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Contents Divisions Titles Files Pages 1. Resolution of educational establishment personnel boards and responsible for the decision-making corresponding institutions to begin study program. 4 1.1. ISMA Senate resolution to begin study program “Information Systems”. 5 1.2. ISMA Senate resolution to prepare study program “Information systems” for the accreditation. 7 2. ^ Study program license 9 3. The documents approving that the applicant will provide the students with the opportunity to continue education in another educational establishment in case of study program liquidation. 11 3.1. Partnership contract with Riga Technical University. 12 3.2. Contacts with other institutions 14 4. Description of study programme 4_part_is_2002_eng.doc 20 4.1. Education plan 4_part_is_2002_eng.doc 21 4.2. Description of study courses 4_part_is_2002_eng.doc 24 5. Publicity and information editions on study programme 5_part_is_2002_eng.doc5_part_is_2002_eng_1.doc5_part_is_2002_eng_2.doc 96 6. Prospective estimation of study programme. Latvian interest point of view 6_part_is_2002_eng.doc 97 6.1. The study programme correspondence to education and training standards 6_part_is_2002_eng.doc 98 6.2. Employer opinion poll 6_part_is_2002_eng.doc 98 7. Estimation of study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 100 7.1. Goals and tasks of study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 100 7.1.1. Goals of study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 100 7.1.2. Tasks of study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 100 7.1.3. Particular tasks 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 101 7.2. ^ STUDY PROGRAMME'S ORGANISATION 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 101 7.3. Study programme's practical realisation 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 102 7.3.1. Study programme's volume and qualification awarding 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 102 7.3.2. Study programme's methods and forms 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 102 7.3.3. Practice's organisation 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 102 7.3.4. Requirement for diploma's receiving and giving of qualification 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 103 7.3.5. The scientific research work of academic personnel in connection with the study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 103 7.3.6. Participation of students in scientific and research projects 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 103 7.3.7. Computer and technical providing 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 104 7.3.8. Professional orientation work 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 104 7.3.9. Publishing 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 104 7.4. Estimation system and system of study quality ensuring 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 104 7.5. Students 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 105 7.5.1. The number of students in the study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 105 7.5.2. The number of the 1st year immatriculated students 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 105 7.5.3. The number of graduate students 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 105 7.5.4. Opinion poll of student body and it's analysis 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 105 7.5.5. Participation of students in perfection of study programme 7_1_7_5_is_2002_eng.doc 106 7.6. Academic personnel of study programme 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 107 7.6.1. Academic personnel 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 107 7.6.2. The correspondence of academic personnel qualification to the programme's goals and tasks achievment. 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 107 7.6.3. Curriculum vitae of academic personnel 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 110 7.6.4. Selection of academic personnel, teaching and development policy 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 7.7. Financial sourses 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 7.8. External relations 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 7.8.1. Relations with emloyers 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 7.8.2. The experience of academic personnel abroad 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 7.8.3. hostlectors' number in the study programme 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 8 Development plan of the study programme 7_6_8_is_2002_eng.doc 151 Supplements 152 S1 ^ Study programme's comparison with the similar study programmes of other higher schools p01_comparison_eng.doc 153 S2 From Latvian profession classifier p02_classifier_eng.doc 155 S3 Standard of Bachelor of Natural Sciences p03_bachelor_standard_eng.doc 157 S4 Profession standard. Information Systems p04_professional_standard_eng.doc 158 S5 Employer opinion questionnaire p05_employer_list_eng.doc 162 S6 Student opinion questionnaire p06_student_list_eng.doc 164 ^ 4. Description of study programmeStudy programme 45481 Information Systems is accorded with the corresponding Profession Standard1 and Bachelor Standard in computer sciences2, satisfies all requirements of the 5th level higher education3 (see, comparison, in 6th p.) The credit structure of study programme education plan required part (A-part) - 77 required choice part (B-part) - 39free choice part (C-part) - 6practice - 18pre-diploma practice - 8diploma - 12 Credit points in whole - 160^ 4.1. Education plan No Category Code Level Title Credits Terms 1 MA 0300 A Mathematical analysis 4 1,2 2 MA 0302 A Analytical geometry 2 1 3 IN 0622 A Softwares 3 1,2 4 HU 0201 B Thinking ordering 3 1,2 5 IN 0602 B Computer graphics 2 1,2 6 VA 0400 B English 4 1,2,3,4 7 VA 0405 C Latvian* 1,2,3,4 8 EK 0110 A Basis of economy and entrepreneurship 3 1 9 HU 0810 B Law of information technologies 3 1 10 IN 0626 C* Mathematical modelling 2 1 11 DA 0501 B Civil defence and ecology 2 1 12 PR 0001 D Specialization practice 1 1 1 13 1st term 20 14 EK 0111 A Economy of information systems 2 2 15 MA 0301 A Linear and higher algebra 2 2 16 IN 0619 A Management information technologies 2 2 17 ME 0700 B Management theory 2 2 18 DA 0520 A Physics 6 2,3 19 PR 0002 D Specialization practice 2 2 2 20 2nd term 20 21 IN 1000 A Algorithms and data structures 4 3 22 MA 0320 A Probability theory and mathematical statistics 3 3 23 IN 0605 B Computer modelling 4 3,4 24 HU 0210 B Communication and professional ethics 2 3 25 MA 0304 A Differential equations 2 3 26 IN 0604 A Programming 4 3,4 27 PR 0003 D Professional practice 1 1 3 28 3rd term 20 29 MA 0309 B Theory of random processes 2 4 30 MA 0303 A Discrete mathematics 2 4 31 IN 1003 A Operating systems 2 4 32 HU 0205 B Applied sociology 2 4 33 EK 1100 B Marketing 2 4 34 DA 0521 A Electronics 2 4 35 PR 0004 D Professional practice 2 3 4 36 4th term 20 37 IN 1200 A Computer networks and telecommunications 2 5 38 IN 1201 B E-commerce 2 5 39 IN 1002 A Architecture of computer systems 3 5 40 DA 0522 A System theory 2 5 41 MA 0306 C* Mathematical methods 2 5 42 IN 0608 A System programming 2 5 43 IN 0612 A Algorithms of computer graphics 2 5 44 IN 0606 B Numerical methods 2 5 45 VA 0401 B German 3 5,6,7 46 PR 0005 D Professional practice 3 2 5 47 5th term 20 48 IN 1004 B Information defence, security and cryptography 2 6 49 IN 0610 A System analysis 3 6 50 IN 1202 B Web-design 2 6 51 IN 0609 A Functional and object-oriented programming 2 6 52 IN 1001 A Data bases 4 6 53 IN 0618 C* Scientific prognostication 2 6 54 PR 0006 D Professional practice 4 4 6 55 6th term 20 56 IN 0621 A Artificial intellect 2 7 57 IN 0611 A Technologies of information systems projecting 2 7 58 IN 0623 A Software engineering 2 7 59 MA 0307 A Operation investigation 2 7 60 IN 0625 A Methods and softwares of system development 2 7 61 ME 0705 A Project management 2 7 62 IN 0624 A Controlling information systems 2 7 63 PR 0007 D Professional practice 5 5 7 64 7th term 20 65 PR 0008 D Pre-diploma practice 8 8 66 DD 0001 D State examination 8 67 DD 0002 D Diploma 12 8 68 8th term 20 69 Credit points (D=12,PR=26, A=77 ,B=39, C=6) 160 70 BC Free choice courses 99 ME 0702 C Company management 1 6 99 IN 0613 B* Quantum calculations 2 6 99 ME 0703 C Personnel management 1 7 99 DA 0505 C Solid state technologies 2 7 99 MA 0309 B* Theory of optimal processes control 2 7 99 EK 1108 C Security portfolio and their controlling 2 7 99 DA 0506 C Chemistry 1 1 99 VA 0402 C English (professional) 8 1,2,3,4 99 MA 0308 B* Finite mathematics 2 7 99 DA 0503 B* Chaos theory and synergetics 2 7 99 DA 0504 C Computational methods of life sciences 4 7 99 ME 1301 C Finance and financial management 2 6 99 IN 0617 C Simulation of processes and technologies 2 7 99 DA 0507 B* Material science 2 5 99 HU 0207 C Demography 2 7 99 DA 0515 C Modern technologies 4 3,4 99 IN 0620 B* Neural networks 2 6 99 IN 0615 B* Cybernetics 1 4 99 MA 0312 C Risk theory 2 5 99 EK 1101 C Marketing investigations 1 7 99 DA 0502 B* Logistics, telematics and transport systems 2 6 99 IN 0616 B* Softwares of “ORACLE” projecting 2 6 99 VA 0406 C Spanish 4 1,2,3,4 99 ME 0701 C Strategic management 2 7 99 VA 0404 C German (professional) 5 5,6,7 B* - required choice part 4.2. Description of study courses ^ Civilā aizsardzība un ekoloģija Civil defense and ecology Гражданская оборона и экология 1. Course level A 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Lecturer MS V. Kosarev 4. Testing form Test 5. Preliminary courses Natural sciences of secondary school 6. Annotation CD role and tasks in the state. The help to people in crisis situation.Course accents:Laws of LR on the civil defence and medium protectionEcological basic laws (Libich, Shelford, Vernadsky)Ecologically dangerous factor systemsDangerous matter in crisis situations. 7. Course code DA 0501 8. Course contents Nr. ^ Course topics 1. CD role and tasks in the state 2. Organization of CD systems and regulations documents 3. CD functions in extra-ordinary situations 4. Estimations of risks in the peace time. 5. Objects of risk groups in LR and Baltic region. 6. CD system tasks in the atomic power stations 7. Personal protection means and their choice. 8. State and international acts on environment protection 9. Environment protection in Latvia 10. Environment’s pollution in the industrial society. 11. Water pollution 12. Environment pollution by transport means 9. Demands for students Credit point division:1 control work – 50% test – 50% 10. Literature LR likums, "Par Latvijas Republikas civilo aizsardzību", R., 1992.LR likums, "Par vides aizsardzību", R., 1991.Niedrītis I.. Dabas vides aizsardzība un ekonomika. LV Ekoloģiskais centrs. Izglītības apgāds. R., " Vide". 1993.Metodiskie norādījumi par laboratorijas darbu izpildi. Rīgas Aviācijas universitāte, mašīnraksta teksts, 1996. Гражданская оборона под ред. Е.Шубина., М.: Просвещение, 1998, 228 с. Емельянов А.П.. Гражданская оборона. Рига: РТУ, 1997.Экологическая безопасность транспортных потоков. Под ред. А.Б.Дьякова. М.: Транспорт, 1989, 128. Elektronika Electronics Электроника 1. Course level A 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Prof. Dr. Sc. Habil. Yu. Shunin 4. Testing form Test 5. Preliminary courses Softwares, programming, discrete mathematics 6. Annotation Course goals. Physical basements of electronics, discrete electronics, electronic devices. Boolean logical functions, logic elements. Triggers, registers, numerators. Digital -analogous and analogous-digital transformations. Controlling of digital signals 7. Course code DA 0521 8. Course contents No. Course topics 1. Foundations of solid state electronics. Solid state theory. Semiconductor and nano-technologies. Basic elements of electronics. Optoelectronics. 2 Signals. Electical signals. Frequency and time representation. Fourier transformation. Signal spectra. Discrete signals. Boolean functions. Carno card. Logic elements: NO, AND, OR, AND-NO, OR-NO etc. Information encoding. Binary, binary-decimal, octal, 16-mal codes. Grey code. 3 Locic integral schemes. Electronic keys. Parameters of logic integral schemes. 4 Combinated logic schemes. Summators. Multiplexors and demultiplexors. Programmated logic matrices. 5 Consequent logic schemes. Memory elements. Triggers and switching processes. Sinchronization of information control (tacting). Binary, binary-decimal counters. Counters with variable recount coefficient.Reversible counters. Registers. Serial and parallel registers. 6 Memory devices. Functioning of memory devices. ROM, RAM. Cicles of reading and writing. 7 Analogous and discrete signals transformations. Digital-analogous transformers. Analogous-digital transformers. Control of digital signals. 8 Labs. Logic elements. Synthesis of logic elements. Devices of operating memory. 9. Demands for students Credit point division:Analytical report - 50%Computer tests - 20% Test – 10%Labs – 20% 10. Literature Зи Р. Физика полупроводниковых приборов в 2-х кн., М., Мир, 1984. Викулин И.М., Стафеев В.И. Физика полупроводниковых приборов. М., Сов. Радио, 1980.Kleitz W. Digital Electronics. – A Practical Approach. Prentice Hall, 1987Tocci, Ronald J. Digital Systems. – Principles and Applications. Prentice Hall, 1988Mitchell F. H. Jr., Mitchell F. H. Sr. Introduction to Electronics Design. – Prentice Hall, 1988Tietze U., Schenk Ch.. Electronic circuits. Design and Applications. – Springer Verlag, 1991Putman, Byron W. Digital Electronics. – Prentice Hall, 1986 Fizika Physics Физика 1. Course level A 2. Credit points 6 3. Course author ^ Dr.Sc.Habil.. prof. Yu. Shunin 4. Testing form Exams 5. Preliminary courses Elementary physics 6. Annotation The course goals are to acquaint the students with the basic physical laws, to designate a role of physics for further tutoring, to demonstrate usage of the physical laws in practical activity and life of society, to acquaint the students with the modern concepts of physics. The course's goal is the study of the basic physical phenomena and concepts, assimilation of fundamental views, laws, theories and methods of physical researches, forming of modern scientific world outlook and modern physical thinking, assimilation of methods and receptions of a solution of specific physical problems, study of modern scientific instrumentation and assimilation of receptions (parties) of realization of physical experiments, forming of skills of selection of the specific physical contents in practical problems. 7. Course code DA0520 8. Course contents No. ^ Course topics 1. Mathematical methods of physics 2. Movement of a mass point. Laws of mechanics. Relativity theory 3. Movement of absolutely rigid bodies 4. Mechanical characteristics of continuous media 5. The theory of electromagnetic fields 6. Conservation laws and integrals of movement 7. Transition processes and oscillations 8. Wave processes 9. Quantum effects and wave properties of particles. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics. Centrally symmetric field. Theory of atom. Molecules. Nuclei 10. Statistical physics and thermodynamics. Transport phenomena. Phase changes and phase equilibrium 11. Properties of quantum gases. Solid state theory. Fundamentals of physical and semiconductor electronics 12. Matter in extreme conditions 13. Nuclear power and thermonuclear power 14. Fundamental particles and uniform field theory 15. Modern physical picture of a world 9. Demands for students Credit point division:laboratory works - 20% report - 10%2 computer tests - 10% exams –20% 4 control works - 20%2 home works - 20% 10. Literature Сивухин Д. В. Общий курс физики. М., Наука, 1977-1986, т.1-5.Берклеевский курс физики. М., Наука, 1975-1977, т.1-5.Савельев И.В. Курс физики. М., Наука, 1989, т.1-3.Фейнман Р., Лейтон Р., Сэндс. Фейнмановские лекции по физике. М., Мир, 1977, вып. 1-10.Орир Дж. Физика. М., Мир,1981, т. 1-2.Хайкин С. Э. Физические основы механики. М., Наука, 1971.Калашников С.Г. Электричество. М., Наука, 1977.Ландсберг Г. С. Оптика. М., Наука, 1976.Широков Ю. М., Юдин Р.П. Ядерная физика. М., Наука, 1980.Епифанов Г.И. Физика твердого тела. М., Высшая школа, 1977.Иродов И.Е. Задачи по общей физике. М., Наука, 1987.Савельев И. В. Сборник вопросов и задач по общей физике. М., Наука, 1982.Физика конденсированного состояния. Методические указания к лабораторным работам N 1-6. Рига, 1991, 36 с.Физика конденсированного состояния. Методические указания к лабораторным работам N 7-12. Рига, 1991, 44 с.Лабораторные работы по волновым процессам. Методические указания // Сост. Ю.Н.Шунин, И.В. Клюева, Рига, 1993, 48 с.Лабораторные работы по квантовой оптике. Методические указания // Сост. Ю.Н. Шунин, И.В. Тихонова, Рига 1994, 48 с.Fizikas rokasgrāmata. E. Šilfera red., Rīga, “Zvaigzne”, 1985, 452. lpp.Shunin Yu. N. General Physics. Mechanics and Theory of Electromagnetic Fields. Lecture course. Volume 1. Riga, RAU, 1997 (angļu valodā).Шунин Ю.Н., Косарев В.А., Хамрун К.Н. Лабораторная тетрадь по курсу общей физики. ИТС, Рига, 2000. ^ Sistēmu teorija System theory Теория систем 1. Course level A 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Prof. Dr. Sc. Habil. Yu. Shunin /MS, assistant N. Danilova 4. Testing form Exam, 5th term 5. Preliminary courses Thinking ordering, softwares, physics 6. Annotation Course goals: paradigms of system theory, methods of system description, possibilities of the development of intellectual systems 7. Course code DA 0522 8. Course contents No. Course topics ^ 1st part. Intellectual systems and controlling 1 Intellectual systems and intellectual control. 2 Basic terminology. Conception of intellect engineering. 3 Systems and control. Information bases. 4 Languages and controlling languages models. Natural and artificial languages. Predicates. 5 Complexity of open systems. Hierarchy of systems. New controlling paradigm. Homeokinetic plateau of intellectual systems. System languages. 2ndpart Engineering of intellectul systems 6 Realisation of context dependent control. Projecting engineering problems of complex systems. Von Neiman computer architecture with the high extent of complexity. Frequency estimations. Information stability. 7 New architectures of machines. Parallel calculations with the data flux controlling. 8 Technologies of control. Information flux dynamics. Object in information medium. Problem of object separation. 9 Intellectual system engineering. Ideology of operating systems. Ideology of instrumental systems. Triade of basic objects. Self-development data bases problems. 3rdpart. Infodynamics. 10 Open world axioms. Self-organisation and structure resonance. 11 Particular structure of information. The law of structure recursion. Numerical estimation of element base. 12 Self-consistent stucture theory. System destruction. 13 Infodinamics . Abstract mashines and flux self-organisation. 4thpart. Architecture of open world. 14 Vertical mashine. Structure of commands 15 Atklātās pasaules fizika Physics of open world Structurally consistent cosmology. SETI problems. 16 Types of self-destruction systems 9. Demands for students Credit point division:Analytical report - 50%2 computer tests - 20% exam – 30% 10. Literature Поляков А.О. Технология интеллектуальных систем. Изд. СПбГТУ, Санкт-Петербург, 1995, 5,25 п.л. Поляков А.О. Интеллектуальные системы управления. Введение в прикладную теорию. Изд. СПбГТУ, Санкт-Петербург, 1997, 5,5 п.л. Клайн М. Математика. Утрата определенности. Пер. с англ., М.:Мир, 1984. Поляков А.О., Лачинов В.М. Некоторые вопросы методологии разработки автоматизированных систем управления. Изд. НИИЭФА, Ленинград, 1983, 2 п.л. Булкин Г.А. , Поляков А.О. Автоматизированная информационно - логическая система на языке предикатов. В кн.: “Диалоговые и фактографические системы”. М.: Недра, 1979. Поляков А.О., Широбоков Ю.А. Система комплексной автоматизации научно - производственной деятельности на базе ОС ДИАМС. В сб.: Опыт применения системы ДИАМС в народном хозяйстве. 1 Всесоюзное совещание, Кременчуг, 1985 г. Поляков А.О. ТЕКРАМ - интегрированная система автоматизации конструкторско-технологической подготовки производства. В кн.: Информационные проблемы автоматизации. Изд. ЛИИАН СССР, Ленинград, 1988, стр. 5-15. Хомский Н. Формальные свойства грамматик. В кн.: Кибернетический сборник. Новая серия. Вып. 6. М.Мир, 1969. Winer N., The Human Use of Human Beings, Haunghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1950 Кузин Л.Т. Основы кибернетики. В 2-х томах. – М.: Энергия, 1979. Лачинов В.М., Поляков А.О. Собственные теории информатики. Избранные лекции к обоснованию информодинамики. СПб, Изд. СПбГТУ, 1998. Назаретов В.М., Ким Д.П. Техническая имитация интеллекта. – М.: Высш.шк., 1986 Нильсон Н. Искусственный интеллект. Методы поиска решений. Пер. с англ. – М.: Мир, 1973. Шеннон Р. Имитационное моделирование - искусство и наука. М., Мир, 1978. Искусственный интеллект: В 3-х кн. Кн.3. Программные и аппаратные средства: Справочник./ Под ред. В.Н.Захарова – М.; Радио и связь, 1990 Долженков А.Н., Поляков А.О. Создание промышленных информационных систем на основе М-технологии. Доклады IV СПб международной конференции “Региональная информатика 95”, СПб, Изд. СПОИСУ, 1995. Гросс М., Лантен А. Теория формальных грамматик. М., 1971. Клини С.К. Введение в метаматематику. М., 1957. Джонсон Р., Каст Ф., Розенцвейг Д. Системы и руководство. М., Сов.радио,1971. Месарович М., Такахара Я. Общая теория систем: Математические основы. М.: Мир, 1978. Берталанфи Л. фон. Общая теория систем: Критический обзор // Исследования по общей теории систем. М.: Прогресс, 1969 с. 23-82. Гиг Дж. ван. Прикладная общая теория систем. Кн.1, 2. М., Мир, 1981. Боулдинг К. Общая теория систем - скелет науки // Исследования по общей теории систем. М.:Прогресс, 1969 с. 106-124. Дейкстра Э. Дисциплина программирования. М., Мир, 1978. Трахтенброт Б.А. О частотном вычислении функций. “Алгебра и логика”, 1963, вып.2, №1. Поляков А.О., Серов Н.В. Цветовая компонентная модель интеллекта в задачах контекстно-зависимого управления. В кн. Теоретические основы и прикладные задачи интеллектуальных информационных технологий. Изд. СПИИРАН, СПб, 1998. Ерофеев А.А., Поляков А.О. Интеллектуальные нечеткие технологии управления для контекстно-зависимых информационных потоков. В сб.: Научно-технические ведомости СПбГТУ. Изд. СПбГТУ, № 3, 1999. Захаров В.Н. “Интеллектуальные системы управления: основные определения и понятия”, журнал “Известия АН. Теория и системы управления, 1997, №3. Кондаков Н.Н. Логический словарь-справочник. М. Наука, 1975. Долженков А.Н. и др. Постобъектно-ориентированные среды. Изд. СПОИСУ СПб, 1998. Бриллюэн Л. Наука и теория информации. М.: Физматгиз, 1960. Поппер К. Открытое общество и его враги. Изд. международного фонда “Культурная инициатива”, М., 1992. Вальцев В.Б. и др. Некоторые структурные принципы организации высших функций мозга. В сб.: Нейрокомпьютер как основа мыслящих ЭВМ., Изд. М.:Наука, 1993 Ерофеев А.А., Поляков А.О. Интеллектуальные системы управления. Изд. СПбГТУ, СПб, 1999. Sutherland J.W. System Theoretic Limits on the Cybernetic Paradigm, Behavioral Science, 20, 3, , May 1975, pp. 191-200. Кузнецов Н.А., Полонников Р.И., Юсупов Р.М. Состояние, перспективы и проблемы развития информатики. В кн. Теоретические основы и прикладные задачи интеллектуальных информационных технологий. Изд. СПИИРАН, СПб, 1998. ^ Basis of economy and entrepreneurship 1. Course level A 2. Credit points 3 3. Course author Doc., Dr.oec. A.Rubanovsky 4. Testing form Examination 5. Preliminary courses Basis of economics in extent of secondary school 6. Annotation Course goals: To give the understanding about economics with applied drift, about economic principles and to master essence of entrepreneurship, taking account internal and external factors of enterprise. 7. Course code Course contents No. Course topics 1. Introduction 2. Principles of economy 3. Economic systems. Advantages of market economy 4. Branches of national economy. Role of state in national economy. Problems of external trade 5. General structure of world economy and economic situation of Latvia 6. Entrepreneurship and its regulating legislative documents 7. Principles of market. Strategy of enterprise market 8. Principles of enterprise management 9. Organization of entrepreneurship 10. Planning principles of entrepreneurship 11. Finance strategy of entrepreneurship 12. External trade and external economic communications 13. Personal management 14. Applied interface 9. Demands for students Successful mark in the examination depends on:2 tests 2 home tasks examination 10. Literature • M.Rurāne. Uzņēmējdarbības pamati. Turības mācību centrs. R.:1997., 184 lpp. • M.Rurāne. Uzņēmuma finansu vadīšana. Kamene. R.:2001.. 378 lpp. • A.Vedla. Uzņēmējdarbības kurss. Petrovskis un partneri. R.: 2000., 455 lpp. • Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola. Ievads ekonomikas teorijā. Mikroekonomika. R.: 2001., 176 lpp. • V.Nešpors. Ievads mikroekonomikas teorija. Kamene. R.:2001., 145 lpp. • J.Saulītis, M.Šēnfelde. Ievads makroekonomikā. RTU. R.: 2002., 188 lpp. • H.Diderihs. Uzņēmuma ekonomika. Zinātne. R.. 515 lpp. • D.F. Kuratko, R.M. Hodgerts. Entrepreneurship, A Contemporary Approach. The Dryden Press. Philadelphia. 1998., 701 p. • Буснгин А.В. Предпринимательство. Основной курс: Учебник для вузов. M.: HHФPA - M., 1997. - 608 c.• Основы экономической теории: Учебное пособие. noд. Peд. B.Л.Клони.- 2 изд., Минск, Экоперспектива, 1998. - 336 c. Mārketings Marketing Маркетинг 1. Course level B 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Dr. sc. oec., As. professor V.Chlaidze 4. Testing form Exam 5. Preliminary courses Economy and enterpreneurship , management 6. Annotation Analysis of realisation process of various goods. Analysis of effective management in marketing.. 7. Course code EK 1100 ^ 8. Course contents No. Course topics 1. Modern marketing conceptions 2. Internal and external media of marketing 3. Consumer needs and behaviour 4. Analysis of market possibilities 5. Commodity policy of company 6. Price policy of company 7. Sale policy of company 8. Trading policy 9. Management of marketing 9. Demands for students Credit point division:Work in small groups – 40%Control works – 25%Exam –35% 10. Literature Praude V., Beļčikovs J., Marketings, - R.: Vaidelote, 1999, - 410 lpp.Dwyer F., Business marketing: connecting, strat., Boston, 1999, 670 lpp.Holloway, J.Christopher marketing for tourism, 1998.Хлусов В.. Основы маркетинга. – М.: Приор. 2000. – 160 с.Маркетинг. Учебник / А.Романов, Ю.Кормасов и др./. М.: Биржи и банки, ЮНИТИ, 1996.Основы маркетинга, рыночно ориентированное мышление. Учебное пособие под редакцией И.Л.Акулича. Минск: Технология, 1997.Дихтль Е., Хершген Х. Практический маркетинг. М.: Высшая школа, 1995.Завьялов П.С., Демидов В.Е. Формула Успеха: маркетинг. М.:Международные отношения, 1988.Котлер Ф. Управление маркетингом. М.: Экономика, 1999.Котлер Ф. Основы маркетинга. М.: Прогресс, 1990.Капустина Н.Е. Теория и практика маркетинга в США. М.: Экономика, 1981.Современный маркетинг. Под редакцией В.Е.Хруцкого .М: Финансы и статистика, 1991 Informācijas sistēmu ekonomika Economy of Information Systems ^ Экономика информационных систем 1. Course level A 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Mg. Sc. oec. I. Borisova 4. Testing form Differential test 5. Preliminary courses Basis of economics and entrepreneurship 6. Annotation Course goals: To give the students knowledges about planning and organization information systems, forming capital, costs and prices and efficiency of economics 7. Course code EK0111 Course contents No. Course topics 1. Information systems and its role in economy 2. Basement of planning in environment of information systems 3. Forming organization structure in the sphere of informatisation 4. Capital investments in the sphere of informatisation 5. Forming costs and prices in the sphere of information 6. Economic efficiency of information systems 9. Demands for students Successful mark in the examination depends on:Fill practical exercise and pass testSeminar attendance, active participation in lessons – 30%Practical task – 30%Test – 40% 10. Literature Введение и информационный бизнес./Под ред. В.П.Тихомирова. – М.: Финансы и статистика, 1998. – 240 с. Информационные системы в экономике/ Под ред. В.В.Дика. –М.: Финансы и статистика, 2001. – 230 с.Костров А.В. Основы информационного менеджмента.: Учеб. пособие - Финансы и статистика, 2001. – 336. Joffie D.B. Strategic management un Information technology. – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Engelwood Clifts, 1998. – 380 p.Sprague R.H., McNurlin B.C. Information systems management. Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifts, New Jersey, 1998. – 576 p. ^ Domāšanas organizācija Thinking ordering Организация мышления 1. Course level B 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Prof. Dr. Sc. Habil. . Shunin /MS N. Danilova 4. Testing form Tests 5. Preliminary courses Philosophy, computers 6. Annotation Theory of thinking, optimal and non-standart thinking methods, INTERNET information collection and analysis, MindManager computer software and it’s technologies (local and global possibilities) 7. Course code HU 0201 8. Course contents No. ^ Course topics 1 Thinking and personal qualitiesDomāšana un personības garīgās kvalitāte. 2 Natural intellectKā veidots dabiskais intelekts. 3 Intellect's levelsIntelekta organizācijas līmeņi. 4 Consciousness as psichological information systemApziņa kā psihiskās informācijas sistēma; 5 Consciousness and artificial intellectApziņa un mākslīgais intelekts; 6 Cognition in the process of information fuctioning in the artificial intellect 7 Natural and artificial systems of languages. 8 Main methods of cognitionIzziņas (classic rationlism, classic sensualism, phenomenology, hermenlytics, positivism, pragmatism, strukturalism, psihoanalysis). 9 Thinking theory. Theory of levels. New chronology 10 Artifical intelect. Neiron networks 11 Information receiving ways 12 Possibilities testing. IQ tests 13 Student motivation 14 Psihology and memory. Memory developing methods 15 Reading art 16 Scientific literature reading and referation. 17 Referate planning, preparing and writing 18 Public report and presentations 19 Critical, lateral, creative thinking 20 Methods of development of creative thinking 21 Brain reflection technics (BRT) 22 Problem solutions 23 Computer applications in development of creative possibilities. 24 Collective generation of ideas 25 MindManager technologies. Local possibilities 26 INTERNET connections. MindManager global possibilities 9. Demands for students Credit points division:Analytical report - 50%2 computer tests - 20% course test – 30% 10. Literature Новая хронология и теория уровней: www.newnauka.narod.ruНеординарное мышление: www.skbkontur.ruЖурнал “Природа”, №1, №12 1988Эгомаркетинг: www.egomarket.narod.ruМеерович М.И, Шрагина Л.И.“Технология творческого мышления”, Москва, 2000ДеПортер Б., Хенаки М. “Квантовое обучение: Разбудите спящего в вас гения”, Минск, 1998 MindManager 1.5INTERNETtīkla failiKūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija – Rīga; Zvaigzne ABC, 1998.Реале Д., Антиери Д. Западная философия от истоков до наших дней.- СПб: Петрополис, 1994, т 2.-4.Нейронные сети. Statistica Neural Networks.Горячая линия-телеком, 2001Bishop C. (1995) Neural networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press. 1995Goldberg D.E. (1989) Genetic Algorithms Reading, MA Addison Wesley Haykin S. (1994) Neural Networks. A comprehensive Foundation. N.-Y. MacMillan Publoshing ^ Lietišķa socioloģija Applied sociology Прикладная социология 1. Course level B 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author As. prof. Dr.sc.soc. Vladislav Volkov 4. Testing form Test 5. Preliminary courses Foundation of Economics 6. Annotation To form knowledge about sociological research;Students have to make the sociological research in groups;To form correct questions, to give the interpretation of answers;To form the capacities of expert interview.Course helps to students to find the information about group psychological and social features in management. 7. Course code HU 0205 ^ 8. Course contents No. Course topics 1. Concentrate sociology as the science 2. The programme of the concrete research 3. The quantification of the social facts 4. The methods of the concrete sociology 5. The qualitative methods in sociology 6. The organization of the sociological research 9. Demands for students Successful mark at the examination depends on:active work in practical lessons – 30% the preparing of the list of interview – 50% test – 20% 10. Literature Socioloģijas skaidrojošā vārdnīca (Zin. red. B.Zepa un citi).-Rīga: LU socioloģijas katedra.- 1997.-152.lpp. Ядов В. Стратегия социологического исследования. – Москва: Добросвет. – 1998.- 596с.Основы социологии: Учебное пособие (под общ. ред. проф. М.Прокопова).- Москва: Изд-во РДЛ, 2001.- 192с. Informācijas tehnoloģiju tiesības Law of the information technologies ^ Право в сфере информационных технологий 1. Course level B 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author Docent V.Reingold 4. Testing form Exam 5. Preliminary courses Economics and the foundations of Business 6. Annotation Aims and objectives To give the knowledge about the role of Law and information technologies;Students have to implement the Labour law, Commercial law and European law in the field of the information technologies. 7. Course code HU 0810 Course contents No. Course topics 1. Law as the social relation regulation in the field of the information technologies; 2. The notion of law, it classification, the unification of law system; 3. The Labour law in LR. International Labour law; 4. The features of the collective Labour contract; 5. Labour contrast: the rights and responsibilities of the labour relation’s sides in the field of information technologies; 6.7. Working life, rest time, prize of labour;The end of the labour relations; 8.9.10. The law of the defence of labour; it’s implementation in the field of information technologies;Business influence in the information technologies;The European law about labour force, capital, service moving and the politics of concurrence. 9. Demands for students Successful mark at the examination depends on:participation at practical lessons – 50% exams – 50% 10. Literature Darba likums.- R.: AFS, 2001. Komerclikums.- R.: BIB, 2001. Никсон Ф. Роль руководителя в управлении качеством. - М.:1998Европейское право(Под ред. В.Тропинина).- М., 2000. ^ Saskarsme un profesionālā ētika Communication and Professional ethics Общение и профессиональная этика 1. Course level А 2. Credit points 2 3. Course author M. Sc. (Economics), lecturer Catherine Latkova, As. prof. Dr.sc.soc. Vladislav Volkov 4. Testing form Test 5. Preliminary courses Full command of English; credits for Information System Management and Management Theory 6. Annotation to acquaint students with the process of Business communication, to teach them the essential writing and speaking skills within a business management context, to develop communication skills in leadership and team building, to introduce students to the aspects of Intercultural Business Communication and Business Ethics. 7. Course code HU 0210 8. Course contents No. ^ Course topics 1. Foundations of Business Communications 2. The Process of Business Communications 3. Communications in an Organisation 4. Strategies for Written communication 5. Strategies for Oral Communication 6. Career Strategies 7.

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