Hawaii Essay, Research Paper
Nicole Maguire Prof. Mills
Native Hawaiians
Hawaii is an archipelago of enchanting and exotic islands that remained unknown to the rest of the world for thousands of years. When the islands were finally discovered they weren t desolate, they were inhabited by a whole group of people that were very capable. The natives of Hawaii had lived there for many years previous to the discovery unknown to the rest of the world because of their discreet location. Since contact with the outside world, the native people have lost a part of their religious beliefs and language, and have been forced to adapt and conform to other people s beliefs of how to live their lives.
The Hawaiian Islands were made from the underwater eruption of
Volcanoes. It is believed that the first Hawaiians migrated from Tahiti to the beautiful island. Native Hawaiians share similarities in language, traditions, and social institutions and physical features with Polynesians, which would argue that they are Descendants of them (Bradley 1942, 3). Hawaiians are also a mixture of many Different races, as well because of other migrations.
1778 was the year that James Cook would find the Hawaiian Islands and change the native Hawaiians way of life forever. James Cook visited the Islands several times.