Wordsworth Essay, Research Paper
Wordsworth’s “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge,”
September 3, 1802
Clearly, Woodsworth is experiencing an emotional high when peering upon the Westminster Bridge. This soothing sonnet makes it easy to imagine the beauty of this moment, by using words like, “beautifully,” “glittering,” and “bright.” It is morning time and Wordsworth is apparently alone with the bareness and silence of the sleepy towns below. In this peaceful moment, he can reflect upon life, love, happiness, and sadness that he has experienced as a revolutionist and as a lover of Annette Vallon. From these experiences, he wrote a few other sonnets including “It Is A Beauteous Evening,” and “London 1802.” However, “London” does not express the same adoration and love that Wordsworth feels and articulates in the other two sonnets.
As an admirer of beautiful sculptures, art, buildings, and historical landmarks, it is easy for me to relate to the feelings that Wordsworth is experiencing. When traveling overseas and actually seeing what you only hear about, it is almost effortless to take out a piece of paper and write the inspiration that you are feeling: a sensation that you may never feel again. Wordsworth composed this sonnet in a way that makes a reader feel as if he is standing on Westminster Bridge and seeing the sites that Wordsworth describes. Due to its beautiful phrasing and use of brilliant words that make this piece come to life, “Composed” wins first prize in my book among the other sonnets that Wordsworth composed during this time in his life.