The RoughPortrait In orderthat the reader from the first lines of this laconic labour understood, whathe, actually, reads, I shall state the essence of the given work. My task is todepict a portrait of the person, well known for me, and, I think, the fact thatas an image for display I have selected the beloved girl is quite logical. Frankly speaking, I should fulfil the similarwork for the first time, accordingly
I beg the reader to condemn style andessence of the statement of this treatise not too strictly. My chosen girl bears widespread, but ratherbeautiful name ANN. Being born under the sign of the Lion, she is naturallythe extremely selfish girl. I suppose, that selfishness - the most vulnerableparty of her character, because it s rather easy to injure it, even having aconversation about the most ordinary things.
She is very haughty and often goes with unreasonable highly lifted head. Bythe way about a head, her head, as it seems, is rather correct form, though atfirst it can be seemed, that the plump cheeks give her an excessive roundness.Ann s got the dark - chestnut hair, by average length. She is especiallycharming when her ringlets twist, creating the wonderful image.
The features ofher face are extremely soft, even, carefully looking, it is difficult to findthe rough lines or distorted forms. I m not the master of describing a man sface with appropriate vivacity, therefore I ll make only mention, that herbeautiful grey eyes, looking at you from the bottomless depths, are in harmonywith already mentioned pink cheeks, scarlet lips, correct form nose andperfected chin. Now, I guess, according to above-stated it is easy tocomprehend the source of her s selfish nature
don t using the influence ofLion s constellation. However let reader does not think, that this girl,stamping by pride, is not capable to self-renunciation and self-scourge she sgot the natural forces which can resist an attack of her s selfishness andtriumph in struggle with it. She is very kind and sympathising and never remaindeaf to the martyr s groanings. She is ardent and gentle soul, the flower,which being grown on the ground of environmental world of
foulness andabomination, similarly to all known heroine of the Hugo s novel Repudiated Kozetta, has remained pure and chaste, and has bristledup by thorns, which is called as pride. However these abstract reflections, asit seems, do not give any useful information, therefore we shall continue onlythe physiological description of her s body. Ann s growth is hardly lower thanyours most obedient servant, that is about 168 centimetres, she s
a beautifulfigure and athletic constitution. The Frenchman probably would call her pretty,but I prefer to call her charming. The above mentioned head harmoniously issupplemented by the thin neck, rather fragile shoulders, beautiful hands andaverage of length legs. Her body, arrayed in the beautiful clothes, isrepresented itself a show verily magnificent, even the most experienced personcan come into the confusion.
But enough these pathosfull and ardent speeches,because all that you read above is only my personal vision of her, and isdoubtless that the reality of my description can be subjected by the reasonablecriticism, but as a whole, I believe, I have not departed far from the truth.Выполнил студент группы И-2-4Москаленко Антон