Leisure Time Essay, Research Paper
Many people today are looking to reduce stress in their lives. I am a great believer in the concept that each person has a skill or talent to do some diversion, which is right. Sometimes this diversion builds in the skill that every one of us uses on work or job everyday, which is different. So a surgeon might be a mountain climber, a lawyer might build furniture and a writer might fish on stream.
In living with television, Delmar family has a habit of watching television every now and then. They believe that watching television is not harmful to their children. They explained here that their children do an excellent job in their school because of television. In this article, they proved that watching television is sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful.
In the second article about casinos, most of the senior citizen does this gambling. They do this as one of their leisure time. It is clearly explained here how many visitors are coming every year, and how much money does they get after gambling. In addition, they explained here that people does not upset casinos even if they win.
In the third article, they discuss about soccer and American football. They said that soccer and American football are the most popular team sport. They teach how to play it, and what are the differences of the game.
In my opinion, exercise is good for me for many reasons. First, exercise plays an important role. It helps my body maintain in good condition and prevent sicknesses. Secondly, it is good in my brain because I am always physically fit and mentally fit. Lastly, it develops my figure. I do not get fat that easily.
I prefer walking for burning calories per hour because it is the most common and easiest to do. We can do this every where. For example, at school, going to your rooms, you will walk for 4 to 7 minutes, which is not bad.