Реферат по предмету "Иностранный язык"

Phrasal verbs

Chapter I Phrasal verbs
Chapter I.1 The definitionof the verb
Chapter I.1.1 The functionof Phrasal verbs
Chapter I.2 History
Chapter I.2.2 Thestructure and meaning of Phrasal verbs
Chapter I.2.3 Categoriesof Phrasal verbs
Chapter I.2.4Classification of Phrasal verbs
Chapter I.3 The Basicstructure of Phrasal verbs
Chapter I.3.1 Prepositionand postposition
Chapter I.3.2 Verbs withpreposition and noun
Chapter I.3.3 Verbs withpostposition
Chapter II. EnglishPhrasal Verbs Lists
Chapter II.1 Phrasal verbsin use

Englishgrammar is the subject that provokes many argumentations. There are a lot ofmethods of approaching an investigator's opinions. But nevertheless Englishgrammar is a peculiar structure and the topic, which is worth to be researched.
The annualproject is based on the descriptions of such grammatical phenomenon in EnglishGrammar and language as «Phrasal Verbs».
As is known,those grammatical categories have not been inquired to the full, therefore theyare always topical.
The mainpurpose of the project is to explain the troubles that refer to the object ofinvestigation and to give lists of Phrasal verbs and to explain their meanings.
The basis ofthis research is the problems that students most often come across with — «practical and theoretical value of the types of Phrasal verbs, thestructure and their role in the English Grammar». [9]
In order tostudy the subject of the project we used the following methods.
— bibliographicalmethod
— method ofinvestigation
— method ofdescription
— method ofanalysis Theoretical value of the work lies in the research of the formationand usage of the types of Phrasal verbs in the English Language.
Practicalvalue lies in the fact that the present research work can be used by otherstudents and teachers who are interested in such grammatical sentences for thefollowing purposes:
— to improvetheir knowledge of the grammar structure of the English Language
— tounderstand the structure of the phrasal verbs
— todistinguish the types of phrasal verbs
— to getdeeper knowledge about such phenomena in the English grammar as Phrasal verbs.
The researchwork consists of two chapters:
Chapter Onecontains the theoretical basis and general notions of the work. In this chapterwe tried to give a definition of Phrasal verb, to analyze it and to give aclassification of Phrasal verbs.
Chapter Twocontains the List of Phrasal verbs. In this chapter we tried to show themeanings of phrasal verbs with different preposition.

Chapter I.Phrasal verbs
In the ModernEnglish language the number of the Phrasal verbs grows. It is the evidence ofmany books and dictionaries devoted to Phrasal verbs and their applications.Together with the growth in number, the frequency of the usage also grows. Thismeans that the Phrasal verbs carry out their necessary function because ofgreater conciseness and significance at the same time.
Phrasal verbsare used not only in the spoken language; several of them are the integral partof the language of the newspapers and of the official business.
Beforeproceeding to the description of the Phrasal verbs, it is necessary to give thedefinition of the verbs and of their function.
1.1. TheDefinition of the Verb
A verb is aword used primarily to indicate a type of action, such as to fly or to wish,though it may also be used to indicate a general state of existence, such as tolive. There is also a special type of verb, known as a copula or linking verb,which helps to describe the subject of the sentence, rather than describing anaction. The primary example of this in English is the verb to be which isusually used in the role of linking verb. A verb is one of the basic buildingblocks of a sentence in most languages, with most grammatical sentencesrequiring at least one noun acting as a subject, and one verb to indicate anaction.
Verbs can beinflected, which means the verb is changed in some way to indicate somethingabout the sentence the verb is a part of. A verb may be inflected to describevirtually anything. [1][11]
1.1.1 TheFunction of the Verb
Dance! Sing!Paint! Giggle! Chew! What are these words doing? They are expressing action,something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do. As a result,words like these are called action verbs.
There arethree properties which characterize verbs in English — tense, voice, and mood.
The voice of averb, passive or active, expresses whether the action is being received by thesubject or being done by the subject. The two voices may occur in any tense.
The mood of averb expresses the conditions under which an action or condition is takingplace. In English there are three moods--indicative, subjunctive, orimperative. Indicative and subjunctive can be in any tense; imperative, only inthe present tense.
Verbs are alsoclassified according to function. Action verbs show action or possession.Action verbs are either transitive or intransitive. Linking verbs show thecondition of the subject. Auxiliary verbs, also called helping verbs, are usedwith other verbs to change the tense, voice, or condition of the verb.
Conditionalverbs are verbs conjugated with could, would, or should to show a possiblecondition. They may be in any tense.
A verb isoften defined as a word which shows action or state of being. The verb is theheart of a sentence — every sentence must have a verb. Recognizing the verb isoften the most important step in understanding the meaning of a sentence. Inthe sentence: the dog bit the man, bit is the verb and the word which shows theaction of the sentence. In the sentence: the man is sitting on a chair, eventhough the action doesn't show much activity, sitting is the verb of thesentence. In the sentence: she is a smart girl, there is no action but a stateof being expressed by the verb is. The word be is different from other verbs inmany ways but can still be thought of as a verb.
Unlike most ofthe other parts of speech, verbs change their form. Sometimes endings are added(learn — learned) and sometimes the word itself becomes different(teach-taught). The different forms of verbs show different meanings related tosuch things as tense (past, present, and future), person (first person, secondperson, third person), number (singular, plural) and voice (active, passive).Verbs are also often accompanied by verb-like words called modals (may, could,should, etc.) and auxiliaries (do, have, will, etc.)
One of themost important things about verbs is their relationship to time. In English thefourteen verb tenses express the time or relative time in which an action orcondition occurs. Verbs tell if something has already happened, if it willhappen later, or if it is happening now. For things happening now, we use thepresent tense of a verb; for something that has already happened, we use thepast tense; and for something that will happen later, we use the future tense.[10]
1.2 Phrasalverbs
1.2.1 History
Since phrasalverbs were not investigated until the late nineteenth to early twentiethcentury, although they have been part of the English language for centuries,their history is still a controversial subject. Rolando Bachelor says it is«impossible to write an exhaustive and definitive history of phrasalverbs.» The term itself, «phrasal verb,» was first seen in printin 1925 when Logan Pearsall Smith used it in Words and Idioms; it wassupposedly suggested to him by Editor Henry Bradley (Oxford Companion 772).Phrasal verbs themselves, however, have been around much longer, as can be seenby looking at some Shakespearean and Middle English works.
Torne aboutand goon dour, for example, are both phrasal verbs that have been foundin Middle English language in 1300 and 1388, respectively, and phrasal verbsare common in Shakespeare's works. Even though they were present in literaturein the fourteenth century, they weren't considered serious formations until theeighteenth century, when lexicographer Samuel Johnson noted them «withgreat care» in his Dictionary of the English Language (1755).
Olga Fischerbelieves the emergence of phrasal verbs to be «the most notable newdevelopment in Middle English [the form of the English language spoken andwritten from about the 12th to the beginning of the 16th centuries] involvingprepositions» (386). Phrasal verbs developed because Old English [theearliest from of the English language, used up to around A.D. 1150 prefixes weredeteriorating (Cambridge History 377), and they have now practically replacedthe prefixes (Fischer 386). The deterioration of Old English prefixes cameabout because it was becoming impossible to establish undeviating meanings forthem (Cambridge 377). Bachelor argues in his commentary that «phrasalverbs are a native development that in some measure received a boost from the[Scandinavian, French, and Celtic] languages.» In fact, the development ofphrasal verbs in both the northern and southern dialects at the same timeattests to their native development. Also, since phrasal verbs are used more invernacular English than in formal and since lexically mature verb-particlecombinations have been found in the mid-twelfth century, some experts argue that«we must suppose the type to have become deeply entrenched even beforeperiod IV [i.e. the period between 1170 and 1370]» (Fischer 398). Eventhen, phrasal verbs did not show much fortitude until the fifteenth century. Theexpansion of phrasal verbs occurred with the adoption of the Subject VerbObject (SVO) word-order (Bachelor). One researcher, Kennedy, proposes the ideathat this took place because the invasion of Romance compound verbs stunted thegrowth of new verb-particle combinations (Fischer 398). The history of phrasalverbs is still under debate today. [8]
1.2.2 Thestructure and meaning of phrasal verbs
A phrasal verbis a combination of a «simple» verb (consisting of one word). (Forexample: come, put, go) and a postposition (for example: in, off, up),representing semantic and syntactic uniform unit.
For example: come in — to enter giveup — to cease The phrasal verb can be replaced by a «simple» verb. Itcharacterizes a phrasal verb as semantic unity:
call up –telephone
come by –obtain
put off –postpone
put up with — tolerate. [16]
But thiscriterion is not common for all phrasal verbs since the equivalent of manyphrasal verbs is a word-combination:
break down — stop functioning
make up — apply cosmetics
take off — ofa plane — leave the ground. [17]
The nextpeculiarity is idiomatic. The idiom is a combination of two or more words,whose value does not coincide with the value of its components. Many phrasalverbs have the value which is impossible to deduce from the values of itscomponents.
For example: bring up — educate
give up — stopdoing, using, etc.
go off — explode; ring
come by — obtain.
It isdifficult to define the meaning of an idiomatic verb.
So for examplethe verbs fall down and pull off, on the one hand, don't possess any idiomaticvalue.
fall down — tofall
pull off — toremove, pull down
But theseverbs have also the following dictionary values.
fall down — 1)to admire (to someone in power)
2) to fail,unsuccessfully to terminate
pull off — 1)to achieve, despite difficulties
2) to win (aprize, competition)
So, the givenproperty is not the core for phrasal verbs.
Sometimes thevalue of a verb can be deduced from its components.
Some phrasalverbs have two and more values, one of which idiomatic, others opposite whichare easily deduced from their components.
Many linguistsconsider the ability of phrasal verbs to form the passive voice as one of theirbasic properties.
For example: Payments are limited to10 % each month.
This medicinemust be measured out exactly.
The nextproperty of a phrasal verb is the possibility to have adverbial postpositionbefore and after a noun used with the given verb. For object the final positionbears the big semantic loading, therefore if addition does not bear the new orimportant information, usually it settles down interposition.
 For example:Call him up or call up him (not his sister)
 If the objectis expressed by several words, it, most likely, will be taking of a finalposition.
 Forexample: He put on the coat he had bought in London.
 If the objectis expressed by a pronoun, it always is interposition.
 Forexample: He took his coat and put it on. [15]
1.2.3Categories of Phrasal verbs
Consideringthe syntactic indivisible combinations of the verb and a postposition withperspective brought by postpositions in their values I.E. Anichkovdistinguishes five categories of such combinations:
1)Combinations in which the postposition has specifically spatial meaning,
For example: go in, come out, takeaway, bring, back).
2)Combinations in which the postposition is an abstract derived value, whosecontact with the primary meaning is felt
For example: let a person down = failhim;
come in = finda place;
bring out =expose;
pull through =recover;
pick up =acquire;
3) Acombination in which only the postposition underlines or supports theimportance of the verb.
For example: fall down, rise up, turnover, and circle round;
4) Acombination of values, which don't arise from the values of verbs andpostpositions are not felt as emanating from them, and are semanticallydecomposable.
For example: come about = happen
fall out = quarrel
give up =abandon
drop off =fall asleep;
take in =deceive;
5) Acombination in which the postposition brings lexically specific hue.
The last bitpostposition brings nuance:
a) perfective:eat up = eat the hole;
Carry out =execute;
b) terminativemeans not complete action and termination an unfinished action:
Leave offwork;
Give up anattempt;
c) inchoativeor inceptive:
strike up atune, light up = begin smoking;
break out = tostart suddenly (of violent events).
g) Durative orlonger:
Go on, talkaway, struggle along;
d)interactive, or repeated. Such postpositions as again, anew, afresh, sometimesback and over endorsing the verb form a combination with value of therepetition of steps:
Write again,write anew, and write afresh....
But the classificationof verb phrase is not absolute.
The boundariesbetween the discharges are not clearly established, and the verb in one casemay apply to the second level, and the other to the fourth. This may be due tothe fact that the etymology of the verb in time to reveal all complex and,consequently, its value is not derived from his components. In addition, thereare always words that allow different interpretations.
So, thisclassification should be called conditional. [8] [13]
1.2.4 Classificationof Phrasal verbs
Group verb isvery diverse as to their compatibility, as well as the added value that theyare or who they acquire in the text. They can express the character of thetransition from one state to another, inducing action, etc., but in all casesaction is always a value, the prisoners in the verb.
Very large anddiverse group of phrase verbs express the movement and at the same timedescribing it. Verbs of this group often express not just the traffic and movefrom one place to another. Therefore, most of them used to Postpositionsindicating direction of movement (into, out, up, to).
For example: stand up — stand up;
 go out — go,go;
 go into — enter;
 jump into — jump, leap;
 It should benoted cases where the phrasal verb is termination, or, conversely, thebeginning of the movement.
For example: get over — to end, awayfrom anything;
 jump down — jumping off, jump off;
 run out — runout;
 throw off,get off — to start (something);
A very largegroup consists of group verb, expressing the transition object from one stateto another, or his movement.
In fact, verbsof motion objecting to the transition from immobility or beginning of motion,can be attributed to this group or be considered as an intermediate link.Generally, the boundaries between different groups of phrase verbs are veryunsteady in lexical terms, so it is not easy determined.
For example: 1) move in = to takepossession of a new place to live
move towards — to go in the direction of (something or someone)
 2) to changeone's opinion in the direction of.
 move off = tostart a journey; leave.
The thirdgroup belongs to group verb with semantic component «Lack of change of anobject».
 Forexample: stay behind;
to remain at adistance behind something or someone;
keep behind;stay down = to remain at a lower level ;
 remain ahead= to stay in a forward or leading position
The followinggroup of values is dominated by verbal component «image Movement ».
 Forexample: walk away from = to leave (something or someone) on foot;
 walk about /around = to walk in a place without direction;
 spin along =to move forward easily a quite quickly with a
 frighten away/ off = to make (somebody) leave through fear.[5][9] [6]
1.3 TheBasic Structure of Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbsare verbs that form a combination (a phrase) with postpositions or prepositionsand nouns. Such structures are usually idiomatic in meaning, and should bememorized as such.[6]
For studyingpurposes, phrasal verbs can be divided into basic structures:[6]
1. Prepositionand post preposition
2. Verbs withprepositions and noun
3. Verbs withpost prepositions
1.3.1Prepositions and Postpositions
Prepositionsand postpositions in English are the same in form but different in function.Some prepositions are not used as postpositions, for example, «at, for,from, into, onto, of, with». Some postpositions are not used asprepositions, for example, «ahead, apart, aside, away, back, andforward». But some of them can function as prepositions or postpositionsdepending on the structure in which they are used, for example, «about,across, along, around, behind, by, down, in, off, on, out, over, through,under, up», so it's important to understand the difference between them.
A prepositionis used with a noun (or its substitute), stands before it, and is not stressed.A preposition is part of a prepositional noun phrase, which means that apreposition always needs a noun. A postposition is used with a verb, standsafter it, usually forms an idiom with this verb (it changes the meaning of the verb),and is always stressed. A postposition is part of the predicate, which meansthat a postposition always needs a verb. Some linguists call postpositions«adverbs», «adverbial particles» or«preposition-adverbs», because they are adverbial in character.
How did he getin? How did he get in / into the house?
In the firstsentence, the postposition «in» is part of the phrasal verb «getin», is stressed, and in this sentence receives the falling intonation. Inthe second sentence, the preposition «in» or «into» belongsto the noun «the house» and is not stressed.[5]
1.3.2 Verbswith prepositions and nouns
In thestructure «Verb with preposition and noun», the verb dictates thechoice of a specific preposition, and this means that in many cases you need tolearn these phrases by heart. A suitable noun or its substitute (a pronoun, agerund, a question word) is always used in this structure and always standsafter its preposition. In the lists of phrasal verbs, the words«something» and «someone» show where exactly the nounsstand in this structure. A suitable noun is chosen by the speaker according tothe situation, for example:
We agreed onthe price of 50 dollars.
We agreed ongoing to Rome in the spring
We agreed onit. What did you agree on?
Quite often, adirect object (another noun or pronoun) goes between the verb and thepreposition with noun in this structure, for example:
I congratulateyou on your new job.
She blamesMike for the loss of her bag.
1.3.3 Verbswith Postpositions
There are twokey elements in this structure: the verb and the postposition. Phrasal verbs ofthis kind present the most difficulty as they are highly idiomatic, i.e. theirmeaning is not predictable from the meanings of their components, and theyusually have several idiomatic meanings. Many verbs can be used as phrasalverbs with postpositions, but the most important and the most productive arethe verbs of motion: break, bring, call, check, close, come, cut, do, drop,fall, get, give, go, look, make, move, pick, pull, push, put, run, set, show,take, tear, turn and some others. And the verb «be» — the biggestverb of English.
The meaning ofa phrasal verb with a postposition is usually idiomatic, that is, differentfrom the literal meanings of its components, for example:
This questionis too difficult, I give up.
Watch out! Thebus is coming!
The phrasalverb «give up» is idiomatic, because it means «stop trying to dosomething», not the sum of the literal meanings of the words «gives»and «up». The phrasal verb «watch out» is idiomatic,because it means «be careful», not the sum of the literal meanings ofthe words «watch» and «out».
A verb with apostposition may be without any noun after it, or there may be a direct orindirect object after it, for example: [2]
They broke in.
They broke inthe door.
They broke inthrough the window.
When a pronounis used instead of a noun, it usually stands between the verb and thepostposition:
They broughtup their three sons in Italy
They broughtthem up in Italy
Fill out theform. Fill it out.
In spokenEnglish, a direct object in the form of a short noun or someone's name may alsostand between the verb and the postposition:
Let in AnnaBlake. Let Anna Blake in.
But thepostposition shouldn't be placed too far from the verb or separated from it byintonation, because they create the meaning of the phrasal verb together.
Many verbswith postpositions, especially the verbs of motion, are also used in theliteral meaning of the phrasal verb:
Put your bootsout, I'll clean them.
Don't forgetto put out the light before you leave.
Look up thenew words.
He stoppedreading and looked up.
The phrasalverb «put out» in the first sentence literally means «putoutside» and is the sum of the meanings of «put» and«out». The phrasal verb «put out» in the second sentence isidiomatic, because it means «extinguish (the light, fire orcigarette)» and is not the sum of the literal meanings of «put»and «out».
The phrasalverb «look up» in the first sentence is idiomatic, because it means«find in a reference book» and is not the sum of the literal meaningsof «look» and «up». The phrasal verb «look up» inthe second sentence literally means «look up» and is the sum of themeanings of «look» and «up».
The literalmeanings of verbs with postpositions present no difficulty for understanding.The literal meanings of the postpositions in such phrasal verbs oftencorrespond to the meaning of prefixes in Russian verbs, for example: come in,go out, run out, give away, turn away, etc.
But verbs withpostpositions very rarely, if ever, have only the literal meaning or only onemeaning. Verbs with postpositions are verbs with several idiomatic meanings,and this means that they can be used in different situations instead of morespecific verbs.
Verbs withpostpositions are mostly used in simple tenses. Verbs with postpositions areusually less formal than their one-word synonyms and because of that they arewidely used in conversational English.
There is a variation(or combination) of the two basic structures described above, in which a verbwith a postposition takes a preposition and a suitable noun after it, forexample:
I'm lookingforward to your letter.
She walked outon him.
He is throughwith the report.
So, in thechapter one I tried to give common definition to verbs, its function on theEnglish grammar. Also I gave a History and a definition of Phrasal verb and itscategories, classification and the basic structure of Phrasal verbs.[6]

2.1 List ofPhrasal Verbs
In thischapter we tried to show different of the meanings of Phrasal verbs whichdepend on preposition: [7][4][10]
Phrasal verbswith the preposition "on" which express:
 come onJust as I entered the house, all the lights came on.
 catch on I don't think thisstrange new fashion catches on.
 bring on The waiter brought thenext dish on.
continuingwith something:
 go on Webegin work at 12 and go on till half-past one.
 keep onKeep on with your studies, however hard it
 stay onYou're supposed to stop work here when you're 65,
but many peopleare allowed to stay on.
 drag onThe writer dragged on an unhappy existence for many
years until inthe end she killed herself.
 move onLet's move on to the business of the meeting.
 get onIt is getting on for supper-time.
 come onA storm is coming on.
 put onHe put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house.
 try onShe tried on new dress and shoes
 throw on Mr.Smith threw on the coat and disappeared
 slip on Hestopped only long enough to slip a coat on.
On — Othermeanings
 look onTwo men stole the jewels while a large crowd looked on
 pick onPick on one job and get it done.
 take on Don'ttake on so!
 PhrasalVerbs with "In"
 come in«Come in!» called the director when he heard the knock at his door.
 drop inLet's drop in on Jim and Mary
 pop inOne of the guests popped in to say goodbye
 get inPlease get the children in, their dinner's ready.
 check in HasMr. Light checked in at the hotel yet?
 bring inWe may have to bring extra workers in to help us with  this big job.
 phase in The teacher phase in thechildren to the new game.
 set inRain set in.
 call in The director has justcalled in to say that he'll be late.
 fill in I'm just filling in heretemporarily.
 put inI put in two hours on my English studies every day.
 join inHe joins in our conversation
 go in for How long has Jim gone infor collection stamps?
 cave inThe last firm he worked for caved in
 do in You'dbetter go ahead; I'm done in and must rest
 give in The two boys fought untilone gave in.
chuck in Jim has chucked in hisstudies.
sink in You could see how hischeeks had sunk in.
take in I was taken in by hisappearance.
Phrasal Verbswith "Up"

go up The barometer is going upat a tremendous rate
grow up When Jack grows up hewants to be a fireman
pick up Jim dropped his pen andbent to pick it up.
push up Shops are no longerallowed to push up their prices
speed up The tempo of music speedsup
bump up Two more good resultswill bump up your average.
brush up I must brush up myFrench.
do up But who is to do up yourroom every day?
dress up Mary (was) dressed up forthe party.
use up John felt used up
clear up When you've finished yourmeal, please clear up the kitchen.
drink up Drink up, then I'llrefill your glass.
end up Be careful, you could endup by getting hurt.
follow up The director will followup the committee's suggestions.
blow up It looks as if it'sblowing up for severe weather.
break up In spring the ice on theGreat Lakes breaks up.
 wind up I'm afraid he's wound up.
 mess up She really messed up mylife.
 mix up Mypapers are all mixed up.
 slip upSomeone must have slipped up.
 split upCan you split up this piece of wood?
 come upI'll let you know if anything comes up.
 bring upI was brought up to respect the law.
 come upwith I had to run to come up with her.
 think upWhat have you been thinking up?
 make upThese three articles make up the whole book.
go up I want to go up to Londonnext week.
 draw upThe train drew up in the station.
 catch up Hespent six months catching up with his studies.
 face up toShe is too young to face up to the truth about her father.
 live up toYou must live up to law.
 warm upThe sun warmed up the seat nicely
 draw upHe soldiers were drawn up in battle lines.
 set upMy father me set up a Mother's day.
 soften up You go in and softenfather up, and then I'll ask him for the money.
 fix upCan you fix up a meeting with the director?
 show upShow the doctor up when he comes.
 take upI will not take up any more of your time.
 put upwith I can't put up with it any longer.
 make upfor Your office must make up for a loss.
Phrasal Verbswith «Down»
bring down The gunners brought downthree planes.
calm down Calm down, there'snothing to worry about.
 come downThe plane came down safely in spite of the mist.
 cut downYour article will have to be cut down to fit into the book.
 die downThe fire is dying down, put some more wood on!
 keep downIf there's shooting going on, keep down.
 narrowdown Let's narrow an argument down.
 play downPoliticians have to learn to play down to the voters.
 slow downThe severe snowstorm has slowed the traffic down.
 scale downThe number of visitors scales down.
break down The police broke the doordown.
 let downDon't let down now, just when the job's nearly finished.
 close downDarkness closed down on the city.
 step down The quantity of medicineto be taken can be stepped down
 graduallyafter the first week.
 turn down Why do you turn down thevolume on the radio ?
 take downCan you take down this address?
 jot down I must jot down thattelephone number before I forget it.
 get downGet down every word she says.
 put downWould you put them down to my account?
 write down Write down, please, thisexamples.
 scribbledown I scribbled down the telephone number, and now I can't read it.
 break downPeace talks have broken down in the Middle East.
 bring downShopkeepers have been asked to bring down their prices.
 crack downThe government has promised to crack down on criminal activity.
 hunt downWe've been hunting down a good cheap house all over the city.
 knock downThe price was knocked down to 3 dollars.
 wear downThe record is worn down.
 get downto It's time we got down to work.
 look downon Shelooked down on Jim and thought he was not worthy of her daughter.
 pin down It is difficult to pindown the exact meaning of this verb.
 put downHe put his heavy bag down on the ground.
 PhrasalVerbs with «Out»
 break outThree men broke out of prison yesterday.
 go out I don't think you shouldout with that bad cold.
 move outWhen do you moved out?
 pop outI had just popped out for a breath of fresh air.
 set outHe set out for work an hour ago.
check out I'm afraid old Charliehas checked out.
cancel out His good qualities andhis faults cancel out.
cross out Cross out the last twonames, they're not members any more.
keep out Do keep children out ofmischief.
kick out Don't kick the cat outlike that, it's cruel.
leave out No possibility must beleft out.
 opt outIt can not be that he opted out of society.
 pull outА good holiday will pullyou out.
 rule outA sudden storm ruled out the boat race.
 throw outHis master threw him out.
 check outI'm just going to check this book out of the library.
 find out We should find out thetruth.
 figure outCan you figure out this word?
 sound out Could you sound thedirector out on this question?
 try out Did Mr. Smith try out aplane?
 fade outFade out the last scene at the end.
 peter out The climbers' efforts toreach the top petered out.
 phase outThe makers have decided to phase out the production of this car.
 run out The contract runs outnext week.
 sell outHave you sold out all the tickets yet?
 wipe outThe police men wipe out the enemy.
«Producing» (especially sounds,signals, etc.)
 blurt outPeter blurted out the news before he considered its effect.
 call outJane call out when she saw her friend across the street.
 cry outJane, don't cry one's heart out.
 let outHe let out a cry of pain as the nail went into his foot.
 speak outSpeak out, we can't hear you.
 spill out At last he spill out thestory of his part in the crime.
«Giving/Helpingor Supporting»
 bear out The prisoner's story wasborne out by his wife.
 give out The sun gives out lightand heat to the earth.
 hand out Hand out the questionpapers as the students enter.
 help outCan you help me out with my English homework?
 pass outHow many of the young men passed out this year?
 point outThe guide took us through the city, pointing interesting sights out.
 carry outWe all have certain duties and jobs to carry out.
 sort out Wait till I get yououtside, and I'll sort you out!
 stand outHe stood out for better terms.
 take outHe never takes me out.
 walk outon Youcan't walk out on your family at a time like this.
Phrasal Verbswith «Off»
drop off My top button has droppedoff and I can't find it.
 get offWe must be getting off now.
head off Your should head off aquarrel.
 see off All the parents were atthe railway station, seeing the children off to school.
 set offHe set off for work an hour ago.
 take offHe took me off to the garden. [17]

fight off I must wear warm clothes,as I am fighting off this cold.
hold off Why you hold yourdecision?
 keep off Keepoff the subject!
 put off Never put off tilltomorrow what you can do today.
 scare offHigher coffee prices are scaring off the customers.
 ward off The fighter had to wardoff a dangerous blow.[16]
carry off It was a daring attemptbut he carried it off.
 finish offI must finish off the work while the light is good.
 pay offIt's a good feeling to pay off the house after all these years.
 pull offJohn at last pulled examine off.
 top off Top off your compositionsand put off. [15]
 call off The game was called off.
 cool offIt cools off with extreme slowness.
 rip offJohn wouldn't dare to rip off a bank.
 show offI think he visited us just to show off his new car.
 tell offSix of us were told off to get fuel. [16]
«PhrasalVerbs with »Back"
bring back You must bring theselibrary books back next week.
callback/phone back I'll call you back.
get back When did your neighborsget back from their holiday?
give back When can you give backthe money?
take back My mind took me back tothat evening.
answer back She always taught him notto answer back.
bounce back Small children oftencatch diseases, but they soon bounce back.
fight back She fought back her tearsas she said goodbye.
 pay back We will pay them back forthe trick they played on us.
 strikeback He had a chance to strike back.
 choke backJim had to choke back his anger or he would have hit the man.
 cut backThe factory's production has been cut back.
 fight back I had to fight back adesire to laugh at the small child's remark.
 hold backI held back from jumping into the cold water
Phrasal Verbswith «Away»
Away when combined withdifferent verbs, can have the meaning of leaving, disappearing, or storing.
break away Part of the country brokeaway to form a new nation.
drive away Don't drive people awaywho want to help you.
get away I couldn't get away atall last year, I was too busy.
go away There was no answer to myknock, so I went away
keep away The doctor advised Jim tokeep away from fattening foods.
move away Losing interest, thecrowd moved slowly away.
run away Don't run away, I want totalk to you.
scare away Higher coffee prices arescaring away the customers.
take away You may take away. [17]
«Disappearing/MakingSomething Disappear»
chuck away Why did you chuck yourmoney away on such a worthless plan?
 do awaywith This old custom is done away with.
 fade awayThe music faded away.
 give awayThe politician gave away his best chance to win the election
 pass away Why the animals passaway?
 throw away John throw away anadvantage to rest.
 file awayI'll file his name away for future use.
hideaway Muslim women hide awaytheir faces.
lock away She locked her memoriesof him away in her heart.
put away Please put your toysaway.
 Phrasal Verbswith «Over»
Common phrasalverbs of «over» like think things over or check things overcarry the meaning of considering or examining. However, when combined withother verbs, "over" can also carry the meaning of changing ortransferring.
check over I asked the doctor tocheck me over.
look over We must look the schoolover before sending our son there.
 mull over/ think over Think over what I've said.
 talk over Mrs. Taylor talk theprosecutor over her innocence.
 changeover / Switch over If you change the words over, the sentence  sounds over.
hand over The escaped criminal washanded over to the police.
move over There's room for three ifyou move over.
take over I want to take her allover the house.
blow over I hope your troubles willsoon blow over.
carry over The rights to theproperty carry over to the buyer.
get over How can we get over? Thetraffic's so busy.
run over The bathwater is runningover!
smooth over Perhaps a gift of flowerswill help to smooth your quarrel over.
2.1 Phrasal verbs in use
The mostimport thing is to understand the meanings of English phrasal verbs and to beable to use them in speech and in writing. English people use them all the time:we can meet phrasal verbs in songs, magazines and newspaper articles. Forexample: [7] [2] [14]
We can giveexamples found in literature
1. What he sawwas worse than he had figured out.
2. Very fewpeople care about orphans.
1. The FrenchRevolution broke out in 1789.
2. A man wasbrought up to the standards set by Reason.
3. Theromantic poets, who could not put with and longed to transcend the limits setby nature and society to man, searched for permanence.
4. Thechallenge resulted in the emancipation of the creative imagination.
5. These viewsf the poet account for the fact that romantic poetry is largely inward-looking.
6. Thepenetrably of mystery attracted the romantic soul, but it was constantly pulledback into the real.
1. We find itdifficult to keep in touch with ourselves.
2. Music helpsus to keep in touch with ourselves.
3. Songstopped being a song and turned into sound.
4. The Beatlescame along and solved the problem.
Also phrasalverbs used in the language of computing and the Internet are overwhelminglyEnglish.
Whether you’ree-mailing or using word processor, surfing the net or just chatting with yourfriend about the new computer you’ve just bought, you’re sure to come acrossthe verbs listed below.
pop up – appear suddenly
Every time Iopen this site, a new window pops up saying that I won a free prize.
scroll down– move (apage) down
There was along list of names on the webpage and I had to scroll down to view allof them.
dial up – dial a number thatconnects a computer with an Internet service provider
Sometimes ittakes my computer for ever to dial up to my Internet service provider.
plug in – insert a plug into anelectric outlet
She forgot to plugin her printer and was wondering why it didn’t work.
log in – enter a computer byproviding username and password
I login to my bank account every week to check my balance.
set up – establish
I asked myfriend help me set up my email account.
It is sensible to backup your files regularly. That way you can always restore an importantdocument if it gets deleted.
Wait till the PC bootsup, then log in and run the programs you need.
My PC broke downand I couldn't use it until somebody came and fixed it for me.
I can't listen to musicon my computer because my speakers are not connected up.
The computer wentdown and when I booted up again the report I'd been working on haddisappeared!
You must log into the local network to be able to share files with other people.
You must log outand then log in again for the changes to take effect.
There's something wrongwith my printer: it lets me print out one page at a time only.
I don't see any pointin shutting down my PC when I go to lunch — I rarely spend more thanfifteen minutes away from the computer during the working day.
Make sure you save allthe documents you've been working with before you switch off your PC.
Some older PCs don'tallow you to switch them on by clicking your mouse or pushing akey on the keyboard.
To post a message onthis forum, type in your name and your message, then hit the 'Submit'button.
The virus wiped outall the data stored on the computer.[15]

It is not anexaggeration when we say that the items about Phrasal verbs are one of the mainand important items of theoretical study and practical mastering of the Englishlanguage.
Phrasal verbstake a considerable place in vocabulary verbs of Modern English language andare generally used in idiomatic phrases. Their functioning is heterogeneouswith a view to their great variety. The development and supplementation ofPhrasal verbs system proceeds in two directions: new verbs inclusion andsemantic development.
In our paperwe have analyzed about one hundred twenty verbs, taken from the informalspeech. As a result, we can make the following conclusion:
Phrasal verbsare frequently used. Their usage becomes usual phenomena in English grammar aswell as mass media.
As a ruleusage of phrasal verbs in stylistic is not heterogeneous.
Havingclassified Phrasal verbs, taken from the informal speech with a view to theirmeaning we made a conclusion that the verbs with postposition “on” and “up”predominate as a large quantity of verbs with these postpositions arepolysemantic.
Having the listof Phrasal verbs we can make the conclusion that postposition plays the mainrole in the semantic meaning of the verb. And those phrasal verbs usage in theinformal speech allows us to express our thioughts and make our speech moredynamic and diverse.
So, thisannual project can be used for studying and teaching this phenomenon in thecourse English grammar and for learning their meaning more deeply. [10]

1. Bollinger, D., (1971), ThePhrasal Verb in English, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
2. Brazil, D. A Grammar ofSpeech D. Brazil. — Oxford University Press, 1995
3. Brinton, L., (1988), TheDevelopment of English Aspectual Systems, Cambridge University Press,Cambridge.
4. Comrie, B., (1976),Aspect, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
5. Live, A. H., (1965), TheDiscontinuous Verb in English, Word 21: 428-51.
6.Арнольд, И.В. Стилистика современного английскогоязыка. И.В.Арнольд. — М.: Просвещение, 1981.
7. Speak English. Englishfor Romanians. Magazine. 1, 1991,
8. Academic center:English as a Foreign Language http:// www.uhv.edu
/ac/elf/phrasal verbs. asp
9. English as 2ndLanguage esl.about.com/cs/intermediate/f/f.phrasal.htm.
11. Longman Dictionary ofPhrasal verbs”, www.answer.com/topic/phrasal verbs
11. Phrasal verbs quiz www.stuff.co.uk/phrasal.htm.
12. Phrasal verbs hp://2udnature-online-eikaiwa.com/Phrasl verbs
13. English as 2ndLanguage esl.about.com/cs/intermediate/f/f.phrasal.htm
14. The Oxford companion tothe “English Language” www.answers.com/topic/phrasal verbs
15. The owl at Product owl.english
product. Edu/owl|resource/6301/01/

16. Новейший англо-русский словарь,русско-английский.- К.: Издательство «Арий», М.: ИКТЦ «Лада»,2008,-960
17. Online-dictionary LINGVO
18. Oxford AdvancedDictionary of Current English [Text] / A.S. Hornsby with the assistance of A.P.Cowie, J. Windsor Lewis. – Oxford University Press, 1978. – 1055 p.

Ministryof Education and Youth
Departmentof Romanic-Germanic Languages

Submitted by
LE – 07-02
Senior Teacher


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