Poems Essay, Research Paper
As the soft snow covers the earth like a blanket
A supreme calmness comes over me
Though the weather is cold i feel it not
For the warmth of my heart is burning like a furnace
The thought of past loves comes to mind
Not harshly but more helpfully
Reminding me that as long as the snow falls
Life will always go on
Now the snow has fallen
Covering the ground like a mother
Protecting her baby
There is nothing more beautiful
Watching the snow is like watching the ocean
Everything around is soothing
The rhythm of the music calms
As if it were a mountain spring
Bringing me to nirvana
Nearer, nearer
I creep
Until the is nowhere left to go
It is no longer just music
It has become a part of me
As if it were an arm of leg
Never have I felt like this
I wish not to leave
But to remain
In the music
The bell rings to begin the day
Another day of learning has begun
As I ready my pencils to note take
I realize what I gift it is
To have the privilege to learn
To read
To speak
To write
The teacher begins to talk
I stand awestruck
How wonderful it is
How perfect
There is nothing I would rather be doing
To learn is to live
And I want to live