defined by a post, an official rank. For example, theprofessor or the winner of competition? The best by a trade?; the informal?Personal qualities of the person and a recognition people of these qualities.If the established group status corresponds to expectations of the person, theperson recognises group norms and behaves according to them if is not present,between the person and group there is a conflict role a role. It is a way ormodel of behaviour of the person in this or that situation. Each member ofgroup carries out certain roles which depend on its status. Complexity ofmanagement of organizational behaviour here consists that in a life peoplesimultaneously carry out some roles. The person at the same time can be thehead subordinated, a companion, the parent etc. In each role from it expectcertain behaviour. When the member of group does not justify groupexpectations, there is a role conflict. There are different role conflicts:
1. The conflict the person — a role. Itarises when the role requirement breaks the basic values of the individual orits requirement. For example, the person can leave group if its representationsabout morals or justice disperse from group opinion.
2. The conflict in a role. Such conflictappears when the person appears as though between the devil and the deep sea.On the one hand, for example, the head of group on office hierarchy belongs tothe heads and should behave according to position; with another, it the memberof group also wishes to keep with it friendly relations.
3. The conflict between roles. In itsbasis contradictions between expectations from those roles which are carriedout by the person lie. In particular, the rallied group which purposes do notcoincide with the purposes of the formal organisation, can become the reason ofthe interrole conflict for its members.
Researches show what to avoid roleconflicts difficultly. However it is possible to minimise their negativeinfluence on new groups. For this purpose it is necessary to know the reasonsof occurrence of contradictions and in due time to interfere with process oftheir development. Norms. It is accepted to understand the conventionalstandards which have developed in group as a result of long interaction of itsmembers as group norms. Unlike role expectations which are turned to separatepeople, norms are turned at once to all members of group. Both formal, andinformal groups can have various hand-written or unwritten norms. One of themare formalized in various written documents. Others officially do not appear,nevertheless become known to all members of group. And though they haveinformal character, their influence on mutual relations in group and efficiencyof its work often appears more strongly written norms.
The basic norms can be reduced toseveral types:
What define norms of activity, itsproductivity, quality, terms of performance of tasks etc.
Concern the first type. To the secondthe norms connected with distribution of resources. They regulate an order ofassignment for wages, encouragements, sequence of granting of privileges andprivileges etc.
To the third the norms, concerninginformal social agreements. The rules regulating display of professional or groupsolidarity, admissible limits of sanctions to separate members of group, normof group loyalty etc.
Here enter. The fourth type is formed byorganizational norms. It can be requirements to clothes of the workers, shownfor maintenance of certain image of firm, or standards at negotiating etc.Existence of norms is dictated by a problem of achievement of the purposes ofgroup. Association of efforts of members of group demands some compulsion.Necessity of such compulsion is shown the more strongly, than the requirementfor uniformity of behaviour is more sharply felt at the decision of questionsof joint activity of group. Value of norms is difficult for overestimating.First, they promote predictability of behaviour of members of groups, reductionof quantity of interpersonal problems and conflicts. Secondly, norms allowpeople to define the value of the group distinguishing it others, and on thisbasis to construct model of own behaviour. Thirdly, influence formation ofunity of group unity. The unity concept has great value for understanding of arole of group in the organisation. This role can be either positive, ornegative, all depends on that, the group purposes coincide with the purposes ofthe organisation or not. In the first case members of group cultivate the bestbusiness and moral qualities, are proud of an accessory to the collective. Allit together promotes that arising problems dare efficiently, creatively, takinginto account the general opinion.
In the second case on the first place ina group life intergroup conflicts act. Obshche-proizvodstvennye problems paleinto insignificance. Unity of such group eventually collapses. However while itdoes not happen, the group makes negative impact on behaviour of allorganisation. The manager should know how to operate processes which rallypeople in group, and depending on a unity orientation to apply those or othermeasures of influence. There are various techniques which allow to estimatequantitatively degree of unity and its orientation. One of them is offered R. S.Vajsmanom. Its essence consists in the following. The set from twenty personalqualities closely connected with business dialogue is given to members ofcollective. Among these qualities? The constancy, endurance, initiative,sociability, sense of duty, knowledge of the possibilities, persistence,loyalty to group norms, sincerity, etc. they should choose five qualitieswhich, in their opinion, are necessary for productive work and which arecultivated in group From this set. Comparison of repetitions of separatequalities to a total sum of elections allows to deduce factortsennostno-orientatsionnogo unities of group. Depending on this factor themanager can undertake actions or on unity strengthening, or on its destruction.German scientists V.Zigert and L.Lang make for this purpose followingrecommendations.
For unity strengthening:
1. Help group to test the generalsuccess;
2. Try to strengthen trust of members ofgroup to each other and first of all to the leader;
3. Develop feeling of an accessory togroup as sensation of a certain feature, strengthen this feeling, carrying outjoint group actions, showing a more potential, new possibilities in thedecision of the problems, opening in teamwork;
4. Take care of that the accessory togroup delivered pleasure, answered motivation to an accessory, respect,self-esteem, prestige;
5. Support belief of group in a realityof the decision of tasks in view. For unity destruction:
1. In the form of drama show to grouphopelessness of its activity;
2. Show to group impossibility ofachievement of the purposes put by it;
3. Sow mistrust between people and firstof all to the leader of group;
4. Form the dissenting subgroups,stimulate flight from group, encourage deserters, and is better. Transform intothe deserter of the leader of group;
5. Make feeling of an accessory to groupwith feeling weariness, discontent;
6. Eliminate the leader by its moving onother place of work. To the manager can be useful and councils of the Americanscientists which recommend:
For unity strengthening:
1. To make group it is less;
2. To encourage the consent with thegroup purposes;
3. To stimulate competition to othergroups;
4. To give out compensation to allgroup, instead of its separate members;
5. If it is necessary, to isolate groupfrom negative influence of other workers. For unity destruction:
1. To make group it is more;
2. To disband group;
3. To give out compensations not to allgroup, and its separate members;
4. To encourage disagreement with groupproblems;
5. Not to isolate group. Alsorecommendations of domestic scientist N. Vlasovoj, which in the second volumeof the three-volume edition at last are worthy. Also you will wake up the bossresults 22 rules of management of group:
1. Estimate potential possibilities ofpeople and distribute between them role positions in group;
2. Designate a place and value of eachmember of group in the decision of the general problem;
3. Put before group an overall aim,without having forgotten to convince everyone, what an overall aim. It and itspersonal purpose;
4. Distribute duties, responsibility,the rights, the power and means, having developed competent duty regulationsand having balanced resources;
5. Discuss the first difficulties withorientation to revealing of their reasons;
6. Suggest group to qualify the activityconstantly;
7. Stabilise, rally group, create afavorable climate, and then simulate crisis that people have learnt to resolvecontradictions and conflicts (a problem demanding time, resources, confidenceof approachibility of expected results and participation small, but thequalified group of psychology.
8. Develop collective decision-making.Authorship appropriate to group, however in group give due to everyonedepending on its contribution;
9. Develop constant criteria of anassessment of works and follow them;
10. Conduct collective and publicanalysis of contradictions;
11. Support in group the main values:respect for everyone, an estimation under the contribution, orientation onpositive in the person, publicity, democratic character, the account ofspecific features;
12. Open sense and the importance of work,a place and value of everyone in a common cause;
13. Decentralize the power and give fullindependence to all members of group (but do not forget about what it was toldin item 4);
14. Encourage the initiative, excludepractice of search guilty. It is important to find the reasons and ways ofelimination of errors;
15. Do not forget about constantimprovement of professional skill and sensation of prospect for everyone;
16. All group problems resolve in commonand publicly;
17. Give the constant information onachievements of everyone;
18. To all members of group grant theright freely to give any information, to express any opinions or doubtsconcerning any discussed question;
19. Appoint one member of group to arole the lawyer of a devil — the person who is protecting obviously wrongbusiness or engaged pettifogging, discrepancies, doubtful positions, theerrors, criticising made decisions from the various points of view. It helps toaccept faster correct, for all comprehensible and comprehensively well-foundeddecision;
20. Listen to the various points of viewand criticism also it is quiet, as well as that coincides with your point ofview;
21. Separate efforts on generating ofideas from their estimation. At first collect all offers, and then discusspluses and minuses of each of them.

Chapter 4. Potential of group and itsproductivity
Formation of potential of group isinfluenced by all its basic characteristics. But the special place among themis occupied with group norms. They are a core of all processes of groupdynamics and directly are connected with productivity of potential both thegroup, and its each member and all organisation. The researches spentapproximately at the same time by V. M. Bekhterev in Russia and E. Mejo in theUSA, have allowed them to come to identical conclusions. It appears, it iseasier to person to work, if the group which member it is, supports it andwaits from it for good results. Efficiency of group considerably increases inthat case at the expense of increase of individual productivity. Moreover, thegroup norm of productivity can increase several times if results of work ofeveryone influence success of the others and depend on their general success. E.Majo were explained by this phenomenon to what norms promote creation ofatmosphere which not only defines behaviour of everyone who considers group the,but also strengthens display so-called effect when the general productivity incollective develops under the formula or 2+2 = 5, or 2+2 = 3. Positive ornegative character of influence of this informal structure on productivitydepends on variety of factors. J. D. Krasovsky divides them on two groups: thecores and variables. We them will name qualitative and quantitative. Thequalitative concern:
1. Professional groups, indicators areinterchangeability, complementarity;
2. The moral and psychological unityshown in norms of mutual aid;
3. Style of the leader J. D. Krasovskyincludes in group of quantitative factors:
1. Group level of claims, that is moodof workers on achievement intermediate and end results;
2. Qualifying potential, sufficient forrealisation of total and off-schedule indicators;
3. Requirements to an end result whichdefines group work;
4. An openness of assessments of worksof group from outside the head, especially in situations of intergroup rivalry;
5. structure;
6. Intragroup interpersonalcommunications;
7. Time of existence of group;
8. Group norm of productivity.
Each of the listed factors in own way isshown at influence of informal structure of interpersonal relations onproductivity of group depending on the positive or negative orientation. Thusthe factor which will organise, focuses influence of all components, the groupnorm is. It is confirmed with F. Borodina's researches which have been spent bythem on the basis of numerous situations. One of them is resulted in theirbook? Attention: the conflict in design office in information department therewas a group of translators (5 persons). It worked well, exceeded norm. The headdefined work total amount, and translators distributed it among themselves,helping each other. In the end of every week head held group meeting, estimatedwork of everyone and informed on work forthcoming week.
Meetings passed is live. Translatorsoffered an additional material to discussion. But in group there was onetranslator who had no enough experience and qualifications that is why all toit helped when in it there was a necessity. It is it irritated a little, but itwas grateful to all for the help. And here once at traditional meeting she hasoffered the big series of articles containing a material which was extremelynecessary for design office for transfer. The head has suggested it to beaccepted immediately to transfers of these articles, having postponed that ittranslated. It, without feeling sorry for forces and time, sat all the dayslong and evenings, working even in the days off. The first transfers havehelped designers to promote essentially in workings out. Its transfers haveappeared quality, the work volume was considerably exceeded by what was ingroup.
A management of design office and thehead of department were very happy with its work and have highly appreciatedthe initiative. It began to work independently. In two months the relation tothe translator from outside employees has sharply changed. The head ofdepartment could not understand that has occurred. It worked in a separate officebut when came into a room to translators, saw that it sits with tear-stainedeyes, and in a room the burdensome silence hangs. Inquiries gave nothing: shereferred to personal circumstances, and the others shrugged shoulders. The truereason from the head hid, and he felt it. Then he has decided to talk to it. Itwas found out that translators at first did not approve its initiatives, andthen hairdresses, cosmetics, clothes have started to exchange at its presencecaustic remarks concerning appearance. Then on it have some times palmed offincorrect idioms translations. And then began accuse her of a careerism openly.But it worked still qualitatively and much, and the head calmed her that allwill change for the better. However the situation developed to the worst.
Besides the total amount of transfers ingroup began to decrease. The group has started to behave in a pointed manner:at traditional weekly meetings all sat silently and waited for instructionsfrom the head. It began to show them claims, has demanded to stop obstructionof initiatives, but has come across deaf spiteful silence. Then it has replacedthe initiative translator in other room. Her have left alone, but the volume oftransfers was still reduced, and then stabilised at lower level, than severalmonths ago. The head criticised group and held up as an example the initiativeof that working woman which they have rejected. Translators answered withresolute and amicable repulse, appealing to existing norms of transfer. — thereare specifications, we on them and work. The group became uncontrollable. Thenthe head has achieved revision of awards for an overfulfillment of norms andfor quality of transfers. The result has appeared unexpected: four translatorshave submitted a resignation.
After a while the head remained with oneinitiative translator. This situation opens intragroup relations from thedifferent parties. It shows, first, that industrial groups are formed on thebasis of the general for all members of norm of productivity and break up as aresult of nonacceptance of this norm. Secondly, in such groups there aredefining roles, statuses, at everyone the culture of behaviour, therequirements to members of group, the sanctions in relation to them, andespecially to those who drops out of it, the claims to a management. The grouptogether with the leader protects itself from encroachments on developedinterpersonal relations. Thirdly, the group norm of productivity because inorganizational management it is the weak spot becomes the basic weapon ofstruggle against a management. The group is ready to go on a victim for thesake of maintenance of the status, hoping besides to achieve and otheradvantages. If it does not occur, the group can go on extreme measures:entirely will leave. In the fourth, each head of group should build withworkers of the relation how it is demanded by law of interpersonal businessdialogue.
However it was considered by the head ofdepartment of the information. It has admitted variety of errors:
1. Has made administrative decisions,without reckoning with opinion of group;
2. Has answered a call of the initiativeemployee, but has looked through reaction of group to this call;
3. Opposed to its group and has notunderstood, as well as why business relations have regenerated in theinterpersonal;
4. Has transplanted it in a separateroom and has received the formal. The relation of translators to work:completely;
5. At last, has definitively destroyedall relations when has achieved revision of bonus system.

The conclusion
In the conclusion it is possible to drawsome conclusions and to formulate ten restrictions which disturb to disclosingof potential of group and its productivity:
1. Unfitness of the head its inabilityon the personal qualities to rally employees, to inspire them on effectiveworking methods.
2. Not qualified employees a typicallack imbalance of functions of the workers, an inadequate combination ofprofessional and human qualities. For example, Vudkok and Frensis offerinteresting enough distribution of office roles according to which in eachworking group should be idea men the directing, the planning, carrying out arole the deterrent and a little executors. The combination of roles depends onspecificity of the collective, thus one worker can combine a little from thelisted roles.
3. Not constructive climate. It ischaracterized by absence at a command of fidelity to problems, there is no highdegree of mutual support in a combination to care of the blessing of eachemployee.
4. An illegibility of the purposes. Theinsufficient coordination of the personal and collective purposes, inability ofa management and the personnel to the compromise. Authors underline necessityof periodic updating of objects in view, differently members of collective loserepresentation about prospects of the activity.
5. Low results of work. It is meant thatthe collective should no on reached, should show aggressiveness in achievementof the significant purposes that promotes a high self-estimation of employees,growth of personal professionalism.
6. An inefficiency of methods of work.Value of the correct organisation of gathering and granting of the information,acceptance of correct and timely decisions is underlined.
7. Shortage of an openness andconfrontation presence. Necessity of free criticism, discussion strong andweaknesses of the done work, existing disagreements without false fear to bemisunderstood is marked, to break business etiquette, to cause the conflict. Howeverin practice it is exigeant, or special preparation of the personnel and thehead is required.
8. Insufficient professionalism and lowculture of employees. Desire to have in collective of strong employees withhigh level of individual abilities quite clearly. It is possible to considercorrect the point of view according to which the developed employee should bevigorous, be able to operate the emotions, ready to be open to state theopinion, to possess ability to change the point of view under the influence ofarguments, instead of forces, it is good to state the opinion.
9. And 10. Low creative abilities of thepersonnel and not constructive relations with other collectives. Last twoobstacles in a way of development of collective are axiomatic and do notrequire the comment.

The literature list
1.        Вайсман Р. С. Связь межличностных отношений сгрупповой эффективностью деятельности. // Вопросы психологии. – 1974. — №4
2.        Гибсон Джеймс Л., Иванцевич Дж., Донелли Дж.«Организация: поведение, структура, процессы». – М., 2000.
3.        Глумаков В. Н. Организационное поведение. М.,2002.
4.        Громкова М.Т. Организационное поведение. М.,1999.
5.        Карташова Л. Н., Никонова Т. В., Соломанидина Т.О. «Организационное поведение». М., 2000
6.        Красовский Ю. Д. Организационное поведение. М.,1999.
7.        Спивак В. Н. Организационное поведение иуправление персоналом. СПб: Питер, 2000.

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Виды рефератов Какими бывают рефераты по своему назначению и структуре.

Сейчас смотрят :

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Реферат Автор: Вопросы истории возникновения тестов. Из глубины веков
Реферат Федерализм и его проявления в принципах конституционного строя России
Реферат Музейные коллекции и художественный рынок
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Реферат Особенности работы над предлогами и приставками в начальной школе
Реферат Система образования Канады
Реферат Возрастные особенности