Реферат по предмету "Разное"

«Выбор профессии»

МОУ «Эммаусская СОШ»Предпрофильная подготовка учащихся по иностранным языкамЭлективный курс Английский язык 9 класс Выбор профессииАвтор составитель Л.В. ТерещенкоЛ.В. Терещенко Учитель английского языка МОУ «Эммаусская СОШ»Элективный курс «Выбор профессии»Пояснительная запискаНа современном этапе перехода школы на систему предпрофильной подготовки актуальным становится разработка элективных курсов для девятиклассников. Реализация идеи профильности ставит учащихся старших классов перед необходимостью совершения ответственного выбора – предварительного самоопределения в отношении дальнейшего образования. Предлагаемый курс относится к числу межпредметных курсов в предпрофильной подготовки и ставит своей практической целью познакомить учащихся с разными областями профессиональной деятельности и нацелен на воспитание у учащихся чувства уважения к людям различных профессий и способствует разностороннему развитию личности учащегося. Программа по теме «Выбор профессии» предназначена для преподавания в 9 класе в средней общеобразовательной школе, где обучение английскому языку ведется с пятого класса. Программа рассчитана на 10 часов. Цели данного курса: Курс призван помочь обучаемым 9-х классов совершенствоваться в выборе профиля и будущей профессии, показать типичные для данного профиля виды деятельности, расширить кругозор, создать возможности для овладения учащимися знаний о разнообразии профессионального мира и приобретения на этой основе общеучебных и общепрофессиональных знаний и умений и построения или личного профессионального плана.Задачи курса: - Познакомить обучаемых с разными видами трудовой профессионального деятельности; дать представление о человеке как личности; расширить круг образовательных и учебных ситуаций с ориентацией на будущую профессию; помочь расширить задачу профессионального самоопределения обучающихся. - Способствовать формированию коммуникативной компетентности деятельности. - Развивать культуру речевого общения. - Воспитывать умение слушать собеседника, вести дискуссию, оценивать услышанных умение аргументировано излагать свои мысли. - Развивать умение анализировать, выражать свое мнение.Область применения: Программа может быть реализована в ходе предпрофильной подготовки в 9 классе. Программа может быть так же использована как факультативный курс или профильный.Инновационность программы: Программа включает новые для обучаемых социокультурные знания, не содержащиеся в базовых программах. Позволяет совершенствовать учебные навыки школьников в области аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.Организация работы по программе: Курс рассчитан на 10 часов: из них 1 – теоретическое и 9 - практических занятий. Программа предлагает проведение практикумов, интеллектуальных игр и конкурсов. Место проведения теоретических и практических занятий – кабинет английского языка.Форма работы: Презентация материала; чтение текстов и разнообразные виды работы с ними; написание письменного творческой работы по заданной тематике, ее презентация и обобщение.Основные формы контроля над уровнем достижений учащихся: Предъявление индивидуальной творческой работы после обсуждения; оценка со учащихся и самооценка; викторины; репортаж; интервью. В конце курса проводиться итоговое творческое задание с последующей презентацией.Ожидаемые педагогические результаты: Программа данного курса дает возможность: - повысить интерес обучаемых и изученного предмета «Иностранный язык»; - увеличить количество 9-ков, определившихся с выбором места и профиля обучения; - повысить уровень лингвистической культуры.К концу курса учащиеся должны знать: Профессии и их специфические особенности (престижность, уровень заработной платы, условия труда, творческий характер); термины, свойственные различным профессиям; профессиональные области связанные с функционированием городской системы.Учащиеся должны уметь: Участвовать в коммуникации по предложенной ситуации; воспринимать на слух английскую речь в естественном темпе в пределах тематики; составлять план, тезисы прослушанного или прочитанного текста; собирать, обобщать информацию и представлять ее в виде рефератов, коллективных проектов, таблиц, схем; выполнять индивидуальные и коллективные познавательно-поисковые задания; сравнивать, проводить аналогии, обобщения при сравнении фактов.Дидактика результативности работы по программе: Для проведения диагностики планируется вводное анкетирование обучаемых на первом занятии. В процессе работы каждой из тем проводится тестирование. По окончании курсов осуществляется диагностика в виде тестов или анкетирование. Сформированность навыков отслеживается по качеству выполненных работ обучаемых или анкетированию.^ Учебно-методический план № Название темы Общее количество часов Теоретическое занятие Практическое занятие 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 Your Future Life and Career.Where to Go after School?Where Can You Work?What’s important in Choosing a Profession.EducationMedicineEconomyA LawyerMy Future CareerИтоговое занятие 1 1 1 12 1 1 11 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 Всего: 10 часов ^ Содержание курсаТема №1 Your Future Life and Career. Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №1. Учащиеся должны уметь: - уметь раскрывать причинно-следственные связи между фактами; - уметь классифицировать информацию по теме; - уметь извлекать необходимую информацию из текстов; - уметь аргументировано высказывать свою точку зрения по теме.Тема №2 Where to Go after School? Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №2. Учащиеся должны уметь: - проводить аналогии, противопоставление, общение при сравнении разных планов на будущую профессию; - уметь обрабатывать извлеченную информацию; - уметь оппонировать и защищать свою позицию при беседе; - уметь работать со словарем и справочной литературой; - выполнять познавательно-поисковые коммуникативные задания.Тема №3 Where Can You Work? Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №3. Учащиеся должны уметь: - владеть лексико-грамматическим и фактическим материалом по теме; - уметь составлять монологические высказывания по теме; - уметь аргументировано высказывать свою точку зрения по теме; - выполнять творческие задания; - уметь извлекать необходимую информацию по теме.Тема №4 What’s important in Choosing a Profession. Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №4. Учащиеся должны уметь: - уметь классифицировать информацию по теме; - уметь анализировать услышанное, делать выводы; - готовить устные выступления по теме; - выполнять творческие задания.Тема №5 Education Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №5. Учащиеся должны уметь: - извлекать необходимую информацию по теме из научно-популярных текстов; - кратко высказываться о профессии учителя, используя эмоциональные и оценочное суждение; - уметь выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к услышанном; - готовить письменные доклады по теме.Тема №6 Medicine Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №6. Учащиеся должны уметь: - уметь обрабатывать извлеченную информацию; - уметь осуществлять поиск информации; - уметь классифицировать информацию по теме; - уметь вести дискуссию, оценивать услышанное.Тема №7 Economy Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №7. Учащиеся должны уметь: - извлекать необходимую информацию по теме из научно-популярных текстов; - выполнять познавательно-поисковые коммуникативные задания.Тема №8 A Lawyer Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №8. Учащиеся должны уметь: - осуществлять информационную переработку текстов по теме, уметь выделять главное; - готовить краткие сообщение по теме; - выполнять творческие задания.Тема №9 My Future Career Обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме, контроль. Требования к уровню подготовки учащихся по теме №9. Учащиеся должны уметь: - уметь аргументировано излагать свои мысли, слушать собеседника, вести дискуссию, оценивать услышанное; - уметь составлять короткие монологические высказывания по теме; - уметь готовить краткие доклады, сообщения и составлять коллажи по теме; - уметь выполнять тестовые задания.Примерные темы проектов,коммуникативных сообщений, коллажей. Your Future Career. What’s Important in Choosing a Profession. Choosing a Career. Personal Qualities and Jobs. Service. Industry. Transport. Economy. Medicine. Education.ПриложениеДиагностический инструментарий эффективности для оценки работы по программе.Анкета № 1. Входной контроль. Уважаемые обучаемые 9-го класса. Просим вас ответить на вопросы, т.к. нас интересует ваше мнение. Варианты ответов «Да»,«Нет»,«Не знаю».Ф. И.О._____________________________________________ Класс___________________ №п/пвпапапвапапавпв Вопросы А - да, Б -нет, В- не знаю Общее 1 Определились ли Вы с выбором профессии? 2 Будет ли Ваша профессия связана с английским языком? 3 На какие специальности сдается английский язык в ВУЗах? 4 Считаете ли Вы, что английский язык интересный предмет? 5 Нужны ли знания английского языка в повседневной жизни? 6 Что побудило Вас в выборе данного элективного курса «Великобритания»? Анкета№2 (Самооценка учебных стратегий): Вам предлагается ответить наряд вопросов. Варианты ответов: «Часто», «Редко», «Никогда». Вопрос Часто Редко Никогда 1.Когда я читаю текст на английском языке, то первый раз читаю быстро, не задерживаюсь на деталях; во второй раз читаю внимательно. 2. Когда я читаю текст на английском языке, то я стараюсь понять главную мысль до того, как обращусь к словарю в поисках незнакомых слов. З.Я контролирую свое произношение, когда читаю вслух и стараюсь его исправить по мере необходимости. 4.Я стараюсь избегать ошибок, когда говорю на английском языке. 5.Я стараюсь найти по вод попрактиковаться в языке. 6. Я стараюсь найти повод как можно больше читать на английском языке. 7.Если это возможно, я стараюсь смотреть телевизионные передачи на английском языке. 8.Я всегда говорю на английском языке с людьми, для которых этот язык является родным. 9.Если я слышу речь на английском языке, я прислушиваюсь, для того чтобы понять, о чем идет речь. 10.Я задумываюсь о том, как мне достичь успехов в английском языке. 11 .Я планирую свое время так, чтобы каждый день иметь время заниматься английским языком. 12.Ячетко определяю цель, когда занимаюсь английским языком. 13.Я стараюсь фиксировать мои успехи в английском языке. 14.Когда мне приходится общаться на английском языке, я заранее планирую то, я скажу. Анкета №3(Самооценка учебных умений): Вам предлагается ответить наряд вопросов. Варианты ответов: «Часто», «Редко», «Никогда». Вопросы Часто Редко Никогда 1 .Я мысленно отвечаю на вопросы учителя даже тогда, когда он спрашивает не меня. 2 На каждом уроке я записываю новые слова и проверяю, как я их запомнил(а). З.Я стараюсь найти ассоциации между новыми словами и теми, что я уже знаю. 4.Я стараюсь использовать новые слова, когда отвечаю на уроке. 5.Когда я ищу новое слово в словаре, я читаю все примеры, которые иллюстрируют слова. 6.Часто я догадываюсь о значении слова или выражения по контексту. 7.Когдаяучу слова и выражения, я повторяю их вслух. 8.Я вспоминаю о значении нового слова или выражения, когда представляю, и какой ситуации оно может быть использовано. 9.Ячасто пересматриваю свои записи, сделанные на уроках английского языка. 10.Яишу сходство слов известных мне языков. 11.Я стараюсь понять значение нового слова, деля его на части и вспоминая значение их. 12.Я стараюсь не переводить дословно. 13. Когда я не понимаю значения нового слова, я стараюсь его угадать. 14. Когда я не могу вспомнить слою, которое мне требуется, я употребляю слою, близкое по значению. 15. Мне удается понять, о чем мне говорят по мимике и жестам собеседника. 16. Когда я ищу слою в словаре, я стараюсь произнести его вслух. Итоговый контроль. Анкеты № 1,2,3,4. Анкета№4. Уважаемые обучаемые 9-го класса, вы прослушали элективный курс по иностранным языкам. Просим вас ответить на вопросы, т.к. нас интересует ваше мнение. Варианты ответов «Да», «Нет», «Не знаю». Ф.И., класс. №№ пп/п Тема (вопрос) Да Нет Затрудняюсь 11 2 3 4 5 11 Определились ли вы с выбором профиля? 22 Нужен ли вам английский язык для поступления в выбранное вами учебное заведение? 33 Будет ли ваша профессия связана с английским языком? 44 Считаете ли вы, что английский язык интересный предмет? 55 Нужны ли будут вам знания английского языка в повседневной жизни? 66 Повлияло ли на ваш выбор название данного элективного курса «Великобритания»? 77 Стали ли ваши знания по английскому языку глубже? 88 Понравилось ли вам посещать данный элективный курс «Великобритания»? 99 Станете ли вы дальше самостоятельно заниматься английским языком? Разработки уроковТема 1Your Future Life and Career. #1 A Listen to the song and say what it is about. B. Read the lyrics and sing the song along.^ Thank Your for the Music(Benny Andersson, Bjorn Ulvaeus) I'm nothing special in fact I'm a bit of a bore if I tell a joke you've probably heard it before but I have a talent a wonderful thing'cause everyone listens when I start to sing I'm so grateful and proud all I want is to sing it aloud so 1 sayThank you for the music the songs I'm singing thanks for all the joy they're bringing who can live without it I ask in all honestywhat would life be without a song or a dance what are weso I say thank you for the music for giving it to meMother says I was a dancer before I could walk she says I began to sing long before I could talk and I've often wondered how did it all start who found out that nothing can capture a heart like a melody can well, whoever it was, I'm a fan so I sayThank you for the music the songs I'm singing thanks for all the joy they're bringing who can live without it I ask in all honesty what would life be without a song or a dance what are we so I say thank you for the music for giving it to meI've been so lucky I am the girl with golden hair I wanna sing it out to everybody what a joy, what a life, what a chanceThank you for the music the songs I'm singing thanks for all the joy they're bringing who can live without it I ask in all honesty what would life be without a song or a dance what are we so I say thank you for the music for giving it to me немного занудаблагодарен и горд громко радостьвполне искренне какой была бы жизнь завладеть сердцем # 2 Answer the questions. l) Have you thought about your future yet? When is the right time to begin thinking about your future career? What kind of activity is the most attractive for you? What kind of jobs do you find good for yourself? Why? Are you preparing for your future career now? How? Why not? Do your parents help you with choosing a career? How do they see your future? What advantages do having a good job and making a good ca­reer give you? What jobs will you never agree to do? Why not?#3 A. Here is a list of some popular jobs. Use a dictionary. Choose among them 5 that you prefer. Write them down in the order of prefer­ence. Compare your lists. Explain your choice. accountant air host or airhostess architect chef chemist computer operator computer programmer designer dentist doctor engineer estate agent fashion designer fireman (firefighter) hairdresserjournalist librarian lawyer mechanic model musician nurse photographer physicist police officer pharmacist secretary social worker sports instructor teacher travel agentvet В. Say which of the jobs above are - dangerous - need a university education - mostly done by men/women - prestigious - well paid - not very well paid#4 A. Read the text and say which advice you like best. Thinking of Your Career? Now you are not so far from the end of school. Have you ma­de your choice of a career? If you have, are you working harder on the school subjects you are going to need in the future? Read what three successful professionals have to say about it. Jennifer Morrison (she is writing her third novel): In school I did well, but felt discouraged by the teachers. It all changed one summer, I felt that my school wasn't doing enough to educate me. At the same time I understood that I was responsible for my own education. My advice is don't wait for others to edu­cate you, do it yourself. Also read as much as you canPatric Martin (he is a physician1): I didn't plan to be a doctor, but loved sci­ence. Later I found out that doctors also solve problems and rely on facts like sci­entists do, only they have to do it within a very short period of time. I like my work because I know that my decisions influence my patients' lives and I have to use my brain and hands every day. My advice to young people who made up their minds to study medi­cine is ask yourself why you want to be a doctor. If it is for the prestige or the money, find a different profession.Chris Wilson (he is a computer engineer in San Francisco): When I was a kid, I wanted to be a rock star because of all the success and admiration they get. I began to play the guitar at the age of nine and spent the next 20 years chasing я dream. I finished high school and toured with a band playing in clubs. As a day job I did telephone surveys for a computer com­pany. Eventually the company employed me full time and let me learn on the job. I started to make real money and finally it occurred to me that maybe computers were more than a day job. At the age of 27 I gave up my rock star dreams because music had become nothing but a chore. My advice to young people is — you have freedom to sculpt your future but remember that there's no time to waste.B. Choose the right item. 1) Jennifer thinks that in education you should rely on ... . a) your teachers b) your parents c) yourself 2)Patric thinks that the medical and scientific professions ... . are very different are alike can not be compared 3) Patric thinks that ... who wants to study medicine can become a doctor. a) everyone b) not everyone c) practically no one4) When Chris says that he chased a dream he means that he looked for something unrealistic he looked for something nobody wanted he looked for something very unusual5) For Chris music was the most important thing in his life, a) never b) always c) for some timeС. Listen to the text, then read it aloud.#5 Which of the following can mostly influence your choice of a future ca­reer? Put them in the order of importance. Compare your lists. The job I'd like to have should be * interesting * unusual * exciting * pleasant * prestigious * popular * satisfying * respected * creative * challenging * easy to do * useful#6 Speak about how you have chosen your future career. Mention what you wanted to do as a child if and when you changed your mind what or who helped you to make your choice what you expect of your future job what you see as advantages and disadvantages of your chosen careerТема №2Where to Go after School? #1 Listen to the dialogues then read and act them out. Make up a similar dialogue about your plans for the future career.A. К a t i e: I say Chris, have you made up your mind about what to do after school? Chris: I'm going to university. I hope to do sciences either in the University of London or somewhere else. London University is my first choice. And you? Have you decided? Katie: I'm still in two minds. I'd like to be a fashion designer or an interior decorator. I may go to one of the London art schools or maybe I'll stay at home, find a working place and try to learn on the job. Chris: I see. Well, who knows, we may meet in London in a cou­ple of years.B. Jennifer: You know, Sam, I'm thinking of taking a medi­cal course in the University of Manchester. Do you think I'll make it? S a m: I'm sure you will. You're at the top of the class in chemis­try and biology. Jennifer: I hope you are right, Sam. How about you? Are you going to stay here or go some place? Sam: Maybe I'll stay and try to find a job in our department store where I'm working now part-time. I'd love to sell modern electronic devices like laptops, digital cameras or iPods. Jennifer: I know you're very good at computers and things. You can make a very good career in trading.#2 A . Read the text and put the following questions in the right places. "Am I a good leader?" "What am I good at?" "Will I be able to cope with a long period of study?" "What do I want from my career?" "Do I have social skills?" "Do I have enough physical strength?"Choosing a Career Choosing a career is not always easy and requires some serious thinking. The final decision should be yours although there are some factors which can influence it. You can be encouraged or discouraged by your parents, teachers or friends. The situa­tion in the society may also have a certain influence on your choice. There are some important questions that you need to ask yourself if you don't want to make a mistake. The first is ( 1 ). This is not an easy question to answer at the age of 15 or 16 when you don't have enough experience. A good starting point is looking at what others do and getting a clear idea if it suits you. Then, naturally, you have to ask yourself ( 2 ). If you do well in maths and scienc­es, it may be worth thinking about engineering, air trafic con­trol2, industrial laboratory work or .something in computing. If you are good at arts, think of jobs in graphic or industrial design, publishing, advertising or video. And if you like learning and us­ing languages, you might consider being a translator, though it is always better to combine languages with marketing, business or some other profession. One more question to answer is ( 3 ). Do you get on well with peo­ple? If you do, you may think about nursing, social work or other caring jobs. You may consider jobs that require meeting people — a teacher, a shop assistant or a personnel1 manager. To do these jobs successfully you need such qualities as being cheerful, calm, patient and tolerant. Ask yourself ( 4 ). If you are, it is worth thinking of a job where you'll manage and organize other people. If you are considering a job connected with shifts work, travelling long distances or unso­cial hours, for example working at night, ask yourself ( 5 ) . Some professions require a university education. Ask yourself ( 6 ) . If you want to become, for example, a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher, prepare for hard work as a student. Also remember that your success in these professions often depends on experience that you get on the job. So, to sum up, you need to think about what you are like, as well as what the job is like and what it may give you.B. Say what answers you can give to the questions before the text.#3 Find in the text synonyms and antonyms to these words and read out the sentences in which they are used. Synonyms to the words: consideration to need last joyful some quiet beginning manage understandable associated to unite to get ready to think (about) difficult Antonyms to the words: to encourage sciences long social #4 Below is a list of personal qualities. What jobs suit people who have these qualities? Explain your choice. Example: I think a mechanic should have an ability to work with his hands and physical strength. He also needs some interest in sci­ences.^ Personal qualities: imagination patience tolerance kindness creativity courage quick reactions physical strength interest in sciences interest in arts interest in the natural world good memory good ear for music good social skills ability to study hard ability to work with one's hands ability to work with one's brain ability to express yourself clearlybeing a leader #5 A. Form the words to denote various jobs and professions using the suf-fixes, -еr, -or, -ist. Check the words, look them up in the dictionary. type 5) sail 9) journal run 6) drive 10) paint direct 7) act 11) art guitar 8) teach 12) dance B. Use the names of the jobs (part A) to complete the sentences. 1) Kevin Costner, George Clooney and Tom Cruise are my favou­rite ... . 2) We have a wonderful maths ... at school. That's why I like the subject. 3) My brother plays different musical instru­ments, but I can't call him a ... or a drummer. 4) I don't like to be in John's car when he drives. He is such a careless ... . 5) Maya Plisetskaya used to be a brilliant ballet ... . 6) Richard is a talent­ed film ..., but his last film was not a success. 7) Someone who works on a boat or a ship is a ... . 8) If you want to become a ..., you need to enter a university and have some works published. 9) 1 think we need a new .... Miss Clark makes so many mistakes in the documents. 10) Leonardo da Vinci was not only a famous ..., he was also an inventor and scientist. 11) The general sent a ... from Marathon to Athens to carry the news.#6 Read the texts (1—6) and match them with the names of the jobs (a—g). One name is extra. actor singer meteorologist astronomer vet astronaut shop assistant People of this profession already save thousands of lives every year in Florida, Mexico, East Asia and other places when they warn people to evacuate their homes in good time to get out of theway of a hurricane or a storm. Any dog owner knows that his or her dog can eat its 24-hour energy need in just a few minutes at a single meal. Both cats and dogs need to be offered a lot of fresh water and cat owners need totake special care to encourage their pets to drink. Portraying Frodo in the Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood had a big problem — his costume. He had to get up at five o'clock every morning to put on Frodo's feet and ears. When you go to fish-n-chips, they will ask you this question: open or wrapped? This is because British people eat their take­ away chips in paper. If you want to eat your chips in the street, ask for them to be "open". If you want to take them home ask for them "wrapped". His fun lyrics showed that rapping doesn't always have to be about street violence and crime. Not long ago he criticized other rappers for encouraging children to use incorrect English. He'svery intelligent and he first wanted to go to university but changed his mind and decided to make music instead. In March, 2004 a new planet was discovered 10 billion kilome­ters from Earth and was named Sedna. The news was especially exciting because the planet was found beyond what was under­stood to be the edge of the planetary solar system. Тема 3^ WHERE CAN YOU WORK? #1There are a lot of professional fields you can work in. It is important to choose the right one that suits your interests. Which professional field can you work in? Answer the questions and find the category appropriate for you. Are you interested in knowing how and why things work? Are you interested in caring for others and helping them with their problems? Would you like to be out and about and physically active? Would you like a job which involves offering a service to other people? Would you like to use your artistic or creative abilities? Have you an aptitude for working with figures or solving math­ematical problems? Do you like making things with your hands or with machines? Are you interested in working with plants or animals? Categories: A — PracticalВ — NatureС — General service D — Scientific E — Outdoor/active F — Computational G — SocialH — Artistic if you like a job which involves offering a ser­vice to other people you are supposed to choose you will probably chooseyou are likely to choose the general service category. #2 Which category suits you best? If none, suggest your own I think I have an aptitude for working with figures and solving mathematical problems and I am interested in knowing how and why things work. So I think I can work in a scientific or computa­tional field.#3 What does your partner think about your choice?#4 There are a lot of different professions to choose. How many can you name? #5 GUESSING GAME. Each student chooses a job. Find out what your partner's job is. Ask yes/no questions. Try to find out by asking not more than 10 questions. Do you work outside? Do you work with people? … #6 Some jobs are considered to be more suitable for men and others for women. 1) Do you think this is true? 2) What do you think about Ann Bostock? Does she have a women's profession? When Ann Bostock joined British Caledonian* Airways as a pilot in the summer of 1976, she was their first woman pilot. Her father and brother took up flying as a hobby, and she got her pri­vate pilot's licence after graduating from Oxford. While she stud­ied for her commercial pilot's licence she worked as a flying inspec­tor and then as an air-taxi pilot. #7 Make a survey about the professions you wanted to choose in your childhood and what you want to be now. Make a list of the most popular professions then and now. #8 Discuss the results of the quiz "What would you like to be?" What would you like to be? Do you know what type of job you would like to have? Answer the questions and see what our career specialist says about you! You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No. Do you like to travel? Do you prefer to work indoors? Do you like talking to people? Do you prefer to work alone? Are you energetic? Do you like organising things? Are you patient? Do you like animals? Are you noisy? Do you like to work with your hands? Are you artistic? Do you like working with numbers? Do you like children? Do you like looking after people? Are you calm? Are you musical? Do you like sport? Do you like working at night? Do you mind seeing blood?20. Do you like talking on the telephone? Yes No Check your answers and add up (подсчитать) your score. Yes No 1. 10 5 2. 10 5 3. 10 10 4. 2 2 5. 20 5 6. 1 0 7. 5 0 8. 4 3 9. 0 5 10. 1 2 Yes No 11. 5 5 12. 2 2 13. 2 5 14. 10 2 15. 2 10 16. 4 2 17. 5 4 18. 5 7 19. 1 4 20. 5 4 If your score is between 5 and 45: You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practi­cal person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, so­cial worker, psychologist, zoo keep­er, policeman, policewoman. If your score is between 45 and 90: You like to work quietly and concen­trate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hair­dresser, architect. If your score is between 90 and 135: You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organis­ing things for them. One of the fol­lowing careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, flight attendant, bus conductor, salesperson, fireman/woman.Тема 4^ WHAT'S IMPORTANT IN CHOOSING A PROFESSION? #1When choosing a future career, it's a good idea to take different factors into account. The tables below show the results of a survey among British teenagers. How would you describe their attitude to the choice of a job? Factors which are important Male % Female % Job satisfaction Money Friendly atmosphere Good conditions Training Travel 50 29 7 5 3 1 66 13 13 6 3 2 Where they would like to work Location Male % Female % In home area Elsewhere in UK In London Abroad 50 30 14 36 43 37 16 40 I think British teenagerboys girls are home-loving ambitious because adventurous materialistic conservativerealistic because … #2 Which factors are most important for your partner? How can you evaluate your partner's attitude to his/her choice of profession? ... said thatI think he/she is ... he it she didn't care mattered much considered important where... who... with how... whether... #3 Money is an important factor when people choose a job. Say which are the best and worst paid jobs in Britain? a nurse in a hospital a miner in the coalmine a shop assistant a worker in a factory a bank manager a dentist a schoolteacher a professional footballer a nuclear scientist a highly paid job get a good salary overpaid get a lot of money paid a lot paid reasonably well a low-paid job have a low income underpaid the worst paid get even less the same paid #4 How are people of the same professions paid in your country? #5 Make a list of well-paid and low-paid jobs. Which jobs are underpaid/overpaid in your opinion? #6 Compare your list with the other class groups' lists. #7 Read the article from a British magazine and say where else teenagers can work. A survey by Wall's, a company which makes ice cream, shows that the average teen receives about £ 2.71 in pocket money per week. Between fourteen and sixteen years the average is £ 2.76 a week. With gifts, the weekly amount is over £ 6 a week. How do teenagers earn their money? The most popular jobs are delivering newspapers, babysitting, washing cars and cutting hedges. Some teenagers also do Saturday jobs. They can help out in hairdresser's or they can work in a shop. Most young people save about a third of their money and spend the rest. #8 How do you earn your pocket money? Does this job have something in common with your future career? Do you think it is important to have work experience beforehand? #9 What do your classmates spend their pocket money on?Тема 6 Medicine #1 Reading development activities. Л DOCTOR My aunt Sandra is a doctor. There are numerous specializations like a surgeon, a pharmacist, a dentist, etc. My aunt is a pediatrician. She works in a local clinic and helps children to overcome different diseases. My aunt spent six years studying medicine at a medical univer­sity. It was a difficult time, she says. Much information had to be learnt in order to pass numerous examinations. She also was on in­ternship in one of the children's hospitals of the town. When a child comes to my aunt, the first thing she does is she takes his or her temperature. Then she listens to the chest, looks in the cars and examines the throat. In the end she prescribes medicines and schedules time for the next appointment. Children like my aunt because she is kind and very experienced. She can cure anybody from anything! #2 Vocabulary work. Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person who wants to be a doctor: Sense of compassion: all people that come to the doctor are ci­ther sick or injured or other. To help all of them the sense of compas­sion is needed. Knowledge of human anatomy: it helps to see what organ is injured. If a doctor is a surgeon, this knowledge is essentiall for con­ ducting successful operations. Knowledge of human psychology: some diseases are caused not by outer factors like viruses or microorganisms, but by inner fac­tors, for example psychological trauma. The doctor should see be­hind the lines. d) Patience: every treatment takes certain time. Patience is needed to overcome difficulties and help the patient to recover from a disease. c) Ability to learn until you are a hundred: every year new ver­sions of medical equipment are produced by scientists and inventors. A doctor should know how to operate modern equipment. What characteristics would you add to the list above? 3. Learn new words. Doctor - врач, доктор. Surgeon - хирург. Pharmacist - фармацевт. Dentist зубной нрач. Disease -- болезнь. Chest - грудная клетка. Throat - горло. Schedule - каталог, перечень, расписание. Prescribe - прописывать. Take temperature - измерять температуру. Classify the items in the list of the job requirements according to the categories: a sharp mind, ambition, creativity, dedication, ad­ministrative skills, individuality, initiative, physical strength, team­work skills, leadership, ability to work under pressure, flexibility. Skills Qualities Abilities 4. Speaking. In groups exchange your ideas about the job. Ask for your class­mates advice about your choices. Decide whether your ambitions arc realistic. Language support. Expressing preferences and giving reasons. I'm rather... I'd prefer... In my case... The reason why...Because of that...Тема 7 Economy #1 Read the Text.^ AN ACCOUNTANT My mother mother is an accountant in a pharmaceutical com­pany. She likes her work. She has been an accountant for over twenty years. And at this particular company she has already been working for ten years. She is a professional accountant with broad work ex­perience. My mother says she has always loved to calculate and to divide, to subtract and to multiply. It took her live years to get higher educa­tion at the state university. But mother says that a professional ac­countant should always get additional education. So my mother is often present at different seminars, workshops, conferences and what not. There she learns about new laws and rules in the field. She lis­tens to reports and discusses the way of applying fresh knowledge in practice. She often gathers financial reports of the company and watches that everything is in proper order. That is very important. If an in­spector comes, he will check everything. #2 Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person whowants to become an accountant. Ability to work on one problem: in order to complete the work, an accountant should concentrate on it and not be distracted by anything. Good memory: he/she should memorize laws and orders of the Ministry of Finance, and Taxation Service, and other governmental establishments. Persistence: an accountant should go to the end and solve every problem set in front of him/her. #3 Learn new words. Accountant бухгалтер. Accounting бухгалтерское дело. Book-keeping бухгалтерия. Calculat считать, вычислять. Multiply умножать. Subtract вычитать. Divide делить. Financial reports финансовые отчеты. Proper order соответствующий (правильный) порядок. Taxation - налогообложение. Taxman налоговый инспектор. Inspector инспектор, ревизор. #4 Solve the puzzle. 1. In accounting: a three-month long period. A R E R 2. This person works with money in a bank. I R 3. This is a firm or a person who cannot conduct payments. B N P T 4. This is a place where money is kept under key and lock. M Y V U 5. It is necessary if a person has a bank account. S V N G S B K Тема 8 A Lawyer #1 Read the text. A LAWYER My sister Laura is a lawyer. She gets a lot of money for her job, and I think that Laura's job brings her satisfaction. While in school, Laura enjoyed history. She showed great in­terest in foreign language as well. We all thought she would become a politician or a sociologist, but she chose law. Now she works in a juridical consultation. From time to time she works in court. In this case she defends a person who is being prose­cuted. Sometimes the work she does is tiring, as most of her workday she spends in corridors of different establishments. There she sits in line alone or with her client and waits for her rum to come. But some of the disadvantages don't frighten Laura. In fact, she becomes more persistent and experienced. Laura says it is the right of each citizen of our country to know his or her rights and see them. #2 Learn about the necessary characteristics of a person whowants to become a lawyer. a) Good memory: it is necessary to remember a lot of informa­tion: laws, cases, etc. Eloquence: this is necessary to persuade opponents in court. Ability to give speeches in public: not everybody can do that.For a lawyer as he constantly works with people this quality is neces­sary. What characteristics would you add to the list abov

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