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Divinity School Bulletin 2011-2012, Norris, p

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This proof is supplied to revise only content, not layout.**************Frequently Called Telephone Numbers Switchboard (919) 660-3400 Admissions 660-3436 Anglican Episcopal House of Studies 660-3576 Baptist House of Studies 660-3401 Black Church Studies 660-3599 Chaplain 660-3459 Center for Reconciliation 660-3578 Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition 660-3589 Center for Theology, Writing, and Media 660-3545 Clergy Health Initiative 613-5351 Cokesbury Bookstore 660-3417 Communications 660-3552 Continuing Education 660-3448 Dean’s Office 660-3434 Development/Alumni Affairs 660-3456 Field Education 660-3440 Financial Aid 660-3441 General Administration and Finance 660-3432 Hispanic Studies Program 660-3568 Initiatives in Theology and the Arts 660-3599 Leadership Education at Duke Divinity 613-5323 Library 660-3450 Registry 660-3428 Student Life 660-3558 Thriving Rural Communities 660-3448 Youth Academy for Christian Formation 660-3542 Divinity School Administration Richard B. Hays, Dean of the Divinity School Mary Ann Andrus, Administrative Assistant to the Dean Faten Antoun, Financial Management Analyst, Administration and Finance Dana Auton, Human Resources Manager, Administration and Finance Carole Baker, Research Associate Elizabeth Barton, Program Coordinator, Institute on Care at the End of Life Sally Bates, Chaplain Cheri Benjamin, Staff Assistant, Student Services Anne Marie Boyd, Assistant Circulation Manager, Divinity Library Chris Brady, Director of Student Life & Formation, and Special Assistant to the Dean Christi O. Brown, Managing Director, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Wes Brown, Associate Dean for External Relations Jason Byassee, Director of the Center for Theology, Writing, and Media, and Special Assistant to the Dean Mary Caler, Staff Assistant, Admissions Elizabeth Chandler, Staff Accountant, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Gail Chappell, Faculty Secretary Mary Jo Clancy, Staff Assistant, Center for Reconciliation Edgardo Colon-Emeric, Director of Hispanic Studies Program Reed Criswell, Media Center Coordinator Callie Davis, Staff Assistant, Baptist House of Studies Ellen Davis, Associate Dean for Faculty Development Diane Decker, Staff Specialist, Academic Affairs Margo Flanagan, Administrative Assistant, Institute on Care at the End of Life Curtis Freeman, Director of the Baptist House of Studies Kelly Gilmer, Communications Director, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Jonathan Goldstein, Associate Dean for Communications Bebe Guill, Director of Development, Institute on Care at the End of Life Stephen Gunter, Associate Dean for Methodist Studies Terry Hall, Building Coordinator Melissa Harrell, Circulation Manager, Divinity Library Dina Helderman, Operations Director, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Morgan Hendrix, Admissions Services Coordinator Judith Heyhoe, Faculty Editor Sally Hicks, Editorial Director, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Craig C. Hill, Executive Director of DMin and MACP Programs Caroline Hope-Griffiths, Coordinator for Initiatives in Africa Diane Horvath, Staff Assistant, Clergy Health Rebecca Hymes-Smith, Staff Assistant, Academic Affairs Amy Jantzen, Staff Specialist, Admissions John James, Research Coordinator, Clergy Health L. Gregory Jones, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Susan Pendleton Jones, Director, Field Education Allegra Jordan, Special Assistant to the Dean Emmanuel Katongole, Co-Director, Center for Reconciliation Andrew Keck, Assistant Director, Divinity Library Nathan Kirkpatrick, Managing Director, Pastoral Leadership, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Tamara Kissane, Program Coordinator, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Rob Knebel, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration William Lamar, Managing Director, Sustaining Pastoral Excellence, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Maggie Long, Staff Assistant, Administration and Finance Roger Loyd, Director, Divinity Library Todd Maberry, Registrar Aileen Maddox, Editorial Assistant Randy Maddox, Director, Doctor of Theology Program W. Joseph Mann, Executive Director, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Joshua Martin, Information Technology Analyst Paige Martin, Assistant Director, Field Education Marsá McNutt, Program Coordinator, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Jeff Mimnaugh, Director of Information Technology Ron Mimnaugh, Information Technology Analyst Ed Moore, Director of Educational Programming, Clergy Health Joy Moore, Associate Dean for Black Church Studies and Church Relations Jacquelyn Norris, Administrative Coordinator, Academic Affairs David Odom, Executive Director, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Dayna Olson-Getty, Program Coordinator, Center for Reconciliation Idia Piacentini, Staff Assistant, Hispanic Studies and Thriving Rural Communities Gara Pollock, Staff Assistant, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Elizabeth Poole, Associate Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Jodi Porter, Program Coordinator, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Christopher Rice, Co-Director, Center for Reconciliation Jessamyn Rubio, Webmaster, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Michelle Rudolph, Web Technology Coordinator Carol Rush, Staff Assistant, Development McKennon Shea, Director of Admissions Melissa Spas, Program Coordinator, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Kristi Spencer, Staff Assistant, Field Education Elisabeth Stagg, Associate Director, Communications Robin Swift, Pastor Programs, Clergy Health Tammy Thornton, Staff Assistant, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Stacey Tompkins, Editorial Assistant David Toole, Associate Dean for Academic Administration and Strategic Initiatives Jeremy Troxler, Director, Thriving Rural Communities Carlo Vidal, Media Production Specialist Grant Wacker, Director of Graduate Studies in Religion Amanda Wallace, Program Coordinator, Clergy Health Laceye Warner, Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs Laura Webb, Program Coordinator, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity Carl Weisner, Managing Director, Institute on Care at the End of Life Jo Bailey Wells, Director, Anglican Episcopal House of Studies Robert Wells, Public Relations Specialist Stephanie Wheatley, Program Coordinator, Center for Reconciliation Sheila Williams, Director of Financial Aid Sherry Williamson, Public Relations Specialist Debra Woodell, Staff Assistant, Institute on Care at the End of Life Jami Moss Wise, Director of Development Whitney Yadav, Staff Assistant, Institute on Care at the End of Life Allegra Young, Special Assistant to the Dean Luba Zakharov, Reference and Serials Librarian, Divinity Library**************FACULTY Esther E. Acolatse (2006), MTS, PhD, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Pastoral Theology and World Christianity Abdullah Antepli, (2009) BA, MA, GC, DMin Candidate, Adjunct Faculty of Islamic Studies Raymond Barfield (2008), MD, MA, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and Christian Philosophy Jeremy Begbie (2009), BD, PhD, LRAM, ARCM, FRSCM, Thomas A. Langford Research Professor of Theology Catherine Bowler (2010), MA, PhD, Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity in the United States Charles Campbell (2009), DMin, STM, PhD, Professor of Homiletics Douglas A. Campbell (2003), MA, PhD, Associate Professor of New Testament Kenneth L. Carder (2004), MDiv, DMin, Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry J. Kameron Carter (2001), MTh, PhD, Associate Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies Stephen B. Chapman (2001), MDiv, MPhil, PhD, Associate Professor of Old Testament Mark Chaves (2007), MDiv, AM, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Religion, and Divinity Edgardo Colón-Emeric (2007), PhD, Assistant Research Professor of Theology and Hispanic Studies Ellen F. Davis (2001), MDiv, PhD, Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology Susan Eastman (2003), MDiv, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice of Bible and Christian Formation Frederick P. Edie (2003), MDiv, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice of Christian Education Curtis W. Freeman (2001), MDiv, PhD, Research Professor of Theology and Baptist Studies Mary McClintock Fulkerson (1983), MDiv, PhD, Professor of Theology and Women's Studies Paul Griffiths (2008), MPhil, PhD, William K. Warren Foundation Professor of Catholic Theology William Stephen Gunter (2007), PhD, Dr Theol, MDiv, Research Professor of Evangelism and Wesleyan Studies Amy Laura Hall (1999), MDiv, PhD, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics Stanley Hauerwas (1984), BD, MA, MPhil, PhD, DD, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics Richard B. Hays (1991), MDiv, PhD, Dean of the Divinity School and George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament Craig C. Hill (2010), BA, MDiv, DPhil, Research Professor of Theological Pedagogy Reinhard Hütter (1999), MDiv, ThM, Drtheol, Drtheolhabil, Professor of Christian Theology Willie J. Jennings (1990), MDiv, PhD, Associate Professor of Theology and Black Church Studies L. Gregory Jones (1997), MPA, MDiv, PhD, Professor of Theology Emmanuel Katongole (2003), MA, PhD, BPh, Diplom, BDiv, Associate Professor of Theology and World Christianity Susan A. Keefe (1988), MA, PhD, Associate Professor of Church History Warren Kinghorn (2010), MD, MTS, ThD, Assistant Professor of Pastoral and Moral Theology Richard Lischer (1979), MA, BD, PhD, James T. and Alice Mead Cleland Professor of Preaching Roger L. Loyd (1992), MTh, MLS, Professor of the Practice of Theological Bibliography Randy Maddox (2005), MDiv, PhD, William Kellon Quick Professor of Theology and Methodist Studies W. Joseph Mann (1992), MDiv, STM, Adjunct Professor of Parish Work Joel Marcus (2001), MA, MPhil, PhD, Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins David M. Moffitt (2010), BA, MDiv, ThM, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor of New Testament Joy J. Moore (2008), BA, MDiv, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor of Homiletics and the Practice of Ministry G. Sujin Pak (2008), MTS, PhD, Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity Anathea Portier-Young (2003), MABL, PhD, Assistant Professor of Old Testament C. Kavin Rowe (2006), MDiv, PhD, Assistant Professor of New Testament J. Warren Smith (2001), MDiv, STM, PhD, Associate Professor of Historical Theology William C. Turner, Jr. (1982), MDiv, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice of Homiletics Allen D. Verhey (2004), BD, PhD, Professor of Christian Ethics Grant Wacker (1992), PhD, Professor of Church History Geoffrey Wainwright (1983), MA, DD (Cantab.), Dr Theol, Robert Earl Cushman Professor of Christian Theology Laceye C. Warner (2001), MDiv, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice of Evangelism and Methodist Studies and the Royce and Jane Reynolds Teaching Fellow Jo Bailey Wells (2005), MA, MA, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry and Bible Samuel Wells (2005), BD, MA, PhD, Research Professor of Christian Ethics Lauren Winner (2007), MPhil, MDiv, PhD, Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality Norman Wirzba (2008), MA, MA, PhD, Research Professor of Theology, Ecology, and Rural Life^ FACULTY, DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION (Teachers in the graduate program in religion whose courses are open to Divinity School students.) Kalman Bland (1973), PhD, Professor of Religion Elizabeth Clark (1982), PhD, John Carlisle Kilgo Professor of Religion Mark Goodacre (2005), PhD, Associate Professor of Religion Mona Hassan (2009), PhD, Assistant Professor of Religion Hans J. Hillerbrand (1988), PhD, Professor of Religion Richard Jaffe (2001), PhD, Creed C. Black Professor of Religion and Department Chair Hwansoo Kim (2009), PhD, Assistant Professor of Religion Wesley A. Kort (1965), PhD, Professor of Religion Bruce B. Lawrence (1971), PhD, Nancy and Jeffrey Marcus Professor of Religion Laura Lieber (2008), PhD, Assistant Professor of Religion Carol L. Meyers (1977), PhD, Mary Grace Wilson Professor of Religion Eric M. Meyers (1969), PhD, Bernice and Morton Lerner Professor of Judaic Studies and Archaeology Ebrahim Moosa (2001), PhD, Associate Professor of Religion David Morgan (2008), PhD, Professor of Religion Peter S. Nickerson (1995), PhD, Associate Professor of Religion Melvin K. H. Peters (1983), PhD, Professor of Religion Leela Prasad (1999), PhD, Associate Professor of Religion Lucas Van Rompay (2000), PhD, Professor of Religion^ SUPPORT STAFF, DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION Nancy Hurtgen, Business Manager, Department of Religion Marissa Lane, Staff Specialist, Department of Religion Lisa Bradrick, Staff Assistant, Graduate Program in ReligionEMERITI FACULTY Jackson W. Carroll (1993), BD, PhD, DD, Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Professor Emeritus of Religion and Society James L. Crenshaw (1987), BD, PhD, DD, Robert L. Flowers Professor Emeritus of Old Testament James M. Efird (1962), BD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Interpretation Albert F. Fisher (1974), MDiv, DD, Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Parish Work Richard P. Heitzenrater (1993), BD, MDiv, PhD, William Kellon Quick Professor Emeritus of Church History and Wesley Studies T. Furman Hewitt (1992), ThD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Baptist Studies Creighton Lacy (1953), BD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of World Christianity Dwight Moody Smith, Jr. (1965), BD, PhD, LittD, George Washington Ivey Professor Emeritus of New Testament Harmon L. Smith (1959), BD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology David Curtis Steinmetz (1971), BD, ThD, Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the History of Christianity Peter Storey (1999), DD, LLD, Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Professor Emeritus of the Practice of Christian Ministry Dan O. Via (1984), BD, PhD, LittD, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Franklin Woodrow Young (1968), BD, PhD, Amos Ragan Kearns Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Patristic Studies **************Continuing Education Course in Congregational Nursing The Congregational Nursing Continuing Education program is designed to provide registered nurses with basic preparation for congregational nursing. The content is offered as a six-day intensive program at off-campus retreat settings.LecturesThe Kenneth Willis Clark Lectures. Established in 1984, the Kenneth Willis Clark Lectureship Fund honors the life and work of the Rev. Professor Kenneth Willis Clark, a Divinity School faculty member for 36 years. Each year this fund enables the Divinity School to offer a distinguished program with special emphasis on New Testament studies and textual criticism. The David C. and Virginia R. Steinmetz Lectures. This annual lectureship was established in 2008 by David C. Steinmetz, the Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the History of Christianity at Duke Divinity School, and his wife, Virginia R. Steinmetz, director of Graduate Career Services at Duke University. Dr. Steinmetz, who came to Duke in 1971, is a specialist in the history of Christianity in late medieval and early modern Europe.

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