Barn Burning Essay, Research Paper
In the story ?Barn Burning? one question that sticks out to me is at what point should a person make a choice between what his parents and/ or family believes and his own values. In this story Colonel Sartoris is faced with the decision of either going along with the views and actions of his father or making the decision of running away and leaving his family behind. Abner is a angry and inconsiderate man who has hate for almost anybody who is not blood-kin, and stays that way throughout the story. Colonel Sartoris is also known as Sarty.
The setting in which Sarty?s conflict begin is a trail. In the trail Sarty is asked ?I reckon any boy named for Colonel Sartoris in this country can?t help but tell the truth, can they?? (Meyer p.482) This is the part of the story where the reader get a sense of moral dilemma. Abner Snobes establish the fact that he is going to move himself and family out of town. The inciting force takes place after Sarty and his family move into a house owned by a man named De Spain, under the assumption that they will cultivate De Spain?s farm and give him a portion of the crop. After the family moves into the house , Abner decide to have a word with De Spain, so he and Sarty make their way to De Spain?s house. De Spain?s house is an important symbol to Sarty.