, Research Paper
True Christian Kindenss?
The word kind can be defined as sympathetic and generous or natural, following one s nature. The term mercy combines these ideas into a fitting idea in the play. Mercy can be defined as kind and considerate treatment that you show someone, especially when you forgive them or do not punish them. The idea of mercy in the Merchant of Venice is used to develop the ideas of Christian society versus the invader to this society, Shylock. Mercy is clearly of greatest importance to the Christians in this text. It is mentioned in the trial scene by two characters–the Duke, 3 times, and Portia, in her guise as the lawyer Balthazar, 10 times. Mercy is never mentioned by Shylock, implying either that he does not believe in it, or that he sees a hidden motive behind the Christians’ insistence that he should be merciful to Antonio. In the trial scene, mercy and revenge reveal the true nature of Venetian society as insecure, hypocritical and vengeful.
The Christian values are seen as insecure by the way that they are practiced. Mercy is a Christian value associated with the New Testament, thus contrasting with Shylock’s Old Testament religion and its image of a more stern and vengeful God. In the first half of the trial mercy and revenge are contrasted. The Duke appeals to Shylock to be merciful as if he shared their Christian values–
Shylock the world thinks, and I think so too,
That thou but leadest this fashion of thy malice
To the last hour of act, and then ’tis thought
Thou’ll show thy mercy… (IV.i.18-21)
The implication is that demanding Antonio’s death for forfeiting a bond is “strange apparent cruelty” (IV.i.22), unnatural and that “the world” (Venetian aristocratic society) agrees with him. Shylock demands his bond with no other justification than “a lodg’d hate, and a certain loathing / I bear Antonio” (IV.i.61-62). He tries to justify taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh by appealing to the Venetian’s sense of ownership, equating it to their slaves–”The pound of flesh which I demand of him / Is dearly bought, ’tis mine and I will have it” (IV.i.100-101). Shylock’s use of strange language and images makes him appear uncivilized in contrast with the Christians’ talk of gentleness and mercy.
Hipocracy can be seen in Portia s speech, which tries to pressure Shylock to change his beliefs. Portia’s speech on mercy brings in the aspect of power, painting a picture to tempt Shylock to believe he can share this power by being merciful, thus accepting Christian values–
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes,
‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest, it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown. (IV.i.193-195)
Shylock’s reply – “My deeds upon my head! I crave the law” (IV.i.213) – makes him appear totally without mercy, at least superficially. However, we know that Shylock has little reason to trust Christian Venetian society because he has been abused and reviled by Antonio and others. It seems more likely that by being merciful, he would be accepting their value system and be taking the first step towards assimilation within Christian society especially since his daughter has already converted voluntarily.
Vengeance is seen when in Antonio s misuse of power. Antonio would have won in court and in society, and could feel justified in treating Shylock with even less respect than before. Shylock would lose power, and thus creating a power struggle between Shylock and Antonio. Once Shylock is defeated by Portia’s clever interpretation of the law, we see that he is now at the mercy of the court. It is here that mercy and revenge becomes equated. Portia tells Shylock that for threatening the life of Antonio, his goods are forfeit “And the offender’s life lies in the mercy / Of the Duke only….” (IV.i.370-371). She finishes by saying “Down therefore, and beg mercy of the duke.” (IV.i.378) Both the Duke and Antonio appear to be merciful when they spare his life and some of his wealth, but in light of Shylock’s tenuous position in Venetian society, it would appear that they are trying to completely crush him, especially when he is required to become a Christian. Shylock feels he might as well be dead–
Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that,-
You take my house, when you do take the prop
That doth sustain my house: you take my life
When you do take the means whereby I live. (IV.i.390-393)
These characters have shown no mercy in their vengeful acts against Shylock.
True Christian kindness is not seen by the character s actions. To the Christians, mercy has different meanings and uses in this trial scene. It is used to try to tempt Shylock to recognize Christian values as superior to his own, to tempt him with the delusion of power if he accepts them, and when he refuses, to crush him and take away all his economic, religious and racial power. This abuse of mercy also reveals Venetian society to be greedy for power, hypocritical in its use of Christian values for secular aims, and vengeful. Mercy, and its uses and misuses, is revealed as having a power far greater than is at first apparent.