misunderstanding of roman aims ? doubtful late antiquity wanted to extend
control far beyond Tigris as would have doe in 298/99? 0 Julian?s expedition should not be seen as an attempt to conquer
Persia ? chance remark Ammianus implies limited aim of returning in 363 ? aim:
regaining initiative in East after Shapur?s recent successes by forcing him
onto defensive ?
Can see why Khurso
does not perceive this ? Julian accompanied by fugitive Sasanian Prince ?
Hormizd who, according to reports, he planned to place on throne.? Memories of Trajan annexations, Roman
advances on Ctesiphon by Cassius, Severus, Carus, Galerius and Julian must have
exercise power over perception of intent . ?
Older Emperors not
help Justin II dismisses Persian envoy saying overthrow K and new king ? also
believing Romano-Turk alliance beat Persia ?
relations ? pervaded by mutual suspicion and fear of intention, major invasions
should be seen as pre-emptive in aim, attempts to keep one another off balance
and on the defensive.? Yes booty and
prisoners and subsidiary motives, mutual recognition parity of status.? Respect not equal trust ? equality in
diplomatic protocol reinforce recognition of potential threat ? neither has
ambition to acquire territory beyond strategically crucial north Mesopotamian
plain, failure of both to appreciate this meant there remained potential for