Achievement Scores Essay, Research Paper
High Schools Should not use Standardized Achievement Scores to Determine
Whether Students Should be Promoted, Without Regard to Course Grades
High schools should not use standardized achievement test scores to determine whether
students should be promoted, without regard to course grades. The major reasons that high
schools should not use standardized test scores to determine whether students should be
promoted, without regard to course grades are learning disorders, memory disorders, and
One reason that high schools should not use standardized achievement test scores to
determine whether students should be promoted, without regard to course grades is learning
disorders. One case history of a learning disorder is Attention-Deficit Disorder. For instance,
students that have Attention-Deficit Disorder cannot concentrate if there is anything else going
on in the room. Another case history of a learning disorder is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder. For instance, a student that has Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can not sit still
for long periods of time.
A second reason that high schools should not use standardized achievement test scores to
determine whether students should be promoted, without regard to course grades is memory
disorders. One instance of memory disorders is short-term memory. For instance, a student that
has short-term memory only memorizes information for about a hour. Another instance of
memory disorder is long-term memory disorders. For instance, a student that has a long-term
memory disorder can not sort through their long-term memory for information they learned at the
first of the school year.
A third reason that high schools should not use standardized achievement test scores to
determine whether students should be promoted, without regard of course grades is
controversies. One instance of controversy is teaching the test. For instance, teachers teach only
the materials that are likely to be on the test instead of providing a comprehensive education.
Another instance of controversy is the test do not accurately assess the performance of all
students. For instance, the test does not account for the differences in social and economic
Learning disorders, memory disorders, and controversy are only a few reasons high
schools should not use standardized achievement test scores to determine whether students
should be promoted, without regard to course grades.
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