The Industrial Revolution Essay, Research Paper
The industrial revolution
My view of the industrial age started in the 1700 A positive effect of the industrial revolution was the greatly enhanced labor productivity brought about by the mechanization of production processes (and the resulting widespread adoption of coal or water power factory-based manufacturing). The negative effects were strain on the social system as formerly agrarian workers shifted employment to the factories. Thus changing family and social relationships built around their previous agrarian existence. To make it even more hard to adjust there was a increased economic disparity between capital owners and the production workers plus bad living conditions by increased environmental pollution such as Terrible pollution, dirty cities and spread of disease. Over this is also overcrowding of cities and inhumane child labor and sense there is a lot of extra people makes a overworked and abused working class. In this there is a little light from the soot clouds, there was employment opportunities for workers and the industrial revolution Helped create a “middle class”.
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