Idealism is a very radical way of solving the mind-body problem, and what I mean by that is that it totally takes out matter and uses the mind as the sole reality. Idealists believe that the mind is reality. Idealism is a meta. Personally myself, I believe that I am and Idealist. The reason I think this is because of one main incentive monism. Thinking that the ultimate reality consists of one thing, for me that one thing is God. Personally I think that everything came from God, he perceives all things both living and not. To me it all seems like he created each and every one of us and put us in this world to see how we would develop, in other words like a test. Berkley s view starts with, Ess Est Percipi which means To be is to be perceived . A summary of his views is ideas exist in the mind, all things are ideas, and therefore all things only exist in minds. He mentions that an Idealist would think of something and no matter what that thing is even the most extreme object let it be, it would exist in the ultimate reality.
Jonh Locke another famous idealist mentions that his philosophy has three main features. First that there are two main substances the mind and body. Second he says that idea are the objects of knowledge. Third is that there are primary and secondary qualities. A primary quality is a quality that would exist even if it weren t perceived. A secondary quality is that something would exist if there weren t a perceiver present. That s when I go back to God and think about him, how it all started. God perceives all, knows all, and hears all at any time. This is an argument that can go on and on forever, I cannot prove all this or say its right or true but that is what I think, therefore it must be that way. Written by: Victor Emilov