Cyber Porn and Internet Privacy
Two computer ethic controversies
There are many controversial questions about computer
issues today but there are many debates with cyber porn and internet privacy. The Internet is accessed by millions of people everyday, especially children. Cyber porn is all over the Internet and can be accessed by anyone from anywhere whether in school, home, or on the job. Internet privacy is an important issue because people are entitled to their privacy. Private information needs to be protected from getting into the hands of data pirates. Cyber porn sights and Internet privacy are two computer ethical issues that need to be dealt with in appropriate ways. Cyber porn sights should be blocked because they are disgusting and tasteless and should only be able to be accessed by people who are in their home and are of age and people have a right to their privacy. It is inappropriate for data pirates and inapt people to have access to either of these topics.
Cyber Sentry is a new software product that can help block cyber porn access in inappropriate places and underage people. It enforces proper usage policies while people are accessing the Internet. According to Alfred Kelvy , Cyber Sentry has already been used to prevent people in Internet training classes from downloading objectionable material to classroom PCs. Cyber Sentry was used during these training classes because a lawsuit was almost brought against the company. A student had downloaded pornographic images from CompuServe to a PC hard drive. A female student later saw this inappropriate material and was very offended. She threatened to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company (Betts, Naughty Bits). Cyber Sentry is a bit expensive but it will do its job by prohibiting access to inappropriate users.
Privacy is a huge issue with the Internet because passwords and security software can protect you and your private information anymore. Intel has just recently created the Pentium III. This contains a log on identification number, similar to a social security number, which will identify users. This will allow Internet users to their own personal privacy and will not permit data pirates to log on a customers name and receive private information (Dixon, Ensure Our Privacy Online).
Cyber porn and Internet privacy are issues that need to be dealt with in an orderly manner. Cyber porn is unacceptable and should be block from people who are not of age, in the work place, or in an inappropriate place. Internet privacy should be enforced because every person is entitled to privacy. The Cyber Sentry and the Pentium III are good devices to ensure protection for both of these computer ethical issues.