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The structure of the informational package for selected educational direction

THE STRUCTURE OF THE INFORMATIONAL PACKAGE FOR SELECTED EDUCATIONAL DIRECTION Information about educational direction. Branch of knowledge (code) 1301 Social welfare Educational direction (code) 6.130102 Social work Specialization Educational level Basic high education Qualification Social worker Education and Qualification level Bachelor Term of study 4 years on the base of full school education Form of study Full-time 2. "External independent estimation" certificates: History Of Ukraine; Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Literature; Geography and Foreign language. 3. Bachelor of educational direction "Social work" has the professional specialization "Social welfare" and it has been prepared to work within one or a few forms of social activities within the State classifier of forms of social activity SC 009-96 ratified by the order № 441 from 22.10.96. of The State Standard institution of Ukraine (coding and concrete branches of activity are noticed in variant components). Bachelor of social work is able to implement the noticed professional activities (the professional titles of activities, codes and names of classification groups of professions by the definition of the State professions’ classifier is given above). Generalization of volume of activity: assistance to development of children, teenagers, families, youth, people with disabilities by facilities of social-educational, rehabilitation and correctional work in different societies and groups. Primary position is a position where professional activity within one a graduate student of corresponding qualification level is able to execute after finishing the education institution; the quality of implementation of tasks of this position is guaranteed by the education institution. "Bachelor" can hold corresponding primary positions and also vice-positions of those types of activity, which are noticed in the table. The names of other primary positions are defined in variant components according to branch normative documents or time-tables of industry institutions taking into account the principles of forming of the names of the positions mentioned in the labor sphere’s normative documents. Professional activity of a bachelor of social work on primary positions consists in:realization of the general functions by fulfilling of the organizational, operating and heuristic labor procedures;making an operative decisions within the limits of the competence and also functional and informative preparation of the professional activity program; providing the coordination of different social institutes' activities in the process of implementation of the special purpose programs;management of working activity of people with junior specialists competence. The basic directions of professional activity: social-educative, informational-analyzing, organizational, correction, administrative, scientific and methodical. Bachelor of social work (at the terms of acquisition of corresponding experience) can also adapt oneself to such directions of professional activity: research, consultative, registration-control and others. This standard establishes:the profession assignment and terms of the use of graduating students of higher education institutions with "bachelor" qualification level of educational direction "Social work" as a list of primary positions, professional functions and typical tasks of activity;the educational and qualifying requirements to the graduating students of higher education institutions as a list of capabilities and abilities to solve the tasks of activity;the demands to attestation of quality of educational and professional preparation of the bachelors of social work;the responsibility for quality of educational and professional preparation. The standard is mandatory for higher education institutions which prepare bachelors of "Social work" with "Social work" specialty. Institutions, organizations, educational establishments must provide necessary conditions for the use of specialists in accordance with obtained in higher education institution qualification and specialty according to the current legislation.4. Professional which has been prepared to social work and can occupy positions (according to SC-003-95): 2340 Social educator on work with disabled children 2340 Consultant of central psycho-medical-pedagogical consultation 2359.2 Organizer of extracurricular and out-of-school educative work with children 2412.2 Professional in the sphere of labor and employment 2419.3 Professional of governmental service 2442 Professionals in the sphere of sociology 2442.2 Sociologist 2442.2 Sociologist of offenders' punishment efficiency 2446 Organizer of social service at home 2446.2 Supervisor in a community centre 2446.2 Paroled prisoners' supervisor 2446.2 Specialist (of providing a help to disadvantage families, allowances to the children and other) 2446.2 Specialist of social work 2446.2 Specialists of social welfare providing 3412 Insurance agent 3439 Instructor of mass work organization 3443 Inspector of a pensions payment 3443 Inspector of a pensions awarding 3443 Inspector of social help 346 Social workers 3460 Social workers5. After receiving "Bachelor" education and qualification level within educational direction "Social work" it is possible to enter on "Specialist" and "Master degree" education and qualification levels the same educational direction.6. The diagram of structure of educational direction with noticing of the ЕСТS: № Disciplines Year of study ^ Semester of study ЕСТS Cycle of humanitarian and social-economic preparation 38 ^ 1.1 Normative part: 18 History Of Ukraine 1 1 3 Ukrainian language (within the specialty) 1 1 3 Foreign language (within the specialty) 2 3 7 Philosophy 1 2 3 History of Ukrainian culture 3 5 2 Physical training * 1234 2467 ^ 1.3 Optional for students in order to form their own curriculum plan: 20 Disciplines 1 2 3 2 Disciplines 2 2 4 3 Disciplines 3 3 5 3 Disciplines 4 2 4 3 Disciplines 5 3 5 3 Disciplines 6 3 6 3 Disciplines 7 4 7 3 ^ 2. Cycle of natural-science preparation 33,5 2.1 Normative part: 31,5 Ethnography 1 1 2 Demography 1 1 2 Basic ecology 1 2 1,5 New informational technologies 1 2 2 Basic medicine knowledge 2 4 4 General Psychology 1 2 4 Age and pedagogical Psychology 2 3 3 Social Psychology 3 5 5 Basic psycho-consulting and psycho-correction 4 7 3 Social-pedagogical support 3 6 3 Social-pedagogical diagnostic 3 6 3 ^ 2.2 Optional by higher education institution: 2 Preparation for work in children healthy camps 2 4 2 ^ 2.3 Optional for students in order to form their own curriculum plan: ^ 3. Cycle of specialty's preparation 168,5 3.1 Normative part: 97,5 Introduction to specialty 1 1 2 Personality’s socialization 1 2 2 Deontology 1 1 2,5 Personality’s self-management 1 1 2,5 Personology 1 2 2 Social partnership 1 12 5 Social work theory 12 23 9 Social work with different groups of clients 2 3 2,5 Social pedagogy 2 34 8,5 Social work in employment sphere 2 3 2,5 Technology of documentation in social sphere 2 3 2 Methodology and methods of social-pedagogical researches 2 4 3 Social work in a leisure time sphere 2 4 3,5 Advertising and information technologies in social work 3 6 3,5 Applied methods in social work 3 5 3 History of social work 3 5 3 Technologies of social work 3 56 7 Social service activity 3 5 3 Economic basis of social work 3 6 3 Basis of social-pedagogical communication 4 7 3 Technologies of social work in foreign countries 4 7 3 Social policy in Ukraine 4 7 3 Basis of professional mastery of social work 4 78 5 Management of social work 4 8 5 The theory of social welfare 4 8 4 Technologies of social welfare 4 8 5 ^ 3.2 Optional by higher education institution: 23 Propaedeutics (University's education. Researches through Internet. researches through searching library systems). 1 2 2 General pedagogy 1 12 4,5 History of civilizations 1 2 2 Social-pedagogical ethic of family life 2 3 2,5 History of pedagogy 3 5 3 Social welfare laws 3 6 3 Family law 4 7 2 Principles of personal and social safety (personal safety, basis of labor protection) 1 1 2 Labor Law 4 7 2 ^ 3.3 Optional for students in order to form their own curriculum plan: 9 Social-pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior or Social-pedagogical prevention of delinquency 3 6 3 Theory and methodic of work with children and youth or Pedagogy of family upbringing 4 7 3 A human in modern society or System of organization of social welfare in Ukraine 4 7 3 3.4 Practices 36 Acquainting practice (tutoring) 1 1 3 Social service practice (tutoring) 1 2 3 Social-educational practice (tutoring) 2 3 3 Practice of work in children healthy camps (practical training for students) 2 4 6 Preventive work practice (tutoring) 3 5 3 Correctional and rehabilitation practice (practical training for students) 3 6 3 Social support practice (tutoring) 4 7 3 Project's management practice (practical training for students) 4 8 12 ^ 3.5 Course papers 3 Social pedagogy course paper 3 5 1 History and Theory of Social Work course paper 3 6 1 Technologies of Social Work course paper 4 7 1 * - other type of Physical training activities fulfill 2 hours per week within free time of students. 7. ^ National grading scale Percentage ЕСТS scale Excellent 90 – 100% А – excellent – a particularly outstanding work despite a few insignificant deficiencies Good 83 – 89% В – very good – an achievement that lies significantly above the average standard even with few deficiencies Good 75 – 82% С – good – correct work in general with few considerable deficiencies Mediocre 63 – 74% D – mediocre – work is done with numerous deficiencies Mediocre 50 – 62% Е – mediocre – an achievement fulfills minimum mark's criteria Fail 21 – 49% FХ – fail – some more work required before the credit can be awarded Fail 0 – 20% F – fail – the repeated work on course is required 8. Final control (state attestation) at the "Bachelor" educational qualification level is implemented in form of complex qualification examination on professional disciplines. To the student who successfully passed final control qualification of higher education and corresponding state standard Diploma (and also Appendix to the diploma) by the decision of the State commission is assigned.9. ECTS coordinator of History FacultyName and surname: Vakhovsky L. C.,PHD, professor Position: Dean of History faculty Post address: Luhansk, Oboronna str., 2-a Phone number: 59-03-42 Е-mail:istfac@luguniv.edu.ua^ The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University Ukrainian philology and general linguistics department^ THE WORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMsubject „Ukrainian language (professional orientation)” for speciality(ies) of the historical department full-time studentsAPPROVEDthe department sitting proceedings № 2 September 4, 2009The head of the department__________(signature)Re-approved: proceedings №______the date____________Re-approved: proceedings №______the date____________Re-approved: proceedings №______the date____________Endorsed: The head of science-methodic(al) department___________L.P. MasyutaLugansk 2009^ Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National UniversityThe working educational program subject „Ukrainian language (professional orientation) ^ The name of the course. „Ukrainian language (professional orientation)” full-time students Speciality: of Ukrainian philology department, of the department of foreign languages, of the historical department, of the faculty of natural sciences, of the institute of economics and business, of the institute of information technology, of the institute of culture and arts, of the institute of physical education and sport, of the institute of pedagogy and psychology, of the institute of trade, of the servicing technology and tourism ^ The code of the course [HIST].[Соціолог_09].[1_1_2]. The type of the course (compulsory or of students’ choise). compulsory Year (years) of studying. 1-st Term/terms 1; 2 The total number of credits ECTS. 3 Surname, first name, second name, post, academic title and academic degree of the lecturer(lecturers),who teach discipline. Hluhovtseva Catherine Dmytrievna – Doctor of Philology, professor, head of Ukrainian philology and general linguistics department. Nikolaenko Irina Oleksandrivna – candidate of philological science, an associate professor of Ukrainian philology and general linguistics department. Serdyukova Tatiana Ihorivna – candidate of philological science, an associate professor of Ukrainian philology and general linguistics department. Безгодова Надія Семенівна – senior teacher of Ukrainian philology and general linguistics department. Kolesnikova Larisa Leonidivna – assistant of Ukrainian philology and general linguistics department.(building 1 , room.1-314). ^ The purpose of the course(in the teaching result and competent terms). The aim of the course - the formation of linguistic communicative competence of the individual, conscious of positive language behavior, mastering the rules of the modern Ukrainian literary language acquisition skills of handling the future of the specialty terminology; functional ability to use different styles and sub in educational and professional use, communicative skills justified the use of languages in compliance with the etiquette of professional communication skills to ensure the correct conclusion of professional documentation. Ukrainian language (with professional direction) as a general linguistic discipline should promote enlightened, harmoniously developed personality, capable of continuous updating of knowledge, rapid adaptation to changes in all spheres of life. ^ The backgrounds (actual knowledge which are necessary for mastering the course). The course of Ukrainian language in high school. The content of the course. № ^ Meaningful modules and their structure. total lectures Seminars (pract. work) laboratory work individual work Module А 1.1. Introduction. Ukrainian language in public life 4 2 2 1.2. Styles of Ukrainian language. Writing form of official-business style 8 2 2 2 1.3. Choice of words in the language of professional communication. Lexical rules 8 2 4 4 1.4. Culture of professional oral language 10 2 4 4 1.5. Methods for transferring soft consonants in writing. Terms of use apostrophe 4 2 2 1.6. Capital letter in proper names. Complicated cases of conjugation surnames. 4 2 2 1.7. Spelling names 4 4 1.8. General rules for spelling compound words together, separately and hyphenated 6 2 4 1.9. Spelling words of foreign origin 6 2 4 Module В 2.1. Morphological rules of professional broadcasting 24 4 10 10 2.2. Stylistic syntax professional broadcasting 14 2 6 6 2.3. Types of professional oral speech. A separate and structural features of scientific works 16 2 4 10 the total amount of hours. 108 16 40 52 The list of the recommended educational literature The basic educational literature Hluschyk S. Modern business papers: teach. text-book for Education. among. universities. / S.V Hluschyk, A.V Dyyak, S.V Shevchuk. - K.: A.S.K., 2003. - 400 p. Zubkov M.G Modern Ukrainian Business Language: text-book for universities / MG Zubkov. - 4 th ed. - H.: Torsinh, 2003. - 448 p. Katsavets G.M official language papers: text-book for students of universities / G.M Katsavets, L.M Palamar. - 3 rd ed., Refine. and add. - K.: Alert, Nunavut, 2006. Mozhoviy V.I. Ukrainian language in professional communication: Modular Course / Mozhoviy V.I. - 2 nd ed., Refine. and add. - K.: TSNL., 2006. - 592 p. Additional educational literature: 1. nnina IA Russian-Ukrainian dictionary / IO Annina, GN Horyushyna, I. Being. - K.: sketch, 2003. - 1424 p. Botvyna NV International cultural traditions: the language and ethics of business communication: teach. text-book. / N. Botvyna. - K.: Art EK, 2000. Great summary of the current Ukrainian spelling dictionary lexicon / life. and Ch. edit. VT Busel. - K.: Irpen: TFF Perun, 2003. - 896 p. Great dictionary of modern Ukrainian language / structure. and Ch. from VT Busel. - K.: Irpen: TFF Perun, 2005. - 1728 p. Geographic Encyclopedia of Ukraine: in 3 tons / editorial board A.M. Marinich (responsible editor) And others. - K.: URE, 1989. - T. 1 - 416 pp., T. 2 - 1990. - 480 pp., Vol.3. - 1993. - 480 p. Hluhovtseva KD Modular Ukrainian language course for professional direction / KD Hluhovtseva, AM Horoshkina, V. Lyesnova, IA Nikolaenko, AM Nikulchev. - Donetsk, 2006. - 120 p. Hluhovtseva KD Ukrainian Language: tests to study the course of non-philological faculties of higher educational institutions / KD Hluhovtseva, IA Nikolaenko, AM Nikulchev. - Donetsk, 2007. - 128 p. Hrushevskyi M. History of Ukraine-Rus: 11 tons, 12 kn. / Redkol. PS Sohan (chairman) and others. - K.: Science. Dumka, 1991. - 2002. - T. 1-11. Gubergrits A.Y Medicinal plants of the Donbas / A.Y Gubergrits, N.I Solomchenko. - Donetsk: Donbass, 1990. - 312 p. Business Ukrainian: teach. text-book. / O.D Horbul, L.I Haluzynskyy, T. rush and others. - K.: Knowledge, 2007. - 222 p. Methods of teaching. A student’s activity: listening to lectures; reporting at seminars; making reports at seminars taking part in a discussion at a seminar; Library research. making terminological dictionaries; Modeling Role-Playing; writing mini-creative works.Current control: Two written module works.The form of semester control: І term – examination; ІІ term – state certificatio Criteria of estimation (at%). A term rating mark is figured out issuing from the following criteria: written module works – 50 % practical work – 50 % written casesPattern of estimation IWS № The types of a student’s individual work A rating’s highest mark making terminological dictionaries 5% Implementation of research projects 5% Writing an article 5% The languages of teaching. Ukrainian ^ WORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMM On „ Professional foreign language”course For social work speciality (ies) _______________________________ Form of study full-time /extra-muralAPPROVEDAt chair meeting Minutes No 2 from September, 30th 2009Head of chair ___________ (signature) Re-approved: No ______ d.d. ____________ Re-approved: No ______ d.d. ____________ Re-approved: No ______ d.d. ____________Approved: Head of the Scientific & Methodical Department ___________ L. P.MasjutaLuhansk 2009Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national university Working Educational programm On "Professional foreign language "course Course Name. ^ " PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE " English post graduate course.Form(-s) of studing: full- time extra-muralSpeciality (-ies) : social work Course Code . [ІPP] [Soc_work_of PGC_08 ][1_1_1] Course type (compulsory or optional). Compulsory Year (years) of studying. Post-graduate course Semester /semesters. 2 Quantity of ECTS credits. 1,5 Surname, name, position, academic status and scientific degree of lecturer(s). Shehavtsova Svitlana - PhD, associate professor of Chair of English philology (building 1, lecture room 1 - 105 shechavtsova1@gmail.com) ^ Course objective (in terms of study results and competense). Thesuggested course appointeds for undergraduate-students, for whom English is not a professional subjectt. The purpose of this course is to form and to improve the level of perception and understanding of writing English-language text, perception of lexical material of professional business communication; to form elementary grammatical skills and their uses during communication; to teach how to use the professional business terminology. The course has a practical character, in which the main accent is made on improved abilities and skills of the verbal and writing broadcasting, not onle everyday discourses but also the ability of professional English possessing (including ability of business conferences). ^ Backgrounds (actual knowledge, necessary for the course). Practical course of English language for students of 1st - 5th years of studies of unlinguistic specialities. ^ The course maintenance № Modules and their structure   general lectures seminars / (pract. TR.) labs. individual Module 1 1.1. Meeting skills development. Correctness and politeness. 16 4 - 12 1.2. How to integrate small talk during the meeting. 16 4 - 12 1.3. Basics of telephoning skills. Telephone business communication. 16 4 - 12 1.4. How to write a professional letter. Types of letters. 16 4 - 12 1.5. How to give a presentation Tips and hints. 4 - 13 hours 81 20 61 The list of recommended literature. Main literature English for business communication / Gertruda Gaudsvard [trans. from germ. V.V. Martynovoy]. - Moskow: Оmega-L, 2007. - 140 p. Bogatskiy Y.S., Dyukanova N.М. Business course of English. Reference dictionary-book. Kyiv: Logos, 2001. – 352 p. Vasileva L. Business correspondence in English. Мoskva.: Ayris-press, 2004. – 352 p. Voytenok V.V., Voytenko A.М. Colloquial English. Мoskow.: Rolf, 2001. – 480 p. Business English. Business communication: Educational aid. /V.S. Slepovich – Mn.: «TetraSystems», 2002. – 256 p. Business English. Part 2: Manual /Author О.V. Pinska. – Кyiv: Community "Znannya", КОО, 1998. – 64 p. Kuznetsova О.V. Business communication: Manual. – Rostov na Donu, Feniks, 2003. – 80 p.Supplementary literature Tsibulya N.B. Daily and business communications in English. Manual. – Мoskow: In.Yazik, 2001. – 352 p. Sheveleva S.А. Business English. Intensive course: Manual. – Мoskow: Culture and sport, YUNITI, 1997. - 438 p. Cordell, J Cambridge Business English Activities: Serious fun for business English students. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 Donna, S. Teach Business English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 Fournier, C. Open for Business: Communication activities for students of English. Boston: Heinle&Heine, 1990 Ingram, B. Student Packet for 4-week Listening/Speaking Course. Unpublished manuscript. ESL Services, The University of Texas at Austin, 1999 Jones, L. New International Business English: Student’s Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996 Teaching methods. Student’s activity: attending lectures; making individual notes fromoriginal sources; writing cases.Current control: Credit.Semester control form : Credit. Evaluation criteria (in %). Semester ratingis calculated based on the criteria: Written modular works 30% (including 15% for student’s individual work controlon) Participation in practical tasks 20% individual work (making of writing tasks, theme preparation for conversations) 50% Estimation of IWS № Types of student’s individual work The maximal rating mark ( in %) 1. Autobiography. Activities and favourite employments. 20% 2. Resume. Business paperspreparing. 20% 3. Making of grammatical tasks. 10% TOTAL: 50% Language of teaching. English, Ukrainian ^ MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE LUHANSK TARAS SCHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Chair of philosophy and sociologyWORKING EDUCATION PROGRAM ofPhilosophy course for all university specialties form of study is full time study APPROVED at chair meeting Minutes No. 8 d.d. 16.09.2009^ Head of the chair ______________ ( signature ) Re-approved : minutes No. ______ d.d. _____________ Re-approved : minutes No. ______ d.d. _____________ Re-approved : minutes No. ______ d.d. _____________Agreed with: Head of scientific and methodological department____________ L.P. MasyutaLuhansk 2009Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Working educational program of „ Philosophy ” course ^ 30. Course name. „ PHILOSOPHY ”Form(-s) of study: full time study.Speciality (-ies): all university specialties ^ 31.Course code . For all university specialties 32.Type of the course (compulsory or of student’s choice). Compulsory ^ 33.Year (years) of studing 1-st 34.Semester / semesters. 2 ^ 35.Number of ECTS credits. 3,0 36.Surname, name , position, academic status and scientific degree of leacture(-s). Galkina Lyudmyla I., candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the chair of philosophy and sociology; Molodcov Borys I., candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the chair of philosophy and sociology; Popov Vasyl B., candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the chair of philosophy and sociology; (3 building, room 5-24, e-mail: @) luguniv.edu.ua) ^ 37. Course objective ( in terms of study results and competence). «Philosophy» course is intended for acquaintance of students with basic directions of development of the philosophical thought, to give a general knowledge of philosophical problematics, terminology, to develop general skills of systemic and rational comprehension of universe.In general study of philosophy course forms for students ability of critical attitude not only to the subject of their scientific research but also of critical attitude to mental means of this research, to categories of reason and ideas of mind. ^ 38.Background (actual knowledges, required for the course). „ Man and society ” course of secondary school. 39. Contents of the course. No. ^ Modules and their structure general lectures seminars(pract.tr). lab. Individual ^ First module 1.1. Philosophy and world-view. Existence problem of the universal basis of reality in the Greek Philosophy 8 2 2 4 1.2. Specificity of philosophy as a cultural phenomenon. Philosophy of Ancient India and Ancient China 8 2 2 4 1.3 Ancient Greek classical philosophy about universal existence in the form of idea 8 2 2 4 1.4 Development of philosophical problematics in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 6 2 4 1.5. Epistemological discussion in Western philosophy of Modern Times 8 2 2 4 1.6 Philosophy of the Enlightenment. Philosophy in Ukraine 6 2 4 1.7 Concept of reason and mind in the German classical philosophy 4 2 2 1.8 Universal: substance form or regulative principle of existence 4 2 2 1.9 Modern philosophy about paradoxes of practical way of human existence 8 2 2 4 2.0 Modern philosophy about human estrangement from the realities of his life 8 2 2 4 ^ Second module 2.1. Problem of nature of the categories as forms of universal determination of reality 8 2 2 4 2.2. Problem of the balance of material and ideal categories 2 2 2.3. Comprehension problem in the philosophy of contradiction categories 2 2 2.4. Abstract and concrete comprehension of development 2 2 2.5. Problem of spiral development: cyclicity and progress of changes 4 2 2 2.6 Typology of philosophical systems 6 2 4 2.7 Correlation problem of spontaneous and logical in the process of cognition 2 2 2.8 Categories and laws of dialectical interpretation of reality 6 2 4 2.9 Concept of development in the history of philosophy 4 4 3.0 Comprehension problem of active human role in history 4 4 ^ TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS 108 32 22 54 ^ 40. List of the recommended educational literature. Main literature Alekseev P.V.,Panin A.V. Philosophy: Textbook. – М., 2000. Introduction to philosophy: Textbook for higher educational establishments / Edited by A.T.Frolov. – In two parts – М., 1990. 3. Gorak G.I. Philosophy: Course of lectures. – К., 1997. 4. Gulyga A.V. German classical philosophy. – М., 1991. 5. Foreign philosophy of the ХХ century. – К., 1993. 6. Zotov A.F., Melyvil Yu.K. Western philosophy of the ХХ century: Manual. – М., 1998. 7. History of philosophy in summary. – М., 1991. 8. History of philosophy in Ukraine. – К., 1987. – Vol. 1. History of philosophy in Ukraine. Textbook. – К., 1994. History of philosophy of Ukraine. Reading-book. – К., 1993. Kanke V.A. Philosophy. Historical and systematic course: Textbook for higher educational establishments. Second edition. – М., 1997. Development of philosophical thought in Ukraine. – К., 1994. Western modern philosophy. Dictionary. – М., 1991. Philosophy: Textbook / Edited by V.D.Gubin and other. – М., 1997. Philosophy: Course of lectures / I.V.Bychko and other. – К., 1993. Philosophy: Manual / Edited by I.F.Nadolynyy. – К., 1997. 17. Philosophy: Textbook / G.A.Zaychenko and other. – К., 1995. 18. Philosophy: manual for seminars. – Second edition, renovated and completed – Luhansk: Alyma-mater, 2006. – 369 p. 19. Reading-book for philosophy: Manual / edited by A.A.Radugin. – М., 1998. Supplementary literature Alekseev P.V., Panin A.V. Cognition theory and dialectics. – М., 1997. Asmus V.F. Ancient philosophy. – М., 1998. Bogomolov A.S. Ancient philosophy. – М., 1976. Boychenko I.V. Philosophy of history. Manual. – К., 2000. Bacon F. The new organon // Works in 2 volumes.– М., 1978. – Vol. 2. Gorfunkel A.H. Philosophy of the Renaissance. – М., 1980. Grushevskiy M. At the beginig of new Ukraine. – К., 1991. Dekart R. Discourse on Method // Chosen works in 2 volumes. – М., 1989. – Vol.1. – P.250-296. Dragomanov M. Chosen. – К., 1991. Drach I.F., Krymsykyy S.B., Popovych M.V. Grygoriy Skovoroda. – К., 1984. Ivanyo I.V. Philosophy and style of thinking of G. Skovoroda. – К., 1983. Marx K. Theses on Feuerbach / / K. Marx,F. Engels.Works. – Vol.42. Philosophy world. Textbook for reading. – Part 1,2. – М., 1991. Potebnya A. Thought and language. – К., 1993 Pochapskiy A. Development of philosophical thought in Ukraine. The first half of the XIX century. – Kiev, 1984. Oyzerman T.I. Empirical and theoretical: the difference, opposition, unity / / Voprosy filosofii. – 1985. – No. 12. — 1986. – No. 2. Potebnya A. Thought and language. – К., 1993 Rahmankulova N.F. Values and origin of national philosophical tradition (India and China) / / Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Series 7. Filosofiya. – 2000. – No. 1. – P.19-35. World-view and spiritual culture. – К., 1993. Skovoroda G.S. Complete works: In two volumes. – К., 1973. Skovoroda Grygoriy. Researches, inquiry, materials. – К., 1992. Sokolov V.V. European philosophy of the XV-XVIII centuries. – М., 1996. Sokolov V.V. Medieval philosophy. – М., 1997. Social and philosophical ideas of Mihail Drahomanov. – К., 1995. Stepin V.S. Culture // Voprosy filosofii. – 1999. – No.8. – P. 61-71. Chyzhevsykiy D. Outlines of philosophy history of Ukraine. – К.,1992. Yurkevich P.Chosen. – К., 1993. Yurkevich P. Philosophical works. – М., 1990. Yavorsykiy S. Philosophical works: In 3 volumes. – К., 1993. ^ 41. Teaching methods. Student’s activity : attendance lectures ; making reports on a seminar; participating in a discussion on a seminar; individual notetaking of origin sources ; execution of the practical tasks Current control: two writing module works.Form of semester control : examination. ^ 42. Evaluation criterion (in %). Semester rating estimation calculates, according to criteria: - modular works 60% (including 15% on individual work control ) participating in a seminar 30% individualwork (report,course paper) 10% Evaluation map SRS No. Types of individual work of the student Maximal point of rating for type (%) 1. Specificity of philosophy as a cultural phenomenon(notetaking, theme is taken to module control) 1% 2. Development of philosophical problematics in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (notetaking, theme is taken to module control) 2% 3. Philosophy of the Enlightenment. (notetaking, theme is taken to module control) 2% 4. Modern philosophy about paradoxes of practical way of human existence (notetaking, theme is taken to module control). 1% 5. Modern philosophy about human estrangement from the realities of his life (notetaking, theme is taken to module control). 2% 6. Correlation problem of spontaneous and logical in the process of cognition (notetaking, theme is taken to module control). 2% 7. Categories and laws of dialectical interpretation of reality (notetaking, theme is taken to module control). 2% 8. Concept of development in the history of philosophy(notetaking, theme is taken to module control). 2% 9. Comprehension problem of active human role in history (notetaking, theme is taken to module control). 1% 10. Course paper for a chosen theme 10% TOTAL : 25% ^ 43. Teaching languages. Ukrainian ^ MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE LUHANSK TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Department of Ukrainian History WORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM “History of Ukrainian culture”for specialty “Politology”, “History”, “Social work”, “Sociology”, “International relation” full-time study APPROVED at the chair meeting Minutes No. ______ from _____________Head of the chair __________( signature)Re-approved: minutes No.______ d. d. ____________Re-approved: minutes No.______ d. d. ____________Re-approved: minutes No.______ d. d. ____________Agreed: Head of scientific methodical department ___________ L. Masjuta Luhansk 2009Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Working educational program “History of Ukrainian culture” Course name. ^ “HISTORY OF UKRAINIAN CULTURE”Form (-s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-s): “Politology”, «Social work», «Sociology», «History» Course code. Course type (compulsory or by students choice).. Compulsory Year (years) of study. The third (3rd) Semester (-s). The fifth (5th ) Number of credits ECTS. Two 2 Surname, name, position, academic status and scientific degree of lecture. Anpilogova Tetyana  assistant professor of the chair of Ukrainian history, candidate of historical sciences (3rd building, aud.. 4-20, e-mail: kafukrist@yandex.ru) ^ Course objective ( in terms of study results and competence). The objective of course is to familiarize the students with the rounds and specifics of development culture of the Ukrainian nation; forming the national consciousness, the national of historical remembrance, understanding the national revival in the context of historical experience; realization the students about introduction of the Ukrainian nation in treasury of world culture; contribution the aesthetic development of students. ^ Background (actual knowledge’s, required for the course). Course history of Ukraine Course content. No. Modules and their structure general lectures seminars/ (pr. train.) lab. individ. Module 1 1.1. Foreword 4 2 2 1.2. Ancient culture of east Slavs 8 2 6 1.3. Cultural development of Kievan Rus and Galicko-Volinska states 10 2 2 6 1.4. Cultural life in Ukrainian lands of Lithuanian-Polish and Cossack time (the second half of ХIV  ХVI centuries). 8 2 6 1.5. Cultural development in Ukraine XVІІ  XVIII centuries. 10 2 2 6 1.6 Cultural and national renaissance the end of XVIII  beginning of ХХ centuries. 8 2 6 Module 2 2.1. National and cultural raise in Ukraine of 20 years. The political terror in 30 years. “Plug revival”. 10 2 2 6 2.2. The Ukrainian culture in war and after war time (194080.) 6 2 4 2.3. Cultural development of Ukraine on modern lap. 8 2 6 ^ TOTAL HOURS 72 16 8 48 List of recommended literature. Main literature Boyko O. D. Ukrainian history : work book / O. D. Boyko. – the 3rd edit., reform., enlarge. – Kyiv : Akdemvidav, 2007. – 688 p.Doroshenko D. I. Documental of Ukrainian history: in 2 v. : reprint. edit. / D. I. Doroshenko. – Kyiv : Globus, 1991 – 1992. – V. 1. From half of VІ century. – Kyiv 1991. – 349 p.; V. 2. From half of VІІ century. – Kyiv 1992. – 349 p.Additional literature Arkas M. M. Ukrainian and Rus history / Mykola Arkas. – Kyiv : Higher school, 1990. – 395 p.Bilocerkivsky V. Y. Ukrainian history : work book for stud. of higher educ. establ. / V. Y. Bilocerkivsky. – the 3rd edit., reform., enlarge. – Kyiv: The centre of educational literature, 2007. – 536 p.Verstuk V. F. and oth. Ukraine from earlier days for today : chronol. direct. / V. F. Verstuk, O. M. Dzuba, V. F. Reprincev. – Kyiv : Science idea, 1995. – 686 p.Grushevsky M. Ukrainian and Rus history: in 11 v., 12 book. / redcol. : P. S. Sohan (main) and oth. – Kyiv : Science idea, 1991 – 2002. – V. 1 – 11.The illustration encyclopedia of Ukrainian history : in 3 v. / author of the text O. Kucheruk. – edit. reform. enlarge. – Kyiv : Spalah, 2004. – V. 1 – 3. Ukrainian history: work book / V. F. Verstuc, O. V. Garan, O. I. Gurzhiy and oth. – Kyiv : Alternativi, 1997. – 416 p. Teaching methods. Students activity: attending lectures; making message at a seminar; making report at a seminar; participating in a discussion at a seminar; writing of creative work.Current control: two writing modular controls.Form of semester control: examination. Evaluation criteria (in %). A semester rating evaluation is lay off in compliance with criteria: writing modular controls 50% (including 15% on the control of individual work of the student) participation in seminars 40% writing of creative work 10% Map of evaluation of students individual work No. Types of individual work of student Maximum evaluation rating for type (%) 1. Ancient culture of east Slavs 5% 2. Cultural development in Ukraine XVІІ  XVIII centuries. 5% 3. Cultural development of Ukraine on modern lap. 5% 4. Creative work 10% TOTAL: 25% ^ Language of teaching. Ukrainian ^ THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE LUHANSK TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITYChair of Ukrainian HistoryWORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Course name „Ethnography of Ukraine” (2.1.2.) For specialties „History” and „Social work” Form of study: Full-time studyAPPROVEDOn chair meeting Minutes No______d.d _____________Head of chair___________(signature)Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________Re- approved: minutes No______ d.d ____________Approved: Head of Scientific and Methodical Department ___________L.P. Masjuta Luhansk 2009Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Working educational program Course name „Ethnography of Ukraine” (2.1.2.) Course name. ^ „ETHNOGRAPHY OF UKRAINE”Form of study: full-time.Specialties: „History”, „Social work” Course code. 6. 13 01 02 „Social work” 6. 02 03 02 „History” [ІСТ].[Істор_09].[2_1_2] [ІСТ].[Соц_роб_09].[2_1_1] Course type (compulsory or for choice of student). compulsory Year (years) of study. 1-st Semester / semesters. 1 Number of ECTS credits. 2 Name, surname, position, academic status and scientific degree of lecturer (s), who teach the course. Anpіlogova Tetyana  assistant professor of the chair Ukrainian history, Candidate of Historical Sciences (3-st building, aud. 4-20, e-mail: kafukrist@yandex.ru) ^ Course objective (in terms of study result and competences). Course objective – students learn the basic concepts of ethnographic science, history of formation and development of Ukrainian ethnic area; formation idea about national diversity and ethnic groups of the Ukrainian state, Main stages of formation of the Ukrainian diaspora; knowledge with the components of Ukrainian national culture Ukrainian dishes, costumes, folklore, habitation, mass transportation, communication traditions and etc. ^ Background (actual knowledge, required for mastery of course). Course of Ukrainian history of high school and school course „Human and society” Main list. № ^ Meaningful units and their structure   general lectures seminars / (pract. exer.) lab. individ. ^ First module 1.1. Introduction 4 2 2 1.2. Formation and development of Ukrainian Ethnography 7 2 5 1.3. Origin and main stages of ethnic Ukrainian history 9 2 2 5 1.4. Etnoregional peculiarity of Ukraine and Ukrainians 7 2 5 1.5. Population of Ukraine and the ethnic composition of its population 7 2 5 ^ Second module 2.1. Material culture of Ukrainians 9 2 2 5 2.2. Spiritual culture of Ukrainians 9 2 2 5 2.3. Public life 7 2 5 2.4. Private life 9 2 2 5 2.5. National etiquette: hospitality, greetings and respect 4 2 2 ^ TOTAL HOURS 72 20 8 44 List of recommended literature. The main educational literature Vovk H. Studії z ukraїns'koї etnografії ta antropologії. –K., 1995. Gogohіja N.T., Klimov A.O. Ukraїns'ka etnografіja. Navchal'no-metodichnij posіbnik dlja studentіv specіal'nostej “Іstorіja”, “Socіologіja”, “Socіal'na robota” ped. un-v (denna forma navchannja). –Lugans'k: Al'ma-mater, 2006. – 90 s. 3.Enciklopedіja ukraїnoznavstva. Zagal'na chastina. Reprintne vіdtvorennja vidannja 1949 roku /Іnstitut ukraїns'koї etnografії AN Ukraїni, 1994. S.184 - 320 4.Etnografіja Ukraїni: Navch. posіbnik / Za red. S.A.Makarchuka. -L'vіv: Svіt, 1994. - 520s. 5.Kul'tura і pobut naselennja Ukraїni: Navch. posіbnik/ V.І.Navulko, L.F.Artjur ta іn. –K.: Libіd', 1993. – 288 s. 6.Lozko G.S. Ukraїns'ke narodoznavstvo. - K.: Zodіak - EKO, 1995. -368s. 7.Ponomar'ov A. P. Ukraїns'ka etnografіja: Kurs lekcіj. - K: Libіd', 1994. - 320 s.: іl. 8.Ukraїns'ke narodoznavstvo: Navch. posіb./ Za red. S.P.Pavljuka. – K.: Znannja, 2006.More educational materials 1. Bulashev G.O. Ukraїns'kij narod u svoїh legendah, relіgіjnih pogljadah ta vіruvannjah. Kosmogonіchnі ukraїns'kі narodnі pogljadi ta vіruvannja. - K.: Fіrma" Dovіra", 1992. - 414s. 2. Bratko-Kutins'kij O.A. Fenomen Ukraїni. –K., 1995.3. Voropaj Oleksa. Zvichaї nashogo narodu: Etnografіchnіj naris. -K.-Akcіonerne vidavniche - polіgrafіchne. - tovaristvo "Oberіg"1983.-590s. 4. Grigor’єv Nash. Іstorіja Ukraїni v narodnih dumah ta pіsnjah: Dlja sered, ta st.shk. vіku (Hudozh. V.І.Lopata; /Uporjad.-іl. A.P.Demidenko) - K.: Veselka, 1993. - 271 s.: іl.5. Zalіznjak D.L. Vіd sklavinіv do ukraїns'koї nacії. - K.: PBP " Fotovіdeoservіs ", 1997. - 256 s.6. Znojko O.P. Mіfi Kiїvs'koї zemlі ta podії starodavnі. Nauk-popul. st., rozvіdki: Dlja st.shk.v. Jaіeredm. V.R.Kolomіjcja. - K.: Molod', 1989. - 304 s.і іl.7. Matejko K. Ukraїns'ki

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