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In their integration into the international science and business communities

BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA)Funding Opportunity TitleResearch Interests of the United States Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchFunding Opportunity NumberAFOSR-BAA-2010-1Translated into Ukrainian and Russianby STCUScience and Technology Center in UkraineAssisting Azerbaijan, Georgian, Moldavan, Ukrainian and Uzbek scientists in their integration into the international science and business communities.August, 2010BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA)1. Agency Name Air Force Office of Scientific Research Arlington VA 2. Funding Opportunity Title Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research ^ 3. Announcement Type This is the initial announcement. 4. Funding Opportunity Number AFOSR-BAA-2010-1 5. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Numbers 12.800 6. Due Dates This announcement remains open until superseded. Proposals are reviewed and evaluated as they are received. Proposals may be submitted at any time. ^ 7. Additional Overview The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) manages the basic research investment for the U.S. Air Force (USAF). As a part of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), AFOSR’s technical experts foster and fund research within the Air Force Research Laboratory, universities, and industry laboratories to ensure the transition of research results to support USAF needs. Using a carefully balanced research portfolio, research managers seek to create revolutionary scientific breakthroughs, enabling the Air Force and U.S. industry to produce world-class, militarily significant, and commercially valuable products. To accomplish this task, AFOSR solicits proposals for basic research through this general Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). This BAA outlines the Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program. AFOSR invites proposals for research in many broad areas. These areas are described in detail in Section I, Funding Opportunity Description. ^ AFOSR is seeking unclassified, white papers and proposals that do not contain proprietary information. We expect our research to be fundamental. It is anticipated the awards will be made in the form of a grant, cooperative agreement or contract. AFOSR reserves the right to select and fund for award; all, some, part or none of the proposals in response to this announcement. This announcement will remain open until replaced by a successor BAA. Proposals may be submitted at any time. However, those planning to submit proposals should consider that AFOSR commits the bulk of its funds in the Fall of each year. AFOSR will not issue paper copies of this announcement. AFOSR provides no funding for direct reimbursement of proposal development costs. Technical and cost proposals, or any other material, submitted in response to this BAA will not be returned.^ TABLE OF CONTENTSI. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION a. Aerospace, Chemical and Material Sciences (RSA) 1) Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials & Microsystems 2) Multi-Scale Structural Mechanics and Prognosis 3) Surface and Interfacial Science 4) Organic Materials Chemistry 5) Theoretical Chemistry 6) Molecular Dynamics 7) High Temperature Aerospace Materials 8) Low Density Materials 9) Hypersonics and Turbulence 10) Flow Interactions and Control 11) Space Power and Propulsion 12) Combustion and Diagnostics 13) Molecular Design and Synthesis b. Physics and Electronics (RSE) 1) Plasma and Electro-Energetic Physics 2) Atomic and Molecular Physics 3) Multi-scale Modeling 4) Electromagnetics 5) Laser and Optical Physics 6) Remote Sensing and Imaging Physics 7) Space Sciences 8) Quantum Electronic Solids 9) Adaptive Multi-Mode Sensing and GHz-THz Speed Electronics 10) Optoelectronics: Components, Integration and Information Processing and Storage 11) Sensing, Surveillance, Navigation c. Mathematics, Information and Life Sciences (RSL)1) Bioenergy 2) Complex Networks 3) Computational Mathematics 4) Information Fusion 5) Dynamics and Control 6) Mathematical Modeling of Cognition and Decision 7) Natural Materials and Systems 8) Optimization and Discrete Mathematics 9) Sensory Information Systems 10) Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling 11) Systems and Software 12) Information Operations and Security 13) Robust Computational Intelligence d. Discovery Challenge Thrusts (DCTs)1) Integrated Multi-modal Sensing, Processing, and Exploitation 2) Robust Decision Making 3) Turbulence Control & Implications 4) Space Situational Awareness 5) Complex Networked Systems 6) Reconfigurable Materials for Cellular Electronic and Photonic Systems 7) Thermal Transport Phenomena and Scaling Laws 8) Radiant Energy Delivery and Materials Interaction 9) Socio-Cultural Modeling of Effective Influence 10) Super Configurable Multifunctional Structures 11) Prognosis of Aircraft and Space Devices, Components, and Systems e. Other Innovative Research Concepts f. Education and Outreach Programs 1) United States Air Force/National Research Council Resident Research Associateship (NRC/RRA) Program 2) United States Air Force-Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) 3) Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (ESEP) 4) Air Force Visiting Scientist Program 5) Window on Science (WOS) Program 6) Windows on the World (WOW) Program 7) National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Program 8) The Awards to Stimulate and Support Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE) g. Special Programs 1) Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) 2) Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program 3) Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) h. University Research Initiative (URI) Programs 1) Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) 2) Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI) 3) Presidential Early Career Award in Science & Engineering (PECASE) 4) Partnerships for Research Excellence and Transition (PRET) i. Conferences and Workshops j. Technical Information k. Evaluation Criteria For Conference Support l. Cost Information II. Award Information III. Eligibility InformationIV. Application and Submission Information V. Application Review Information VI. Award Administration Information VII. Agency Contacts VIII. Additional Information I. Funding Opportunity Description AFOSR plans, coordinates, and executes the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) basic research program in response to technical guidance from AFRL and requirements of the Air Force; fosters, supports, and conducts research within Air Force, university, and industry laboratories; and ensures transition of research results to support USAF needs. The focus of AFOSR is on research areas that offer significant and comprehensive benefits to our national warfighting and peacekeeping capabilities. These areas are organized and managed in three scientific directorates: Aerospace, Chemical and Material Sciences, Physics and Electronics, and Mathematics, Information and Life Sciences. The research activities managed within each directorate are summarized in this section. Aerospace, Chemical and Material Sciences (RSA) The Aerospace, Chemical and Material Science Directorate strives to find, support, and foster new scientific discoveries that will ensure future novel innovations for “The Future AF”. The Directorate leads discovery and development of fundamental and integrated science that advances future air and space power. Five scientific focus areas are the central research direction for the Directorate focused to meet the following strategy. “If it has structure and rises above the ground, then the directorate has responsibility leading the discovery and development of fundamental and integrated science that advances future air and space power”. This alignment is not limited to the size, speed, or operating elevation and encompasses the entire operating spectrum for “The Future AF” to ensure universal situational awareness, delivery of precision effects and access and survivability in the battlespace. The five scientific focus areas provide broad scientific challenges where development of new scientific discoveries will enable future technology innovations necessary to meet the needs of “The Future AF”. The five scientific focus areas are: 1) Aero-Structure Interactions and Control 2) Energy, Power and Propulsion 3) Complex Materials and Structures 4) Space Architecture and Protection 5) Thermal Control A wide range of fundamental research addressing structures, structural materials, fluid dynamics, propulsion, and chemistry are brought together to address these multidisciplinary topics in an effort to increase performance and operational flexibility. 1) Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Microsystems, Dr. Les Lee 2) Multi-Scale Structural Mechanics and Prognosis, Dr. David Stargel 3) Surface and Interfacial Science, Maj. Michelle Ewy 4) Organic Materials Chemistry, Dr. Charles Lee 5) Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Michael Berman 6) Molecular Dynamics, Dr. Michael Berman 7) High Temperature Aerospace Materials, Dr. Joan Fuller 8) Low Density Materials, Dr. Joycelyn Harrison 9) Hypersonics and Turbulence, Dr. John Schmisseur 10) Flow Interactions and Control, Dr. Douglas Smith 11) Space Power and Propulsion, Dr. Mitat Birkan 12) Combustion and Diagnostics, Dr. Julian Tishkoff 13) Molecular Design and Synthesis, Dr. Kenneth Caster Research areas of interest to the Air Force program managers are described in detail in the Sub areas below. ^ 1. Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials & Microsystems The main goals of this program are to establish safer, more maneuverable aerospace vehicles and platforms with improved performance characteristics; and to bridge the gap between the viewpoints from materials science on one side and structural engineering on the other in forming a science base for the materials development and integration criteria. Specifically, the program seeks to establish the fundamental understanding required to design and manufacture new aerospace materials and microsystems for multifunctional structures and to predict their performance and integrity based on mechanics principles. The multifunctionality implies coupling between structural performance and other as-needed functionalities (such as electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal, chemical, biological, and so forth) to deliver dramatic improvements in system-level efficiency. Structural performance includes durability, reliability, survivability, maintainability and the ability to reconfigure, in response to the changes in surrounding environments or operating conditions. Among various visionary contexts for developing multifunctionalities, the concepts of particular interest are: (a) “autonomic” structures which sense, diagnose and respond for adjustment with minimum external intervention, and (b) “adaptive” structures allowing reconfiguration or readjustment of functionality, shape and mechanical properties on demand. This program thus focuses on the developing new design criteria involving mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information science to model and characterize the integration and performance of multifunctional materials and microsystems at multiple scales from atoms to continuum. Projected Air Force applications require material systems and devices which often consist of dissimilar constituents with different functionalities. Interaction with Air Force Research Laboratory researchers is encouraged to maintain relevance and enhance technology transition. Dr. Les Lee AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-8483 DSN 426-8483 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: les.lee@afosr.af.mil ^ 2. Multi-Scale Structural Mechanics and Prognosis This fundamental basic research program addresses the US Air Force needs in the following application areas: 1) New and revolutionary flight structures, 2) Multi-scale modeling and prognosis and 3) Structural dynamics under non-stationary conditions and extreme environments. Other game-changing and revolutionary structural mechanics problems relevant to the US Air Force are also of interest. The structural mechanics program encourages fundamental basic research that will generate understanding, models, analytical tools, numerical codes, and predictive methodologies validated by carefully conducted experiments. The program seeks to establish the fundamental understanding required to design and manufacture new aerospace materials and structures and to predict their performance and integrity based on mechanics principles. Fundamental basic research issues for new and revolutionary flight structures include:revolutionary structural concepts and unprecedented flight configurations; hybrid structures of dissimilar materials (metallic, composite, ceramic, etc.) with multi-material joints and/or interfaces under dynamic loads, and extreme environments; controlled-flexibility distributed-actuation smart structures;. The predictive analysis and durability prognosis of hybrid-material structures that synergistically combine the best attributes of metals, composites, and ceramics, while avoiding their inherit shortcomings is of great interest. Fundamental basic research issues of interest for multi-scale modeling and prognosis include: physics-based models that quantitatively predict the materials performance and durability of metallic and composite flight structures operating at various regimes; modeling and prediction of the structural flaws distribution and service-induced damage on each aircraft and at fleet level; structural analysis that accounts for variability due to materials, processing, fabrication, maintenance actions, changing mission profiles; novel and revolutionary on-board health monitoring and embedded NDE concepts. An area of particular research interest is the development and validation of new diagnostic techniques capable of measurements at the mesoscale. Experimental techniques capable of simultaneous measurements on multiple length scales (i.e. meso to macro) are also sought. Fundamental basic research issues for structural dynamics include: control of dynamic response of extremely flexible nonlinear structures; control of unsteady energy flow in nonlinear structures during various flight conditions; nonlinear dynamics and vibration control of thin-wall structures of functionally graded hybrid materials with internal vascular networks under extreme loading conditions. Researchers are highly encouraged to submit short white papers prior to developing full proposals. White papers are encouraged as an initial and valuable step prior to proposal development and submission. White papers should briefly relate the current state-of-the-art, how the proposed effort would advance it, and the approximate yearly cost for a three to five year effort. Researchers with white papers of significant interest will be invited to submit full proposals. Dr. David Stargel AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-6961 DSN 426-6961 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: david.stargel@afosr.af.mil ^ 3. Surface and Interfacial Science Understanding the chemistry, physics and mechanics of surfaces and their interfaces is critical to a wide range of Air Force technologies, particularly as we look towards miniaturization of assets, operation in extreme environments, and reliance on complex, hybrid materials. This program is focused on discovering the fundamental mechanisms causing surface degradation (from non-destructive interactions to complete deterioration) across multiple length-scales that could later be used to design robust materials with specific surface and interfacial properties The surface degradation research currently funded under this program investigates basic chemical and morphological phenomena at the interface through experiments and molecular dynamics, fundamental mechanisms of friction and wear, multi-scale investigations of tribological properties and degradative processes, and the development of tools for the in situ monitoring of friction, adhesion, wear and other non- galvanic/oxidative means of corrosion. Specific consideration is given to research focused on uncovering key, broadly applicable mechanisms of quantum, atomic and molecular behavior at and on surfaces leading to or preventing material degradation. Major Michelle Ewy, AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-7297 DSN 426-7297 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-Mail:mailto:michelle.ewy@afosr.af.mil michelle.ewy@afosr.af.mil^ 4. Organic Materials Chemistry The goal of this research area is to gain a better understanding of the influence of chemical structures and processing conditions on the properties and behaviors of polymeric and organic materials. This understanding will lead to development of advanced organic and polymeric materials for Air Force applications. This program’s approach is to study the chemistry and physics of these materials through synthesis, processing, characterization and establishing the structure properties relationship of these materials. This area addresses both functional properties and properties pertinent to structural applications. Materials with these properties will provide capabilities for future Air Force systems to achieving global awareness, global mobility, and space operations. Research concepts that are novel, high risk with potential high payoff are encouraged. Proposals with innovative material concepts that will extend our understanding of the structure-property relationship of these materials and achieve significant property improvement over current state-of-the-art materials are sought. Current interests include photonic polymers and liquid crystals, polymers with interesting electronic properties, polymers with controlled dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability including negative index materials, and novel properties polymers modified with nanostructures. Applications of polymers in extreme environments, including Space operation environments, are of interests. Material concepts for power management applications, power generation and storage are of interest. In the area of photonic polymers, research emphases are on materials whose refractive index can be actively controlled. These include, but are not limited to, electrooptic polymers, liquid crystals, photorefractive polymers and magneto-optical polymers. Organic molecules with large nonlinear real and imaginary components are also of interest. Examples of electronic properties of interest include conductivity, charge mobility, electro-pumped lasing and solar energy harvesting. Material concepts related to power generation and storage are also of interest. Organic based materials, including inorganic hybrids, with controlled magnetic permeability and dielectric permittivity are also of interest. Of great interest are multifunctional materials with non-trivial, low-loss permittivity and permeability at frequencies greater than 100 MHz, especially those functioning at greater than 1 GHz. This interest extends into 3-D bulk materials with negative index (both permittivity and permeability being negative). Material concepts that will provide low thermal conductivity but high electrical conductivity (as thermoelectric) or vice versa (as thermally conductive electrical insulator) are of interests. In the area of structural properties, polymers with high thermomechanical properties are desirable. End uses of these structural polymers include aircraft and rocket non-fiber reinforced composite components such as canopies, coatings, and special properties polymers. Issues relating to extreme environments, thermal, thermoxidative, radiation, atomic oxygen bombardment and extreme mechanical loading are of interests. Nanotechnology approaches are encouraged to address all the above-mentioned issues. Approaches based on biological systems to achieve materials properties that are difficult to achieve through conventional means are of interest. Dr. Charles Y-C Lee AFOSR/RSA (703)-696-7779 DSN 426-7779 FAX (703) 696-7320 Email: charles.lee@afosr.af.mil ^ 5. Theoretical Chemistry The major objective of the theoretical chemistry program is to develop new methods that can be utilized as predictive tools for designing new materials and improving processes important to the Air Force. These new methods can be applied to areas of interest to the Air Force including the structure and stability of molecular systems that can be used as advanced propellants; molecular reaction dynamics; and the structure and properties nanostructures and interfaces. We seek new theoretical and computational tools to identify novel energetic molecules, investigate the interactions that control or limit the stability of these systems, and help identify the most promising synthetic reaction pathways and predict the effects of condensed media on synthesis. Particular interests in reaction dynamics include developing methods to seamlessly link electronic structure calculations with reaction dynamics, understanding the mechanism of catalytic processes and proton-coupled electron transfer related to storage and utilization of energy, and using theory to describe and predict the details of ion-molecule reactions and electron-ion dissociative recombination processes relevant to ionospheric and space effects on Air Force systems. Interest in nanostructures and materials includes work on catalysis and surface-enhanced processes mediated by plasmon resonances. This program also encourages the development of new methods to stimulate and predict properties with chemical accuracy for systems having a very large number of atoms that span multiple time and length scales. Dr. Michael R. Berman AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-7781 DSN 426-7781 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: michael.berman@afosr.af.mil ^ 6. Molecular Dynamics The objectives of the molecular dynamics program are to understand, predict, and control the reactivity and flow of energy in molecules. This program seeks experimental and joint theory-experiment studies that address key, fundamental questions in these areas that can lead to important advances in these fields. A major area of interest includes understanding processes related to the efficient storage and utilization of energy. For example, we seek to understand the fundamental reaction mechanisms of catalysis in these systems. Thus, we have interest in studying the structure, dynamics, and reactivity of molecular clusters and nanoscale systems in which the number of atoms or specific arrangement of atoms in a cluster has dramatic effects on its reactivity or properties. The ability to promote and probe these reactions and processes using surface-enhanced methods mediated by plasmon resonances is of interest, as are other novel sensitive diagnostic methods for detecting individual molecules and probing nanostructures and processes on nanostructures. Utilizing catalysts to produce storable fuels from sustainable inputs and to improve propulsion processes are topics of interest. Fundamental studies aimed at developing basic understanding and predictive capabilities for chemical reactivity, bonding, and energy transfer processes are also encouraged. Work in this program also addresses areas in which control of chemical reactivity and energy flow at a detailed molecular level is of importance. These areas include hyperthermal and ion-chemistry in the upper atmosphere and space environment, the identification of novel energetic materials for propulsion systems, and the discovery of new high-energy laser systems. The coupling of chemistry and fluid dynamics in high speed reactive flows, and in particular, dynamics at gas-surface interfaces, is also of interest. Dr. Michael R. Berman AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-7781 DSN 426-7781 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: michael.berman@afosr.af.mil ^ 7. High Temperature Aerospace Materials The objective of basic research in High Temperature Aerospace Materials is to provide the fundamental knowledge required to enable revolutionary advances in future Air Force technologies through the discovery and characterization of high temperature materials (nominally temperatures above 1000ºC) including: ceramics, metals, hybrid systems including composites. Specifically, the program seeks innovative and high risk proposals that advance the field of high temperature materials research through the discovery and characterization of new materials that exhibit superior structural and/or functional performance at temperatures above 1000ºC. Representative scientific topics include the development and experimental verification of theoretical and/or computational tools that aid in the discovery of new materials and in situ characterization methods for probing microstructural evolution at elevated temperatures. There is special interest in fundamental research of high temperature materials focused on understanding combined mechanical behaviors; e.g. strength and toughness as a function of thermal and acoustic loads. This focus area will require the development of new experimental and computational tools to address the complexity of thermal, acoustic, chemistry, shear or pressure loads as they relate back to the performance of the material. Researchers are highly encouraged to submit short (max 2 pages) white papers by email prior to developing full proposals. White papers should briefly describe the proposed effort and describe how it will advance the current state-of-the-art; an approximate yearly cost for a three to five year effort should also be included. Researchers with white papers of significant interest will be invited to submit full proposals. Dr. Joan Fuller, AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-7236 DSN 426-7236 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-Mail: joan.fuller@afosr.af.mil ^ 8. Low Density Materials The Low Density Materials portfolio supports transformative, basic research in materials design and processing to enable radical reductions in system weight with concurrent enhancements in performance and function. One route to achieving game-changing improvements in low density materials is through the creation of hierarchical architectures that combine materials of different classes, scales, and properties to provide optimized, synergistic and tailorable performance. Such materials can transform the design of future Air Force aerospace and cyber systems for applications which include airframes, satellites, adaptive vehicles, and stealth structures. Proposals are sought that advance our understanding of hierarchical materials and our ability to design, model and fabricate multi-material, multi-scale, multi-functional material systems with a high degree of precision and efficiency. Material classes may be polymeric, ceramic, and metallic, possibly combining synthetic and biological species to engender multifuctionality or autonomic responses. Since the interfacial region is critical to the durability of any hybrid construct of dissimilar materials, a current focus of the program is aimed at understanding the mechanics of interfaces, with the goal of developing design tools and processes to guide the synthesis of fail-proof interfaces. The development of novel processing routes to engineer complexity and multifunctionality in materials is also a keen program interest. The program welcomes proposals seeking to probe pervasive, fundamental challenges such as: how to design interfaces that do not fail; how to create materials that demonstrate property/performance improvements in response to adverse impacts; how to creatively exploit voids and other defects in materials; how to controllably and reliably fabricate multi-scale, hierarchical materials with multiple constituents; how to develop physics-based, design tools to guide the synthesis and understanding of hierarchical low density materials. Researchers are highly encouraged to submit short (max 2 pages) white papers by email prior to developing full proposals. White papers should briefly describe the proposed effort and describe how it will advance the current state-of-the-art; an approximate yearly cost for a three to five year effort should also be included. Researchers with white papers of significant interest will be invited to submit full proposals. Dr. Joycelyn Harrison, AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-6225 DSN 426-6225 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-Mail: joycelyn.harrison@afosr.af.mil ^ 9. Hypersonics and Turbulence The objective of the hypersonics and turbulence portfolio is to develop the fundamental fluid physics knowledge base required for revolutionary advancements in Air Force capabilities including, but not limited to, Long-Range Strike, Prompt Global Strike and Responsive Space Access. Research supported by this portfolio seeks to characterize, model and exploit/control critical fluid dynamic phenomena through a balanced mixture of experimental, numerical and theoretical approaches. Innovative research is sought in all aspects of turbulent and hypersonic flows with particular interest in the following areas: • Characterization and modeling of the impact of realistic surface conditions on transitional and turbulent flows in all speed regimes. • Shock/Boundary Layer and Shock-Shock Interactions • Laminar-turbulent stability, transition and turbulence in high-Mach number boundary layers, especially approaches leading to greater insight into surface heat transfer. • Characterization and modeling of the coupled dynamics, thermodynamics and chemistry of nonequilibrium high temperature, hypersonics flows. Including fundamental processes in high-temperature gas-surface interactions. The behavior of the boundary layer impacts the aerodynamic performance of systems across all speed regimes of interest to the Air Force. The development of accurate methods for predicting the behavior of transitional and turbulent boundary layers across a wide range of flow conditions will facilitate the design of future systems with optimized performance and fuel-economy. To help accomplish this goal, research is solicited that will provide critical insight into the fundamental physical processes of laminar-turbulent transition and turbulent flows. Improved turbulence modeling approaches are sought for the prediction of flow and heat transfer in highly strained turbulent flows. In this context, original ideas for modeling turbulent transport, especially ideas for incorporating the physics of turbulence into predictive models are sought. Hypersonic aerodynamics research is critical to the Air Force’s interest in long-range and space operations. The size and weight of a hypersonic vehicle, and thus its flight trajectory and required propulsion system, are largely determined by aerothermodynamic considerations. Research areas of interest emphasize the characterization, prediction and control of high-speed fluid dynamic phenomena including boundary layer transition, shock/boundary layer, and shock/shock interactions, and other phenomena associated with airframe-propulsion integration. High-temperature gas kinetics, aerothermodynamics and interactions between the hypersonic flow and thermal protection system materials are of particular interest. Researchers are highly encouraged to submit short (max 6 pages) white papers prior to developing full proposals. White papers are a valuable initial exercise prior to proposal development and submission. White papers should briefly describe the proposed effort and illustrate how it will advance the current state-of-the-art; an approximate yearly cost for a three year effort should also be included. Researchers with white papers of significant interest will be invited to submit full proposals. Dr. John Schmisseur AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-6962 DSN 426-6962 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: john.schmisseur@afosr.af.mil ^ 10. Flow Interactions and Control The Flow Interactions and Control portfolio is interested in basic research problems associated with the motion and control of laminar, transitional and turbulent flows, including the interactions of these flows with rigid and flexible surfaces. The portfolio is interested in aerodynamic interactions arising in both internal and external flows and extending over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, length scales, and speeds. Research in this portfolio is motivated by, but not limited to, applications including unique fluid-structure interactions, vortex and shear layer flows, and micro-air vehicle flows. The portfolio seeks to advance fundamental understanding of complex time-dependent flow interactions by integrating theoretical/analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches. The focus on the understanding of the fundamental flow physics is motivated by an interest in developing physically-based predictive models and innovative control concepts for these flows. Research in the portfolio emphasizes the characterization, modeling/prediction, and control of flow instabilities, turbulent fluid motions, and fluid-structure interactions for both bounded and free-shear flows with application to aero-optics, surfaces in actuated motion, flexible and compliant aerodynamic surfaces, vortical flows, and flows with novel geometric configurations. The portfolio is also interested in novel sensing and actuation approaches that enable flow control with application to fluidic thrust vectoring, internal duct flow tailoring, enhanced mixing, gust alleviation, rapid maneuvering, enhanced lift and reduced drag, and novel approaches for extracting flow energy. The portfolio maintains an interest in novel studies examining the synergistic benefits of the dynamic interaction between unsteady aerodynamics, nonlinear structural deformations, and aerodynamic control effectors over a wide range of flight regimes from micro-air vehicles through to hypersonic systems. Studies integrating modeling, control theory, and advanced sensor and/or actuator technology for application to a flow of interest are encouraged. Flow control studies are expected to involve a feedback approach. Although the portfolio has a strong emphasis in flow control, studies examining underlying flow physics with a clear and explicit path to enabling control of the flow will also be considered. Researchers are strongly encouraged to submit short (max 6 pages) white papers to the program manager prior to developing full proposals. White papers are viewed as a valuable first step in the proposal development and submission process. White papers should briefly describe the proposed effort, illustrate how it will advance the current state-of-the-art, and address the relevance to Air Force interests. Note, however, that basic research of the variety typically funded by the portfolio may not yet have a clear transition map to an application. The integration of theoretical, numerical, and experimental tools to improve understanding is encouraged. An approximate yearly cost for a three year effort should also be included. Researchers with white papers of significant interest will be invited to submit full proposals. Dr. Douglas Smith AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-6219 DSN 426-6219 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: douglas.smith@afosr.af.mil ^ 11. Space Power and Propulsion Research activities fall into three areas: non-chemical launch and in-space propulsion, chemical propulsion, and plume signatures/contamination resulting from both chemical and non-chemical propulsion. Research in the first area is directed primarily at advanced space propulsion, and is stimulated by the need to transfer payloads between orbits, station-keeping, and pointing, including macro- and nano-satellite propulsion. It includes studies of the sources of physical (non-chemical) energy and the mechanisms of release. Emphasis is on understanding electrically conductive flowing propellants (plasmas or charged particles) that serve to convert beamed or electrical energy into kinetic form. Theoretical and experimental investigations focus on the phenomenon of energy coupling and the transfer of plasma flows in electrode and electrodeless systems under dynamic environments. Studies to enable revolutionary designs of satellite systems that can achieve the simultaneous objectives of increasing payload and/or time in orbit and increasing mission flexibility and scope are of interest. Research sought on methods to predict and suppress combustion instabilities under supercritical conditions, and develop research models that can be incorporated into the design codes. Research activities include fundamental component and system level research that leads to the introduction of novel multi-use technologies and concepts, and their efficient integration at various length scales, in order to achieve multifunctional satellite architectures. Areas of research interest may include, but are not limited to: (1) design and testing of compact, highly efficient and robust chemical or electric propulsion systems with minimal power conditioning requirements; (2) demonstration of innovative uses of power and/or propulsion systems for sensing, communication, or other applications; (3) development of highly efficient power generation/recovery systems (e.g. MEMS turbines, nano-structured thermoelectric units) deeply integrated with thermal management or spacecraft structure; (4) innovative processes that transform structural material into high energy density propellant (e.g. phase change, or even biological process); (5) novel energetic materials; and (6) development of modeling and simulation capabilities at all relevant scales. Dr. Mitat A. Birkan AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-7234 DSN 426-7234 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: mitat.birkan@afosr.af.mil ^ 12. Combustion and Diagnostics Fundamental understanding of the physics and chemistry of multiphase, turbulent reacting flows is essential to improving the performance of chemical propulsion systems, including gas turbines, ramjets, scramjets, pulsed detonation engines, and liquid propellant chemical rockets. We are interested in innovative research proposals that use simplified configurations for experimental and theoretical investigations. Our highest priorities are studies of turbulent combustion, supersonic combustion, atomization and spray behavior, liquid and gaseous fuel combustion chemistry in air, supercritical fuel behavior in precombustion and combustion environments, and novel diagnostic methods for experimental measurements. In addition to achieving fundamental understanding, we also seek innovative approaches to produce reduced models of turbulent combustion. These models would improve upon current capability by producing prediction methods that are both quantitatively accurate and computationally tractable. They would address all aspects of multiphase turbulent reacting flow, including such challenging objectives as predicting the concentrations of trace pollutant and signature producing species as products of combustion. Approaches such as novel subgrid-scale models for application to large eddy simulations of subsonic and supersonic combustion are of interest. Dr. Julian M. Tishkoff, AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-8478 DSN 426-8478 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: julian.tishkoff@afosr.af.mil ^ 13. Molecular Design and Synthesis Synthesis plays a major role in the development of specific materials for the investigation of new material properties. The focus of this program is on synthetic chemistry methodology development and at this time is open to synthetic chemistry subfields including organic and inorganic, organometallic and catalysis, small molecule and polymer. While the primary emphasis of the program is on synthetic method development, research investigations that probe reaction mechanism or theory as they relate to synthetic chemistry (i.e., understanding of reaction course/outcome, reaction prediction) will also be considered. This program seeks novel, high risk, high impact fundamental synthetic chemistry research that pushes scientific frontiers. The program will not support follow-up or extensional projects, or minor advancements in an already on-going area. The research should be relevant in the broadest sense to the AFOSR mission to foster new scientific discoveries that will ensure novel innovations for the future Air Force. Research is particularly encouraged that addresses long-standing or unanswered synthetic challenges and will have significant impact on the field if successful. In addition to innovative concepts involving synthetic methodology investigation, approaches to highly unusual or synthetically challenging theory-derived structures are of interest. Research plans are sought for areas of general synthetic interest including, but not limited to, the following research thrusts: ^ Novel Reaction Chemistry -Design, investigation, and exploitation of new small molecule reactions that are amenable to polymer synthesis -Synthetic methodology that provides regio- and/or stereo-chemical control in step-condensation polymerization -Synthetic methodologies that broadly move to eliminate protective group chemistry -Understand fundamentals of using non-exotic metals (e.g., Fe) in synthetic transformations -Specific bond activation: Investigate catalysts (e.g., for C-H, C-C, heteroatom) and other processes (e.g., laser-induced selective bond activation or cleavage) that selectively activate specific bond types for reaction in synthetically useful ways ^ Solventless Synthesis -Novel ways to promote and accomplish reactions without solvent -Highly efficient, controlled reactivity, high rate processes -Classical reaction chemistry under non-solvent conditions (e.g., neat, gas-phase) using new innovations in catalysis ^ Incompatible Reactants -Synthetic approaches that allow incompatible reactants to generate products with tunable compositions (e.g., from low reactant reactivity, poor phase behavior) -Eliminate reactivity ratio problems in polymerization -Controlled heterophase reactions (e.g., gas-solid, liquid-solid) ^ Surface-Directed Synthesis -Understand how surface features can be used to template synthesis. Investigate, understand, and exploit chemistry for selective activation of a specific surface face, site, ledge, step, or defect on a metal surface (e.g., crystal, particle, bulk) to promote a specific reaction -Understand chiral substrate adsorption and use of these chiral surfaces in secondary reaction chemistry -Significant improvements in polymer brush and surface-attached molecule chemistry that make polymerization, coupling and surface modification reactions truly catalytic (i.e., stoichiometric, no or low solvent, highly efficient) ^ High Energy Density Materials and Propellants -New, highly innovative approaches -Newly postulated mechanisms for high energy release -Controllable (on demand) yield -Investigate mechanisms for insensitive materials Offerers should contact the program manager with potential ideas for consideration and for specific information on white paper timing and formatting requirements. Dr. Kenneth Caster, AFOSR/RSA (703) 696-7361 DSN 426-7361 FAX (703) 696-7320 E-mail: kenneth.caster@afosr.af.mil Physics and Electronics (RSE)Research in physics and electronics generates the fundamental knowledge needed to advance Air Force operational capabilities. Research directions are categorized in three broad areas: ^ Complex Electronics and Fundamental Quantum Processes: This includes exploration and understanding of a wide range of complex engineered materials and devices, including non-linear optical materials, optoelectronics, metamaterials, cathodes, dielectric and magnetic materials, high energy lasers, semiconductor lasers, new classes of high temperature superconductors, quantum dots, quantum wells, and graphene. Research into new classes of devices based on quantum phenomena can include new generations of ultra compact or ultrasensitive electronics to improve conventional devices for sensing or information processing and such new concepts as quantum computing. This area also includes generating and controlling quantum states, such as superposition and entanglement, in photons and ultra cold atoms and molecules (e.g. Bose Einstein Condensates). In addition to research into underlying materials and fundamental physical processes, this area considers how they might be integrated into new classes of devices, seeking breakthroughs in quantum information processing, secure communication, multi-modal sensing, and memory, as well as high speed communication and fundamental understanding of materials that are not amenable to conventional computational means (e.g., using optical lattices to model high-temperature superconductors). ^ Plasma Physics and High Energy Density Nonequilibrium Processes: This area includes a wide range of activities characterized by processes that are sufficiently energetic to require the understanding and managing of plasma phenomenology and the non-linear response of materials to high electric and magnetic fields. This includes such endeavors as space weather, plasma control of boundary layers in turbulent flow, plasma discharges, RF propagation and RF-plasma interaction, and high power beam-driven microwave devices. It also includes topics where plasma phenomenology is not necessarily central to the activity but is nonetheless an important aspect, such as laser-matter interaction (including high energy as well as ultra short pulse lasers) and pulsed power. This area pursues advances in the understanding of fundamental plasma and non-linear electromagnetic phenomenology, including modeling and simulations, as well a wide range of novel potential applications involving matter at high energy density. Optics, Electromagnetics, Communication, and Signal Processing: This area considers all aspects of producing and receiving complex electromagnetic and electro optical signals, as well as their propagation through complex media, including adaptive optics and optical imaging. It also covers aspects of the phenomenology of lasers and non-linear optics. This area not only considers the advancement of physical devices to enable such activities, but also includes sophisticated mathematics and algorithm development for extracting information from complex and/or sparse signals This cross-cutting activity impacts such diverse efforts as space object imaging, secure reliable communication, on-demand sensing modalities, distributed multilayered sensing, automatic target recognition, and navigation. The physics and electronics program includes theoretical and experimental physics from all disciplines, as well as engineering issues such as those found in microwave or photonic systems or materials-processing techniques. One main objective of the program is to balance innovative science and Air Force relevance, the first element being forward looking and the second being dependent on the current state-of-the-art. Research areas of interest to the Air Force program managers are described in detail in the sub areas below. (Note: some additional funds may be added to the budgets of new grants if the proposal requests the hire of US-citizen undergraduates as part-time and/or summer laboratory assistants. Please coordinate any requests with the Program Manager.) ^ 1. Plasma and Electro-Energetic Physics The objective of this program is to understand and control the interaction of electromagnetic energy and charged particles to produce useful work in a variety of arenas, including directed energy weapons, sensors and radar, electronic warfare, communications, novel compact accelerators, and innovative applications of plasma chemistry, such as plasma-enhanced combustion and plasma aerodynamics. While the focus of this effort is the generation and collective interaction of electromagnetic fields and plasmas, advances in the enabling technology of compact pulsed power, including innovative dielectric and magnetic materials for high-density energy storage, switching devices, and non-linear transmission lines are also of fundamental interest. Ideas for advancing the state-of-the-art in the following areas are strongly encouraged: highly efficient electron-beam-driven sources of microwave, millimeter-wave, and sub-millimeter coherent radiation (high power microwaves [HPM] and/or vacuum electronics), novel dispersion engineering via meta-material and photonic band gap structures, compact pulsed power, particle-field interaction physics, power-efficient methods to generate and maintain significant free-electron densities in ambient air, plasma chemistry at high pressure, and micro- and/or nano-device concepts based on coupling particle beam, pulsed power, and MEMS technology, especially for the development of “smart” microwave tubes. New concepts for the theory, modeling, and simulation of these physical phenomena are also of interest, including combined experimental/theoretical/simulation efforts that verify and validate innovative models. Ideas relating to plasmas and electro-energetic physics in space are of interest to this program, but researchers should also consult the programs in Space Power and Propulsion and in Space Sciences as described in this Broad Area Announcement to find the best match for the research in question. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the program manager before submission of white papers on their ideas. Collaborative effort with the researchers at the Air Force Research Laboratory is encouraged, but not required. Dr. John W. Luginsland AFOSR/RSE (703) 588-1775; DSN 426-1775 FAX (703) 696-8481 E-mail: John.Luginsland@afosr.af.mil ^ 2. Atomic and Molecular Physics This program encompasses fundamental experimental and theoretical AMO (Atomic, Molecular and Optical) physics research that is primarily focused on studies of cold and ultracold quantum gases, precision measurement, ultra-fast and ultra-intense laser science, and quantum information science (QIS) with atoms, molecules, and light. These research areas support technological advances in application areas of interest to the Air Force, including precision navigation, timekeeping, remote sensing, secure communication, and metrology. AMO physics today offers an unprecedented level of coherent control and manipulation of atoms and molecules and their interactions, allowing for significant scientific advances in the areas of cold and ultracold matter and precision measurement. Specific research topics of interest in this program include, but are not limited to, the following: physics of quantum degenerate atomic and molecular gases; strongly-interacting quantum gases; new phases of matter; cold/ultracold plasmas; ultracold chemistry; precision spectroscopy; novel clocks; and high-precision techniques for navigation, guidance, and remote sensing. Quantum information science is a field that encompasses many disciplines of physics. AMO physics plays an important role in the development of QIS. This program is primarily focused on the following research areas in QIS: quantum simulation of strongly-correlated condensed-matter systems with cold atoms and molecules; enabling science for secure long-distance quantum communication; utilization of non-classical states of matter and light for high-precision metrology and sensing; realization of quantum states and observation of quantum behavior of macroscopic objects; application of controlled coherent interactions to direct the dynamics of quantum systems; and novel approaches to quantum information processing. Laser pulses have reached intensities sufficient to drive electrons to relativistic speeds, and durations that are approaching time scales corresponding to atomic-scale electron dynamics. This presents enormous possibilities in the future for, e.g., next-generation microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to probe materials with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. Attosecond pulses will enable, for example, observation of basic processes of chemistry and biology on the scale of a single molecule. Compact sources of X-rays and directed particle beams, enabled by ultra-fast ultra-intense laser pulses, will revolutionize the study of matter, with important implications for, e.g., medical and materials diagnostics. In this program we are interested in: (1) the development of novel attosecond-pulse sources, as well as compact short-wavelength (VUV to X-rays), and directed particle beam sources based on the interaction of ultra-fast ultra-intense laser pulses with matter; and (2) utilization of these sources to investigate processes and phenomena otherwise inaccessible in AMO physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science. (Also see the BAA input for Dr. Schlossberg.) Dr. Tatjana Curcic, AFOSR/RSE (703) 696-6204; DSN 426-6204 FAX: (703) 696-8481 E-mail: tatjana.curcic@afosr.af.mil ^ 3. Multi-scale Modeling This program supports research in the mathematics of molecular/atomic to continuum (linear and nonlinear partial differential equations) descriptions of media in order to develop accurate models of physical phenomena to enhance the fidelity of simulation. It conceives and investigates the properties of mathematical approaches which can provide direct passages from molecular/atomic level to continuum level descriptions (for example emphasizing suitable functional analytic approaches). Dr. Arje Nachman AFOSR/RSE (703) 696-8427; DSN 426-8427 FAX (703) 696-8450 E-mail: arje.nachman@afosr.af.mil 4. Electromagnetics Conduct research in electromagnetics to produce conceptual descriptions of electromagnetic properties of novel materials/composites (such as photonic band gap media or negative index media) and simulate their uses in various operational settings. Evaluate methods to recognize (the inverse scattering problem) and track targets (including Improvised Explosive Devices) and to penetrate tree covers, clouds, buildings, the ionosphere, or other dispersive/random/turbulent media with wide band radar (propagation of precursors for example) and design transmitters to produce such pulses. Develop computational electromagnetic simulation codes that are rapid and accompanied by rigorous error estimates/controls. Also pursue descriptions of nonlinear EM phenomena such as the propagation of ultrashort laser pulses through air, clouds, etc and any possible exploitation of these pulses. Such mathematical descriptions are anticipated to be a coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations. Other nonlinear phenomena include the dynamics of the EM field within solid state laser cavities as well as the propagation of light through various nonlinear crystals and other nonlinear optical media. Such modeling/simulation research is complementary to the experimental/empirical portfolios within the Physics & Electronics Directorate. Another area of interest is the description and understanding of any chaos in circuitry which can possibly be created by exposure to suitable EM fields. Dr. Arje Nachman AFOSR/RSE (703) 696-8427; DSN 426-8427 FAX (703) 696-8450 E-mail: arje.nachman@afosr.af.mil ^ 5. Laser and Optical Physics This Air Force program seeks innovative approaches and novel concepts that could lead to transformational advances in high average power lasers for future applications related to directed-energy. Examples of such areas include novel processing techniques for high quality ceramic laser materials with control over spatial distributions of dopants and index of refraction, and processing methods for achieving low loss laser ceramics with non-isotropic, and therefore necessarily aligned, grains. Aligned grain ceramic materials are also of interest as large size, high average power nonlinear optical materials using quasi-phasematching techniques. New ideas for high average power fiber lasers are of interest, including new materials, and large mode area structures, novel ways of mitigating nonlinear issues, and studies of coupling multiple fiber lasers which can withstand very high average power. Novel compact, particularly tunable or wavelength flexible, potentially inexpensive, infrared lasers are of interest for infrared countermeasures or for gas sensing applications. In this regard infrared frequency combs are also of interest. TheLaser and Optical Physics program is interested in ultrafast and ultrashort pulse laser physics, device research, and research applications, and closely collaborates with the Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics program (see its description in this BAA) in this regard. Relatively small novel sources of monochromatic x-rays are also of interest. The Laser and Optical Physics program is interested and will consider any novel and potentially transformational ideas within the broad confines of its title. Dr. Howard R. Schlossberg AFOSR/RSE (703) 696-7549; DSN 426-7549 FAX (703) 696-8481 E-mail: howard.schlossberg@afosr.af.mil ^ 6. Remote Sensing and Imaging Physics This program investigates fundamental issues concerning remote sensing and the physics of imaging, including image formation processes, non-imaging sensing, propagation of electromagnetic radiation, the interaction of radiation with matter, target detection and identification, and the interaction of Air Force imaging systems and sensors with the space environment. Proposals are sought in all areas of ground, air, and space-based remote sensing and imaging, but particularly in the detection and identification of space objects. Technological advances, in particular the miniaturization of spacecraft, are driving the requirement for innovative methods to detect and identify smaller and more distant objects in space. Research goals include, but are not limited to: 1. Theoretical foundations of remote sensing and imaging. 2. Innovative methods of remote target location and identification, including non-imaging methods of target identification. 3. Ground based identification of space objects that are too small or too distant to image, including changes in conditions that affect target identification, such as environmental changes and surface aging or weathering. 4. Remote sensing signatures and backgrounds, particularly sensing from space and observations of space objects from the ground, and the sensing of difficult targets such as targets under foliage, buried targets, etc. 5. Enhancement of remote sensing capabilities, including novel solutions to system limitations such as limited aperture size, imperfections in the optics, and irregularities in the optical path. 6. Rigorous theory and models to describe the spectral and polarimetric signature from targets of interest using basic material physical properties with the goal of providing better understanding of the physics of the reflection or emission and the instrumentation requirements for next generation space surveillance systems. 7. Propagation of coherent and incoherent electromagnetic energy through a turbulent atmosphere. (Theoretical and mathematical aspects of this area should also see the BAA input for Dr. Nachman.) 8. The interaction of Air Force imaging systems and sensors with the space environment. Dr. Kent Miller AFOSR/RSE (703) 696-8573; DSN 426-8573 FAX (703) 696-8481 E-mail: kent.miller@afosr.af.mil ^ 7. Space Sciences The AFOSR Space Sciences program seeks basic knowledge of the space environment to apply to the design and calibration of Air Force systems operating in and through space. For AFOSR purposes, the space environment begins at the base of the Earth's ionosphere, at an altitude of approximately 80 km (50 miles). Both the nominal and disturbed space environment can disrupt the detection and tracking of aircraft, missiles, satellites, and other targets, distort communications and navigation, and interfere with global command, control, and surveillance operations. The physical and chemical behavior of the Earth's upper atmosphere affects the performance and longevity of Air Force systems operating in low-Earth orbit. In the space environment well above low-Earth orbit, at geosynchronous orbit and beyond, phenomena such as solar eruptive events, variable interplanetary magnetic fields, solar electromagnetic radiation, natural space debris, cosmic rays, ge

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