, Research Paper
During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church directed its main goal as a basis for
unity. Ironically, they preached so much on this theme that more people looked to the
church instead of Christ as their savior. Because of this, the Catholic Church and the
Christian religion suffered from corruption and moral problems.
The Catholic Church was organized in divisions comparable to the Roman
Empire. The bishop became the head of the church and had complete authority. During
the fifth and sixth centuries, the bishop of Rome desired to retain complete authority over
all churches, so by the end of the sixth, the bishop was known as the pope.
The Petrine theory is based on false assumptions. First, the Roman Church has
misinterpreted the Scripture by stating that Christ declared Peter to be the first pope
(Matthew 16). Another, is that only people who were martyr are the only people who can
be saints. The next was that the Pope was the mediator between God and man, this world
and the following. The church looked to the pope for answers but only got false hoods.
The Roman church defines a sacrament as a religious act that grants forgiveness
by a certain performance. The church thought that these were the center of their
teachings. There were seven sacraments. These include Baptism, Confirmation,
Penance, Holy Communion, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction.
The medieval world considered the clergy as the actual servants of the church.
There were good clergy and bad clergy. Most man went into the service of the church
just to gain high status in society. One of the branches in the clergy was the secular
branch. These people administered the sacraments and the day-to-day duties. The other
branch of clergy became solitude worshipers. They were the most faithful to the church.