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Реферат по предмету "Педагогика"

Аудиторная и самостоятельная работа по английскому языку

Федеральноеагентство по образованию
ФГОУ СПО«Моршанский текстильный техникум»
Аудиторная исамостоятельная работа по английскому языку
преподаватель английского языка
Скаткова В.А.

Вданной методической разработке рассматриваются вопросы грамматики английскогоязыка, а также приводятся примеры правил и разнообразных упражнений, которыепроверяют знания студентов по основным грамматическим темам. Правила иупражнения предназначены для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языкана базе знаний, приобретенных ими в средней школе.
Правилаи упражнения могут быть использованы на занятиях групп второго и третьего курсасо студентами разного уровня знаний.

1) Глагол. Общие сведения.
2) Present Simple(Indefinite) Tense.
3) Present Progressive(Continuous) Tense.
4) Types of questions.
5) Future Simple(Indefinite) Tense.
6) Past Simple(Indefinite) Tense.
7) Present Perfect Tense.
8) Present PerfectProgressive (Continuous) Tense
9) Past Progressive(Continuous) Tense
10) Future Progressive(Continuous) Tense
11) Past Perfect Tense
12) Future Perfect
13) Past PerfectProgressive (Continuous) Tense
14) Future PerfectProgressive (Continuous) Tense
15) Сопоставление времен
16) Adding. Приложение
методикаграмматика правило английский язык

Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие илисостояние лица или предмета.
Не works as an engineer. Он работает инженером.
The child is sleeping now. Ребенок спит сейчас.
1.Глаголы бывают простые, производные, сложные и составные.
К простым глаголам относятся глаголы, не имеющие в своем составе нипрефиксов, ни суффиксов: tosit, togo, toeat, tocome.
Производные глаголы имеют в своем составе суффиксы или префиксы: to deepen, to rewrite.
-ate: to decorate, to separate, to educate,
-en: to widen, to strengthen, tobrighten,
-ize: to memorize, to organize, todramatize,
-fy: to purify, to satisfy, to justify.
re-: to build- to rebuild (строить-перестроить), to read- to reread, to pay- to repay,
dis-: to like- to dislike(нравиться- не нравиться), to appear- to disappear, to prove-to disprove,
un-: to wrap- to unwrap(запаковывать-распаковывать), to pack- to unpack, to limit- to unlimit,
mis-: to understand- to misunderstand(понимать-не понимать), to trust- to mistrust,
under-: to underline(подчеркивать), to undergo(подвергаться), to undertake(предпринять).
Сложные глаголы в английском языке состоят из двух основ, но выражают однопонятие: to broadcast-вещать(о радио), to whitewash-ретушировать, to kidnap-похитить
Составные глаголы состоят из глагольной основы и предлога или наречия,которые могут отделяться друг от друга другими словами. Местоимение в объектномпадеже всегда стоит между глаголом и предлогом (наречием).
Ring me up, please. Позвони мне, пожалуйста.
Switch on the radio, please    Включите, пожалуйста, радио.
Многие английские глаголы совпадают по форме ссуществительными (реже с прилагательными).
to work — работать       work — работа
to play – игратьplay — пьеса
to dry – сушитьdry — сухой
2. По своему значению и выполняемой впредложении функции глаголы делятся на
 смысловые, вспомогательные, модальные глаголы иглаголы-связки.
Смысловые глаголы (NotionalVerbs) имеютсамостоятельное лексическое значение и употребляются в предложении в ролиглагольного сказуемого.
He lives in Minsk.         Он живетв Минске.
She left school last year. Она закончила школу в прошломгоду.
Вспомогательные глаголы (AuxiliaryVerbs) не имеют самостоятельного значения и служат для образованиясложных глагольных форм сказуемого. К ним относятся глаголы: to be, to have, todo, shall, should, will, would.
He is working now. Онработаетсейчас.
I have answered all the questions. Я ответил на все вопросы.
Doyou speakSpanish?         Вы разговариваете на испанскомязыке?
She doesn't teachEnglish. Она не преподает английскийязык.
They willdiscuss the plan      Они обсудятэтот план,
Не said that he would buy a car Он сказал, что купит        машину.
Модальные глаголы (ModalVerbs) can, may, must, should, ought(to) употребляются в сочетании с инфинитивом, образуя впредложении составное модальное сказуемое.
You may go home. Вы можете идти домой.
Can you help me?        Можете ли вы помочь мне?
You must not do it. Вы не должны делать это.
Глаголы-связки (LinkVerbs) служат для образования составного именного сказуемого.Основным глаголом-связкой служит глагол tobe. В функции связки могут выступать также, глаголы tobecome, toget,
togrow, toturn(в значении становиться), tolook — выглядеть и др.
Не is an economist. Онэкономист.
She became a lawyer. Она стала юристом.
It gets dark early in autumn.  Осенью темнеет рано.
Все глаголы (за исключением модальных) имеют личные (Finite Forms) и неличные формы (Non-Finite Forms или Verbals).
Личные формы глагола имеют категории лица, числа, наклонения, времени и залога. Онислужат в предложении сказуемым и согласуются с подлежащим в лице и числе
Не knows Englishwell. Он знает английский хорошо.
They are playing chess. Они играют в шахматы.
She has seen this film.Она видела этот фильм.
Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив (The Infinitive),герундий (The Gerund) и причастие (The Participle) не имеют категории лица, числа инаклонения и не употребляются в предложении в функции сказуемого.
Английские глаголы, также как и русские, делятся напереходные (требующие после себя прямого дополнения: to take, to tell) и непереходные (после которых неупотребляются прямое дополнение: to go, to live).
 В английском языке выделяются четыре основные формы глагола,которые в сочетании со вспомогательными глаголами образуют все времена вдействительном и страдательном залогах:

В зависимости от способа образования второй и третьей формвсе глаголы делятся на правильные (Regular Verbs) и неправильные (Irregular.Verbs).

Infinitive Past Indefinite Past Participle Present Participle Инфинитив
неопределенное время
Правильные глаголы образуют формы Past Indefinite и Participle II при помощи суффикса -ed, который прибавляется к основе глагола, причем соблюдаютсяопределенные правила произношения и правописания:
to stop — stopped — stopped    Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на согласную спредшествующим кратким гласным звуком
to travel — travelled — travelled конечной букве 1 предшествует краткий гласный
to permit — permitted — permitted     ударение падает на последнийслог
Неправильные глаголы образуют формы прошедшего времени (Past Indefinite) и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) различными другими способами. Формы неправильных глаголов нужно заучивать: to go — went – gone, to become — became – become, to be — was/were – been, to have — had — had  to hope — hoped- hoped [t], после глухихсогласных
to close — closed — closed [d], послезвонких согласных и гласных
to visit — visited — visited [id], to study — studied- studied
to play — played – played букве у предшествует согласная
Настоящее простое ( неопределенное) время.
Present Simple (Indefinite) употребляется для выраженияобычного, постоянного, регулярного действия, свойственного подлежащему.Констатация факта.
Слова-определители времени:
Always -всегда, often — часто, usually — обычно, every day (week, month) – каждый день (неделю, месяц), sometimes — иногда, seldom — редко.
1) Утвердительнаяформа Present Simple (Indefinite) образуется из первой основной формы глагола (инфинитив без частицы to);
в 3-м лице единственного числа она принимает окончание-s или -es. ( V, Vs)
Окончание -s 3-голица единственного числа произносится после глухих согласных [s], после гласных и звонких согласных[z]:
Не works [wo:ks] He lives [livz] She writes [raits] She knows [nouz]
Если глаголы оканчиваются на согласные -s, -ss, -ch,-tch,-sh, -x, тов 3-м лице единственного числа к ним прибавляется окончание -es, которое произносится [iz]: Не teaches ['ti:t∫iz] She dresses ['dresiz]
Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на -у с предшествующейсогласной, в 3-м лице единственного числа меняют -у на -i и принимают окончание es:
I carry — he carries      Ср.: I play — she plays
Глаголы todoи togo принимают в 3-м лице единственногочисла ок. -es:
Не goes [gouz] He does
в) Глаголы to be и to have образуют формы Present Simple (Indefinite) не по общим правилам.
 2 )Вопросительная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательногоглагола do, does в 3 лице единственного числа,который ставится перед подлежащим, и смыслового глагола в первой основнойформе( без окончания) — после подлежащего.Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол(без окончания) +…..? (общий вопрос)
Do you work at a factory?
Does he take part in the concert?
Вопросы к подлежащему образуются без вспомогательногоглагола, к глаголу прибавляется окончание — s или –es:
I take part in the concert. Я принимаю участие в концерте.
Who takes part in the concert? Кто принимает участие в концерте?
 3) Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательногоглагола doили does в 3 лице единственного числа иотрицания not, которые ставятся между подлежащим и смысловым глаголомв первой основной форме.Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол + not + основной глагол (без окончания) + … .
I do not work there. (I don't work there.)
He does not take part in it. (He doesn'ttakepart in it.)
1.Вопросительная и отрицательная формы Present Simple (Indefinite) смыслового глагола todoобразуютсяс помощью вспомогательного глагола todo.
What do you do on Sunday? He does notdo his morning exercises.
2.Вопросительная форма глаголов tobeи tohaveобразуетсяпутем постановки этих глаголов перед подлежащим. Отрицательная форма глагола tobeобразуется при помощи частицы not, а глагола tohave—при помощи отрицательного местоименияno, которые ставятся после соответствующего глагола. Are you all right? How manylessons have you today?
I am not a student yet. The postman has no lettersfor us.
3. Noупотребляется также для образования отрицательной формы с оборотом thereis(thereare).
There are no tickets left for the performance ofthe Vakhtangov theatre.
Но:Передместоимением anyвотрицательных предложениях с глаголом to have и с оборотом there is (there are) употребляется not.
I haven't any questions.
There isn't any river in this place.
Ex.1 Поставьте окончание –sили –es, где нужно.
1) Mike like_ coffee. 2) My friends often go_ to the cinema. 3) I make_ dinnermyself. 4) Mary wash_ her face in the morning. 5) He go_ to bed at 10 o’clock.6) Dan speak_ English well. 7) They live_ in Tambov. 8) My mum watch_ TV in theevening. 9) I clean_ my teeth every day. 10) My sister play _ the piano.
Ex.2 ПоставьтеDo / Does.
1)… you sleep well? Yes I… 2)… your sister wash the plates?Yes, she… 3) What… the teacher give you for homework? She givesexercises. 4)… the child read Russian? No, she… not. 5) He… notlike cakes.
6) We ...not go to school in August.
Ex. 3 Поставьте в отрицательную форму.
Например: He goes to school bybus. — I do not go to school by bus .
1) We get up at 7 o'clock .- He… 2) I drink tea in the morning.-You… 3) You go to bed at eleven. — They… 4) They play in the yard in theafternoon. — She… 5) He likes TV.-She… 6) I live with my parents. — He …
1) Mymother gets up at 7 o’clock but I….
2) I likecartoons but my dad….
3) Wewatch horror films but they….
4) Mysisters like to read but I….
5) Welike apples but my friend… .
6) I goto school every day but Tolya… .
Ex. 5 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, havegot, has got, am not, is not, are not, haven’t got or hasn’got.
1) I … on the first course. 2) They … got an English class today. 3) He …eleven. 4) They … students.
5) We … English books at home. 6) … you at the college? 7) Where … she?8) He … got a lot of friends.
9) Mother … got a cake. 10) Paul and Mary … got two children, a boy and agirl. 11) Why … she crying?
12) What … he doing? 13) A dog … four legs. 14) I … not got a camera. 15)… your father got a car?
16) … it a cat? 17) She … very beautiful.18) Tom … in the garden. 19) She… got a nice home.
20) … you got any brothers or sisters? 21) Tom and Mary … playing tennis.22) The table … in the
middle of the room. 23) Everybody likes Tom. He … got many friends. 24)The books … on the table.
25) The weather … very nice today. It … raining. 26) There … pictures onthe wall. 27) The sky … blue.
28) … there any clouds in the sky? 29) You cannot buy anything on Sundayin England. The shops …
open. 30) The cat … grey. 31) The kittens … very funny. 32) English … adifficult language. 33) Jane
wants to go to Moscow, but she … any money. 34) Ann … black hair. Herhair … very beautiful. 35) I
don’t like this book. It … interesting. 36) I can’t open the door. I …the key. 37) John is going to be the dentist. He …got a bad tooth. 38) He … gota good library at home. 39)Be quick! We …got much time.
Ex. 6 Какие слова соответствуют определениям?
1) Customs a) get smth secretly and illegally into/out of the country
2) prohibited article b) person employed in a hotel to receive clients
3) weapon c) smth designed for and used in fighting and struggling
4)smuggle d) smth not allowed (for importing in a country)
5) check in e) department of government that collects duties on goods importedinto a country
6) guest f) arrive and register at a hotel
7) receptionist g) make known clearly or formally; announce
8) form h) printed paper with space to be filled in
9) declare i) person staying at or paying a visit to some place
10) key board j) a board where keys are left at a hotel
Ex. 7 Add the sentences with the following words.
 Smuggler, restrictions, reception desk, excess, declare, double,checking in, suit, bellboy, cross the border.
1)  Have you got anything to …? Any jewels, objects of art, weapon?
2)  Before you … you should gothrough the Customs.
3)  If a person has prohibitedarticles he can be called a … .
4)  Mr. Smith is going to stayat the hotel with his wife, so he’s made a reservation for a … room.
5)  If this room doesn’t … youwe can offer you a suite.
6)  If you don’t want to haveany troubles you should know the Customs … .
7)  The very first thing aperson does at the hotel is … .
8)  Where shall I check in? –At the …, over there.
9)  (knocking at the door) –Who’s that? – It’s a … ,here’s the message for you,sir.
10) Put your luggage on the scale, please. Oh, you’ll have to pay for the… weight.
Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense.Настоящеедлительноевремя
PresentProgressiveобозначает длительное действие, котороесовершается в настоящее время, в момент речи, процесс.
I am having dinner. (I'm having dinner.) He iswaiting for you. (He's waiting for you.)
They are travelling in the south. (They'retravelling in the south.)
Слова-определители времени:
Now — сейчас, at this moment — в данный момент, at the present moment — в настоящий момент
PresentProgressiveобразуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола tobe(am,is,are) и к основному глаголу в первой основной форме (V) прибавляется окончание -ing (V-ing).
go — going; read — reading
а) На письме при образовании Present Participle глаголы оканчивающиеся на немую -е,теряют эту букву: write — writing;     take — taking
б) Одна согласная после одиночной гласной в ударном(конечном) слоге удваивается, удваивается также конечная -1: win — winning     prefer— preferring
shut — shutting      travel — travelling
Ho:sleep — sleeping    work —working
wash — washing    develop — developing
c) Глаголы,выражающие чувства, желания, восприятия и умственные состояния, такие, как to like, to want, to love, towish, to know, to understand, to see, to hear, to feel и др. как правило,не употребляются в форме Progressive(Continuous).
При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательныйглагол ставится перед подлежащим.Вспомогательный глагол (am, is, are) + подлежащее + основной глагол(в первой форме + -ing) + …..? (общий вопрос)

Is he sleeping?        What are you doing?
В вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов не изменяется,подлежащее меняем на who–кто или what– что,вспомогательный глагол всегда is. I am ringing at the door. Who is ringing at the door?
При образовании отрицательной формы отрицательная частица not ставится после вспомогательногоглагола.Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол did + not + основной глагол (в первой форме + -ing) + … .
I am not reading. (I'm not reading.)
He is not taking his examination. (He's not taking hisexamination. He isn't taking his examination.)
They are not travelling. (They're not travelling. Theyaren't travelling.)
Для справок
1. Present Progressive (Continuous) иногда употребляется дляобозначения
будущего действия, когда выражается намерение совершить действие.
She is leaving by the five-o'clock train.Она уезжает с пятичасовым поездом.
We are going to the theatre tonight.Мы собираемся вечеромв театр.
2. Для выражения намерения совершить действие илиуверенности, вероятности в его совершении в будущем употребляется оборот to be going в сочетании с инфинитивом.
Не is going to spend his winter holidays in the mountains.
What are you going to do now? Что ты собираешься делать сейчас?
We are not going to wait for him any more.Мы больше не собираемся его ждать.
The weather is going to change. Погода похоже меняется.
Ex. 8 Open the brackets & put the verbs into PresentProgressive..
1) She (to read) magazines. 2) He (to work) hard at his French. 3) Mr. White(not to give) a lecture. 4) He (to write) a letter to his brother. 5) I (toprepare) for the test. 6) They (to work) at this factory. 7) She (to sit) in anarm-chare and (to watch) TV. 8) I (to have) supper with my friends. 9) Herbrother (not to go) to school. 10) He (to stand) at the table.11) What you (todo)?
Ex. 9 Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. My sister is playing the piano now. 2. The teacher is explaining therule. 3. We are learning the new words. 4. Ann is standing at the window. 5. Weare going to the park… 6. John is taking a piece of chalk and writing asentence on the blackboard. 7. I am doing my homework. 8. Jane is speaking onthe telephone. 9. She is cooking supper.
Ex. 10 Изменитепредложенияпообразцу.
Например:: My friend is sitting atthe desk. — I am sitting at the desk too .
1) The children are reading the text.- I… 2) The teacher is working inthe school garden .- The pupils...
3) The father is sleeping. His daughter… 4) The mother is cleaning herroom. — Her son … 5) I am putting on my coat. You… 6) Our teacher isspeaking English.- We...
Ex. 11 Измените предложения по образцу.
Например: He is going home .- I amnot going home.
1)He is sleeping .-You… 2) The women are standing in the street.-We… 3) You are doing your exercises .-He… 4) He is putting on his suit.- I… 5) She is washing socks and stockings. — Her friends… 6) The bus isturning to the right. — The car…
Ex. 12 Измените предложения по образцу.
Например: I go to school. — I amnot going to school now .
1) You read English newspapers after dinner. 2) I drink milk. 3) We playball. 4) 1 sleep well. 5) They work at a factory. 6) I have breakfast with myfather. 7) We get up at 7 o' clock. 8) They go there by bus .9)You do your homework in the evening.
Ex. 13 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Simple илиPresent Progressive
1.The man who (to speak) with my mother (to be) ourneighbor who (to live) across the street. 2. It (to be) a very interestingscientific film. In it you can see how the plants (to grow) right before youreyes. 3. Where you (to hurry)? — I (to hurry) to the railway station. My sister(to come) from Moscow. 4. You (to hear) the speaker well? — Yes, I (to hear)him clearly. I (to listen to) very attentively, but still I (not to understand)the main point of his speech. 5. Don't come into this room. Father (to work)there now. 6. Where are you going this Sunday? — This Sunday I (to go) to thecountry, but usually on Sundays I (to stay) at home.
Ex. 14 Put the words into three columns according to thetypes of syllables.
a)Sit, her, we, term, bed, market, test, cart, duck, dark, plate, farmer,due, part, harm, luck, port, large, take, burn, make, girl, pot, broke, hum,see, sir, men, nurse, then, can, pine, toss, sate, sad, first, plane.
b)Dress, his, pupil, student, much, nice, milk, music, name, myrtle,hill, tack, stock, bone, cosy, curly, phone, clock, sun, from, middle, first,smart, far, but, big, has, that, like, go, long, hot, funny, happy, as.
Ex.15 Choose the right answer.
1.Our manager …………. in the office all day. a)stay b) stays c) is staying
2.As a rule I ………… customers in the evening. a) meet b) meets c) am meeting
3.We usually ………… … our work at 6. a) finishes b) finish c) are finishing
4.He often ………… to London. a) go b) goes c) is going
5.They …………… customers in different cities. a) have got b) has got c) are having
6.We don’t ………. out at weekends. a) goes b) go c) are going
7.After lunch the secretary … letters to different companies. a) write b) iswriting c) writes
8.I ………… my chief tomorrow. a) meet b) am meeting c) meets
9.My boss … with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer. a) is dealingb) deals c) deal
10. The office ………… at 6 p.m. on weekdays. a) is closing b) closes c)close
Ex. 16 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Simple илиPresent Progressive
1.Where is John? He (to play) football in the yard.2.I not (to like) the picture you (to look) at now. 3. He (to read) books inthree languages, and now he (to read) a French novel. 4. She usually (to do)her homework at home, but now she (to do) it at the library. 5. In autumn manybirds (to fly) to the South. 6. What that woman (to do) there? She (to sell)vegetables. 7. What you (to buy) here? I (to buy) an English text-book. 8)Look!How many birds (to fly) high up in the air! 9)There are many children in thegarden. Some of them (to run) about, others (to sit) on the benches and (tolaugh)! 10. Where you (to go) now? I (to go) to the library to prepare for myexamination.
Ex. 17 Open the brackets
 1)Let ( I, me) introduce you to my family. 2) Kenknows ( he, him) very well. 3) This is Ann. Jane and I go to school with ( she,her). 4) My grandmother and grandfather do not live with ( we, us). 5) AuntHelen often comes and stays with (they, them). 6) Peter Brown and I saw ( he,him) and ( she, her) in town. 7) How often do you write letters to (they,them)? 8) Will you stay with (we, us) long? 9) We saw ( they, them) at thetheatre. 10) Please give (my, me) that book. It’s on the table. 11) We like(our, us) English teacher. She is very kind to ( we, us). 12) Jane is verypretty.( She, her) eyes are blue and (she, her) hair is black. 13) I don’t knowthis man. What is ( him, his) name? 14) Thank you for (you, your) letter. 15)Tom is a very nice boy. I like ( his, him). 16) I know Ted and Ann and ( they,their) children.17) They are very nice people. I like (them, their). 18) I amfond of reading. It is( my, me) hobby. 19) Do you see that boy? Give (my, me)an apple. 20) Tennis is (me, my) favourite sport.
I. The General Question (Yes/No questions) (Общий вопрос)
— относится ковсему предложению в целом;
— требуетответа, начинающегося с yes или по;
— начинается свспомогательного глагола (глагола-связки);
—   Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол + …?
 Рrеsent Simple Do you live inSaratov?Does he study at the University?
Present ProgressiveIs the childdrawing? Are they going home now?
Future Simple Will you cometomorrow? Will he go there next week?
Past Simple Did your sister cometo you yesterday?
Present PerfectHave you already beenthere? Has she done it ?
II. The Special Question (Wh-questions) (Специальный вопрос)
— относится кчасти предложения;
— в качествеответа требует конкретную информацию;
— начинается свопросительного слова, за которым следует вспомогательный глагол (what-что, какой, whom- чей, which-который, какой, whose- чей, how- как, when- когда, where- где, why- почему);
— Вопросит, слово + вспомогат. глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол + …?
РrеsentSimple Where do you live?
Present ProgressiveWhat isthe child doing?
Future Simple When will you cometomorrow?
Past Simple Where did he find it?
Present PerfectWhy haveyou been there?
Вопрос к подлежащему.
- Начинается свопрос. слова who (дляодушевленных) и what (для неодушевленных предметов)
— Прямойпорядокслов.
РrеsentSimple We know her address.Who knows her address?(без вспом.глагола, к основному глаголу прибавляется окончание -sили –es)
Present Progressive You are goinghome. Who is going home ?( вспом. глаголto be вформеis,подлежащеезаменяемнаWho)
Future Simple You will cometomorrow. Who will come tomorrow?( вспом. глаголwill,
Past Simple You asked me about it.Who asked me about it? ?(безвспом. глагола,
Present PerfectWe have beenthere. Who has been there? ( вспом. глаголhas,подлежащеезаменяемнаWho)
III Alternative Question ( Альтернативный вопрос)
- представляетсобой вопрос выбора между двумя действиями, предметами, явлениями и т.п.;
— повышение тона перед союзом or- или;
  Вспомогат. глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол + or + …?
РrеsentSimple I prefer skating.Do you prefer skating or skiing?
Present Progressive I am keen onreading.Are you keen on travelling or reading?
He is studying Maths. Is he studyingMaths or Physics?
Future Simple He will cometomorrow. Will he or she come tomorrow?
Past Simple He studied at alyceum. Did he study at a gymnasium or at a lyceum ?
Present Perfect She has alreadydone this task. Has she done or started this task?
IV. The Disjunctive Question (Tag-question) (Разделительный вопрос)
— состоит из двух частей:
— первая часть- повествовательное предложение с прямымпорядком слов
 - вторая часть так называемый вопросительный«хвостик»
если первая часть имеет утвердительную форму,«хвостик» строится как отрицание, и наоборот (+ — или — + )
Утвердительное предложение, вспомогательный глагол + not +
подлежащее, выраженное личным местоимением?
Отрицательное предложение, вспомогательный глагол +
 Подлежащее, выраженное личным местоимением?
РrеsentSimple Kolya prefers skating, does not he?He doesn't go in for sports, doeshe? John is a driver, isn't he? He isn 't a painter, is he ?
Present Progressive I am keen onreading. I am keen on reading, am not I?
Future Simple He will not cometomorrow. He will not come tomorrow, will he?
Past Simple Mary went to school.Mary went to school, did not she?
Present PerfectYou have sent theparcel. You have sent the parcel, haven't you?
Great Britain consists of threeparts.
I. Does Great Britain consist ofthree parts?
II. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?
III.Does Great Britainconsist of three or two parts?
IV.Great Britain consists of threeparts, doesn't it?
Great Britain doesn't consist of two parts, does it?
V. What island consists of threeparts?
Ex.18 Задайте вопросы к предложениям.
1)Mike goes to the theatre every month. 2) My sisters get up at 6 o’clock. 3)Kate plays on the computer every day. 4) My parents work in a bank. 5) Hereads interesting books in the original.6) Tom usually plays in thegarden.7) Sometimes we eat at a restaurant.8) School year begins inSeptember.9) She is cooking a Christmas dinner now.
Ex. 19 Make 5 questions to thefollowing sentences.
1. Sandra always gets up early in the morning. 2. Heis dancing with his girl-friend at the disco now.
3. Peter has some problems with Maths.4. They areclimbing the mountains without a guide. 5. Mike says that school is the bestthing in the world. 6. I am doing well in lot of subjects.
Ex. 20 Read the following words.Прочитайте следующие слова:
a)      количественные числительные:1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 27, 69,248, 1000;1,008; 1,096; 2,355; 3,579;
b) порядковые числительные: 17, 20, 24, 149, 83, 56, 150,178, 209;
c) хронологические даты: 1975, 1982, 1990, 1991, 2000, 2001,2500, 2903.
Ex.21Say in English.Скажите по-английски:
а) 1 сентября 1984 года, 8 мая 1861 года,7 ноября 1990 года,21 января 1824 года, 9 октября 1947 года, 22 апреля 1907 года, 11 марта 1951года, 27 июля 1990 года, 5 июля 1945 года, 10 февраля 1972 года.
b)1 325 543 книги, первый автобус, 1 325 учеников, втораястраница, 266 дней, сороковой размер, около 18 000 студентов, часть первая,более 1 500 000 человек, номер десятый, менее 1000 страниц.
Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense.
Будущее простое время
FutureSimple(Indefinite) употребляется для выражения однократных илиповторяющихся действий, которые совершатся в будущем.
We shall see you tomorrow.
They will be glad to meet you.
Слова-определители времени:
Tomorrow — завтра, next week – на следующей неделе,
in three years – через 3 года
FutureSimple(Indefinite) образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall(для первого лица единственногочисла) и will(для всех остальных лиц) и первойосновной формы смыслового глагола. В разговорной речи употребительны сокращениявспомогательных глаголов.(shall, will+ V)
I shall ring you up. (I'll ring you up.)She will be twenty next month. (She'll be twenty next month.)
You will find him in the library. (You'll findhim in the library.)
В вопросительной форме вспомогательные глаголы shallи willставятся перед подлежащим.Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол(в первой форме) + …..? (общий вопрос)
Shall I read? What will you do inthe evening?
В вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов не изменяется, подлежащееменяем на who–кто или what– что, вспомогательный глагол всегда will.
I shall go on the excursion.
Who will go on the excursion?
Отрицательная форма FutureSimple(Indefinite) образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательных глаголов shallили will(возможны сокращения shan't, won't).Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол did + not + основной глагол (в первой форме) + … .
I shall not be able to join you onyour trip. Я не смогуприсоединиться к вам в вашей поездке.(I shan'tbe able to join you on your trip.)
He willnot receive the telegram in time.Он не получит телеграмму вовремя.
(He won't receive the telegram in time.)
а)  Вопросительная форма типа Will you sit down? используется для выражения просьбы.
Will you please take off your coat?
Won't you go with us to the concert?
Чтобы общий вопрос ко 2-му лицу не воспринимался как просьба,в Англии вместо вспомогательного глагола willупотребляется глагол shall.
Shall you be at home at 9?
В США в этих случаях обычно употребляется will.
б)      Future Simple (Indefinite) не употребляется в придаточныхпредложениях времени и условия. В них для выражения будущего действия глаголставится в Present Simple (Indefinite).
I shall give him a letter when he comes.The children will go for a walk if it stops raining.
Ex. 22 Раскройте скобки, употребляя.глаголы в FutureSimple.
1. I (to think) about thisinformation. 2 According to the forecast it (to be) raining tomorrow. 3. We (tocome) to see you on Monday. 4.I (to prepare) to my examinations next week. 5.You (to show) me your new picture? 6. I think he (not to come) tomorrow. 7 Idon't think she (to answer) all the questions. 8. We (to work) in our gardentomorrow. 9. How you (to pack) your things? 10. Her mother (to buy) her asilver chain for her birthday.
Ex. 23 Поставьте предложения ввопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1. My sister will graduate from the University nextyear. 2.I shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 3. They will play tennis onSaturday. 4. We shall translate this text the day after tomorrow. 5. He willwrite a letter to his sister tomorrow. 6. My parents will go to the South nextyear. 7.I shall finish this work in a week. 8.He will come back on Friday. 9.We shall meet our friends tomorrow.
Ex. 24 Переведитенаанглийскийязык, употребляяглаголto be вFuture Simple.
1) Я буду завтра в институте. 2) Она будет зубным врачом. 3)Где ты будешь завтра? — Я. буду дома. 4) Мы будем в Москве на следующей неделе.5) Его не будет на работе завтра. Он будет в командировке. 6) Позвони емупозже. Может быть, он будет дома. 7) Завтра никого не будет в офисе.
Ex. 25 В предложениях описанысобытия, которые происходили прошлым летом. Представьте, чтоэтисобытияпроизойдутбудущимлетом.
1.I was in America a year ago. 2.Where were your parents last summer? 3.It was in July. 4. There was no fruit in May. 5. Did you roller-skate? 6. Shebought a new dress, didn’t she? 7. My mom taught my brother to swim.
Впридаточных предложениях времени и условия после союзов
If-если, when-когда, as soonas— как только, till-до тех пор, before— перед, after— после, until— до тех пор, как, while– во время.
 Future Simple заменяется на Present Simple.
 Ex. 26 Раскройте скобки, употребляя. глаголы в FutureSimple.
1. I (todo) it as soon as I (to get) book. 2. When you (to see) Mr. Smith ask him to callimmediately. 3. If the rain (not to stop) there (to be) a flood. 4. Don't leavebefore you (to get) our message. 5. If all (to go) well we shall land tonight.6. Take care of my luggage while I (to get) my ticket. 7. Tomorrow if theweather (to be) good we (to go) to the country. 8. We (to stay) in thewaiting-room while Robert (to look) for a porter. 9 .I (to make) you a nice cupof tea as soon as the water (to boil). 10. If you (to come) past six o'clockyou (not to find) him waiting. 11. I think I (to wait) here until your bus (tocome). 12. If you (to be) so excited you hardly (be able) to think.
Ex. 27 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывFuture Simple иPresent Simple.
1.We (to begin) as soon as Tom (to be ready). 2. I(stay) here until it (to get) warmer. Mother (to bring) us cakes when she (togo) out. 3. If he (to have) time he (to come) to us. 4. Don't leave until I (tosend) you a message. 5. She (to be) very happy if you (to take) her to thetheatre. 6. We (to go) swimming as soon as school (be) over. 7. She (to be) agood actress if she (to work) hard. 8. I (to open) the door when father (toring). 9. I (to see) him again if he (not to come) today.10.I (to notify) youas soon as I (to hear) from her.11.You (not to go) until I (to know) the truth.12. He (to come) every day to help you with your work while I (be) away. 13.You (to have) a chocolate if you (to be) good. 14. I (to do) it as soon as I(to get) book. 15. When you (to see) Mr. Smith ask him to call immediately. 16.If the rain (not to stop) there (to be) a flood. 17. Don't leave before you (toget) our message. 18. If all (to go) well we shall land tonight. 19. Take careof my luggage while I (to get) my ticket. 20. Tomorrow if the weather (to be)good we (to go) to the country. 21. We (to stay) in the waiting-room whileRobert (to look) for a porter. 22.I (to make) you a nice cup of tea as soon asthe water (to boil). 23. If you (to come) past six o'clock you (not to find)him waiting. 24. I think I (to wait) here until your bus (to come). 25. If you(to be) so excited you hardly (be able) to think.
Ex. 28 Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степениследующих прилагательных:
a) tall, long, short, hot, cold, nice, large, big,wide, happy, warm, high, heavy, low, hard, busy, easy,bright;
b) interesting, comfortable, important, necessary,beautiful, famous, pleasant, popular, wonderful, active, careful.
c) old, tall, thin, thick, fat, red, warm, high,short, black, small, light, late, large, fast, rich, dark, quick, sad, weak,pretty, bright, dry, full, nice, wet, early, strong, ugly, quite, funny, lazy, far,expensive, good, difficult, helpful, many, heavy, dirty, clean, near, little,famous, much, clever, cheap, pale, early, practical.
PastSimple(Indefinite) Tense.
Прошедшее простое ( неопределенное) время.
PastSimple (Indefinite) обозначает действия илисостояния, происходившие в какой-то период в прошлом и не связанные с моментомречи. Past Simple (Indefinite) — форма, типичная для описания прошедших событий.
В предложениях с Past Simple (Indefinite) часто указывается время совершениядействия.
Слова-определители времени:
Yesterday — вчера, two days ago – два дня назад, last year – в прошлом году .
Victor hurried to the station, went tothe booking-office and bought two tickets.The show finished at 11o'clock.
Past Simple (Indefinite) образуется: (V2, V-ed)
Если глагол неправильный используется еговторая форма(смотри таблицу неправильных глаголов), которая не изменяется по лицам ичислам, за исключением глагола tobe(was – единственное число, were — множественное). I spent a lot oftime at the library last month.
Если глагол правильный (т.е. его нет в таблице неправильных глаголов) к егопервой форме прибавляется окончание — ed: ask – asked
He worked hard at his composition.
Вопросительная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did, который ставится перед подлежащим.
Смысловой глагол употребляется в первой основной форме.

Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол(в первой форме) + …..? (общий вопрос)
I liked the match.Did you like thematch? When did the train arrive?
Вопросы к подлежащему образуются, без вспомогательного глагола did.
Подлежащее заменяем на who–кто или what– что.
It happened yesterday. We were absenttoday.
What happenedyesterday?   Whowas absenttoday?( to be всегдав форме was)
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did, частицы notи смыслового глагола в первой основной форме.Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол did + not + основной глагол (в первой форме) + … .
I did not know you were ill.
В разговорной речи в отрицательной форме обычно употребляетсясокращение didn't[didnt].I didn'tknow you were ill.
1. Глаголto be в Past Simple (Indefinite) меняется по лицам.
Iwas ill. We were absent.
You were right. You were at school atthat time.
 He (she, it) was late. They were at thetheatre.
Вопросительная иотрицательная формы Past Simple (Indefinite) глагола tobe образуются без помощи вспомогательного глагола.
Where were you at eight yesterday?
Was he at home at 8 o'clock?
It was not very cold.
2.С оборотом therewas(therewere) употребляется отрицательное местоимение  no, как и в Present Simple (Indefinite).
There was no rain for two months.
3. При образовании отрицательной формы Past Simple (Indefinite) глагола tohave используется отрицательноеместоимение no.
I had no letters for many weeks.
 Ex. 29 Вставьте глагол wasили were.
1) I .......at the stadium last Sunday. 2) Dam and Mary .......in Americaa year ago.3)We .....in Moscow yesterday. 4) Mike ........at school lastMonday. 5) We .........in Tambov a week ago.
 Ex.30 Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.
1. Yesterday (to be) the third of October.2) It (to be) warm, and we (toplay) ball in our yard. 3)Our dog (to be) with us too.4) It (to like) the game.5) It (to jump) and (to jump). 6) We (to have) five lessons yesterday. 7) Afterthe lessons the pupils on duty (to wash) the flowers and (to clean) theblackboard and other things. 8)When everything in the classroom (to look)clean, they (to go) home. 9)It (to be) half past three then, and they (to be)very hungry.10) The children (to work) on a collective farm lastsummer.11) We (to play) football and other interesting games at the pioneercamp a year ago.12) Mike (to go) to his circle early yesterday.13) It ( tosnow) in last winter. 14) The Ninth Form pupils (to clean) the street in frontof the school.15) She ( to answer) questions well yesterday.16) Yesterdayevening I (to watch) TV. 17) He (to be) tired and (to go) to bad at half pastten.18) My brother and I (to be) at camp from the first of July to thetwentieth of July.19) We (to take) warm things with us, because it (to be),cold. 20) My father (to give) us good ideas for our pictures. 21) Everything inthe country (to look) beautiful when we (to be) there last spring. 22) Mike (toshow) her how to take off her skis.
 Ex.31 ПоставьглаголывPast Simple.1.My sister … to Englandlast summer (to travel).2. Ann … an interesting book yesterday (to buy).3.Helen… French last year (to study). 4. Kate … dinner two days ago (to cook).5. Не … to the south last year (to go).6. Myfriend … a letter yesterday (to write).7. I … English ten years ago (to study).8.They … coffee yesterday morning (to drink).9. I and my friend       … toFrance, last year (to travel).10. Tom …me a telegram two days ago (to send).11.Is Kate at home? Yes, she … 5 minutes ago (to arrive).12. Yesterday I … early and…a shower (to get up, to have) 13. She … yesterday afternoon (to come).14.Mygranny … a chocolate cake last Sunday (to make).15. I … TV yesterday (to watch)
Ex. 32 Поставьвопросыкпредложениям.1. Lena lived in Moscowin 1998. 2. She walked to the station. 3. The cat liked fish. 4. The studentsworked in the garden. 5. They went to the cinema yesterday. 6. She told us avery interesting story. 7. A strange woman came to our house yesterday. 8. Iplayed piano when I was a boy. 9. Last year I began to write a book.10.Yesterday I had five lessons at school.
Ex.33 Put into negative form. Сделайпредложенияотрицательными.
1) I had six lessons last Tuesday.2) The first lessonwas Russian.3)We wrote a dictation. 4) My friend went to the blackboardand wrote the date.5) I went to the canteen after the third lesson. 6) I ate asalad and a sandwich.7) After school I took a bus and went to the library.8) Inthe library I read a book.9)Then I played snowballs in the yard.10) In theevening I cleaned my teeth and went to bed.
Ex.34 Put the sentences into PastSimple, Present Progressive and Future Simple.
1)We like our trip to Spain. 2)They bathe in the seaevery day in summer. 3) Mike lives in the country. 4) He knows well everysubject.5) I get good marks in English.6) Helen dances every evening. 7) Theyplay football every Sunday. 8) I like to play chess in my childhood. 9) Theteacher writes new words on the blackboard. 10) We study English every evening.
Ex. 35 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PastSimple.
1.She (to make) tea for her guests. 2. We (to know)everything about that event. 3. He (to think) much about this problem. 4.I (tobe) wrong and apologized to him. 5. He (not to realize) his mistakes. 6. Whenyou (to speak) to him? — I (to speak) to him only yesterday.7.She (not to get)letters from her son last month.8.He (to go) to the airport to meet hisbrother. 9. What you (to do) yesterday evening? — Nothing in particular. We (towatch) TV and (to look) through newspapers.
10. I understand the article well. 11. I listen tothis music. 12. I find many good stories in this book. 13. The students spendmust time in the library. 14. She makes many mistakes in her test. 15. They readmany English books.
Ex. 36 Переведитенаанглийскийязык, употребляяглаголывPast Simple.
1. Ей понравилось представление. 2. Было очень холодно напрошлой неделе. 3. Я встретил их у моего друга дома. 4. Кто-нибудь звонил мнепока меня не было? 5. Мы не получили ее ответ вчера. 6. Я отправил вчера письмамоим друзьям. 7. У меня не было времени делать эту работу. 8. Я читал этотжурнал вчера. 9. Ему не понравился фильм. 10. Он звонил тебе вчера? 11. Онипровели каникулы в Лондоне. 12. Он сдал экзамен по английскому в понедельник.13. Я навестил бабушку и дедушку на прошлой неделе. 14. Я разговаривал с нимвчера. 15. Я починил свою машину в воскресенье.
Ex.37 Поставьте предложения в PastSimple.
1. There is a large forest near our city. 2. There aremany berries and mushrooms there. 3. There is always much work to do about thehouse. 4. There is no need to begin all over again. 5. There is nothing to dobut to wait. 6. Are there any museums in your home town? 7. There will be novacant seats in the stalls. 8. There will be an interesting lecture onliterature tomorrow. 9. There is a sofa and two armchairs in our living-room.10. There is always much light in this room.
Ex. 38 Поставьте следующие предложения в Pastи FutureSimple.
Образец: There is a park near our school. There was a park near ourschool. There will be a park near our school.
1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are not anyGerman books in our library. 3. There is one theatre and five cinemas in thistown. 4. There is no lift in our house. 5. There is little milk in the bottle.6. There are few shops in this district. 7. There are three rooms in our flat.8. There is a new film on at our local cinema. 9. There are not many difficultexercises in this text-book. 10. There are two hospitals in this town.
Ex. 39Put the nouns inplural.
a) a dish, a fork, a knife, a pen, a desk, anarmchair, a land, a house, a house, an Indian, a dog, a game, a lion, an eagle,a road, a wolf, a watch, a glass, a city, a country, a day, a party, a bush, abox, a bus, a class, a potato, a foot, a tomato, a tooth, a child, a deer, asolo, a roof, a goose,
b) a chief, a man, a woman, a mouse, an Englishman, aform, a tie, a page, a bench, a bird, a bag, a copy, an apple, an enemy, aphoto, a cherry, an army, a toy, a loaf, a comedy, a dining- room, amother-in-law, an ear-ring, an ear-phone.
Ex. 40 Образуйтемножественноечислоследующихсуществительных:
Train, seat, tie, shop, fork, forest, game, lesson,name, week, page, bag, bird, class, box., bush, bus, birch, bench, inch, copy,hero, cake, knife, wife, wolf, tomato, fly, piano, leaf, safe, victory, roof,watch, form, roof, room, pen, lamp, arm, tram, book, apple, day, ship, toy,university, chief, photo, style, handkerchief, enemy, match, bush.
Ex.41 Choose the write form of the verb.
1) Kate… to the shop yesterday. a) go b) went c)will go
2) He… interesting books in the original, a) read b) reads c) will read
3) John… his leg last year. a) broke b) breaks c) will break
4)… he like cats? a) Does b)Do c) Doesn't
5) Tom usually… in the garden. a) played b) willplay c) plays
6) They… to the cinema yesterday, a) have gone b)go c) went
7)Mum… the washing upyesterday, a) does b) is doing c) did
8)She… got two brothers. a)have b) has c) will have
9) They always… fruit for breakfast, a) will buy b)buy c) buys
10) He… to school because he was ill. a) doesn't gob) didn't go c) won't go
11)Every summer she…holidays at her grandmother's, a) spent b) spend c) will spend
12)I… this film 3 yearsago. a) see b) saw c) shall see
13)    He never eats eggs. He… them. a) doesn'tlike b) didn't like c) won't like
14)We… a trip to Italynext summer, a) made b) make c) shall make
15)I think they… the examtomorrow. a) do pass b) will pass c) shall pass
16) He… a minute ago. a) leave b) left c) leave
17) Yesterday I… in the library. a) work b) worked c)shall work
18)I… my English lessonson Fridays. a) took b) take c) shall take
19)Nancy… her teeth now. a)brushes b) is brushing c) brushed
20)Sometimes we… at arestaurant. a) eat b) are eating c) ate
21)She… a Christmas dinnernow. a) cooks b) is cooking c) cooked
22) It often… in autumn. a) rains b) is raining c)rained
23) School year… in September. a) begins b) begin c)is beginning
24)Bob… television, hecan't answer the call. a) watches b) is watching c) watched
25)John… adventure books. a) liked b) like c) likes
Ex. 42 Переведите на английский язык,употребляя глагол tobeв Present, Pastи FutureSimple.
1. Моя сестра сейчас в магазине. 2. Моя сестра была в театревчера. 3. Моя сестра будет в библиотеке завтра. 4. Сегодня мы в Москве, азавтра будем в Туле. 5. Вчера он был за городом, а сегодня он дома. 6. Она былаучителем в прошлом году сейчас она переводчик. 7. Она на работе сейчас, а вечеромона будет у родителей. 8. Твоя сестра будет учителем? — Нет, она будетжурналистом. 9. Нас будет дома завтра.10. Кто будет здесь завтра? — Я буду.
Ex. 43 Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в прошедшеми будущем временах.
1.There are many trees in our garden.2.There is atrolley-bus stop near my office.3.There are some mistakes in hisdictation.4.There is a piece of chalk on the table.5.There is much snow in thestreet. 6. There are many flowers in the vase. 7. There are two pens in my bag.
Ex.44 ПоставьтеглаголывскобкахвсоответствующемвремениSimple (Present, Past илиFuture):1.Не (come) to school tomorrow. 2. Ann not (come) to the park.3. He not (go)to the cinema every day. He (go) last Sunday. 4. Peter (write) a letter in twodays. 5. The teacher says that the boys (speak) English next year. 6. When he(come)? I think he (come) next Tuesday.7. Where the teacher (go) last summer?8. I (take) the book to the library tomorrow. 9. They not (see) the filmbecause they were very busy. They (see) it in the near future. 10. When we (do)it? Tomorrow or next week?
Ex. 45 Задайте альтернативные вопросы своему собеседнику.
A. Образец: I’m a pupil (a student).
Are you a pupil or a student?
1. Kateis at home (at school). 2. They are in England (Scotland). 3. Oxford is farfrom (near) London. 4. She is a writer (a painter). 5. She is interested inmusic (drawing). 5. I am seventeen (eighteen) years old. 6. The ice was thick(thin) on the river. 7. That was Jane (Ann) on the phone.
8. He was rude (polite) with you. 9. It will be cold (warm) tomorrow.9.The weather will be fine (rainy) next week.
B. Образец: You have many (few)friends at school?
Have you many or few friends at school?
I had dinner at home (at school) yesterday.
Did you have dinner at home or at school yesterday?
They have a house (a flat) in Minsk. 2. My friend hasa lot of English (French) books. 3. Our family had a rest in the countryside(abroad) last summer. 4. I usually have coffee (tea) in the morning. 5. We havemeals three (four) times a day. 6. You will have five (six) lessons tomorrow.
Present Perfect Tense. Настоящее совершенное время
PresentPerfectупотребляется для описания событий, которыепроизошли в еще неистекший период времени, или который продолжался вплоть донастоящего времени, а также при наличии наречий неопределенного времени: today— сегодня, thisweek/year/month-на этой неделе, already— уже, ever– когда-либо, never— никогда, yet— еще(в отрицательных предложениях созначением еще и в общих вопросах со значением уже), just— только что, for(alongtime)- долгое время, fortwohours— в течение 2 часов, uptonow— до сих пор, since– с тех пор; при наличии слов itisthefirst(second) time...- в первый раз; вписьмах, в первом вопросе иответе, начинающих беседу о прошлых событиях.already- уже, ever –когда-либо, never- никогда, just- только что ставится между вспомогательным и основнымглаголом
She has already left for Moscow. Она уже уехала в Москву.
Present Perfect в отличиеот Past Simple(которое выражает действие, свершившееся в истекшемотрезке времени) выражает связь прошлого действия с настоящим благодаря наличиюрезультата сейчас. Present Perfect никогда неупотребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с вопросительного слова when).
PresentPerfectTenseобразуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have (has – в 3 лице ед. числа), и третьей формы неправильногоглагола, а к правильному глаголу прибавляется окончание –ed (причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола). (have/has+ V3, V-ed) При образовании вопросительной формывспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
 Вспомогательный глагол (have, has) + подлежащее + основной глагол(V3, V-ed) + .? (общий вопрос)

Have you learnt this     poem byheart? -Yes, I have,
— No, I haven't learnt it yet.
В вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов не изменяется,подлежащее меняем на who–кто или what– что,вспомогательный глагол всегда has.
We have just left home.
Who has just left home?
При образовании отрицательной формы отрицательная частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола.Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол (have, has) + not + основной глагол (V3, V-ed) + … .
We have not just left home. to have + Participle II Present Perfect have/has done Past Perfect had done Future Perfect shall/will have done Future Perfect in the Past Should / would have done
She has already left for Moscow.    Она уже уехала в Москву.
She had left for Moscow Она уехала в Москву до
before I arrived.   того, как я приехал.
She will have left for    Она уедет в Москву до
Moscow before I arrive. того, как я приеду.
She said that she would         Она сказала, что уедет в
haveleftfor Moscow    Москву до того, как я приеду.
before I arrived.  
а)The lift has broken down Лифт сломался, (приходится ходить сейчас пешком)
The lift broke down. Лифт сломался, (возможно, он уже снова работает)
When did the lift break? Когда сломался лифт?
Не has smoked for two years. (He continues smoking)
He smoked for two years.      (and then stoppedsmoking)
б)I'm sorry I haven't written before because I've been very busy lately. Извините, что я не писал раньше, но ябыл занят последнее время.
Ex46 Заполните пропуски глаголом hasпли have:
1.Mum … already cooked dinner.2.My friends … notwatched this film.3.I … never been to England.4. He… gone home. 5.… she come yet? 6. They… gone home. 7.… they gone home? 8. The bus…gone. 9. I… found it. 10.… the bus gone? 11. Where… he been? 12. Where… you been? 13. I… got some interesting books.
Ex 47 ПоставьтеглаголывPresent Perfect.
1.I (clean) ...........the room.2. He (not read)...........this book.3.We (play) .........football.4. She (be) ........to America.5. I ( not see)..........her yet.
Ex48 Напишите предложения в PresentPerfect, добавив нужные наречия.1.He is leaving home atthe moment.2. She does her homework in the evening.3. They are crossing theroad.4. He sends me two letters every month. 5. Mr.Norris finishes the work at5 p.m.
Ex 49 Задайте4 вопросакпредложению.
1.We have seen a good film recently.2. I have done a lot of worktoday.3.He has been in the yard.
Ex. 50 Переведитена английский язык.
1.Онибыли в Америке в этом году. 2.Я только что встретил Тома. 3.Мы уже перевелиэтот текст.
Ex. 51 Complete the sentences with how long, since, for,already, yet.
1. My sister has been at the University … six months.2.… have you known John and Susan? 3. Haven't you typed those letters…?4. She's… cleaned the house and it's only nine a.m. 5.I haven't watched TV… my set broke down.
Ex.52 ПоставьтеглаголывскобкахвPresent Perfect илиPast Simple.
1.Не (see) just me. 2. They(finish) already the letter. 3. John (find) them. They (be) in the yard. 4.What he (do)? 5. Where he (be)? 6. The car (stop). 7. I never (be) there. 8. Wejust (be) to the cinema. We (see) a good film. 9. Peter (come) home yet? 10. I(be) to the doctor. 11. I am so tired. I (do) a lot of work today.
Ex53 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentPerfect.
1.I (be) to Paris. 2.I think the director (leave) thetown. 3. We (know) her since she arrived to our city. 4.I (forget) your name.5.He (close) the door? 6. He (do) it since we left him. 7. They (leave) Moscowthis month? 8. He (not bring) a lot of French papers. 9.I (get) a long letterfrom father this week.10. She just (come); she will speak to you in a minute.11. This order (lead) to many misunderstandings.12. He (write) his name on mybook.
Ex 54 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Perfect илиPast Simple.
1.I (meet) two of my friends today. I (meet) them on mу way to school. 2. A month ago myuncle (build) a new house in the country. We (visit) it recently and (enjoy)ourselves very much. 3. He (forget) to close the window when he (leave) thehouse. 4. He (write) several letters this week. 5. Where Helen (go)? I don'tsee her here. — She (go) home an hour ago. 6. When the concert (to begin)? 7.1don't think I ever (to see) such a beautiful garden as this one. 8. Jack London(to be born) in San Francisco in an extremely poor family. 9. You (to read)many books by Jack London? 10. How careless you are! You (to break) yourmother’s favourite cup.
Ex.55 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Perfect илиPast Simple.
1.I never (to hear) this story from my father. 2. He(to be) a reader of this magazine for years. 3. She (to be) ill last week. 4.Icannot tell you whether I like this book, as I not (to read) it. 5. My mothernot (to come) home yet. 6. I (to be) there last year. 7. When you last (to see)him? 8.I cannot give you this book as I (to give) it to Ann. When you (to give)it to her? 9. The child (to be) quite all right for the last two weeks. 10. Itis cold today. The weather (to change) since yesterday. 11. You ever (to visit)this picture gallery? 12.I (to lose) my textbook and cannot remember when Ilast (to see) it.
Ex 56 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Perfect илиPast Simple.
1. Неnever (to be) in Germany. 2. He (not to answer) my letter. 3. My mother (to go)to the country a month ago. 4. His brother not (to go) to school yesterday. 5.Where you (to be) last night? 6. You (to receive) a letter from your fatherthis week? 7.I (to see) Ann on Wednesday. 8. My mother just (to go) out. 9. Shenever (to read) this book. 10.I (not to come) to you yesterday because I (tobe) very busy. 11. When you (to write) a letter to your friend? — I (to write)a letter to him this week. 12. How many books you (to read) this week? 13. I(to be) at the theatre five or six times last month. 14. I (to reply) to hisletter today. 15. They (to lose) their way. 16. I (to speak) to him about itover and over again. 17. I (to speak) to him about it yesterday. 18. He (to be)in Vienna several times.
Ex. 57 Choose the correct item.
1. We (live/have lived) in Hastinhs. 2. I (got/havegot) two brothers and a sister. 3. He (plays/is playing) footballonce a week. 4. We (are/ have been) here since the shop opened. 5. Ialways (am drinking/drinks) black coffee. 6. (Has/does) he got acamera?7. When did you (got/get) home last night? 8. (We're/We) goingto stay at home today. 9. We (knew/have known) them fora longtime. 10. I (worked/am working) there two years ago.
Ex. 58 Put the words in the correctorder.
1.I/on Saturday/didn't/you/at the party/see/night. 2.Some/in the library/ we/interesting/books/found. 3.Walked/ around thetown/have/I. 4. Every week-end/do/clean/you/the house? 5.Slowly/he/getting/is/better.
Ex. 59 Переведите на английский язык.1)Вы смотрели вчера вечером фильм по телевизору? – Да.Вам он понравился? – Не очень. 2)Что ты делала в выходные дни? –Я ходила погрибы (to go mushrooms). 3)Когда ты приехал?- Я приехал на прошлой неделе. Тыхорошо (well) доехал?
Ex.60 a) Напишите в каком времени вы бы перевели эти предложения.
Мы играем в прятки сейчас.
Моя тётя только что приготовила завтрак.
Я поеду на море следующим летом.
Мы убираем свою комнату раз в неделю
Гости уехали неделю назад.
b) Соотнесите время и способ его образования.
1. Past Simple
2 Present Progressive
3 Future Simple
4 Present Simple
 5 Present Perfect,
V, Vs
to be + Ving
will/shall + V
have + V3
c) Добавьте к каждому предложению подходящий указатель времени.
1. I went to school… .
2. I go to school…
3. I am going to school…
4. I have… gone to school.
5… I shall go to school......
( next Monday, yesterday, now, already, every day)
Ex.61 Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени.
1. I never ( cook) dinner myself.
2. She ( make ) a cake at the present moment.
3. He ( visit ) my granny next summer.
4. They ( see) this film last week.
5. My friend ( phone) me every day.
Ex.62 Измените предложения в соответствии с местом действия.
1. Iwrite letters every day. — next month.
2. He hascrossed the road.----------- 2 hours ago.
3. Theyare playing hockey now.------already.
4. Shewent to the theatre last month.----- once a month.
5. Wewill eat ice-cream tomorrow. -----now.
Ex. 63 Choose the right tense.
1)  He … newspapers after dinnerevery day. a) reads b) read c) has read
2) She …. home now. a) is going b) goes c) will go
3) Helen …. her friend in the street yesterday. a) see b) has seen c) saw
4) My brother … just … from work… a) has come b) will come c) comes
5) I …. at 7 o`clock tomorrow. a) get up b) shall get up c) got
6) They often … to the theatre. a) go b) will go c) have gone
7)We …. an English lesson at this moment. a) have b) are having c) have had
8) My family … to England last year. a) went b) go c) has gone
9) I …. already …my homework. a) shall do b) did c) have done
10) I …… to you tomorrow. a) shall come b) came c) will come
11) He … to school by bus every day. a)goes b) shall go c) will go
12) What … you … now? a) are doing b) will do c) have done
13) Where …. you … yesterday? a) did go b) have gone c) do go
14) I …. just …my breakfast. a) shall have b) had c) have had
15) They … to Moscow next week. a) will go b) go c) went
16) He usually …. coffee in the morning. a) shall drink b) drinks c) drank
17) You …… for a walk now. a) have gone b) are going c) go
18) She …. you about it a day ago. a) has asked b) asked c) will ask
19) I …. supper next Sunday. a) shall prepare b) prepared c) have prepared
20) I … already … the window. a) have opened b) do open c) will open
Ex. 64 Use the necessary word.
1) Many people go in for … a) take b) beautiful c) sports
2) English helps people in cultural … a) relations b) own c) important
3) I like to watch sports … on TV. a) competition b) kinds c) favorite
4) I want to read foreign literature in the … a) develop b) original c) different
5) Sport is very … a) hear b) go c) useful
6) Today English is the … of the world. a) adventure b) foreign c)language
7) … is the most famous summer kind of sports. a) swimming b) skating c)skiing
8) Books help people in our … a) studies b) important c) often
9) We … many things from books a) learn b) self-education c) nature
10) I think a book is the best … a) often b) present c) favourite
Ex. 65 Choose the right word .
1)  The gallery in Moscow is namedin honour to … a) Tretyakov b) Surikov c) Rublyov
2) The history … begin in the year 1147. a) Moscow b) St. Petersburg c)Samara
3) The oldest part of London is called …. a) East End b) City c) West End
4) The first American president chose the place where the city now standsto build a capital and the city was named after … .
a) George Washington b) Winston Cherchil c) Abraham Lincoln
5) The … is the home of the president. a) Library of Congress b) White Housec) Capitol
6) … is situated on several islands and has 5 districts. a) New York b)Boston c) London
7) Black Americans usually live in … where life is difficult. a) Broadwayb) Harlem c) Brooklyn
8) Russia is bounded by … countries. a) four b) thirteen c) ten
9) Our … shows dramas, tragedies and comedies. a) cinema b) school c)theatre
10) The … begins when the third bell has rung. a) performance b) lesson c)competition
Ex. 66 Use the necessary form of the verb.
1)  I … to school every day. a)go b) am going c) have gone
2) She … basketball last week. a) plays b) play c) played
3) Look. They … football now. a) had played b) played c) are playing
4) He … to the library every month. a) go b) goes c) went
5) We …… the book this week. a)are reading b) were reading c)have read
6) Lena …. to the stadium tomorrow. a) was going b) has gone c) will go
7) John … to the cinema yesterday. a) is going b) went c) go
8) She … just … the exercise. a) is doing b) has done c) did
9) He …. his work by 6 o’clock. a) finished b) had finished c) wasfinished
10) They … a music lesson at 10 o’clock. a) have b) have had c) werehaving
Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense Настоящеезавершено-длительноевремяУтвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I have been waiting
She has been
It waiting
We have been
You waiting
Have I been waiting?
Has she been waiting?
Have you been waiting?
I have not been waiting
He has not
She been
It waiting
We have not
You been
They waiting
Типичные предлоги для Present Perfect Progressive for, since. Present Perfect Progressive выражает действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся внастоящем.
Present Perfect Progressive.
Ex. 67 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Perfect Progressive.
1.John is in his room, he (to sit) there since themorning. 2. For two hours now we (to talk) about it and we haven't come to anyconclusion yet. 3. John, do you know where my bag is? I (to look) for it forhalf an hour and I can't find it. 4. Look, your brother (to dance) with thatred-haired girl since she came into the room. 5.He (to try) to solvethis problem for several months now but he hasn't found a solution yet. 6. She(to teach) at school for twenty years. 7. Mr. Brown (to work) in his room sinceearly morning. 8. The children (to sleep) for six hours.
Ex. 68 Поставьте предложения в вопросительнуюи отрицательную формы.
1. Mr. Smith has been staying with them for afortnight. 2. It has been raining all the morning. 3. He has been writing thisexercise for two hours. 4. The boy has been fishing since early morning. 5. Fora week you have been promising to take me for a walk. 6. The children have beenplaying in the garden since their mother came.
Ex. 69 ВыпишитеконструкциисPresent Perfect Progressive.
1.No, I wasn't thinking of Martin's cottage. I musthave been thinking of another one — perhaps your own. 2. Surely you must haveknown that Martin took it. You can't have been thinking all this time that Idid. 3. And I've not been thinking about it — I've been torturing myself withit. 4. You've been living in a fool's paradise, and now… you're busybuilding yourself a fool's hell to live in.
Ex. 70 Переведитенарусскийязык
1.I have been waiting for you since 12 o'clock. 2. Shehas been working here for 2 hours. 3. For how long have they been sleeping? 4.What have you been doing? — I have been marking essays. 5. I have been pruningmy roses. 6. I've been waiting here since three o'clock. 7. I've been drinkingtoo much. 8. That noise has been going on since they came home. 9. Thetelephone has been ringing for five minutes, why don't you answer it? 10. Lookat my hands I've been cleaning your shoes. 11. He has been coming here dayafter day for years. 12. I suppose you have been telling lies again.
Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense ПрошедшеедлительноевремяУтвердительная форма
Не was
She walking
You were
They walking
Was he walking?
Were you walking?
He was not
She (wasn’t)
It walking.
We were not
You (weren’t)
They walking
Past Continuousвыражает действие, которое совершилось в определенный момент времени в прошлом(at 6 o'clock yesterday) или в определенный период времени впрошлом (from 5 till 8 o'clock yesterday).
Future Progressive (Continuous) Tense БудущеедлительноевремяУтвердительная форма
I shall be waiting
He will be
She waiting
We shall be waiting
You will be
They waiting
Shall I be waiting?
Will she be waiting
Shall we be waiting?
Will you be wait-
 they ing?
I shall not be waiting
She will not be waiting
We shall not be waiting
You will not be
They waiting.
Future Progressiveвыражает действие, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем (at 5 o'clock tomorrow) или в определенный период времени вбудущем (from 2 till 5 o'clock tomorrow)
Present Progressive, Past Progressive& Future Progressive
Ex. 71 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Progressive илиPast Progressive.
1.Why you (to look) at me in that way? 2. He (toskate) yesterday from five till nine o'clock. 3. Why you (to smoke) in the room?4. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 5. What you (to look) at? I (tolook) at this monument. 6. He (to write) the article all the week. 7. Yesterdayhe (to tell) us for two hours about his trip to India. 8. I (to learn) to ridea bicycle now. 9.We (to work) at this problem during three months. 10.Be quiet,he (to write) a composition now.
Ex. 72 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывFuture Progressive.1. Не (not to wait) for us at 6 o'clocktomorrow. 2.I (to translate) this article, when my mother come. 3. Theconference (to take place) from 2 till 6 o'clock on Monday. 4. How long you (tostay) at your parents?
Ex. 73 Переведитенаанглийскийязык, употребляяглаголывFuture Progressive.
1.Завтра я буду работать весь вечер. 2. Мы встретим их, когдаони будут идти в институт. 3. Когда я приду сюда, мои дети будут играть. 4.Завтра мы будем проводить опыты с 2 до 5 часов. 5. Когда мы приедем влабораторию, они будут показывать свои опыты. 6. Я буду гулять в парке с 7 до 8часов. 7. Она будет делать уроки в 8 часов? 8. Мы не будем играть в шахматывесь вечер.
Ex. 74 Раскройте скобки, употребляяглаголы в FutureSimpleи FutureProgressive.
1.Don't ring him up at 11 o'clock tomorrow. He (towork) at that moment. 2. At this time tomorrow my brothers (to play) football.3. Maybe we (to play) football tomorrow. 4. They (to come) soon. 5.I am afraidit (to rain) all day tomorrow. 6. When the train (to come) my parents (to wait)for me at the station. 7. I (to finish) this book very soon; I (to read) it allday tomorrow. 8. I must tell John that Nick (to wait) for him at ten o'clocktomorrow. 9. He (to be) busy tomorrow. He (to put) electric light in ourcountry-house. 10. What you (to do) all day tomorrow? 11. I (to listen) to theradio till you come back. 12. Don't come tomorrow, I (to write) my report. 13.This time tomorrow, I (to leave) Moscow for Tula.
Ex. 75 Fill in the gaps with :will start, is findingout, has been, have been  studying, lasted, were eating, came.
1) Natasha … never … in an American school. 2) The second class … 30 minutesyesterday. 3) Homeroom class … at 8 p. m. tomorrow.4) They… American Historyfor a year.5) The teacher … which students are absent at the moment. 6)Theguests … cake when he … home.
Ex. 76 Choose the proper form of the verb .
1)  A. Pushkin… a lot of books
a)  wrote b) have written c) haswritten
2)  She… her first book fifteenyears ago .
a)  writes b) has written c) wrote.
3) … you ever… Italianfood ?
a ) do try b) did try c) have tried .
4)  I… in Glasgow for sixyears now and don’t want to move .
 . a) live b) have lived c) lived .
5)  He… in Paris for thirteenyears, and then in 1988 he… to Lion .
a)  lived, moved b) has lived, moved c) lived, has moved .
6)  They usually… to the southfor the summer, but this year they… abroad .
a) go, will go b) goes, are going c) go, are going .
7) “ Why you…? “ — ,, I… my watch “.
a) cry, lost b) do you cry, have lost c) are you crying, have lost .
8) ,,… you… the book ?’’ — ,, Yes, I… it yesterday.”
a) did found, bought b) have found, bought, c) do find, have bought.
9) She… very nice with her hair up .
a) looks b) is looking c) look .
10) You always… the same mistake. I… it several times already.
a) make, correct b) are making, is correcting c) are making, have corrected
Ex. 77 Put in who ,what, which or that .
1) Do you know that gentlman… is talking to Peter?
2) I visited the museum… is very famous .
3) A book… was left on the table belongs to John .
4) Have you got back the things… were stolen?
5) Jane works for the company… sells washing machines .
6) I have lost all… makes life pleasant .
7) The holiday was not at all… I expected .
8) The police haven`t found the man… stole my car .
9) Do you know a shop… sells good coffee ?
10) You misunderstood — that isn`t… I meant .
Ex. 78 Choose the right answer .
1) How much…? a) it costs b) does it cost c) it cost d) is it .
2) When… him last? a) you saw b) have you seen c) you see d) did yousee .
3) Who… the window? a) break b) did break c) broke .
4) I hope she… come. a) will b) is going to c) comes d ) is coming.
5) I ` ll meet you… Wednesday. a) at b) on c) in .
6) You… touch the switch. It`s dangerous. a) can`t b) must not c) maynot d) don`t have to .
7) He left without… goodbye. a) to say b) saying c) say d) he says.
8) I`ve know him… we were at school. a) since b) when c) for d) as.
Ex.80 Ask all kinds of questions to the sentences.
1) After breakfast he goes to the university. 2) She is giving a lecturenow. 3)You have had a tape-reorder. 4)He has been learning English for 5years. 5)She studied very hard .
6)They were taking notes at the lecture at this time yesterday.7)We haddone the translation by the time he came.
8)He had been doing the homework for two hours when she came.9)We shallhave the exam tomorrow.10)I hope, I`ll have finished it by next Sunday.11)Tomorrow at this time you will be looking for it .12)He will have beenwritting a letter for three hours when you come.
PastPerfectTenseПрошедшее завершенное времяУтвердительная форма  Вопросительная форма  Отрицательная форма
She had
We broken
Had we broken?
It had not
We (hadn’t)
You broken.
Past Perfect выражаетдействие, которое совершилось раньше другого действия в прошлом или копределенному моменту в прошлом. Отсюда его название: «прошедшеезаконченное».
1. Момент прошедшеговремени выражается обстоятельством времени с предлогом by, часто в сочетании с наречием already.
2. Момент прошедшеговремени выражается другим прошедшим действием в Past Simple в придаточном предложении времени.
FuturePerfectБудущее завершенное время Утвердительная форма  Вопросительная форма  Отрицательная форма
I shall have finished
He will have
She finished
We shall have finished
You will have
They finished
Shall I have finished?
Will she have
 it finished?
Shall we have finished?
Will you have
 they finished?
I shall have not finished

He will have
She not
It finished.
We shall have not finished
You will have
They finished /> /> /> />
Future PerfectTense выражает действие, которое ужезакончится ранее определенного момента будущего времени; переводится на русскийязык будущим временем совершенного вида обычно в сочетании с такими наречиями,как already, before, after, предлогом by.
Past Perfect & Future Perfect
Ex. 81 Translate into Russian.Переведитенарусскийязык.1. We had already built this plantby the end of 1997. 2.I had already written my exercise by half past six. 3. Atnine o'clock he had already left. 4 I had written my exercise before he came.5. They had returned home long before I rang them up.
Ex. 82 Дополните предложения дляобоснования использования глаголов в PastPerfectTense.Образец: We had lived here for sixyears. Then we moved to Bruges.
1.I had worked at this ministry for two years.
2. He had eaten his breakfast.
3. Tom had been a student for 5 years.
4. The dog had eaten the meat. 5
5. Nick had told the whole story.
6. Tom had done his lessons.
7. He had called the managers.
8. He had bought a new brief- case. 9. He had choppedthe firewood. 10. He had got a job offer.
 Действие регулярное ,
обычное, постоянное,
 констатация факта.
 Действие, происходящее
 в данный момент, заплани-
рованное действие.Процесс.
V,Vs(гл. в I ф. без частицы to)
I write letters every day.
He writes letters every day.
Do, does (3л. ед.ч.) вспом.гл
Do you write letters?
He doesn’t write letters.
Always(всегда), every
day ( week, month ) ,
often [ofn] часто,usually обычно
to be(am, is, are) + V-ing
I am writing a letter now.
He is writing a letter now.
Are you writing a letter?
They are not writing a letter
now (сейчас).
 Now, at this moment, right now
 Спряжение глагола to be
Ед. ч. 1 л. I am Мн. ч. We are
 2 л. You are You are
 3 л. He, she, it is They are
V-ed (regular verb),
V2(II form of irregular
verb (неправильный гл.)
I wrote a letter yesterday.
He asked last year(в пр. году).
Did he write a letter?
You didn’t ask that.
Yesterday(вчера),last year(в
прошлом году),
a month ago(месяц назад).
to be (was,were ) + V-ing
I was writing a letter at that time.
They were (мн.ч) writing a letter at
5 o’clock yesterday.
Were (мн. ч.) you writing a letter
 at that time?
He was not writing at that time.
At that time, at 5 o’clock,
all the time, while you were
Shall(1л. ед. ч), will+V
I shall write a letter tomorrow.
He will write a letter next month.
When will we write a letter?
Will he write a letter?
She will not write tomorrow.
Tomorrow(завтра), next week(на след. неделе),
in two years(через 2 года).
Shall(will) be + Ving
I shall be writing a letter at 7
o’clock in the evening.
Will he be writing a letter when I
He will not be writing a letter while
he will be writing an article.
At 7 o’clock tomorrow,when I
come, while he’ll be doing it.
завершено- длительное
 Действие, завершенное
 к данному моменту.
 (связано с настоящим) Действие, длящееся в течение определенного периода времени.
 to have (has- 3л. ед.ч.)
+V-ed (regular verb- прав. гл.)
+V3 (III form of irregular verb)
I have already written a letter.
He has just answered this letter
Has she done this task?
You haven’t written this task .
Already(уже) ,yet(еще-отриц предл.),
Just (только что) ,this week( на этой
неделе), today( сегодня), never(никогда),
ever(когда-либо), lately(недавно).
to have(has)been +
 + V-ing
I have been writing this letter
for 2 hours.
Since when has he been
writing this letter?
He hasn’t been writing this
Letter for 5 hours.
Since 5 o’clock (с 5 часов), for 2
hours (a month, a day)
Had + V3(III form of irregular
verb), + V-ed(regular verb)
I had written a letter by that time.
He had answered this questions by
5 o’clock.
Had you written a letter by that
She hadn’t written a letter by that time
By that time( к тому времени),
 by 5 o’clock,
Before he came.
 Had been + V-ing
I had been studying English for an hour when you came.
Had he been studying English since 2 o’clock
when he came?
For an hour, since 5
o’clock (when you came)
Shall(will) have+V3, +V-ed
I shall have written the letter by 7
o’clock tomorrow.
Will you have written this letter before
I come?
He will not have written this letter
before I come.
By 2 o’clock tomorrow, before
you come.
Shall(will)have been + Ving
She will have been writing for
two hours by the time he
Shall we have been studying
English next year for 5 years?
For 2 years, when I finish my work.
Ex. 83 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPast Simple иPast Perfect.
1.Не (to study) better thanhis father (to do). 2. They (to spend) their vacation last year at the same.village where they (to live) many years ago. 3. When we (to come) she already(to send) the children away and (to be free) to speak to us. 4. Yesterday I (tobuy) a new watch as I (to lose) my old one. 5. He (to take) the boy to the doorby which he himself (to enter) the room. 6. He (to open) his eyes (to look)around and (think) for some time, trying to remember what (to happen) to him.7. After they travelled in the Caucasus they (to decide) to make a sea voyage.8. They (to see) at once that the man (to travel) a lot. 9. He could go to theseaside in June because he (to pass) all his examination. 10. He (to eat) allthe cakes after she (to tell) him not to do it. 11. The day after the party he(to ask) why we (to leave) so early. 12. After they (to go) at last I (to go)to bed. 13 I (have) nothing to eat and felt very hungry. 14. As soon as he quite(finish), he looked round. 15. I… never (see) him in my life, so of course Icouldn't recognize him. 16. He (eat) quickly, then he got up and walked out.
Ex. 84 Переведите на русский язык.
1. Will you have come home by 5 o'clock? 2. We shall have erected thisdam by 2002.3. Inthree years' time I shall have taken mydegree. 4. John will not have signed the contract before we come. 5. Will youhave repaired the watch by Friday? 6. John will have examined the car wellbefore he buys it.
Ex. 85 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в FuturePerfect.
1. By next winter he (to sold) all his things. 2. He(to leave) when you arrive. 3. By next month he (to write) his fourth play. 4.We (to solve) this difficult problem by the end of the week. 5. The wind (todrop) by then. 6. When the sun sets I (to read) this book. 7. If you come atnine they (to have) dinner. 8. If you ring me up after nine o'clock, I (tospeak) to the doctor. 9. We (to travel) twenty miles more before we cross thefrontier 10. Next year we (to be) together for ten years.
 ВместоFuture Perfect Tense в обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях после after, when,as soon as, before, ifупотребляется Present Perfect.
Ex. 86 Переведитенарусскийязык1.I shall leave for Moscow as soon asI have finished my business here. 2. He will not see you before I spoken tohim. 3. She will return this magazine after she has read it. 4. Don't come herebefore you have finished writing this letter. 5.I shall lend you this journalas soon as I have read it. 6. As soon as I have come home, I will call you. 7.After you have finished writing this document, please, call the manager aboutit 8. When you have done the work, you still will have plenty of time. 9. Assoon as you have got any news, let me know.
 Ex. 87 Fill in the verbs.
 Could, is going, didn’t walk, would, began, is playing, are, have been,will travel, haven’t
1)  They … never … to London.
2)  I think he … to watch TV.
3)  … you like some applejuice?
4)  They … not rich enough tobuy a new house.
5)  The boy … the guitar now.
6)  My parent … by plane nextweek.
7)  … you help me, please?
8)  We … this exercise now.
9)  I … school when I was sixyears old.
10) They …to school yesterday.
Ex. 88 Fill in the verbs.
Will travel, wrote, would, could, haven’t got, are drinking, has cooked,have polluted, recycle, is going
1)  Factories and cars … theair. 8) … you like a cap of coffee?
2)  … you turn the TV down,please. 9) I … enough money for this dress.
3)  He … a dictationyesterday. 10) We … there by plane.
4)  They usually … unnecessarythings.
5)  We … coffee now.
6)  Her family … to buy a car.
7)  My mother … already …dinner.
Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense Прошедшеезавершено-длительноевремяУтвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
She had
We been
You waiting
Had we been
 you waiting?
We had not
You been
They waiting Типичный предлог для Past Perfect Progressive — for. Past Perfect Progressive выражает действие, длившееся в определенный период времени в прошлом до указанного момента или включая этот момент.
Future Perfect Progressive(Continuous) Tense Будущеезавершено-длительноевремяУтвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I shall have been waiting
He will have
She been
It waiting
We shall have been waiting
You have
They been
Shall I have been waiting?
 he have
Will she been
 it waiting?
Shall we have been waiting?
 you have
Will they been
I shall have not been
He will have
She not been
It waiting
We shall have not
been waiting
You will have
They not been waiting
Типичный предлог для Future Perfect Progressive — for.Future Perfect Progressive выражает действие, которое будетпроисходить в определенный период времени в будущем до указанного момента иливключая этот момент.
Ex. 89 Choose the right tense .
1) I… at the University since September. a) study b) am studying c) havebeen studying
2) He… already this film. a) saw b) has seen c) had seen
3) We… on the blackboard with a peace of chalk. a) are writing b) writec) have been  writing
4) He… this film last week. a) has seen b) had seen c) saw
5) Don`t come to the room. The students from our group… a test here.
a) write b) have been writing c) are writing
Ex. 90 Ask questions .
She teaches English at the University. a) does b) where c) what d) who
Last summer he went to the Caucasus. a) did b) where c) when d) who
Ex. 91 Fill in the gaps .
1) Ann and all other students are in the lecture hall. They… (do) atest .
It started four hours ago. They… (do) it for four hours .
2) Hello, Pete, I ....(see) you for ages. – I was on holiday. I… (come back) last night .-… you ....(have) your holiday this year yet, Mary? — Not yet. Iam taking it at the end of July. Where are you going? I think of going to theCrimea. But you… (be) there twice .
3) Peter andMary walked on to the station half an hour ago. They ....(wait) for a train They....(wait) for half an hour.
4) — Where… (go)? – Oh, hello, Pete. We`re off to the theatre .-...(go) to the theatre
often? — Yes, we usually… (go) there every week. What about you?– Well, I do
not often find time, I`m afraid. – Bye. –Bye. Have a good time .
5) How long… you… ( learn) English? What… you (do) now? I…(write) a test .
I… (write) a test for ten minutes .Where is Tom? I ....(not see) him today. Where
is Tom? I… (not see) him at school yesterday. I… (be) to Leningradseveral times. I… (be) in Leningrad twice last year.
7) Dear Boris,
I (receive) your letter about a month ago, but I couldn`t find time toanswer it .
I (be) very busy lately. Three days ago I (fail) in History, as I(miss) many lectures and (not attend) seminars. In general I (not to work)hard. Right now it is 6 p.m. and I (sit) at my desk. I (sit) here for fivehours doing my work. I (decide) to have a few hour`s rest, so I (write) you.Please write soon. Sincerely yours, Pete.
Ex. 92 Choose the right answer .
1) I… school 2 years ago. a) left b) have left c) had left
2) What article… you now? a) translate b) have been translating c)are translating
3) Yesterday at 5 o `clock I… an article. a) translated b) willtranslate c) was translating
4) How many articles… you this year. a) have translated b)translated c) had translated
5) He… articles very well. a) is translating b) translates c)translated
6)Tomorrow at 7 o`clock I… an article .a) shall translate b) shallhave translated c) shall be
7) I… this article since Monday. a) translate b) have beentranslating c) am translating
8) I… this article soon. a) shall translate b) shall be translatingc) was translating
9) Yesterday I… this article. a) translated b) was translating
10) I… this article before you came. a) had translted b) wastranslating c) translated
11) I… this article for an hour already when you came .a) had beentranslating b) was translating c) had translated
12) Tomorrow will be a month, when I… this article. a) shall have beentranslating
b) shall translate c) shall be translating .
Ex. 93 TranslateintoEnglish.
1) Я учусьв университете уже несколько месяцев. (study)
2) Я окончилшколу в прошлом году.(leave)
3) Вконце каждого семестра мы будем сдавать несколько экзаменов.(term, to take)
4) Мычасто работаем в лингафонном кабинете.(language laboratory)
5) Кконцу года мы представим курсовую работу нашему куратору.(to present, course paper,tutor)
Past Perfect Progressive & Future Perfect Progressive
Ex. 94 Translate into Russian.( Переведитенарусскийязык. )
1. Не hadbeen sitting here for 40 minutes when the telephone rang. 2.I had been tryingto get him on the phone all day. 3. At eight in the morning we had bee drivingfor six hours. 4. It was clear that they had bee gossiping again. 5. He'dprobably been brooding over it day and night — he was that sort. 6. We had beenwalking in the rain for many hours when we saw house. 7. She had been sittingthere for half an hour before it started raining. 8. He had been looking forthe glasses for an hour before he realized he had them in his pocket. 9. He hadbeen waiting for her for a long time before she came. 10. Tom had been doinghis homework for an hour when his friend came to see him.
Ex. 95 Поставьте предложения ввопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. I thought you had been workinghere for five years. 2. John said the children had been playing in the gardensince nine o'clock. 3. By that time she had already been studying at theuniversity for three year 4. He told me he had been working at his translationsince the morning. 5. They had been sleeping for six hours when the noisebegan. 6. She had finished her work before she went out.   
Ex. 96 Translate into Russian.( Переведитенарусскийязык. )1. They will have been sitting herefor 20 minutes when I come. 2. In ten minutes' time I shall have been hangingaround here for exactly four hours! 3. When they finish I will have beenwaiting for them for 30 minutes. 4. Tomorrow it will be a month as they havebeen working on this project. 5. When the boss will see me, I will have beenwaiting for him for 2 hours. 6. He will have been repairing his car for twoweeks on Wednesday. 7. He will have been working on his book for a year soon.
Ex. 97 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывFuture Perfect Progressive.
1.Не (tostudy) in London for two years when I come here. 2. He (to teach) German fortwo years when I begin to teach English. 3. By next July she (to live) here forfive years. 4. At six o'clock I (to work) for five hours. 5. I (to work) at thelibrary for 3 hours when you come there.
 Ex. 98 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Simple, Present Progressive,Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive.
It… (rain) all day today. I… (suspect) it…always (rain) on Sundays in England. Anyhow, it… (rain) every Sunday sinceI… (arrive) here three months ago. I… just (begin) to get used to it but I… (find) it rather monotonous! I… (live) in a boarding-house in Bayswateras I… (not, possess) enough money to stay in a hotel or a flat of my own.However, I… (enjoy) my stay here as I… already (have) many opportunitiesto meet interesting people who… (come) from all over the world. Like me,they… (study) English or else they… (work) with foreign firms that havebranches or agencies here. Some of them… (live) here for quite a long timebut even they… (not, all, speak) English very well. My friend Peter, forinstance, who… (come) from Basel, and… (come) here a year ago,… still(speak) with a strong Swiss accent. He says this is because he… (work) longhours with an export-import firm where they… (speak) little English.Although I… (be) here only three months, I… (pick) up enough English tobe able to correct Peter frequently, but as I… (learn) English at schoolhere, I have an unfair advantage over Peter, who is a good fellow, and… (be)most helpful in showing me about London during the first weeks of my stay.
Ex.99 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Simple, PresentProgressive, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Future Progressive, FuturePerfect, Future Perfect Progressive.
1.I… (wait) for you at the hotel at middaytomorrow. 2. All the time you are toiling(трудиться) in the office next week, I… (enjoy) myself on the beach!3.«Don't worry,» said the doctor, «your bones… (mend-заживать) nicely in a few days.» 4.I…(finish) everything by the time you get back tomorrow. 5.I… (have) anoperation then, so don't come until some weeks later. 6.1 wonder what I… (do)at this time tomorrow. 7.I hope you… (work) at this time tomorrow. 8. Pleaseshow me the painting when you… (complete) it. 9.I… (live) here twentyyears next September.10. When you… (do) your homework, pay particular attentionto neatness (аккуратность). 11. When you… (live)in London as long as I, you will know its geography fairly well. 12… I (see)you next week? I'd like to know for certain.
Ex. 100 Ask questions
1)The contract had been signed by the end of last month.(What)2)Thesuitcase was being packed when she called.(Was)3)The letter is being translatedfrom Russian into English at the moment by our translator.(By whom)4)The flathas been already sold.(Has)5)The house will be renovated next month.(When)6)Thefirst telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.(When)(By whom).
СопоставлениеPresent Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect иPresent PerfectProgressive1. Present Simple (действие происходит вообще, не в момент разговора)
Не usually goes to the Institute.
Он обычно ходит в институт.
2. Present Progressive (действие еще про-
исходит в момент разговора)
Не is still going to the Institute.
Он все еще идет в институт. 3. Present Perfect (действие уже произошло к моменту разговора)
Не has gone to the Institute.
Он уже ушел в институт.
4. Present Perfect Progressive (действие уже продолжалось до момента разговора и
все еще происходит)
This has been going on for two hours. Это продолжается
уже 2 часа.
СопоставлениеPast Simple, PastProgressive, Past Perfect иPast Perfect Progressive
1. Past Simple (действие проис-
ходило в прошлом, не в момент разговора)
Не went to the Institute yesterday.
Он ходил в институт вчера. 2. Past Progressive (действие все еще происходило в определенный момент прошедшего времени) Не was going to the Institute when I met him. Он шел в институт, когда я его встретил.
3. Past Perfect (действие уже
произошло к определенному моменту прошедшего времени)
Не had gone to the Institute before I came.
Он уже ушел в институт до того, как я
4. Past Perfect Progressive
(действие уже происходило до определенного момента
в прошлом и все еще продолжало
происходить) This had been going on for 2 hours when you arrived. Это продолжалось уже 2 часа, когда вы приехали.
СопоставлениеFuture Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect иFuture Perfect Progressive
1. Future Simple (действие будет
происходить в будущем)
She will go to the Institute next year.
Она будет ходить в институт в будущем году.
2. Future Progressive (действие все еще
будет происходить в определенный
момент будущего)
Не will be going to the Institute when I
meet him.Он будет идти в институт, когда я его встречу.
3. Future Perfect (действие уже
произойдет к определенному моменту в будущем) Не will have gone to the Institute before I come. Он уже уйдет в институт до того, как я приду. 4. Future Perfect Progressive (действие уже будет происходить до определенного момента в будущем и все еще будет продолжаться) This will have been going on for 2 hours when you arrive. Это будет продолжаться уже в течение 2 часов, когда вы приедете.
Ex. 101 Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголывPresent Simple, Present Progressive,Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive.
1.I… still not (find) the stocking I lost lastweek.
2.      What… you (eat)? Your lips and chin arepurple!
3.My family… (live) in the same house for 3 yearsnow.
4.…you (finish) the book I lent you last week?
5.Who… (sing) in the bath when I came in?
6. It started to rain whileI… (weed) the rockery.
7.While I… (weed), Jack… (mow) the lawn. Hefinished long before I did.
8.My wound… (ache) ever since it started to rain.
9. My ankle (лодыжка) is swollen: I… (think)I have sprained it.
10. I… (think) about it and I fancy I have found theanswer.
11.    As it is raining, I… (not, go) out.
12. Ah, there you are! I hope you… (not, wait) forme for a long time.
13 .  … anyone here (lose) a silver pencil?
14.I… (sleep) badly recently, doctor. What can I doabout it?
15.I… (try) to finish this exercise for the lasthour.
16.…your friends (arrive) in South Africa yet?
17.Yes,they… (arrive) there ten days ago.
18.I… (order) you to do it at once!
19. Go on, I… (listen) attentively.
20. What… you (do) when I came in a moment ago?
21. He… (fish) a long time but hasn't caught even aminnow yet.
22. I… (wait) for you for ages. Thank heavensyou're here at last.
23. As I… (go) down the street just now, I saw anodd(странный) scene.
24.I… (go) to see Uncle Charles quite a lotrecently.
25.I… (go) to see him again on Friday but I waskept late at the office.
26.Uncle Charles… (make) money ever since he was aboy. He's enormously rich!
27.I'm feeling unwell so I… (not, eat) anythingtoday.
28.I… (hope) nothing untoward has happened to you.
29.Our firm… (make) biscuits ever since the reignof Charles II.
30.Our firm… (make) the biscuits Wellington atebefore the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
31.… you ever (see) any elephants when you were inAfrica?
32… (work) rather hard and I feel tired.
33.    We… (learn) several new idioms today.
34.    When I… (do) my homework, I listen to thewireless before going to bed,,
35.I… (know) him for a long time; in fact he is myoldest friend.
36.I shall have to walk as I… (miss) the last bus.
37. Your English… (improve) since I started toteach you.
38… you (solve) thatproblem yet?
39 friend… already(find) a good job in the city.
40 Why… you not (speak) to him when he passed justnow?
41.What a mess! What… you (do), you naughty child?
42.   … you (see) John this week?
43. What… Caesar (say) when he crossed the Rubicon?
Ex. 102 Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголыв соответствующем времени.
1.Andnow the trade of this town (develop) with extreme rapidity and the ambition of theinhibitions (grow) along with it.
2.Haveyou any idea what she (do) when I (ring) her up tomorrow?
3.We(know) him a long time before we (give) him a position in the accounts department.
4.I wantthe full programme you (show) in the afternoon of the 4th October. I want tosee these pictures as your audiences (see) them the week before last. That (notbe) possible here, but perhaps the identical programme (run) now in some otherpicture-house.
5. Heparted from them in the firm conviction that he (receive) far more information thanhe (impart).
6. Whenyour case (come) on the stroke of the appointed hour, it (be followed) a minutelater by that of the chairman.
7. Heknew he (must) do it though he (not need) to worry about the consequences.
 8. When I was living inEngland I often (think) how unexcited these English always (be).
 9. I (stay), I am determinedto stay here for the present, until the end of June at any rate.
 10.«I thought there (may) be something forme,» she said opening the envelope. «I (have) anonymous
 letters before now and there (be), not one of themthat (not mean) something.»
 11. Nothing satisfies him, he always (complain)!
 12. By that time you (learn) that nobody can reallyhelp you but yourself.
 13. Is it the same lady I (see) you with yesterday?
 14. I (notice) a number of improvements done in this town since I last washere.
 15. They (add) a new wing to the library sincespring.
 16.I'm afraid he (not realize) the importance of thisquestion.
 17. I (dream) that I (walk) in a marvelous gardenwhen the telephone wakened me.
 18. He never (be) thesame since his accident.
 19. He got there soonerthan he (expect).
 20. He is still a verypoor singer for all he (do) to rain his voice.
 21. I have sworn that I(not go) back till I (see) all he marvels of this oriental city.
 22. I (see) him last week and he told me he (quit)his b in the dispatch department and that he (act)
 as assistant director of the invoice department fromthe beginning of the month.
 23. By the end of summer the greater part of our к (be completed).
 24. What did you do whenyou (find) out you (lose) your wallet?
 25. Look! I believe it isMrs. Stern who (cross) the street.
 26 … you ever (hear) of an honest thief?
 27.   These orphans (live) here ever since thecruelty of man (deprive) them of their homes.
 28. «What's thematter?» — «Someone (scribble) in my book!»
 29. Can you imagine thatat 6.30 the two teams (fight) for 2 hours!
 30. Hardly he (glance) atthe letter when he dashed it impatiently on the ground.
 31. The scientist diedwithout realizing that he (make) a discovery which (revolutionize) the whole
 32. I (take) to her themoment I saw her and very soon we (decide) to marry.
 33. I was afraid Diana (break) down when she (beinformed) of Alan's accident.
34 Afteryou (leave) I (must) apologize for your behavior.
 35. The militarization ofscience means the open abandonment of the high ideals by which scientists
 (be nurtured).
36. Inever (have) such a terrifying experience in my life!
37. Thatclerk (lose) his place because he (prove) dishonest.
 38. She (have) dinner here if she comes tomorrow.
 39. Listen, somebody(knock) at the door! I (suppose) it's the chairwoman. She  usually (come)before nine.
 40. After she (speak) tothe policeman she knew where she was.
Adding. Приложение.
 At the airport. В аэропорту
Terminal –аэровокзал Entrance – вход
 Flight – рейс самолета Exit – выход
Arrivals –прибытие
Departures –отправление Landing – посадка самолета
Information –справочное бюро Time of departure – время отправления
Check-in – регистрация Passport control – паспортный контроль
Gate – выход напосадку Customs – таможня
Luggageclaim – выдача багажа Lost & (and) Found– бюро забытых вещей
Delay – опоздание,рейс откладывается Duty-free Shop – магазин беспошлинной торговли
Security – службабезопасности Toilet, WC – туалет
Phrases. Фразы
Hello! Here is my ticket / passport – Здравствуйте! Вотмой билет / паспорт
Here’s a hotel reservation – Вот бронирование гостиницы
I am here on business – Я здесь по делам
I’m here on a holiday / as a tourist – Я здесь в отпуске / как турист
The purpose of my visit is personal – Цель моего визита личная
I’m here for a week – Я здесь на неделю
I shall stay at a hotel/ at my friends – Я остановлюсь в гостинице / у друзей
This bag is my hand luggage — Эту сумку я хочу взять в самолет
Here is my customs declaration — Вот моя таможенная декларация
I have nothing to declare — Мне нечего декларировать
All these things are for my use — Это мои личные вещи
I have with me Russian roubles / US dollars /euros -У меня с собой российские рубли/$/евро
My luggage is missing — У меня пропал багаж
I need an interpreter — Мне нужен переводчик
Phone this number, please- Позвоните по этому телефону, пожалуйста
Where can I take the carriage for my luggage? — Где я могу взять тележку для багажа?
Where do passengers of flight … receive luggage? — Где выдача багажа пассажирам рейса…?
I cannot find my suitcase? — Я не нахожу своего чемодана
Unfortunately, nobody has met me — К сожалению, меня никто не встретил
How can I get to the city / the hotel? — Как мне добраться до города / гостиницы?
Where is an information service of the airport?-где находится справочная службааэропорта?
Where is the indicator-board of departures/ arrivals?- Где находится табло вылета / прилета?
What an excess weight of luggage I have? — Какой у меня перевес багажа?
How much should I pay for excess weight of the luggage?- Сколько я должен заплатить заперевес?
What’s the boarding gates for the flight? — Где производится посадка на рейс?
At the airplane.Всамолете
Emergency exit — Аварийный выход No smoking — Не курить
Fasten Seat Belts — Пристегнуть ремни Vacant — Свободно
Occupied – Занято Business-class — Бизнес-класс
Economy-class — Эконом-класс Aisle [ail] – Проход
Seat – Место Seat back — Спинка кресла
Air vent – Вентилятор Life jacket — Спасательный жилет
Please, give me a blanket / a pillow / a paper bag — Дайте, пожалуйста, плед / подушку / пакетик
Help me, please to fasten the belts / to tip up the seat — Помогите мне, пожалуйста,
пристегнуть ремни / откинуть кресло
Bring me, please juice / mineral water(with ice) / tea / coffee — Принесите, пожалуйста, сок /
 минеральную воду(со льдом) / чай / кофе
I am not well. Help me, please. — Мне плохо. Помогите, пожалуйста
Atthehotel.В гостинице
B&B ( bed and breakfast) — ночлег и завтрак Reception — регистрация
Manager –администратор A double room — двухместный номер
Do not disturb — не беспокоить Fire exit — запасный выход
Service – обслуживание Money / Currencyexchange — обмен денег / валюты
No vacancies — мест нет Room number — номер комнаты
Maid – горничная Halfboard — полупансион
Room service — обслуживание в номер Key — ключ
Shower –душ Bathroom — ванная
Balcony – балкон Conditioner — кондиционер
Bathrobe – халат Slippers — тапочки
Porter — носильщик
Do you have vacant rooms? — У вас есть свободные номера?
I have a reservation. — У меня забронирован номер
I’d like a single room. — Мне нужен одноместный номер
How much is it per night? — Сколько стоит номер в сутки?
I’d like to see the room. — Можно посмотреть номер?
It’s too expensive. — Это слишком дорого
I’ll take this room. Key, please. — Я беру этот номер. Ключ, пожалуйста.
I’ll stay here for one week. — Я остановлюсь на неделю.
I need a safe. — Мне нужен сейф.
When is breakfast here? — Когда здесь завтрак?
Please, wake me up at 7 a. m. — Разбудите меня в семь часов утра,пожалуйста.
Please, call a taxi for me at 10.00 p.m. — Закажите такси, пожалуйста, на 10 часов вечера.
The toilet is out of order. — Туалетплохо работает.
The TV is out of order. — Телевизор сломался.
I’m sick, I need a doctor. — Я болен, мне нужен врач.
We are leaving. Here is the key. — Мы уезжаем. Вот ключ от номера.
The bill, please — Счет, пожалуйста.
Can I pay by credit card? — Можно оплатить кредитной картой?
Give me, please, the key of my room / one more towel. — Дайте мне, пожалуйста, ключ от
 моего номера /еще одно полотенце.
Change bed-linen, please.- Смените, пожалуйста, постельное белье.
A switch has broken / A bulb has burnt out in my room. — У меня в номере сломался
выключатель/ перегорела лампочка
Attherestaurant. В ресторане
Restaurant – ресторан Pub — паб
Snack bar – закусочная Teashop, tea room — чайная
Bar – бар Breakfast — завтрак
Lunch, dinner – обед Supper — ужин
Menu – меню Vegetarian menu — вегетарианское меню
Wine list — карта вин Bill — счет
Waiter – официант A dish of the day — дежурное блюдо
Sandwiches – бутерброды A plate — тарелка
A cup — чашка A spoon — ложка
A fork – вилка A knife — нож
A glass – бокал A napkin – салфетка
Salt – соль Sugar — сахар
Pepper – перец Mustard — горчица
Ashtray – пепельница A toothpick — зубочистка
Salad –салат Appetizer – закуска
Herring – селедка Caviar — икра
Sausage — колбаса Wine — вино
Mineralwater — вода минеральная Juice — сок
Bread – хлеб The first course — первое (блюдо)
Soup – суп Broth — бульон
The main course — второе (блюдо) Meat — мясо
Beef – говядина Pork — свинина
Lamb – баранина Chop — отбивная
Chicken – курица Veal — телятина
Fish – рыба Salmon — лосось
Fresh-water fish — речная рыба Eggs — яйца
Seafood – морепродукты Shrimps — креветки
Lobster –омар Oysters [‘oistƏs]- устрицы
Local dish — национальное блюдо Potatoes — картофель
Rice – рис Vegetables — овощи
Cucumbers – огурцыTomatoes — помидоры
Sauce [so:s] – соус Dessert [de’sƏ:t]- десерт
Coffee – кофе Tea — чай
A cake – пирожное Sweets — конфеты
Jam – варенье Fruit — фрукты
Ice-cream – мороженое Hot — горячий
Cold – холодный Fresh — свежий
Boiled – вареный Fried — жареный
Smoked – копченый Salted — соленый
Spicy – острый No salt — без соли
Sweet – сладкий Sparkling — газированный
Still — не газированный A bottle — бутылка
A table for one / two, please — Мне нужен столик на одного / надвоих .
Give me a menu, please — Дайте меню, пожалуйста
Do you have a menu in Russian? — У вас есть меню на русском языке?
What do you recommended for dinner? — Что лучше взять на обед?
I would like to order … — Я хочу еще заказать …
Where is the toilet? — Где здесь туалет?
The bill, please — Счет, пожалуйста
Thank you, the meal was very good — Спасибо, все было очень вкусно
Shops and Shopping. Магазиныипокупки.
Open – открыто Opening hours — часы работы
Close – закрыто Sale — распродажа
Ground floor — цокольный этаж Food — продукты
Men’s wear — мужская одежда Women’s wear — женская одежда
Customer services -обслуживание покупателей
Department store – универмаг Shopping centre — торговый центр
Supermarket – супермаркет Market — рынок
Basket – корзина Plastic bag — пакет
Shop assistant – продавец Customer — покупатель
Things – вещи Size — размер
Pay desk – касса Money — деньги
Change – сдача Coins — монеты
Credit card — кредитная карта Cheque — чек
Price – цена Discount – скидка
Clothes – одежда Shoes — обувь
Hats – шляпы Children clothes — товары для детей
Toys – игрушки China — посуда
Camera – фотоаппараты Household goods — хозтовары
Electric goods – электротовары Sports — спорттовары
Underwear — нижнее белье Souvenirs — сувениры
Jeweller’s — ювелирные изделияPerfumes — духи
Groceries – бакалея Confectionary — кондитерские изделия
Where is a shopping centre? – Где здесь торговый центр?
I want to buy … — Я хочу купить …
I need … — Мне нужно …
I have … — У меня есть …
I’m just looking – Я просто смотрю.
How much is it? – Сколько стоит?
Give me, please … — Дайте мне …
Where is a fitting room? – Где здесь примерочная?
Where is a lift? – Где лифт?
Show me, please … — Покажите мне …
Could you help me? – Не поможете мне?
I’ll take it – Я это беру.
It’s too small/big for me – Это мне мало / велико.
My size is … — Мой размер …
I want the same but of other colour – Мне нужен другой цвет.
Can I use a credit card? – Я могу заплатить кредитной карточкой?
Can I change this thing? – Можно обменять эту вещь?
Where is the sale here? – Где здесь распродажа?
Shall I get my money back? – Мне вернут деньги?
At the chemist’s. Ваптеке
Chemist’s, drugstore – Аптека Chemist’s shop open — Дежурная аптека
Where is the chemist’s / drugstore (амер.) here? — Где здесь аптека?
I need — Мне нужен …
Have you … — Есть у вас …?
Antibiotic — антибиотик
Iodine — йод
A bandage — бинт
An adhesive — лейкопластырь
A syringe — шприц
Painkiller — болеутоляющее
Medicine against an allergy — средство против аллергии
Febrifuge — жаропонижающее
Nose drops — капли в нос
Give me, please, something for … — Дайте мне, пожалуйста, что-нибудь от …
A headache [hedeik] — головной боли
A cold – простуды, насморка
A cough [kof] — кашля
Stomachache [stLmƏkeik] — боли в желудке
Can I get here a medicine according to the prescription? — У вас есть лекарство по этому рецепту?
How much must I pay? — Сколько с меня? (напишите, пожалуйста)
At the doctors. У врача
I’m not well — Я плохо себя чувствую.
I’m ill — Я заболел.
I need a doctor — Мне нужен врач.
Could you help me, please? — Помогите мне, пожалуйста.
I don’t speak English — Я не говорю по-английски.
Call an ambulance, please — Вызовите скорую помощь.
I have medical insurance [in’∫uƏrƏns] certificate — У меня есть медицинская страховка.
How could I take this medicine?(write it down, please) — Как принимать лекарство? (напишите пожалуйста)
before meal — до еды after meal — после еды
I have … — У меня ..
A fever — температура, жар
An ache [eik] in the throat — болит горло
A pain in the back — боль в спине
A high / low blood pressure [‘pre∫Ə] — повышенное / пониженное кровяноедавление
Disordered stomach — расстройство желудка
Could I see a dentist? — Мне нужен зубной врач.
Could I have a blood test? — Мне нужно сделать анализ крови.
Taxi. Такси
Taxi stand / taxi rank — стоянка такси
I need a taxi -Мне нужно такси.
Are you free? — Вы свободны?
This address, please — Отвезите меня по этому адресу.
To the city centre, please — Отвезите меня в центр города.
Stop here, please — Остановитесь здесь.
Wait here, please — Подождите здесь.
A receipt [risit], please — Квитанцию, пожалуйста.
A post office. A telephone.Почта. Телефон
Postbox, mailbox — почтовый ящик Postal code — почтовый индекс
Letter – письмо To send a letter — послать письмо
A stamp – марка An envelop — конверт
A postcard — почтовая открытка A telegram — телеграмма
A register letter — заказное письмо To send by E-mail — послать по электронной почте
Express delivery — срочная доставка A sender — отправитель
An addressee – получатель An address — адрес
To send a fax — отправить факс Payphone — платный таксофон (монетный)
Phone card — телефонная карточка Card phone — карточный таксофон
Mobile phone — мобильный телефон Telephone directory — телефонный справочник
To dial — набрать номер Engaged / busy — линия занята
Reversecharge call — звонок за счет вызываемого абонента
Where is a telephone here? — Где здесь телефон?
I want to make a phone call to Russia — Мне нужно позвонить в Россию
Give me, please the phone number for — Мне нужен номер телефона в …
What dialing code for … — Какой код в …?
We have been cut off — Нас разъединили.
Надписии указатели
At the city ВгородеBank Банк
Square – Площадь Cash machine(dispenser) – Банкомат
City centre — Центр городаCommission fee – Комиссионный сбор
Pedestrians only — Только для пешеходов Traveler’s cheques– Дорожные чеки
Keep left — Держитесь левой стороны Bank transfer – Банковский перевод
Keep right — Держитесьправой стороны Bank account – Банковский счет
Underground – Метро To draw money from the bank account — Снять деньги со счета
Taxi stand — Стоянкатакси Payment — Выплата
No Trespassing — Проход запрещен To cash — Обналичить
Private ( Property ), no admittance — Посторонним вход воспрещён
Danger – Опаснодля жизни! Money order – Денежный перевод
Press here – Нажмите кнопкуIn a train Впоезде
Push — От себя Tickets – Билетные кассы
Pull- К себе Left-luggage – Камера хранения
Rent a car (car rental) — Прокатавтомобилей Track — Путь
Monday – Friday only – Только по будням In a bus Вавтобусе
Admission –Входная плата Coach – Междугородный автобус
Admission free — Вход бесплатный Coach station – Автовокзал ( для междугор. авт)
Ex. 104 Fill in the gaps with the proper words.
Cooks, wakes, an hour, an early riser, ironing, lunch break, tired, alate riser, o’clock, oversleep.
1)  … is a period of time ofsixty minutes.
2)  Smoothing clothes is … .
3)  The alarm clock … me up atseven o’clock.
4)  At one p. m. we have anhour’s … .
5)  When you have a late nightyou take a risk to … next morning.
6)  It is difficult to get upin the morning if you are … .
7)  The work is very hard andI’m awfully … .
8)  Jim usually leavesuniversity at two … .
9)  She is …, so it is not aproblem for her to get up at six in the morning.
10) Who … breakfast for you in the morning.
Word list
To keep to schedule/ to be behind schedule – идти по расписанию/опаздывать
To catch/to miss the train – успеть/опоздать на поезд
Halffare – льготная плата
Fullfare – балет за полную стоимость
To go ashore – сойти на берег
To call a port – зайти в порт
Tobe/getseasick – страдать от морской болезни
Tohitch-hike – добираться «автостопом»
Waiting-room – зал ожидания
Tire (Am.)/ tyre (Br.) – шина
Spare tire – запасное колесо
Rear/front tire – задняя/передняя шина
 To fill tires with air – накачать шины
Ex. 105 Fill in the sentences with the following words.
Behind schedule, missing, fare, in advance, hitch-hiking, lower, tire,gets seasick, go ashore, destination.
1)  I want a ticket toGlasgow. How much is the … ?
2)  Fred is leaving on Monday.His … is New York.
3)  Jane doesn’t like seavoyages, she always … .
4)  Where is my suitcase? I’mafraid it may be … .
5)  It’s very difficult to geta ticket in summer, you should book it … .
6)  The train is due to arriveat six, it’s a quarter past six. The train is … .
7)  If the ship calls at aport the passengers can … .
8)  … can be rather dangerousfor young women.
9)  If the … is flat you’llhave to stop at the nearest service station and fill it with air.
10) Some people think the upper berth is less comfortable than the … one.
Ex. 106 Fill in the sentences with the verbs in theinfinitive.
Speak, not buy, arrive, go, bring, see, get, take, have, make, translate,give, redecorate.
1)  As Barbara was short iftime she decided … a taxi.
2)  My niece would like … anew baby doll and I promised … her one for her birthday.
3)  My granny learnt … Frenchwhen she was living in Switzerland.
4)  Jerry wants … a two-weektrip to the Caucasus in June.
5)  Melissa refused … to thisparty even though her friends insisted on it.
6)  My wife and I agreed … anew computer but decided … our kitchen instead.
7)  John forgot … me mycopybook so I can’t hand in my exercises today.
8)  Liz hoped … at the airportat 3.40 but because of the traffic jams she managed … there only at 4.
9)  Alec hoped … all hisclassmates at the reunion.
10) Kathleen failed … the sentences at the exam and got a poor mark.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles, which lie off thenorth-west coast of mainland Europe. Great Britain is separated from theContinent by the English Channel. «Great Britain» is a geographicalexpression but «The United Kingdom» is a political expression. Thename is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelands. GreatBritain comprises England, Wales and Scotland.
Great Britain is in fact the biggest of the group of islands which liesbetween the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The total is 242,534 sq. km.Britain is just under 1,000 km long from the south coast of England to theextreme north of Scotland, and just under 500 km across in the widest part.
The population of the United Kingdom is 57 million people. The BritishIsles today are shared by two separate and independent states. The smaller ofthese is the Republic of Ireland, with its capital in Dublin. The larger, withLondon as its capital, is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland. This long title is the result of a complicated history. The Island ofGreat Britain contains three «nations» which were separated atearlier stages of their history: England, Scotland and Wales. Wales had becomepart of the English administrative system the 16th century. Scotland was notcompletely united with England until 1707. The United Kingdom is a name whichwas introduced in 1801 when Great Britain became united with Ireland.
The largest and most densely populated part of the United Kingdom isEngland. The population of England is 47,837 million people. England is washedby the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.The name «England» is derived from the Angles. Roman rule lasted forover 300 years from A. D. 43. The last invasion of England took place in 1066when Duke William of Normandy defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings.At that time the English language was very much transformed.
 The capital of England is London, which is the largest city in Britain.It is situated on the River Thames (the most important one). There are manyrivers in England, the longest is the Severn. England is mostly a lowlandcountry. Upland regions are in the north and the south-west. Northern England,Midland and South England — each part is different but very picturesque.
The English like to spend their holiday in the Lake District, which is inthe Northern England.
The main industries in England are the wool industry (with its centre inLeeds and Bradford), heavy machinery, shipbuilding, the cotton industry (thecentre is Manchester).
 Scotland is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain. Itspopulation is over 5 million people. Scotland was inhabited mainly by thePicts.
 In the 6th century, the Scots from Ireland (or Scotia) settled in what isnow Argyll, giving their name to the present-day Scotland. During the 9thcentury, the various parts of Scotland united in defence against the Vikings.The powerful monarchy which existed in England threatened Scottish independencethroughout
the Middle Ages. In 1603 James VI of Scotland became also James I ofEngland when Queen Elizabeth I of England died without children. In 1651Scotland was united with England, although
Scotland kept its own parliament. In 1707, both countries, realizing thebenefits of closer political and economic union, agreed on a single parliamentfor Great Britain.
 The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between England and Scotland. Thegreater part of Scotland is surrounded by sea. Scotland includes the Hebridesoff the west coast and the Orkney and Shetland islands off the north coast. Itis bounded by the North Sea on the east.
 Scotland is divided into three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands andthe Southern Uplands. The Highlands are among the oldest mountains in theworld. There are a lot of valleys and lakes in this region, the best known lakeis Loch Ness.
Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands. The biggestcity is Glasgow. It is an industrial city and an important port in the UnitedKingdom. Shipbuilding is the leading industry. But other industries such asiron and steel, engineering and coal-mining are highly developed too. Thecapital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is the cultural centre of Scotland.
 In 1301 after defeating the native princes of Wales, King Edward I ofEngland named his son Prince of Wales. Since then the eldest son of the King orQueen of England has traditionally been given this title. In 1536 Wales wasbrought into the English system of national and local government by the Act ofUnion.
 Most of Britain was inhabited by Celts until the 4th century. Welsh andEnglish are both official languages in Wales now.
 The population of Wales is over 3 million people. About 75% of thepeople of Wales live in urban districts.
 Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a countryof mountains and deep valleys. South Wales is a land of high hills. The capitalof Wales is Cardiff (an industrial city and a port). Cardiff is anadministrative and educational centre. Such industries as coal-mining, steelproduction, electronics, electrical engineering are developed in this part ofthe country.
 The Welsh are fond of folk music, singing and poetry. Welsh literatureis one of the oldest in Europe.
 Northern Ireland
 A number of kingdoms had emerged in Ireland before the Christian era.Ireland didn't escape the invasion of the Vikings, who dominated the countryduring the 10th century. In 1169 Henry II of England launched an invasion ofIreland. He had been granted its overlordship by the English Pope Adrian IV whowanted to bring the Irish church into full obedience to Rome.
 The English Civil Wars (1642—1651) led to uprisings in Ireland whichwere crushed by Cromwell. During the 18th century various efforts were made byBritish Government to achieve stability. In 1800 the Act of Union between GreatBritain and Ireland was signed. The «Irish question» continued as oneof the major problems of
British politics during the 19th century. In 1985 the Angle-IrishAgreement was signed in Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. Thepopulation of Northern Ireland is about 1.5 million people. It occupiesone-sixth of the territory of the United Kingdom. 53% of the population live inurban areas. The largest industry is agriculture. The main industrial centreand a large port is Belfast.
1) Answer the questions.
1) When did Scotland and Wales start being governed from London?
2) What are the Welsh fond of?
3) Why is Britain warmer than other countries on the same latitude?
4) How can you explain that London is drier than continental cities?
5) Why is the south of Great Britain better suited to farming than thewest or the north?
6) Prince Charles is Prince of Wales. Where does this title come from?
7) What are the main industries in England?
8) What regions is Scotland divided into?
9) When was the Act of Union between Great
 Britain and Ireland signed?
2) Fill in the gaps.
1) «Great Britain» is a… expression.
2) Great Britain is a group of islands which lies between… and… .
3) The total area of Great Britain is ....
4) The capital of the Republic of Ireland is ....
5) The name of the United Kingdom was introduced in… .
6) Roman rule in England lasted for over… years.
7)… is an administrative and educational centre of Wales.
8)… mark the boundary between England and Scotland.
9)… dominated Ireland during the 10th century.
10) In 1985 the Anglo-Irish Agreement was signed in ....
3) Choose the right answer.
1.The longest river is
a) the Thames.
b) the Severn.
c) the Avon.
2. England is separated from Scotland by...
a) the Pennines.
b) the Southern Uplands.
c) the Cheviot Hills.
 Read the text and answer the questions:
 London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very old city. It is twothousand years old. London is not only the capital of the country, it is also ahuge port. London is situated upon both banks of the Thames. There 17 bridgesacross the river. The population of London is about 9 million people. Londonhas got three parts: the City of London, the West End, the East End.
 The City of London is the oldest part of London. You can see narrowstreets and pavements there. There are many offices, firms and banks in thispart of London. The City of London is the financial centre of the UnitedKingdom.
The West End is the centre of London. There are many sights in the WestEnd. They are, for example, the Houses of Parliament with Big Ben. It isinteresting that the clock «Big Ben» came into service in 1859. BigBen is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13.5 tons.
 The other interesting place is Westminster Abbey, which was founded in1050. It is situated in the centre of London. Many great Englishmen were buriedin the Abbey: Newton, Darvin and others.
 The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. It wasbuilt in the 18th century.
 There are many nice squares in London. Trafalgar Square is one of themand it is in the centre of the West End. One can see a statue of Lord Nelson inthe middle of this square. There are many museums, libraries and galleries inLondon. The Tate Gallery is one of the well-known galleries in London. HenryTate was a sugar manufacturer. He was fond of paintings and collected manypictures.
 The British Museum is a very interesting place in London. It was foundedin 1753. The library of this museum has a lot of books. The East End of Londonis the district for the working people. There are many factories, workshops,docks there. There are many cars and buses in London. There is a tube (anunderground) in London, too. It is a nice one. One can say that the City is themoney of London, the West End is the goods of London, the East End is the handsof London.
The Houses of Parliament – зданиепарламента huge — огромный
The Thames — p. Teмзa pavement — тротуар
Population – население workshop – мастерская, цех
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
2. What do you know about the population of Great Britain?
3. Are there any beautiful parks in London?
4. Name three main parts of London.
5. What kind of interesting places are there in London?
6. Where is Trafalgar Square?
7. What do you know about the British Museum?
8. Where is the official London residence of the Queen?
9. The Tate Gallery is one of the well-known galleries in London, isn'tit?
10. Have you been to London
The British Museum
The British Museum was opened in 1753. It grew out of collections ofthree rich men. George II gave the royal library to the museum in 1757. Thecollection is enormous, and covers ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China andJapan, as well as prehistoric times.
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum ( V&A ) is named after Queen Victoria andher husband Prince Albert. It grew out of the collection of objects bought forthe Great Exhibition in London in 1851.
National Gallery
National Gallery has a collection of Italian, Dutch, German and Frenchpictures. The National gallery is rich in paintings by Italian masters such asRaphael and Veronese. It has pictures of European schools of art such as worksby Rembrandt, Rubens and El Greco. The gallery is open seven days a week andadmission is free.
Tate Gallery
The Tate Gallery opened in 1897and is named after Sir Henry Tate, whodonated his collection of 65 paintings to the nation. Now it is the NationalGallery of Modern Painting. There is a large collection of Europeantwentieth-century art there.
The Tower
The Tower of London is a very old building. It is more than 900 yearsold. English kings lived in it many years ago, but now it is a museum. Peoplewho come to London like to go to the Tower. It was a fortress, a royal palaceand later a prison. The ravens are another famous sign. The legend says thatwithout them the Tower will fall.
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag isflying on the top she is at home. The Buckingham Palace is the Royal residence.It was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. King George III bought thepalace in 1761. It is now the official home of Queen Elizabeth and the BritishRoyal Family. There are nearly six hundred rooms in the palace and three milesof red carpet. Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station,two post offices, a hospital, a bar, two sport clubs, a disco, a cinema and aswimming pool. Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700people work for the Palace.
Big Ben
Ben is the name of the huge clock in one of the tall towers of the Housesof Parliament. The Houses of Parliament is the largest modern building in therichest Gothic style completed in 1857. It stands on the left bank of the riverThames and is 940 ft in length. Those who want to get a front view of thebuilding should look at it from a boat on the Thames. Clock Tower, overlooking WestminsterBridge is 316 ft high and 40 ft square. People are allowed to get inside theTower so they can see the works of Big Ben. There is no lift and there arethree hundred and forty steps up to Big Ben. The faces of the clock are verylarge. The minute hand is 14 ft long, the hour hand is 9 ft, the figures are 2ft long.
Nelson’s Column
Nelson's Column is named after the greatest admiral Lord Nelson. It is avery tall column and a figure of Nelson on top of it. Equally famous is thegeneral who led the army at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. This is the Duke ofWellington. His house stands at Hyde Park Corner. It is sometimes named asNumber One, London. Like Admiral Nelson, the Duke of Wellington is buried in StPaul’s Cathedral.
1) Find the English equivalents in the text.
Королевскаябиблиотека, огромный, древний, доисторический, назван в честь, картина,современное искусство, крепость, тюрьма, вороны, легенда, готический стиль,ступени, минутная стрелка, колонна, герцог.
2) Find in the text and put the words in the correct order.
1) gallery, open, the, days, admission, free, a week, is, and, is.
2) London, very, building, Tower, is, a, old, the, of.
3) flying, when, is, on, top, she, at home, the, flag, the, is.
3) True or False
1) Victoria and Albert Museum ( V&A ) is named after Queen Victoria.
2) George II gave the royal library to the museum in 1757.
3) National Gallery has a collection of Italian and Dutch pictures.
5) Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Prime Minister.
6) Ben is the name of the huge clock in one of the tall towers of
Buckingham Palace.
7) The legend says that without the ravens the Tower will fall.
8) People are not allowed to get inside the Tower.
9) Nelson's Column is named after the Duke of Wellington.
10) The Duke of Wellington led the army at the battle of Waterloo in1815.
Exchanges of Russia
There are different types of exchanges all over the world. They are commodityexchanges, currency exchanges and stock exchanges. The first exchanges inRussia were commodity exchanges as the country is rich in natural resources.Besides at the end of the 80s there was a growing shortage of goods andraw materials and the centrally planned system collapsed.Currencyexchanges have been operating in this country since 1989. Their task is tofix the official rates of exchange. In the course of the tradingsessions freely-convertible currency is bought and sold for Russianroubles.
The first stock exchange, the Moscow International Stock Exchange, wasestablished in 1990. Among its founders were the Ministry of Finance and anumber of banks. The other stock exchange is the Moscow Central Stock Exchangewhich is closely connected with the Commodity Exchange and the regional stockexchanges. Stock exchanges regulate the circulation of shares issuedby joint stock companies. All these types of exchanges help Russiaimprove its financial system during its transition to a market economy.
Making a contract
Contract as a document
A contract is the most accepted form of formal document confirming thedecision of the contracting parties to carry out mutual business obligations.The major contract clauses include articles on legal titles of the parties,subject of the contract, quality and quantity of the goods, terms ofinspection, delivery and payment, requirements for parking and marking, claimsand arbitration and other articles.
Dear Sirs,
We were greatly impressed by the samples of your goods which we saw ondisplay at the exhibition last November. We were very interested inestablishing contract with you and feel that we shall be able to do successfulbusiness provided your terms and conditions are acceptable for us. Please letus have your catalogues and latest price-lists quoting your best terms andprices. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your enquiry of … which has given our careful attention. Weenclose detailed quotations for a wide range of our product. We can make a firmoffer to meet any delivery dates. The prices and the terms of payment willdepend on our mutual agreement. If you place a big order we shall be able togive you a discount. Your early reply will be appreciated.
Your faithfully,
Preliminary discussion
F: Well, Mr. R., you’ve studied our offer and seen our samples, haven’tyou? What’s your final decision?
R.: We like samples 5 and 8, they suit us. The quality is excellent andwe think the goods will go down well in our market if the prices arereasonable.
F.: You are right. We’ve been selling out goods for two years and verysuccessfully. Sample 8 is our latest modified model. Are you going to place abig order?
R.: Yes, … pieces for prompt delivery and … pieces for delivery in fourequal lots of … per month within 4 months of signing the contract.
F.: We are quite able to meet the dates. We have a big stock. Do youprefer CAF terms?
R.: Yes, no insurance. And you remember my remark, don’t you, Mr. F.?Isaid: If the prices are competitive. We would like you to give us a discount of5%.
F.: That’s too much. As a special concession to a new customer, we cangive you a 3.5% discount. And payment by an irrevocable confirmed L/D(аккредитив) which you will open right aftersigning the contract.
R.: Good, it’s a deal. We’ll be able to sign the contract this week, Ithink.
Performing the contract
R.: Welcome to Moscow. Mr. F., I’m glad to see you, though the occasionis not quite pleasant.
F.: I hope we’ll settle everything. I hear you have problems with customsclearance?
R.: Yes, you see we couldn’t clear the goods because there was adiscrepancy between the bill and your invoices.
F.: Yes, I’ve seen to that, everything will be all right. Anything else?
R.: Yes, in the first consignment some items proved to be of inferior qualityand there was a short -delivery of 10 pieces.
F.: My best apologies, Mr. R… May I have a copy of your report? It’s thefirst complaint we’ve ever had from your companies. We’ll arrange for immediateshipment of short-delivered items and replace the interior ones.
R.: Good. But I’m afraid we’ll have to revise some parts of the contract.
The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of usersall over the world, began in the United States in 1996 as a military experiment.It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internettakes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because ofthis, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with eachother as long as there is a single route between them. This technology iscalled packed switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers on thenetwork are knocked out ( by a nuclear explosion, for example), informationwill just route around them. One such packet-switching network which hasalready survived a war is the Iraqi computer network which was not knocked outduring the Gulf War. Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are inthe United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries.Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobodyknows exactly how many people use the Internet, there are millions worldwide,and their number is growing by thousands each month.
 The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people, whohave access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receivinge-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet:reading USENET News, using the World-Wide-Web, telnet, FTP, and Gopher.
 In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with areliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications systemsof these countries. Commercial users can communicate cheaply over the Internetwith the rest of the world. When they send e-mail messages, they only have topay  for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls acrosstheir countries or around the world. But who actually pays for sending e-mailmessages over the Internet long distances, around the world? The answer  isvery simple: users pay their service provider a monthly or hourly fee. Part ofthis fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider, andpart of the fee received by the larger provider goes to cover its cost ofrunning a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations.
But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they can makemoney from the Internet, commercial use of this network will drasticallyincrease. For example, some western architecture companies and garment centersalready transmit their basic designs and concepts over the Internet into China,where they are reworked and refined by skilled – but inexpensive- Chinesecomputer-aided-design specialists.
However, some problems remain. The most important is security. When yousend an e-mail message to somebody, this message can travel through manydifferent networks and computers. The data is constantly being directed towardsits destination by special computers called routers .However, because of this,it is possible to get into any of the computers along the route, intercept andeven change the data being send over the Internet.
In spite of the fact that there are many good encoding programsavailable, nearly all the information being sent over the Internet istransmitted without any form of encoding, i. e. “in the clear”. But when itbecomes necessary to send the important information over the network, theseencoding programs may be useful. Some American banks and companies even conducttransactions over the Internet. However, there are still both commercial andtechnical problems which will take time to be resolved.
Answer the questions: 1) What is the Internet? 2) What was the Internetoriginally designed for? 3) What country are most of the Internet hostcomputers in? 4) What is the most popular Internet service? 5) Whom do you haveto pay for sending e-mail messages?
Clothing Design
The conception of the design is the initial phase in clothingconstruction. The first consideration in design must be the function of thegarment. Is it to be for a formal occasion, everyday wear, for work or forplay? Once the purpose of the garment has been established the specific designcan be developed. The idea for the design may come from the style that was seenon the street, a garment viewed in a store window, a sketch in a clothingcatalog, or from the imagination of the designer. Many interesting designs canbe created by combining various standard sleeve and collar patterns with basic bodystyles.
Pattern Drafting
Pattern Drafting is the first step in the process of turning a designconception into a reality. There are three basic elements to work with duringdrafting: 1. the sketch which shows the desired design, 2. the material whichmust be used, 3. the measurements of the person who will wear the clothes.Ready — to — wear designers will use the manufacturer's basic patterns whichhave been developed to fit as many people as possible.
Most of our clothes, of course are produced in factories. They are made ina variety of standard sizes, so that they can fit people of any size and shape.These clothes are called ready — to wear clothes. But to get a perfect fit,you must go to a dressmaker. She takes your exact measurements and makesclothes specially for you. This process is called dressmaking. The dressmakerbuys some dress material and a paper pattern of a design she likes. Then she makesthe cutting. Then she sews the dress together on a sewing machine. She has tofinish the seems, sew on pockets and buttons, make button holes and put in zippers.
Fashionis an art and an industry. It has long played a secondary role in the history ofapplied arts, but the development of the fashion industry in the post-war period wasconnected with changing life-stylesandtastes. Theimmediatepost-war period was adifficult time for fashion: there was no atmosphere and there were shortages ineverything, including materials. Inthefifties the situation improved. A new trend appeared in fashion — the fashion of the young.Young people wanted inexpensive, ready-made clothes, sometimes even vulgar andshocking.
The sixties were famousfor «fashion revolution». Itwasa decade of extremes. Youthdemanded an end to rules in fashion, their idea was classless, casual style.
Put in the necessary word.
1)  Most of our clothes areproduced in …… a)clothing industry b) factories c) dressmaking
2)  They are called …. clothes.a) cutting b) factory c) ready-to-wear
3)  The dressmaker makesclothes specially for you. The dressmaker buys some material and makes a ……. a)design b) pattern c) shape
1.  Find the synonyms.
1)  clothes a) sewing industry
2)  fit b) to be the rightsize
3)  clothing industry c) mill
4)  factory d) work out
5)  develop e) manufacture
6)  produce f) apply
7)  use g) cloth, fabric
8)  material h) garment, dress
2.  Установите, в какойпоследовательности выполняет операции портниха.
- Shefinishes the seams
- Shesews the dress together on a sewing machine
- Shemakes the cutting
- Shebuys a pattern of a design
- Shebuys some dress material
- Thedressmaker takes your exact measurements.
I Thanks Благодарность
Thank you (very much). Большое спасибо Thanks. Спасибо
Thank you for doing it. Спасибо за то, что вы это сделали. Thank you for coming. Спасибо за то, что вы пришли Thank you fortelling me about it. Спасибо за то, что вы сказали мне об этом. Thank you for the trouble you've taken. Спасибо за беспокойство, которое вывзяли на себя.
Thank you for a wonderful evening. Спасибо за чудесный вечер
Thank you in advance Заранее благодарен вам.
It was very kind of you to do it С вашей стороны было очень любезно сделать это.
I am very much obliged. Я вам очень признателен
I am very grateful to you. Я вам очень благодарен You' ve done me a great favour Вы мне сделали большое одолжение
Replies Ответы
You' re welcome. Пожалуйста(к вашим услугам). Don't mention it. Not at all. Не стоит благодарности.
No trouble at all. Никакого беспокойства.
The pleasure was all mine. Это вы мне доставили удовольствие.
1.  I'm sorry Извините, простите
2.  Excuse me.
3.  I bed your pardon.
4.  Pardon (me).
5.   Excuse my disturbing you. Простите, что я вас беспокою
6.   Excuse my troubling you. Простите за беспокойство
7.  I must apologize to you. Я должен извиниться перед вами
8.  Apologize to Ann for me. Извинитесь перед Энн за меня
9.   Sorry? I' ve kept you waiting Простите, что заставил вас ждать
10. I didh't mean to hurt you. Я не хотел сделать вам больно
11. Don't be cross with me. Не сердитесь на меня
12. Forgive me, please Простите меня, пожалуйста
13. Sorry to interrupt you Простите, что перебиваю вас
Replies ОтветыThat'sall right Все в порядке
No trouble at all. Никакогобеспокойства.
Never mind Ничего
Forget it Забудьте это
You needn't apologize. It's my fault. Вам нет нужды извиняться. Это моя вина
No harm done Вы не сделали никакого вреда
No offence taken Я не обиделся
III What We Say When Meeting People Что мы говорим при встрече с людьми
How are you? Как вы?
How are you getting on? Как дела? How are you getting on with…? Как у вас дела с…?
What' s the matter? Что случилось?
What' s the matter with Pete? Что случилось с Питом?
I'm glad to meet you. Рад познакомиться с вами.
It' s long time since we met last. Прошло много времени с тех пор как мы встречались. I was missing you (badly).Я (очень) скучал по тебе (вас).
I haven't seen you for ages. Я не видел вас сто лет.
I don't see much of you. Я редко вас вижу.
PositiveReplies Положительные ответы
1.  Quite well Вполне хорошо.
2.  Everything is all right Все в порядке.
3.  Not too well Не слишком хорошо.
4.  So-so Так себе.
5.  Middling Средне. .
6.  Nothing to boast of Хвастаться нечем
IV. Invitation. Arrangements Приглашение. Договоренность.
1. Нave you anything special (on)Sunday)? Вы занятычем-нибудь особенным в воскресенье?
2. Are you engaged? Вы заняты?
3. What are you plans for…? Каковываши планы на…?
4. May I invite you to the party? Можно пригласить вас на вечер?
5. May I invite you for dance? Можно пригласить вас на танец?
6. Shall we dance? Потанцуем?
7. May I see you home? Можно проводить вас до дома?
8. Will it be all right with you? Вас это устроит?
 RepliesОтветы. PositiveRepliesПоложительные ответы
1. All right Хорошо.
2. With pleasure С удовольствием.
3. I don't mind Не возражаю
4. That' s fine Прекрасно.
5. That' s good idea Хорошая идея.
6. Not a bad idea Неплохая мысль.
7. I' Il be delighted Я буду рад (доволен).
8. That suits me very well Меня это очень устраивает.
9. That' s settled. (Settled) Решено.
10. I don't care. Мне все равно.
Negative RepliesОтрицательные ответы
1. I'm afraid I can't Боюсь что несмогу 2. I'm afraid I'm busy Боюсь, что занят (а)
V. Congratulations and Wishes Поздравленияипожелания
Congratulations! Поздравляю!
Please accept my heartiest and sincerest wishes Примите мои самые сердечные пожелания
My best congratulations to you on… Мои поздравления с …
Many happy returns of the day! С днем рождения!
A happy New Year! С новым годом!
Best wishes to you! Наилучшие пожелания к…
My best wishes to you! Мои наилучшие пожелания вам!
May all the dreams come true. Пусть сбудутся все ваши мечты
I wish you all the happiness in the world. Желаю вам огромного счастья
I wish you good luck. Доброй удачи вам!
I wish you every success Желаю вам всяческих успехов (во всем)
I wish you success in passing your examination Желаю успешной сдачи экзамена
VI. Knowlenge of Languages Знаниеязыков
What does this word mean? Что означает это слово?
Speak slowly,please Говорите медленно пожалуйста
Is my pronunciation correct? Мое произношение правильное?
I can read English a little bit Я могу читать по-английски немного
I read with the help of a dictionary Я читаю с помощью словаря
Please, say it again Повторите пожалуйста
Spell the word, please Назовитеслово по буквам пожалуйста
We need an interpreter Нам нужен переводчик
She speaks broken English Она говорит на ломанном английском
His English is poor Он слабо знает английский
His vocabulary is rather rich Его словарный запас довольно богатый
Can you speak a bit louder? Вы можете говорить немного громче?
Don' t speak so fast. Не говорите так быстро
I didn' t quite catch what you said Я не вполне уловил, что вы сказали
Look up the new word in a dictionary. Посмотрите новое слово в словаре
I would like to read the book in the original Я бы хотел прочесть книгу в оригинале
I'd like to take English lessons Я бы хотела брать уроки английского языка
VII. Special Cases of Replies Особыеслучаиответов
By all means Обязательно
To my regret К моему сожалению
It's nothing to speak of Не о чем говорить
It's high time to Давно пора
So much the better Тем лучше
Don't worry Не беспокойтесь
At all costs Чего бы это ни стоило
Don't be in a hurry Не торопитесь
With pleasure С удовольствием
Let's hope for the best Давайте надеяться на лучшее
O. K. Хорошо, ладно
Take it easy Не волнуйтесь (не переживайте)
I see Понятно
I can't make up my mind Я не могу решить
Look like that Похоже на то
 Watch you language Выбирайте выражения
Good for you! Молодец!
 Mind your own business! Не вмешивайтесь
I take it for granted. Я считаю это само собой разумеющимся
Pull yourself together Возьмите себя в руки
I am inclined to think… Я склонен думать что…
Leave me alone Оставьте меня в покое
It's a pity Жаль
Leave it to me Предоставьте это мне
VIII. Disagreement. Denial. Doubt. Несогласие. Отрицание.
I don't agree with you Я не согласен с вами
I don't agree to your opinion Я не согласен с вашим мнением
On the contrary! Наоборот!
Nothing of the kind Ничего подобного!
I am afraid you are wrong Боюсь, что вы не правы
I shouldn' t say so Я бы не сказалэтого!
One never can tell Я не уверен
One never knows Никогда нельзя сказать с уверенностью
 IX. Surprise andUnexpectedness Удивлениеинеожиданность
Really?   Да?Действительно?
Is that really so?  Всамомделе?
Well, it is a surprise!  Вотэтосюрприз!
You don’t say so!         Дану!Чтовыговорите!
What a coincidence! [kou’ insidns]  Какоесовпадение!
The world we live in! Нуи ну! Ну и дела (творятся в мире)!
Believe it or not. Хотитеверьте,хотитенет.
Justfancy! (разг.) Можете себепредставить!
That beats everything! Ну,знаете!Такогоя еще не слышал (не видел)!
It’snews tome. Это новость для меня.
Oh, dear! / Dear me! Нуину!
Do you really mean it? Выэто действительно имеете в виду?
X. Encourangement. Sympathy. Regret. Comfort
Ободрение. Симпатия. Сожаление. Утешение
Cheerup! Не унывайте!
Goahead.  Продолжайте.(Действуйте.)
Don’tworry.  Не беспокойтесь.
Pullyourself together.Возьмите себя в руки.
Take it easy! / Don’t take it Непринимайтеэтоблизко
very much to heart [ ha:t]!  ксердцу
Don’t get upset (about it).  Нерасстраивайтесь (из-за этого)
Let’s hope for the best. Будемнадеятьсяналучшее.
Everything will come round. Всеобойдется.
Thingshappen. Всякое бывает.
XI. Worry. Anxiety. Trouble Беспокойство.Волнение.Хлопоты
I am worried. Яобеспокоен.
I am (very much) upset. Яоченьрасстроен.
Things are bad with me. Делау меня обстоят очень плохо.
I am in fix (разг.).Яв затруднительном положении.
That’sthe trouble.Вот в чем беда проблема.
Wewon’tmanage it.Мы не сумеем сделать (устроить) это.
Ifeel uneasy.Я чувствую себя неловко.
It’s quite a job (разг.).Этаработа не из легких.
I’m unwell. Мненехорошо.
What troubles you? Чтовасбеспокоит?
What achievements of your country are you proud of?
Our motherland, Russia, has great achievements in all fields: technology,science, culture and education. It is almost impossible to name the branch ofscience in the development of which Russian scientists haven’t played thegreatest role.
M. Lomonosov was one of the most learned men in Europe. He was anoutstanding innovator both in the humanities and sciences. He founded the firstRussian University. Mendeleev’s greatest discovery was the Periodic System ofElements. Popov invented radio. Sechenov and Pavlov were the world’s greatestphysiologists.
Russia is rightly called the mother of aviation and interplanetarynavigation. Tsiolkovsky is the father of rocket flying. He formulated theprinciples of jet propeller flying machines for interplanetary communication.Mozhaisky’s aeroplane was the first of the world.
One more great achievement of Russian science is Gagarin’s flight inspace. He was the first man in space. People all over the world know his smile.Our scientists and technologists build modern spaceships of highest quality.They keep the traditions of Tsiolkovsky and Korolyov.
Our scientists build many combat machines of highest quality and veryquickly during the Great Patriotic War. The courage of the soldiers wasastonishing.
It is very interesting that Nobel, the Swedish inventor, and his sonsbuilt several mechanical plants in Russia. As well as science and technology,the culture of Russia is famous all over the world. When we speak about Russianculture, we must speak about opera and ballet, music, fine arts, literature,and circus.
As for the ballet, the Russian school of ballet is known for itswell-trained and beautiful dancers, such as Anna Pavlova, Maya Plisetskaya,Ilse Liepa, Rudolf Nuriev, and beautiful ballets, such as “The Nutcracker” and“Swans’ Lake” by Tchaikovsky, “Spartak” by Hachaturyan. Russian ballet-dancersdo very difficult elements.
Russian opera is well-known, too. Such masterpieces as “Ivan Sousanin”and “Ruslan and Ludmila” by Glinka are in the collection of the best operas ofthe world. Every year thousands of Russian citizens and tourists enjoy “EvgeneOnegin” and “The Queen of Spades” by Tchaikovsky.
Russian composers Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Dunaevsky, Pakhmutova andothers have created beautiful music. Russian modern composers follow theirtraditions.
Russian painters and schools of painting started centuries ago, beginningwith icon- painting. Well-known icon-painters Pheophan Greek and AndreyRublyov, as well as unknown artists, created masterpieces which attracttourists from all over the world. Russian painters always wanted to express theRussian soul and the beauty of Russia in their pictures. Landscapes of Levitanand Shishkin, historical canvases of Suricov and Repin, mythological picturesof Vrubel and Vasnetsov charm the visitors of the museums.
Russian literature is known as an example of good style. Since the firstprinting-house of Ivan Fyodorov began to work, the Russian people have neverstopped to read. Our writers of the XIX century – Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov,and Fyodor Dostoevsky – are studied at all Russian schools. The modern writersare appreciated not only in Russia, but in many countries. Michail Sholokhovwas awarded the Nobel Prize in 1965. Modern detective novels by Vainerbrothers, and Marinina are entertaining, their characters look like realpeople. Science fiction by Strugatsky brothers gives much food for thought.Nowadays, when our civilization is at cross-roads, their novels show us wherewe can come.
Verse of Russian poets, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Yesenin,Mayakovsky, and Rozhdestvensky, are translated into many languages. Russianpoet Joseph Brodsky (1940-1996) was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1987.
Russian circus was and is famous. Russian animal trainers the Durovscreated a new school of animal training, which is called “emotional”, or“pain-free”. Since then Russian animal trainers have put up many difficultshows, for example, with elephants and tigers, who are natural enemies.Kuklachov has a great cat show, though, you know, it is believed, cats can notbe trained. Russian conjurers Kio and Akopyan have created miracles on thestage.
Russian achievements in sport are great. Just remember the world chesschampions Karpov, Kasparov and Kramnik, Russian figure skaters such as: IrenaSluzhkay, Evgene Plutchenko, and others; the Russian school of athletics andweight-lifting.

Irregular verbs Неправильныеглаголы
(1 форма)
Past Indefinite
(2 форма)
Participle 2
(3 форма) Перевод
To be
To become
To begin
To break
To bring
To build
To burn
To buy
To choose
To come
To cut
To do
To draw
To drink
To drive
To eat
To fall
To feel
To fight
To find
To fly
To forget
To get
To give
To go
To grow
To have
To hear
To hold
To keep
To know
To lead
To learn
To leave
To let
To light
To lose
To make
To mean
To meet
To put
To read
To run
To say
To see
To send
To set
To shut
To sing
To sit
To sleep
To speak
To spend
To stand
To take
To teach
To tell
To think
To throw
To understand
To win
To write
Was, were
Learnt, learned
Read (red)
Learnt, learned
Read (red)
Начинать (ся)
Гореть, жечь
Тащить; рисовать
Получать; становиться
Идти; ехать
Расти; выращивать
Держать; хранить
Учить (ся)
Сказать; говорить
Помещать; класть

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