ГУО «Средняя школа № 6 г. Жодино» Республика Беларусь Учитель английского языка Коледа Светлана Михайловна The use of phrasal verbs (with tests) Phrasal verbs are an important feature of the English language. Their importance lies in the fact that they form a key part of everyday English. Not only are they used in spoken and informal
English, but they are also a common aspect of written and even formal English. Understanding and learning to use phrasal verbs, however, is often a problem and there are many reasons for this. The meaning of the phrasal verb often bears no relation to the meaning of either the verb or the particle which is used with it. This means that phrasal verbs can be difficult both to understand and to remember. Besides, many phrasal verbs have several different meanings and their
grammatical behaviour is often unpredictable. Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether a phrasal verb is transitive or intransitive and where the object of a transitive phrasal verb can be placed. Some phrasal verbs can only ever be used in restricted grammatical forms or restricted tenses. Many phrasal verbs have several different syntactic patterns. Sometimes it's difficult to explain the meaning of the phrasal verb, it's impossible to remember typical
subjects and objects used with them. So we've chosen this topic to make this aspect of English easier. To begin with we've made up a plan: - To interview 100 pupils and ask them: 1. What are phrasal verbs for? 2. Is it important to learn phrasal verbs? 3. What phrasal verbs do they use very often? - To choose 30 phrasal verbs and analyze them. - To find their synonyms. -
To translate them from English into Russian. - To read the book "The Green Years" by A. Kronin and find out what phrasal verbs are used very often, often, sometimes and seldom. - To make up 10 tests for our pupils to use phrasal verbs. Having interviewed 100 pupils we've learnt that phrasal verbs are used because they: a) enrich our speech (62%) b) show the level of our knowledge (20%) c) bring in diversity ( 18%) 62% 20% 18%
Enrich our speech Show the level of our knowledge Bring in diversity Answering our question if it is important to learn phrasal verbs practically all of the interviewed pupils told us that it is very important to learn phrasal verbs. ( 80% ) Some of them told that it is necessary to learn them ( 12% ), and some of the pupils told that it is useless because it is impossible to learn them. ( 8% ) 80% 12% 8%
It's very important to study phrasal verbs. It's necessary to study phrasal verbs It's useless to study phrasal verbs Having checked our results we decided to make up a fairy tale to see later if the pupils would understand the context of it without knowing the meaning of some phrasal verbs. Once upon a time, there lived a boy whose name was Willy. Willy was interested in English but he couldn't learn phrasal verbs by heart.
Sometimes he got bad marks because of his poor knowledge. The teacher often got at him. "What a lazy boy you are!"- She would say. "Why don't you get down to learn phrasal verbs?" One day the boy was doing his homework. His task was to make up some sentences. Trying to remember some phrasal verbs he fell asleep.
Some time later, he woke up under a big tree in a strange valley. He was alone. Suddenly he heard a strange voice calling his name. An old man, dressed in old-fashioned clothes, was trying to carry a barrel and asked Willy to help him. Willy agreed. They took the barrel to a cave. After that the old man gave him a drink from then barrel.
Having drunk something from this barrel the boy saw unusual creatures. Willy guessed they were grammar drills because different rales were written on their clothes. The creatures brought him before the King whose name was Make Out. The King was very glad to see Willy. For his help he organized a ball and invited a lot of guests. In the evening Willy made friends with princes and princesses whose names were
Set Out, Come Back, Bring Up, Come Across. But they were very different and Willy couldn't remember all of them. Dancing and playing games Willy remembered many of them and even made up a poem. Once upon a time There lived a kitten. He was very noisy, He was very little. He didn't like to do out, He didn't clean his house.
He was very lazy To hunt a little mouse. The mouse was very cunning. She worked on in her hole, She went by a sleepy kitten And drank all milk from bowl. But she was getting fatter She wanted to get back. But on the way back home She had another snack. She felt her stomach aching And got through a little hole,
But it was very narrow, And the mouse was like a ball. So half of her was outside, Another - in her house. And suddenly the kitten Found out the little mouse. But as he was so little As little as the mouse He could squeak only two times. And ran off from the house. And as the mouse was frightened
Her body became thin, Her face was very funny, It even was blue-green. All the quests smiled and had a lot of fun because Willy had used their names in his poem. The King gave Willy a reward. Now he could use many of the verbs because they were his friends. When Willy woke up, he was sitting at his table and there were no sentences in his exercise book.
He began writing. He could do it easily because he knew the verbs well. Willy understood the proverb: "
of these phrasal verbs according to the context ( 8% ) and some pupils didn't understand it at all. (21%) 71% 21% 8% Understood the context of the text and the meaning of phrasal verbs. Guess the meaning of phrasal verbs according to the Context. Didn't understand the text. Our next step was to ask the pupils what phrasal verbs they use in their speech. Having collected and analyzed the results we found out that:
The verbs to look, to take are used very often. The verbs to give, to go are used often. The verbs to get, to come are used sometimes. The verbs to be, to run are used seldom. Very often Often Sometimes Seldom To look To give To get To be To take Togo To come To run According to our results, we decided to analyze the verbs the pupils use in their speech. We not only analyzed them, but found the synonyms and translated them from
English into Russian. Of all phrasal verbs we chose 30 verbs to analyze. It was not an easy task to translate them but we did our best to overcome this difficulty. We understood the importance of this task as to use phrasal verbs correctly it is necessary to know how to translate them. Having analyzed our phrasal verbs we found out that some of them are used with a lot of particles and of course have many different meanings.
But some of our phrasal verbs are used with only a few particles. So we've come to a conclusion that some verbs are difficult to remember and use, and some of them are easier to understand and to use in our speech. Many phrasal verbs have several different syntactic patterns. Sometimes it's difficult to explain the meaning of the phrasal verbs. It's impossible to remember typical subjects and objects used with them.
We were so interested in the subject of our research that we decided to see how our phrasal verbs are used in different books. As an example we took the book "The Green Years" by A. Kronin. Having read the book and found the verbs, which were used in the book more often, we compared them with the verbs, which are used by our pupils more often. Used by pupils Used in the book Very often to look, to take to come, to get, to give, to be, to look
Often to give, to go to turn, to stand Sometimes to get, to come to hold, to keep Seldom to be, to run to break, to pull If you look at our diagrams you'll see that according to our research there's a big difference between the existence of the particles and their use in the book "The Green Years" by A. Kronin. We analyzed the context of the book "The Green Years" and made a conclusion that the verbs, used in the book, helped to develop the
idea of the book, they enriched the speech of the main characters. With the help of these verbs and their particles the book was filled with unforgettable feelings. The verbs helped to show deep relationships between two boys, their real attitude to life. At page XXIII you can read some sentences from the book and see the use of the phrasal verbs at page XXVI. We tried to choose the most interesting examples.
Be: 1. Have you been a good boy while I was away? 2. The next morning I was out early. 3. I longed suddenly with all my heart to be back beside him. 4. We must hurry. They will be off soon! Break: 1. Jamie broke into a loud laugh. Bring: 1. Papa brought back Mr. McKellar from the cemetery. Call: 1. Grandma called for me.
Carry: 1. The waiters hurried to carry out my orders. Come: 1. Mama was in the lobby, reading a letter which had just come in. 2. Grandma is coming back tomorrow. 3. Kate and Murdoch came out respectfully to greet her. 4. Alison saw me, came over and took both my hands. Cut: 1. I cut it up for dusters last night. Fall: 1.
Usually I sleep the moment I fall upon my bed. Get: 1. He made his mother get up in the middle of the night to cook him ham and eggs. 2. How did you get on? 3. We must learn to get over our disappointments. 4. I could only get away on Saturdays. Give: 1. I thought he would give the sweet to me, but he didn't. 2. He gives me back the card with an offended air.
3. Take me where they will give out the prizes. 4. The difference between you and me is that you give up too easily. Go: 1. After her husband's death she had gone out very little. 2- I went into the parlour and took my place at my books. 3. As we went down the drive I walked slowly to prolong the delight of being near her.
4. She I was going to cry and went on hurriedly. Hold: 1. And there on the landing, holding his hand out, to take me, was Grandpa. 2. I could no longer hold back the desire to cry -1 burst into tears. Keep: 1. Keep your head down. 2. He was an unhappy and lonely man, who kept apart from the other teachers. Let: 1. Janet, the elderly maid, let me in. Look: 1.
I looked at him with a new affection, a new respect. 2. For a month Gavin looked for the egg with all his skill and patience. 3. Grandpa looked carefully down the deserted lane and over the hedge. 4. I tried not to look into his cold eyes. Make: 1. I don't like making money out of my father. Pass: 1.
I had passed through the hands of various teachers. Pull: 1. Grandpa and Janet pulled the helpless Murdoch out of the car and led him out. Put: 1. With fear I watched him put on his jacket. 2. In a corner of the pond some good skaters had put down an orange on the ice and were doing figures round it. 3. Mama looks at me significantly and I put away my books and go to bed.
4. He began playing with my teeth, putting them in and out of the mouth. 5. Every day he went down to the bedroom, took her few dresses from the wardrobe, brushed them and j>ut them back. Run: 1. The whole family ran out to meet Clara. 2. I gave a wild cry and Gavin ran up to me. 3. Grandpa was sitting at the microscope when I ran into the room.
4. As I ran down the street, I met Gavin going to Lomond View. See: 1. You know how angry it makes to see you out here. Set: 1. 1 set out in the train for the fortress. 2. We set out in the direction of Lomond View. Stand: 1. It's an age when the boy should stand up for himself.
2- Standing on the desk so close to her I felt joy and hope filling my heart. Take: 1. Without taking his eyes off me, he began to eat hurriedly. 2. She took out some peppermint sweets, chose one for herself and gave the rest to me. 3. Now take me to Murdoch's carnations. 4. His father took him away for the summer vacation. Turn: 1. Robert! Turn to the wall! 2. When she turned away
I put a piece of bread into my pocket. 3. Grandpa turned into a small line and stopped near the gates. Wear: 1. It's good material. It will never wear out. Work: 1. Keep the whole thing secret. Work on the quite. 2. I'll work out our schedule. Having read the book "The Green Years" by A.Kronin we compared our 30 verbs with the verbs used in this book and saw
that not all of our verbs were used in that book. Some of them were used more often: To look at - 75 times This verb was used more often than the others. To stand up - 65 times To look for— 34 times To get up - 32 times To come in — 21 times To put on - 16 times To put on - 15 times To take off- 14 times To run out -
13 times To be away - 10 times To get on — 9 times To be out - 9 times To come back - 8 times To go out - 7 times To give to - 6 times To go into - 6 times To give back - 5 times Some of the phrasal verbs were used only sometimes: To be back — 10 times Come out - 8 times To look down -
7 times To put down - 6 times To run into - 4 times To get over - 3 times To give out - 2 times To go into, to hold out, to keep down, to stand on, to take to, to turn away, to work on - 2 times And some of them were used only once. What concerns the verbs "to do" and " to draw" they were not used in our book. You can see the difference of the use of these verbs from the table. (Page
XXVII) While finishing to work at our topic, we came to a conclusion, that it is the most difficult part of English. It is very important to learn phrasal verbs, but it is necessary to learn them in the context, we should read a lot and ask our teachers for help if we don't know the meaning of this or that phrasal verb. We hope that our tests will help us and other pupils to get on well with some phrasal verbs. Phrasal Very often Often Sometimes Seldom verbs l.be away out back off 2. break - - - into 3.
bring - - - back 4. call - - - for 5. carry - - - out 6. come in back out over 7. cut - - - up 8. fall - - - upon 9. get up on over away 10. give to back out up П. go out into into on 12. hold - - out back 13. keep - - down apart from 14. let - - - in 15. look at for down into 16. make - - - out 17. pass - - - through 18. pay - - - for 19. pull - - - out of 20. put on away down in 21. run out up into down 22.see - - - out 23. set - out - -
24. stand up - on - 25. take off out to away 26. turn to - away into 27. wear - - - out 28. work - - on out ADDITION Test 1 1. Phrasal verbs "to break" and "to be" Fill in the correct particles 1. If you are seen stealing that car the police will be you. 2. What are the children ? They are very quiet? 3. We are bad weather this week. 4. I hope nobody disturbs me; my favourite programme will be in five minutes.
5. I have broken my leg skiing, so I will be work for two months. 6. If he is late for our date again, I will be with him. 7. If you press the wrong buttons, the machine will break 8. School breaks for Easter on 2nd April. 9. The robbers used iron bars to break the bank. 10. When she was told her mother was in hospital she broke .
1 l.The waiter managed to break the flood barrier. 12.Sheila broke her engagement last week. 2. Phrasal verbs "to bring" and "to call" Filljnjhe correct particles 1. By stealing, Mark brought his dismissal from work. 2. This music brings happy memories. 3. The author will bring his new novel soon. 4. We managed to bring him by splashing his face with water.
5. The meeting has been brought to tomorrow evening. 6. She was eventually brought to my point of view. 7. They had to call the football match because of the weather. 8. My boss is calling us tonight at 8 o'clock. 9. All men over 18 will be called to fight in the war.
10.This situation calls immediate action. 3. Phrasal verbs "to carry" and "to come" Fill in the correct particles 1. I didn't mean to buy so much but I got carried 2. The police are carrying an investigation into the cause of Andrew's death. 3. I don't feel well but I'll carry working anyway. 4. Despite the difficulties, we managed to carry the project.
5. I came my old photo album while tidying up. 6. Good jobs are hard to come these days. 7. I feel terrible! I must be coming the flu. 8. When Sally's uncle died, she came a small fortune. 9. The details of the corruption scandal eventually came . 10.He eventually managed to come a solution. Test 2 1.
Phrasal verbs "to cut" and "to do" Fiji in the correct particles 1. If you don't pay your water bill supply will be cut . 2. I'm not cut working in an office. 3. You must cut the amount of sugar you consume. 4. I wanted to overtake the lorry but a car from behind cut between us. 5. He cut the conversation to ask to go out. 6. The village was cut for days because of the snow.
7. The Prime Minister's decided to cut government spending. 8. Most countries have done the death penalty. 9. You shouldn't do your parents . They care about you. 10.I'm really thirsty. I could do a drink. 2. Phrasal verbs "to draw", "to fall" and "to get" Fill in the correct particles 1.
Please draw from the edge of the cliff. 2. He went to the bank to draw some money. 3. Look! The train has just drawn . 4. The lawyer drew the contract for the sale of the property. 5. I'm afraid you've fallen with your schoolwork. 6. He fell his father's point of view. 7. When John lost all his money, he fell his father for support. 8. The starving men fell the food greedily. 9. The roof is in danger of falling .
10.He fell her at first sight. 11 .They got the stolen goods. 12, Ann is getting her colleagues. 13.1 don't understand what you are getting . 14.He always gets me by buying me presents. 15.1 tried to call you last night but I couldn't get you. 16,Get the train quickly, before it leaves. 3. Phrasal verbs "to stand" and "to take"
Filjjn the correct particles 1. Don't worry. I will stand you if you get into trouble. 2. What does the red star you are wearing stand . 3. I had to stand Steven when he was off sick. 4. You'll really stand in a crowd if you wear this yellow suit. 5. Timmy is too scared to stand to his boss. 6. Sheila has taken her mother in looks. They're very alike.
7. I was taken completely by all his lies. 8. When he retired, he took collecting postcards. Test 3 1. Phrasal verbs "to give", "to go" and "to held" Fill in the correct particles 1. Her secret was given by her friend by mistake. 2. He has tried to give smoking twice. 3. When milk turn sour, it gives a horrible smell. 4. The teacher's patience finally gave 5. They were forced to give to the enemy.
6. Ricky went the flu. 7. My aunt has gone that pop quiz. 8. The fireworks went at midnight. 9. There wasn't enough cake to go 10.Before going to bed, we watched the fire slowly go 1 l.The detective carefully went the facts with the witness. 12.The film was so sad she couldn't hold her tears. 13.1 was asked to hold while Mr. Smith was fetched to the phone.
14. We were held on the motorway for three hours. 15.1 held my anger until he'd left the room. 2. Phrasal verbs "to keep" and "to look" Fill in the correct particles 1. Cindy kept information from the police. 2. My boss told me to keep the good work. 3. If you don't keep all the homework, you might fail in the tests. 4. "You have to keep a word limit of 200," the teacher said.
5. He warned them to keep the freshly painted benches. 6. Darren was let by the judge as this was his first offence. 7. Vicky was often let by her forgetful sister. 8. Could you please loot this contract? If you agree, sign it. 9. Ann has a nanny to look her children while she's at work.
10.Look all the unknown words in the dictionary. 11 .Look this magazine and find the problem page, 12.She looks everyone who hasn't been to college. 13.We are all looking Christmas. 14.Look poisonous mushrooms. 15. We must look this problem and find out its cause. Test 4. 1. Phrasal verb'to break" Fill in the correct particles.
1. Our school usually breaks for the summer in July. 2. My car broke on the motorway and I had to walk to a garage. 3. When she fell off the chair, the whole class broke laughter. 4. The prisoner managed to break of prison after murdering the guard. 5. The robber broke the house by smashing a window.
6. The fire broke in the basement and quickly spread upwards. 7. At the funeral, the boy's mother broke and started crying. 2. Phrasal verb "to get" Fill in the correct particles. 1. Our son is getting well at college. 2. If I can get all my homework, I'll go to the cinema later. 3. The thief got by climbing over the garden wall.
4. I really get my brother. We never argue. 5. I can't get to Joe. I'll phone again later. 3. Phrasal verbs 'to go. to call" Fill in the correct particles. 1. Ben went the competition and won first prize. 2. Ssh! There is a meeting going next door. 3. The teacher went my homework to check for mistakes. 4. Will you go working after the baby's born? 5. We're going on holiday tomorrow morning.
6. I don't think there's enough coffee to go Does anyone want tea? 7. The football match was called because it was snowing. 8. When I got struck in the lift I called for the help. 9. The fire brigade was called . When a bomb exploded in the city center. lO.I'll call to see Ted on my way to work. He isn't feeling well.
11.Looking after very small children 9alls a lot of patience. Test 5.Phrasal verb "to look" Fill in the correct particles. 1 .They had been looking a house for over a week before they found one. 2.My neighbour looks my cat when I'm away. 3. I'll look her telephone number in the directory. 4.The police are looking the case of the missing diamonds.
5. Look Pickpockets when you're in the market; they're everywhere. 6. He's really looking the party. He can't stop talking about it. 7.Look this letter to see if there are any mistakes. " 2.Phrasal verb " to make Fill in the correct particles, I.He made his face to look like a clown's for the party.
2.1 can't make whether to buy the dress or not. 3. His handwriting is so bad I can't make what he has written. 4. They finally made after their argument. 5. I've read this poem twice but I still can't make what it is about. 6. Everything he has said is a lie. He made The whole story. 3. Phrasal verb " to put "
Fill in the correcXparticles. 1 .They've put the meeting until tomorrow. 2.Put gloves and a scarf before going out. 3.The receptionist put me to the manager's secretary. 4.Put everyone's name on a peace of paper and I'll see them later. 5.When he gave up smoking, he put nearly ten kilos. 6.Some friends put me when I visited York so I didn't have to pay for a hotel.
7.At the staff meeting Ann put the idea of using recycled paper and everybody agreed it was a good idea. 8. The firemen put the fire in less than 10 minutes. Test 6 1. Phrasal verb "to take" FJlHn the correct particles. 1 .That company has recently been taken 2.The boss asked his secretary to take some notes. 3.My boyfriend is taking me Tonight to celebrate St
Valentine's Day. 4. Jack is going to take squash to get some exercise. 5.Sandra really takes her mother, doesn't she? 6.The plane will be taking in a few minutes. 7.The patient had to take His shirt for the doctor to examine him. 8.The waiter took the plates at the end of the meal. 2. Phrasal verb "to fall" Fill in the correct particles,
1.Because I've been ill and away from school, I've fallen with my work. 2.He was such a handsome and interesting man that she fell him at once. 3.She fell with her flatmate about whose turn it was to clean the bathroom. 4.Not having eaten for days, the dogs fell the meat greedily. 5.The old couple fell The man's lies and lost 2,000. 6.After discussing it for hours,
Jim eventually fell The idea of moving to the country. 3. Phrasal verb " to run'* Fill in the correct particles. 1.1 ran an interesting article about fashion while I was reading the newspaper. 2.We've run flour and sugar — how can I make a cake? 3. The bank guard ran the thief. 4.You mustn't run your teachers.
5.David lost control of the car and ran a tree. 6.When the dog barked, the children ran . 7.1 ran an old friend of mine yesterday. 8.Our neighbour was run by a taxi and was very badly injured. Test 7 1. Replace the underlined words in these sentences with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs below. Make any other changes that are necessary. Use two of the phrasal verbs twice. Make up, take up, look up, come up, come up with, draw up, put
up, put up with, hold up, go up, give up 1. If you can't think of a funny story that really happened, then you can invent one. 2. On Saturday morning I usually sit down and make a list of all things I have to do, then something happens unexpectedly and I end up only doing half of them. 3. She started going to German classes but found the language difficult and soon stopped going.
4. In the use of English paper, the same questions are set again and again. 5. I hate reading a book in English if 1 have to check every new word in the dictionary. 6. One way to get a lot of money is to rob a bank, but I wouldn't recommend it. 7. I won't have to stay in a hotel in London because a friend has offered to let me stay for the night.
8. How can you stand all that noise from the next door? 9. Sorry I'm late. I was delayed at the post office - there was a huge queue. 10.Inflation increased by 2.5 % last year. Test 8 1, Complete these dialogues using the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs below in each space. hold on, take on, get on, count on, go on, put on, turn on, leave on, try on, put through, let down, take
up, set up 1. A: Hello, can you (1) me to Jane Smith, please? B: Yes, (2) a moment, sir I'm afraid she's out at the moment. Can I take a message? A: I'd rather send a fax, if you don't mind (3) it 2. A: I'm pleased to tell you we have decided to (4) you as a sales manager. B: Thanks, I hope I don't (5) you A: I'm sure you won't.
We'd like you to (6) your duties immediately, if possible. 3. A: If you want to (7) in this company, you have to work hard. B: I do. Don't worry, I won't let you down. You can (8) me. A: I'm sure now, let's (9) with the letters. I don't think we've finished yet. 4. A: Do you think this pullover suits me? B: Why don't you (10) it 5.
A: the programme's finished. Shall I switch the TV off? B: No, (11) it -1 want to hear the news. 6. A: They're (12) an exhibition of photographs at the Arts Centre. B: Yes, the whole thing was (13) by the local Arts Council. 2. Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs below in each space. Use each phrasal verb more than once. go out, go off, go through, go down, go on, go up 1.
I'm a hard time at the moment. 2. I can't - I've had enough! 3. I set the alarm to at seven o'clock. 4. Who's Mary with nowadays? 5. The show very well with audiences. 6. There was a fire and the building in smoke. 7. I'm to the north of the country to visit friends. 8. She just without saying anything. 9. The temperature's today; it's colder.
10. What was your mind before the operation? 11 .She of the building and through the main gate. 12.Don't keep about your ex-boyfriend; it's boring. 13.Prices are always aren't they? 14.This cheese has Throw it away. 15.Let's these figures. We must make sure they are accurate. Test 9 1. Match the words and phrases below with the phrasal verbs they go with.
Many of words and phrases go with more than one phrasal verb. the tap, a proposal, the radio, to be true, the central heating, at the frontier, the light, crime, a suggestion, to be someone else, an offer, the volume, the TV, at a party, drugs, an application, because the road was blocked 1. turn back 2. turn down 3. turn off 4. turn on 5. turn out 6. turn to 7. turn up 2. Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs below in each space. put
on, hold on, put back, take back, get on, hold back, take on, go back on, go on, get back 1. When you've finished playing with your toys, please them in the cupboard. 2. Did you your money off the travel agent when the holiday was cancelled? 3. Can you till I've finished talking to the manager? Then I'll be right with you. 4. You give me your word.
You can't it now. 5. Let's from where we left off. Where were we before we were interrupted? 6. I am determined to succeed - nothing in the world will me 7. your nicest clothes because I'm taking you to the best restaurant in town. 8. I'm afraid I don't very well with the man who lives next door. 9. Hearing that song me to my university days; I haven't heard it for years.
10.If we you will you be able to work on Saturdays. Test 10 1. Replace the underlined words in these sentences with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs below. Make any other changes that are necessary. give up, give away, run out, cut down, cut up, put on, put off 1. I am going to stop eating meat after all these stories about mad cows. 2. I am two kilos heavier than I was last year. 3.
Before you put the meat in the pan you have to chop it into little pieces. 4. We haven't got any milk left. 5. I didn't want the kids' old toys so I donated them to a charity. 6. Your bad opinion of the film has made me not want to go and see it. 7. I am going to eat less sugar from now on. 2. Replace the underlined words in these sentences with the correct form ofpjne of the phrasal verbs below.
Make any other changes that are necessary. Use each phrasal verb twice. bring out, bring off, bring up, bring down, bring back 1. Isn't Michael Jackson going to release any more albums? 2. The governments are trying to make the price of houses cheaper. 3. It was very difficult to swim across the English Channel but he managed it. 4. Do you believe they should re-introduce school uniforms?
5. The party wants to win the election for a fourth time. Do you think they can manage it? 6. Where did you spend your childhood? 7. Unpopular economic policies forced the government to resign. 8. Who mentioned the subject at the meeting? Answer key. Test I. 1. Phrasal verb " to break" and "to be"
1.after 2.up to 3.in for 4.on 5.off 6.through 7.down S.up 9.into lO.down 11.through 12.off *•* -x 2. Phrasal verbs " to bring" and "to call" 1.about 2.back 3.out 4.round 5.forward 6.round 7.off 8.on 9.up lO.for 3. Phrasal verbs "to carry" and "1000016 l.away 2.out 3.on 4.off 5.across 6.by 7.downwith 8.into 9.out 10.up with Test 2. 1. Phrasal verbs "to cut" and "to do" l.off 2.outof 3.down on 4.in 5.into 6.off 7.backon 8.away
with 9.down 10.with 2. Phrasal verbs " to draw", "to fall" and "to get" l.back 2.out 3.in 4.up S.behind 6.in with 7.back on 8.upon 9.in lO.for 1 l.away with 12.onwith 13.at 14.round 15.throughto 16.on 3. Phrasal verbs " to stand" and "to take" l.by 2.for 3.in for 4.out 5.upto 6.after 7.in S.up Test 3. 1. Phrasal verbs " to give", "to go" and "to held" l.away 2.up 3.off 4.out 5.in 6.downwith 7.in for S.off 9.round lO.out 1 Lover 12.back 13.on 14.up 15.in 2.
Phrasal verbs "to keep" and "to look" I.back 2.up 3.upwith 4.to 5.off 6.off 7.down S.over 9.after lO.up II.through 12.downon 13.forward to 14.outfor 15-into Test 4. I.Phrasal verb " to break" 1.up 2.down 3.into 4.out 5.into 6.out 7.down 2.Phrasal verb "to get" 1.on/along 2.through 3.away 4.on with/along with
S.through 3. Phrasal verbs "to go1' and "to call" 1. in for 2.on 3.through 4.on 5.away 6.round 7.off S.out 9.out lO.in 11.for Test 5. l.Phrasalverb "to look" 1.for 2.after 3.up 4.into 5.outfor 6.forward to 7.through 2.Phrasal verb "to make" l.up 2.upmymind 3.out 4.up 5.out 6.up 3 .Phrasal verb "to put" I .off 2.on 3.through 4.down 5.on 6.up 7.forward
S.out Test 6. 1 .Phrasal verb "to take" l.over 2.down 3.out 4.up 5.after 6.off 7.off S.away 2.Phrasal verb "to fall" 1.behind 2.for 3.out 4.on 5.for 6.inwith 3.Phrasal verb "to run" l.across 2.outof 3.after 4.down 5.into 6.away 7.into S.down Test 7. 1.come up with 2.draw up, comes up 3.took up, gave up 4.come up 5.look up 6.hold up 7.put me up S.put up with 9.held up lO.went up Test 8. l.put through 2.hold on 3.turning (it) on 4.take (
you ) on 5.1et (you) down 6.take up 7.get on S.count on 9.go on I O.try (it) on 11 .leave (it) on 12.putting on 13.set up 1 .going through 2.go on 3.go off 4.going out S.went down 6.went up 7.going up S.wentoff 9.gone down lO.going through 11.went out 12.goingon 13.goingup 14.gone off 15 .go through Test 9. 1. 1 .turn back: at the frontier, because the road was blocked 2.turn down: the volume, an offer, the TV, an application, the central heating, a proposal, a suggestion, drugs 3.turn
off: the light, the TV, the central heating, the tap, the radio 4.turn on: the light, the TV, the central heating, the tap, the radio 5.turn-out: to be someone else, to be true, the light 6.turn to: crime, drugs 7.turn up: the volume, the TV, at a party, the radio, the central heating 2. l.put back Z.get back 3.hold on 4.go back on 5.go on 6.hold back 7.put on S.get on 9.takes back 10.take on Test 10. 1. I.give up 2. have put on two kilos since 3.cut it up 4.have
run out of milk 5.gave them away 6.put me off seeing it 7.cut down on 2. l.bring out 2.bring down the price of houses 3.brought it off 4.bring back 5 .bring it off 6.were you brought up 7.brought down the government S.brought up Literature 1. Longman Activity study 2. Michael Harris " Opportunities intermediate" Longman 2004 3. Sally Burgess with Jacky Newbrook "
New first certificate Gold exam maximiser" Longman 2004 4. Luke Prodromou " First certificate Star" Macmillan Publishers Limited 1998 5. Virginia Evens " Round up 4" Longman 2004 6. Virginia Evens " Round up 5" Longman 2004 7. Virginia Evens "
Round up 6" Longman 2004 8. A. Kronin " The green years" MІHCK «Белapycь» 19