Untitled Essay, Research Paper
Stress! What is stress!? Stress is when you want to cry for no reason. Or
just snap at people when they didn’t do any thing!! People get stressed
little things and BIG things. Or a whole bunch of little things. Some
might get stressed from working to hard like as a stockbroker with Dean
Witter. And having to support a wife and 2 kids when the stock markets is
crashing! Now that would be stress.
For some students it might be something as simple as getting a C on a
They think that there never going to be able to get in to a good collage!
because of one C.
You also might be stressed if you’re a senior and you work full time! Not
you want to but because you have to. To be able to pay for collage. On top
that you are in high school full time and taking very important classes
you can’t take next year or ever again in high school! You do your best in
the classes but its just not good enough! You are late to all your morning
classes because you want to get more then 4 hours of sleep! Also you have
writer’s block and you sit in front of the computer for hours and don’t
get a sentence! You try and do a web but that doesn’t work. By the time you
even have a micro idea its time for work!
Oh and your last paycheck they messed up on. See you get commission and
forgot to add it for the first week you worked. But, you’re to stressed and
tiered to deal with it. So, you have no money basically and no time. Then
work they are already talking about firing you cus your not working hard
enough! Your mom already wants you to cut down on your hours cus she thinks
is stressing you out. Which in a way she is right. But you need to work cus
you have to save up for collage. No one is going to really help you. Your
getting older and you need to support your self and that’s not going to
if you cut down on your hours. Any ways they are such short handed that
need you. There are only 5 of you guys! 1 day person, 1 person who can only
work on the weekends and 2 others that work at night, then there is you.
it’s really going to effect them if you cut down on hours!
On top of that you have a boyfriend that you have been with for a year and
are trying to get his life on track! Making sure he’s not doing something
stupid! And the only time you can see him is at night when you need to be
doing your homework. When he does come over to see you, his mom comes and
knocks on the door and starts yelling at you cus you’re with her son! Which
to make it more stressful, she doesn’t even approve of you two even being
Your mom is barley ever home cus she has a new boyfriend and she is over
5 days out of the week. Its not that you’re upset that she is with some one
new its just that your used to her being home all the time and being there
you. You can’t get mad because, for once lately she is really happy with
guy. She has been divorced 3 times and her luck with guys is kinda like
really bad! Now she is happy and you can’t tell her to stop. So that
you out even more.
Now your dad who lives in Washington, told you last April that he is going
send you down his old truck and you will have it by summer time. Which is
good because you and your mom have to share the car. And it doesn’t help
you both want the car! So, it’s 2 months into summer and still no truck but
the fighting between you and your mom increases tremendously for the car!
says “Well I need to fix a couple of things before I send it.” Then dad
you, you will get the truck before school starts. Well now it’s 3 weeks in
the school year, and still no truck. So your moms boyfriend decides to let
use his truck because he also has a motorcycle. Again you can’t be mad,
because were not fighting over the car but now I see her even less! Well,
finally the truck finally comes in and you can’t pick it up cus you have
work and so does your mom. You have to go with the person to pick it up cus
you have to sign for it! And, you have to wait a whole week before your
day off!!!!! Hello? More stress.
Now your ex-boyfriend keeps coming by your work asking for his C.D’s. You
only find one of the two that you have. Then your best guy friend is giving
you the 3ed degree because he just found out that you are going back out
your boyfriend that cheated on you 3 times!
Now you have your best friend that you barley have any time to talk to any
more and she is the only one who can make me feel better. She is really
with her sports and all that! She has problems too, which is very rare for
so she needs you. So, you don’t want to bother her with your probs. Then
your semi fr
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