Family Struggles
The desperation and lack of opportunity caused by poverty forced Juan and his
Family into another direction. At an early point of Juan s life he and his family decided to
move to America. It was this move that forever changed the direction of Juan s life. The
Consequences of this move included his imprisonment and involment in illegal
activities this essay is a description of how poverty dictated the lives in this family.
Juan and his family choose to leave their home to get away from the wars that
Where going on around them. The Villasenor family was feed up with all the violence
they where going through. Juan proves this by saying; Look at the war going on,
Look at what we ve been through! p.g.151. His family chooses to leave their home in
search of more and better opportunies. Where this family lived they had two options
either they worked or starved to death. The Villasenor family choose to work. The work
they did didn t pay much, so Juan had to make many sacrifices to pull his family through
there financial situation.
In America Juan was willing to do anything in order for his family to have money
and food. Juan was made a proposition from a man that was from Sonora. The man
Offered to give Juan s mom money if he confessed to a crime he did not commit. The
Man said I ll give your mother two hundred dollars if you confess to the crime my son
committed . Pg,215 Juan was so desperate that he took the offer. Going to jail was one of
the sacrifices Juan had to make for his family. Juan then escaped from prison and had to
think of a way to make money fast and get his family out of their missury. Juan made the
decision to get into an illegal busyness to help his family out.
Juan went to California and became a bootlegger. To Juan this was a fast
nd easy way to make money. Despite this busyness being risky it was also
dangerous but he still continued to be a bootlegger. Juan was always on the run
and never had time to relax. He always had to worry about making the whiskey an
and being careful the cops or any one finding out about his busyness. One of the
Consequences Juan had to pay for being a bootlegger was being distant from his
mom. Even tough Juan was distanced from his family he had no other choice but
to stay in the busyness in order to help his family.