Write a short story about giving or receiving some good or bad news In 1998 Institute Soros Fund . The task was towrite a work, devoted to general or specific problems of Russian or EuropeanLaw. There was a time limit to send the work it should have been sent untilOctober, 15th, 1998. This date was only a month from the date
Iattended my first lecture at the University. So, I was in a great hurry, butnevertheless I was able to compose the work in time. It was based on my schoolknowledge of Law only, and it was sent on October, 14th, 1998.I have no chances to win a prize that wasmore than 1000 . But, absolutely unexpectedly for me in March of 1999
Ireceived a letter from Moscow saying I was one of the winners. That was surprisinglygood news. I do not usually believe in the supernatural and predestiny I was about fifteen or may besixteen. One day I was depressed and very absent-minded. I was walking round myhouse and, unexpectedly strike against one old man. I excused and was going tocontinue my way, but the old man stopped me and saying that
I wouldn t havesuccess in life and die early, because it is my destiny, it s prescribed for meby stars. He also told me many other unpleasant things about my current and futurelife constantly insisting that I d die very soon and that I wasn t able tochange anything I was staying silently hearing these words and getting moreand more angry and finally I replied in the following way Well, everything ischanging.
Things are getting older, so do people, and I m not an exception, ofcourse. Each day I become one day older, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12months a year, and who knows how many years in life That s the Rule we cannotoverride and the Law we can t break. Like it or not, but each man has to obeyit. So do
I, and therefore I don t think about getting older at all. I justlive my usual life without being troubled about it. That doesn t mean that Ibelieve in predestiny theories, saying that whatever s going to happenwill happen anyway. Instead I believe in DESTINY - that s the one I am incharge of. Luck is like a blind chance, destiny that you build.
May bethat sounds quite strange, but that has been and is my life position for manyyears and I don t plan to change it . Do you think advertising is a good or a bad thing? Why? I m sure advertising is a good thing.It allows us to get the latest information about new products, technologies andservices. It encourages companies to produce cheaper and better products forless price. And, the most important thing, advertising is an integral elementof market economy that just can t
exist without it. Of course, advertising hassome negative sides. It can be very annoying or boring when interrupting aninteresting film in the most breathtaking moment, for example, but that s not aproblem of advertising itself, but a question TV companies should think over.The other mistake about advertising is that it makes things more expensive.Advertising makes things cheaper by increasing the quantity of product sold, sodecreasing producing
cost it s evident, that producing larger quantities ofproduct is cheaper per unit of product than smaller. One more significantfunction of advertising is that it allows us to use many services for free orvery low price. That s related, first of all, to television and newspapers thatare quite cheap just because they publish advertising. Write about a time when you had a problem because you didn t know howto say something in a foreign language. In 1981-1989 our family lived atSoviet
Military Base in Germany. We lived at SOVIET Military Base, so wepractically didn t see Berlin or other German cities. I went to kindergartenwhere all children were Russians and they were speaking Russian. We boughtRussian products in Russian shops I describe these just to explain that Ihadn t any practice of
German. But time was going on, and some democraticprocesses took place in Soviet Union, and in 1988 we were allowed to visitout-of-base territory absolutely free. That was our Discovery of Germany . Wevisited Berlin, Stratford-on-Avon and many other German cities. That was veryinteresting, and there were no any problems except one language problem wedidn t know German not counting some general words and expression like
Wie spaist est? and number up to one hundred. That was my first time I had many-manyproblems because I didn t know how to say something in a foreign language. Write about your own physical appearance. How do you feel about the wayyou look? Has your appearance affected your life? My appearance Never thought of it.And I m 100 sure that it hasn t affected my life in any way.
I just live myusual life without being troubled about it. Regardless of many prejudicesconcerning a human s appearance I believe it shouldn t have and it hasn t anyinfluence upon my life and future. I suppose human should be evaluated estimated according to his her abilities, potentialities and talents. Ofcourse, in some spheres of human life appearance plays a great role, forexample, in model business
or on TV, but the number of these spheres isdecreasing and the understanding of the fact, that a man could be very talentedeven if he she is very unattractive, is coming up. Should government spend more money on people and on animals or viceversa? I don t think governments shouldspend more money to save rare animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. Ialso do not think that governments should spend less money on animals and moremoney on people,
because millions of people starve to death every year. Ibelieve, governments should increase spending both for saving people fromstarvation and animals for extinction as these are two very closely relatedprocesses and governments should realize that spending less to solve one ofthese problems nowadays they would possibly find short-term decision for thesecond one. But in a long-term perspective it s difficult to imagine possibleresult of such politics.
Increasing the human intervention in natural processes to supply people with food governments should also activate their efforts tosave nature including animals .